621 research outputs found

    First principles simulations of liquid Fe-S under Earth's core conditions

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    First principles electronic structure calculations, based upon density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation and ultra-soft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials, have been used to simulate a liquid alloy of iron and sulfur at Earth's core conditions. We have used a sulfur concentration of ≈12\approx 12 % wt, in line with the maximum recent estimates of the sulfur abundance in the Earth's outer core. The analysis of the structural, dynamical and electronic structure properties has been used to report on the effect of the sulfur impurities on the behavior of the liquid. Although pure sulfur is known to form chains in the liquid phase, we have not found any tendency towards polymerization in our liquid simulation. Rather, a net S-S repulsion is evident, and we propose an explanation for this effect in terms of the electronic structure. The inspection of the dynamical properties of the system suggests that the sulfur impurities have a negligible effect on the viscosity of Earth's liquid core.Comment: 24 pages (including 8 figures

    Finite top quark mass effects in NNLO Higgs boson production at LHC

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    We present next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to the inclusive production of the Higgs bosons at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) including finite top quark mass effects. Expanding our analytic results for the partonic cross section around the soft limit we find agreement with a very recent publication by Harlander and Ozeren \cite{Harlander:2009mq}.Comment: 15 page

    On the renormalization of multiparton webs

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    We consider the recently developed diagrammatic approach to soft-gluon exponentiation in multiparton scattering amplitudes, where the exponent is written as a sum of webs - closed sets of diagrams whose colour and kinematic parts are entangled via mixing matrices. A complementary approach to exponentiation is based on the multiplicative renormalizability of intersecting Wilson lines, and their subsequent finite anomalous dimension. Relating this framework to that of webs, we derive renormalization constraints expressing all multiple poles of any given web in terms of lower-order webs. We examine these constraints explicitly up to four loops, and find that they are realised through the action of the web mixing matrices in conjunction with the fact that multiple pole terms in each diagram reduce to sums of products of lower-loop integrals. Relevant singularities of multi-eikonal amplitudes up to three loops are calculated in dimensional regularization using an exponential infrared regulator. Finally, we formulate a new conjecture for web mixing matrices, involving a weighted sum over column entries. Our results form an important step in understanding non-Abelian exponentiation in multiparton amplitudes, and pave the way for higher-loop computations of the soft anomalous dimension.Comment: 60 pages, 15 figure

    The Custodial Randall-Sundrum Model: From Precision Tests to Higgs Physics

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    We reexamine the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with enlarged gauge symmetry SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_X x P_LR in the presence of a brane-localized Higgs sector. In contrast to the existing literature, we perform the Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposition within the mass basis, which avoids the truncation of the KK towers. Expanding the low-energy spectrum as well as the gauge couplings in powers of the Higgs vacuum expectation value, we obtain analytic formulas which allow for a deep understanding of the model-specific protection mechanisms of the T parameter and the left-handed Z-boson couplings. In particular, in the latter case we explain which contributions escape protection and identify them with the irreducible sources of P_LR symmetry breaking. We furthermore show explicitly that no protection mechanism is present in the charged-current sector confirming existing model-independent findings. The main focus of the phenomenological part of our work is a detailed discussion of Higgs-boson couplings and their impact on physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. For the first time, a complete one-loop calculation of all relevant Higgs-boson production and decay channels is presented, incorporating the effects stemming from the extended electroweak gauge-boson and fermion sectors.Comment: 74 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. v2: Matches version published in JHE

    Percentile reference values for anthropometric body composition indices in European children from the IDEFICS study

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    INTRODUCTION: To characterise the nutritional status in children with obesity or wasting conditions, European anthropometric reference values for body composition measures beyond the body mass index (BMI) are needed. Differentiated assessment of body composition in children has long been hampered by the lack of appropriate references. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study is to provide percentiles for body composition indices in normal weight European children, based on the IDEFICS cohort (Identification and prevention of Dietary-and lifestyle-induced health Effects in Children and infantS). METHODS: Overall 18 745 2.0-10.9-year-old children from eight countries participated in the study. Children classified as overweight/obese or underweight according to IOTF (N = 5915) were excluded from the analysis. Anthropometric measurements (BMI (N = 12 830); triceps, subscapular, fat mass and fat mass index (N = 11 845-11 901); biceps, suprailiac skinfolds, sum of skinfolds calculated from skinfold thicknesses (N = 8129-8205), neck circumference (N = 12 241); waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio (N = 12 381)) were analysed stratified by sex and smoothed 1st, 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 97th and 99th percentile curves were calculated using GAMLSS. RESULTS: Percentile values of the most important anthropometric measures related to the degree of adiposity are depicted for European girls and boys. Age-and sex-specific differences were investigated for all measures. As an example, the 50th and 99th percentile values of waist circumference ranged from 50.7-59.2 cm and from 51.3-58.7 cm in 4.5-to < 5.0-year-old girls and boys, respectively, to 60.6-74.5 cm in girls and to 59.9-76.7 cm in boys at the age of 10.5-10.9 years. CONCLUSION: The presented percentile curves may aid a differentiated assessment of total and abdominal adiposity in European children

    Femtometer Toroidal Structures in Nuclei

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    The two-nucleon density distributions in states with isospin T=0T=0, spin SS=1 and projection MSM_S=0 and ±\pm1 are studied in 2^2H, 3,4^{3,4}He, 6,7^{6,7}Li and 16^{16}O. The equidensity surfaces for MSM_S=0 distributions are found to be toroidal in shape, while those of MSM_S=±\pm1 have dumbbell shapes at large density. The dumbbell shapes are generated by rotating tori. The toroidal shapes indicate that the tensor correlations have near maximal strength at r<2r<2 fm in all these nuclei. They provide new insights and simple explanations of the structure and electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, the quasi-deuteron model, and the dpdp, dddd and αd\alpha d LL=2 (DD-wave) components in 3^3He, 4^4He and 6^6Li. The toroidal distribution has a maximum-density diameter of ∌\sim1 fm and a half-maximum density thickness of ∌\sim0.9 fm. Many realistic models of nuclear forces predict these values, which are supported by the observed electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, and also predicted by classical Skyrme effective Lagrangians, related to QCD in the limit of infinite colors. Due to the rather small size of this structure, it could have a revealing relation to certain aspects of QCD.Comment: 35 pages in REVTeX, 25 PostScript figure

    Nuclear Anapole Moments

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    Nuclear anapole moments are parity-odd, time-reversal-even E1 moments of the electromagnetic current operator. Although the existence of this moment was recognized theoretically soon after the discovery of parity nonconservation (PNC), its experimental isolation was achieved only recently, when a new level of precision was reached in a measurement of the hyperfine dependence of atomic PNC in 133Cs. An important anapole moment bound in 205Tl also exists. In this paper, we present the details of the first calculation of these anapole moments in the framework commonly used in other studies of hadronic PNC, a meson exchange potential that includes long-range pion exchange and enough degrees of freedom to describe the five independent S−PS-P amplitudes induced by short-range interactions. The resulting contributions of pi-, rho-, and omega-exchange to the single-nucleon anapole moment, to parity admixtures in the nuclear ground state, and to PNC exchange currents are evaluated, using configuration-mixed shell-model wave functions. The experimental anapole moment constraints on the PNC meson-nucleon coupling constants are derived and compared with those from other tests of the hadronic weak interaction. While the bounds obtained from the anapole moment results are consistent with the broad ``reasonable ranges'' defined by theory, they are not in good agreement with the constraints from the other experiments. We explore possible explanations for the discrepancy and comment on the potential importance of new experiments.Comment: 53 pages; 10 figures; revtex; submitted to Phys Rev

    From Webs to Polylogarithms

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    We compute a class of diagrams contributing to the multi-leg soft anomalous dimension through three loops, by renormalizing a product of semi-infinite non-lightlike Wilson lines in dimensional regularization. Using non-Abelian exponentiation we directly compute contributions to the exponent in terms of webs. We develop a general strategy to compute webs with multiple gluon exchanges between Wilson lines in configuration space, and explore their analytic structure in terms of αij\alpha_{ij}, the exponential of the Minkowski cusp angle formed between the lines ii and jj. We show that beyond the obvious inversion symmetry αij→1/αij\alpha_{ij}\to 1/\alpha_{ij}, at the level of the symbol the result also admits a crossing symmetry αij→−αij\alpha_{ij}\to -\alpha_{ij}, relating spacelike and timelike kinematics, and hence argue that in this class of webs the symbol alphabet is restricted to αij\alpha_{ij} and 1−αij21-\alpha_{ij}^2. We carry out the calculation up to three gluons connecting four Wilson lines, finding that the contributions to the soft anomalous dimension are remarkably simple: they involve pure functions of uniform weight, which are written as a sum of products of polylogarithms, each depending on a single cusp angle. We conjecture that this type of factorization extends to all multiple-gluon-exchange contributions to the anomalous dimension.Comment: 64 pages, 8 figure
