624 research outputs found

    Dynamical model of the dielectric screening of conjugated polymers

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    A dynamical model of the dielectric screening of conjugated polymers is introduced and solved using the density matrix renormalization group method. The model consists of a line of quantized dipoles interacting with a polymer chain. The polymer is modelled by the Pariser-Parr-Pople (P-P-P) model. It is found that: (1) Compared to isolated, unscreened single chains, the screened 1Bu- exciton binding energy is typically reduced by ca. 1 eV to just over 1 eV; (2) Covalent (magnon and bi-magnon) states are very weakly screened compared to ionic (exciton) states; (3) Screening of the 1Bu- exciton is closer to the dispersion than solvation limit.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Can Quantum Lattice Fluctuations Destroy the Peierls Broken Symmetry Ground State?

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    The study of bond alternation in one-dimensional electronic systems has had a long history. Theoretical work in the 1930s predicted the absence of bond alternation in the limit of infinitely long conjugated polymers; a result later contradicted by experimental investigations. When this issue was re-examined in the 1950s it was shown in the adiabatic limit that bond alternation occurs for any value of electron-phonon coupling. The question of whether this conclusion remains valid for quantized nuclear degrees of freedom was first addressed in the 1980s. Since then a series of numerical calculations on models with gapped, dispersionless phonons have suggested that bond alternation is destroyed by quantum fluctuations below a critical value of electron-phonon coupling. In this work we study a more realistic model with gapless, dispersive phonons. By solving this model with the DMRG method we show that bond alternation remains robust for any value of electron-phonon coupling

    Relaxation energies and excited state structures of poly(para-phenylene)

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    We investigate the relaxation energies and excited state geometries of the light emitting polymer, poly(para-phenylene). We solve the Pariser-Parr-Pople-Peierls model using the density matrix renormalization group method. We find that the lattice relaxation of the dipole-active 11B1u1^1B_{1u}^- state is quite different from that of the 13B1u+1^3B_{1u}^+ state and the dipole-inactive 21Ag+2^1A_g^+ state. In particular, the 11B1u1^1B_{1u}^- state is rather weakly coupled to the lattice and has a rather small relaxation energy ca. 0.1 eV. In contrast, the 13B1u+1^3B_{1u}^+ and 21Ag+2^1A_g^+ states are strongly coupled with relaxation energies of ca. 0.5 and ca. 1.0 eV, respectively. By analogy to linear polyenes, we argue that this difference can be understood by the different kind of solitons present in the 11B1u1^1B_{1u}^-, 13B1u+1^3B_{1u}^+ and 21Ag+2^1A_g^+ states. The difference in relaxation energies of the 11B1u1^1B_{1u}^- and 13B1u+1^3B_{1u}^+ states accounts for approximately one-third of the exchange gap in light-emitting polymers.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Peierls transition in the quantum spin-Peierls model

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    We use the density matrix renormalization group method to investigate the role of longitudinal quantized phonons on the Peierls transition in the spin-Peierls model. For both the XY and Heisenberg spin-Peierls model we show that the staggered phonon order parameter scales as λ\sqrt{\lambda} (and the dimerized bond order scales as λ\lambda) as λ0\lambda \to 0 (where λ\lambda is the electron-phonon interaction). This result is true for both linear and cyclic chains. Thus, we conclude that the Peierls transition occurs at λ=0\lambda=0 in these models. Moreover, for the XY spin-Peierls model we show that the quantum predictions for the bond order follow the classical prediction as a function of inverse chain size for small λ\lambda. We therefore conclude that the zero λ\lambda phase transition is of the mean-field type

    Renormalization of NN-Scattering with One Pion Exchange and Boundary Conditions

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    A non perturbative renormalization scheme for Nucleon-Nucleon interaction based on boundary conditions at short distances is presented and applied to the One Pion Exchange Potential. It is free of off-shell ambiguities and ultraviolet divergences, provides finite results at any step of the calculation and allows to remove the short distance cut-off in a suitable way. Low energy constants and their non-perturbative evolution can directly be obtained from experimental threshold parameters in a completely unique and model independent way when the long range explicit pion effects are eliminated. This allows to compute scattering phase shifts which are, by construction consistent with the effective range expansion to a given order in the C.M. momentum pp. In the singlet 1S0^1S_0 and triplet 3S13D1^3S_1- ^3D_1 channels ultraviolet fixed points and limit cycles are obtained respectively for the threshold parameters. Data are described satisfactorily up to CM momenta of about pmπp \sim m_\pi.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, revte

    Effective theories of scattering with an attractive inverse-square potential and the three-body problem

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    A distorted-wave version of the renormalisation group is applied to scattering by an inverse-square potential and to three-body systems. In attractive three-body systems, the short-distance wave function satisfies a Schroedinger equation with an attractive inverse-square potential, as shown by Efimov. The resulting oscillatory behaviour controls the renormalisation of the three-body interactions, with the renormalisation-group flow tending to a limit cycle as the cut-off is lowered. The approach used here leads to single-valued potentials with discontinuities as the bound states are cut off. The perturbations around the cycle start with a marginal term whose effect is simply to change the phase of the short-distance oscillations, or the self-adjoint extension of the singular Hamiltonian. The full power counting in terms of the energy and two-body scattering length is constructed for short-range three-body forces.Comment: 19 pages (RevTeX), 2 figure

    Large scale numerical investigation of excited states in poly(phenylene)

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    A density matrix renormalisation group scheme is developed, allowing for the first time essentially exact numerical solutions for the important excited states of a realistic semi-empirical model for oligo-phenylenes. By monitoring the evolution of the energies with chain length and comparing them to the experimental absorption peaks of oligomers and thin films, we assign the four characteristic absorption peaks of phenyl-based polymers. We also determine the position and nature of the nonlinear optical states in this model.Comment: RevTeX, 10 pages, 4 eps figures included using eps

    A theoretical investigation of the low lying electronic structure of poly(p-phenylene vinylene)

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    The two-state molecular orbital model of the one-dimensional phenyl-based semiconductors is applied to poly(p-phenylene vinylene). The energies of the low-lying excited states are calculated using the density matrix renormalization group method. Calculations of both the exciton size and the charge gap show that there are both Bu and Ag excitonic levels below the band threshold. The energy of the 1Bu exciton extrapolates to 2.60 eV in the limit of infinite polymers, while the energy of the 2Ag exciton extrapolates to 2.94 eV. The calculated binding energy of the 1Bu exciton is 0.9 eV for a 13 phenylene unit chain and 0.6 eV for an infinite polymer. This is expected to decrease due to solvation effects. The lowest triplet state is calculated to be at ca. 1.6 eV, with the triplet-triplet gap being ca. 1.6 eV. A comparison between theory, and two-photon absorption and electroabsorption is made, leading to a consistent picture of the essential states responsible for most of the third-order nonlinear optical properties. An interpretation of the experimental nonlinear optical spectroscopies suggests an energy difference of ca. 0.4 eV between the vertical energy and ca. 0.8 eV between the relaxed energy, of the 1Bu exciton and the band gap, respectively.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 7 eps figures included using epsf. To appear in Physical Review B, 199