121 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan SDM Industri Kreatif Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Masyakarat Ekonomi ASEAN pada Tahun 2016

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the development strategy of the Human Resources (HR) Indonesia's creative industries in the ASEAN Economic Community in 2016. The method used is a method of qualitative research, source of research data used documents, books and Internet data. The data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used were document. Data analysis techniques used through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data display, and decision-making. Human resource development strategy of creative industry in Indonesia can be conducted by: 1) increasing the quality and quantity of creative educational institutions and 2) increasing the capacity of creative labor. Improving the quality and quantity of creative educational institutions marked by the increasing number of creative educational institutions, improving the quality of education of creative educational institutions as well as the increase of graduates from educational institutions were absorbed in the world of creative work. Increasing the capacity of creative labor is characterized by increasing creative labor force that has a globally-recognized certification as well as their system of labor protection for workers in the creative industry sector. Keywords: Human Resources, Industrial, Creative, AEC Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) industri kreatif Indonesia dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN pada tahun 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, sumber data penelitian menggunakan dokumen, buku dan data internet. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data dan pengambilan keputusan. Strategi pengembangan SDM Industri kreatif di Indonesia dapat dilaksanakan dengan cara : 1) peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas lembaga pendidikan kreatif serta 2) peningkatan kapasitas tenaga kerja kreatif. Peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas lembaga pendidikan kreatif ditandai dengan bertambahnya jumlah lembaga pendidikan kreatif, meningkatnya mutu pendidikan lembaga pendidikan kreatif serta meningkatnya lulusan dari lembaga pendidikan kreatif yang terserap didunia kerja. Peningkatan kapasitas tenaga kerja kreatif ditandai dengan meningkatnya tenaga kerja kreatif yang memiliki sertifikasi yang diakui secara global serta adanya adanya sistem perlindungan tenaga kerja bagi tenaga kerja di sektor Industri kreatif

    Psychopathology of addiction: May a SCL-90-based five dimensions structure be applied irrespectively of the involved drug?

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    BACKGROUND: We previously found a five cluster of psychological symptoms in heroin use disorder (HUD) patients: ‘worthlessness-being trapped’, ‘somatic-symptoms’, ‘sensitivity-psychoticism’, ‘panic-anxiety’, and ‘violence-suicide’. We demonstrated that this aggregation is independent of the chosen treatment, of intoxication status and of the presence of psychiatric problems. METHODS: 2314 Subjects, with alcohol, heroin or cocaine dependence were assigned to one of the five clusters. Differences between patients dependent on alcohol, heroin and cocaine in the frequency of the five clusters and in their severity were analysed. The association between the secondary abuse of alcohol and cocaine and the five clusters was also considered in the subsample of HUD patients. RESULTS: We confirmed a positive association of the ‘somatic symptoms’ dimension with the condition of heroin versus cocaine dependence and of the ‘sensitivity-psychoticism’ dimension with the condition of alcohol versus heroin dependence. ‘Somatic symptoms’ and ‘panic anxiety’ successfully discriminated between patients as being alcohol, heroin or cocaine dependents. Looking at the subsample of heroin dependents, no significant differences were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The available evidence coming from our results, taken as a whole, seems to support the extension of the psychopathological structure previously observed in opioid addicts to the population of alcohol and cocaine dependents

    Speaking the same language: developing a language-aware feedback culture

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    Research suggests that feedback as part of assessment is often not delivered effectively. A key aspect of effective feedback delivery is that students need to understand feedback and also feel motivated to act on it. This article explores how educational developers can incorporate a language-aware approach to feedback when working with staff involved in learning and teaching in order to enable staff to make appropriate linguistic choices when providing feedback so that it is more comprehensible and motivational for students. It describes a piece of action research which explored and evaluated two teaching activities used on a PG Cert HE with staff at a post-1992 university, designed to promote critical awareness of the language used when giving feedback. We report on the staff evaluation of the activities devised and piloted, and consider how this project could be taken forward in future

    Factors affecting awareness of emergency contraception among college students in Kathmandu, Nepal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Nepal, Emergency Contraception (EC) could play a critical role in reducing unintended pregnancies, but very few people aware about it. This paper aims to investigate the level of awareness and factors influencing awareness of EC among college students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out in April-May 2006. Structured self-administered questionnaires were administered to 1,137 college students (573 males and 564 females) in Kathmandu valley. The association between awareness of EC and the explanatory variables were first assessed in bivariate analysis using the Chi-square test. The associations were further explored using a multivariate logistic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only about two-thirds of college students (68%) had ever heard about EC. Bivariate analysis shows that males were more aware (72%) of EC than were females (64%). Similarly, the awareness level was significantly higher among younger, unmarried youth who were from outside Kathmandu Valley, who lived with friends, and who had received reproductive health (RH) education in school/college. The study also found that students' sex, permanent place of residence (district), and RH education are significant predictors of awareness of EC. Males are 1.5 times more likely to be aware of EC compared to females. Furthermore, students who lived in Kathmandu Valley were 41% less likely to be aware of EC than were students from outside Kathmandu Valley. On the other hand, those students who received RH education in school/college were almost nine times more likely to be aware of EC compared to those who did not receive such education.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Awareness of the EC is low among college students in Nepal. Health education initiatives should target students as they are more likely to be sexually active. There is a need to further educate students about EC which can help to reduce unintended pregnancies, many of which result in unsafe abortion and take a large toll on women's health.</p

    Self medication with antibiotics in Yogyakarta City Indonesia: a cross sectional population-based survey

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    Extent: 8p.Background: Self medication with antibiotics has become an important factor driving antibiotic resistance. This study investigated the period prevalence, patterns of use, and socio-demographic factors associated with self medication with antibiotics in Yogyakarta City Indonesia. This cross-sectional population-based survey used a pre-tested questionnaire which was self-administered to randomly selected respondents (over 18 years old) in Yogyakarta City Indonesia in 2010 (N = 625). Descriptive statistics, chi-square and logistic regression were applied. Results: A total of 559 questionnaires were analyzed (response rate = 90%). The period prevalence of self medication with antibiotics during the month prior to the study was 7.3%. Amoxicillin was the most popular (77%) antibiotic for self medication besides ampicilline, fradiomisin-gramisidin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin to treat the following symptoms: the common-cold including cough and sore throat, headache, and other minor symptoms; with the length of use was mostly less than five days. Doctors or pharmacists were the most common source of information about antibiotics for self medication (52%). Antibiotics were usually purchased without prescription in pharmacies (64%) and the cost of the purchases was commonly less than US $1 (30%). Previous experience was reported to be the main reason for using non-prescribed antibiotics (54%). There were no socio-demographic variables significantly associated with the actual practice of using non-prescribed antibiotics. However, gender, health insurance, and marital status were significantly associated with the intent to self medicate with antibiotics (P < 0.05). Being male (Odds Ratio = 1.7 (1.2 - 2.6)) and having no health insurance (Odds Ratio = 1.5 (1.0 -2.3)) is associated with the intent to self medicate with antibiotics. Conclusions: This study is the first population-based study of self-medication with antibiotics among the Indonesian population. Usage of non-prescribed antibiotics as well as intent of doing so is common across socio-demographic categories. Given the findings, factors influencing people's intentions to self medicate with antibiotics are required to be investigated to better understand such behavior. Impact of health insurance coverage on self medication with antibiotics should also be further investigated.Aris Widayati, Sri Suryawati, Charlotte de Crespigny and Janet E Hille

    Horn fragments of the Halpern-Shoham Interval Temporal Logic

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    We investigate the satisfiability problem for Horn fragments of the Halpern-Shoham interval temporal logic depending on the type (box or diamond) of the interval modal operators, the type of the underlying linear order (discrete or dense), and the type of semantics for the interval relations (reflexive or irreflexive). For example, we show that satisfiability of Horn formulas with diamonds is undecidable for any type of linear orders and semantics. On the contrary, satisfiability of Horn formulas with boxes is tractable over both discrete and dense orders under the reflexive semantics and over dense orders under the irreflexive semantics but becomes undecidable over discrete orders under the irreflexive semantics. Satisfiability of binary Horn formulas with both boxes and diamonds is always undecidable under the irreflexive semantics