54 research outputs found

    Integrating children's perspectives in policy-making to combat poverty and social exclusion experienced by single-parent families: a transnational comparative approach

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    This is the final report of a research project that addressed social exclusion and poverty as it relates to single parent families and their children in particular. The rising numbers of single parent families and children throughout the EU and the increased likelihood that these families will live in poverty and experience many different forms of social exclusion in their daily lives brings in sharp focus the need to address the issue as an urgent one in our efforts to eradicate poverty and social exclusion. The focus on the children of single parent families seeks to rectify a long-standing problem in our knowledge and understanding of single parent families and the social problems they face, namely, the fact that little, if anything, is known about how these children experience and understand their lives as members of these families. The research set out to contribute to policy development and the transnational exchange of best practice by adding a much-neglected dimension on single parent families. The project used a cross-national comparative qualitative research design and methods (Mangen 1999) which involved all partners in the design of each research phase including the analysis; partners were England, Cyprus and Greece

    Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities. A threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity

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    Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations induce adverse effects in plants. We reviewed how ozone affects (i) the composition and diversity of plant communities by affecting key physiological traits; (ii) foliar chemistry and the emission of volatiles, thereby affecting plant-plant competition, plant-insect interactions, and the composition of insect communities; and (iii) plant-soil-microbe interactions and the composition of soil communities by disrupting plant litterfall and altering root exudation, soil enzymatic activities, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. The community composition of soil microbes is consequently changed, and alpha diversity is often reduced. The effects depend on the environment and vary across space and time. We suggest that Atlantic islands in the Northern Hemisphere, the Mediterranean Basin, equatorial Africa, Ethiopia, the Indian coastline, the Himalayan region, southern Asia, and Japan have high endemic richness at high ozone risk by 2100

    Estimating the waste heat recovery in the European Union Industry

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    Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; Innovate UK; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK (EPSRC); Research Councils UK (RCUK

    Arthropod outbreaks, stressors, and sublethal stress

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    Outbreaks are characterized by a sudden increase in population density of a given species, and are recognized as an important phenomenon in both natural and artificial systems. Climate and anthropogenic stressors are the main abiotic drivers of outbreaks directly affecting arthropod populations, or influencing them indirectly through their heterospecifics and resources (e.g., host plants). Both are dose- or intensity-dependent and mainly sublethal when outbreaks are considered. Thus, sublethal stimulation or hormesis is an important phenomenon to consider. However, its study is restricted to a few (agricultural) settings and neglects key complexities of biological systems, including arthropods as an ecocosm of symbionts, the role of arthropod interactions, and the co-occurrence of multiple stressors. Therefore, more research is required to tackle the complexities of biological systems

    Ecological risks in a ‘plastic’ world: A threat to biological diversity?

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    Microplastics pollution is predicted to increase in the coming decades, raising concerns about its effects on living organisms. Although the effects of microplastics on individual organisms have been extensively studied, the effects on communities, biological diversity, and ecosystems remain underexplored. This paper reviews the published literature concerning how microplastics affect communities, biological diversity, and ecosystem processes. Microplastics increase the abundance of some taxa but decrease the abundance of some other taxa, indicating trade-offs among taxa and altered microbial community composition in both the natural environment and animals’ gut. The alteration of community composition by microplastics is highly conserved across taxonomic ranks, while the alpha diversity of microbiota is often reduced or increased, depending on the microplastics dose and environmental conditions, suggesting potential threats to biodiversity. Biogeochemical cycles, greenhouse gas fluxes, and atmospheric chemistry, can also be altered by microplastics pollution. These findings suggest that microplastics may impact the U.N. Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to improve atmospheric, soil, and water quality and sustaining biodiversity

    Nano-pesticides: A great challenge for biodiversity? The need for a broader perspective

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    The need to protect plants against environmental challenges, abiotic and biotic, leads to the application of nanomaterials and pesticides in the environment. Recently, nanopesticides have been developed to replace classic pesticides. Their wide application in the agricultural practice leads to deposition of nanomaterials (and potential residuals) in the natural environment. The use of nanopesticides is a great challenge for biodiversity; however, not as originally envisioned. We discuss how nanopesticides may pose risks for biodiversity at far lower concentrations/doses than currently thought

    The relevance of hormesis at higher levels of biological organization: Hormesis in microorganisms

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    Documented biphasic dose-responses date some 150 years back; however, massive evaluations of the occurrence of pollutant-induced hormesis, its quantitative characteristics, and the underlying mechanisms have been performed only in the recent years. One of the reasons why hormesis is not included in the ecological risk assessment may be its poorly explored relevance to levels of biological organization beyond the individual. Here, we summarize the highly reproducible occurrence of hormesis induced by various individual and combined chemicals in microorganisms, the hormetic response of bioluminescence, and the hormesis-based drug resistance. We also summarize key underlying mechanisms and discuss the relevance of hormesis in microorganisms-regulated organismic interactions, biological communication, and communities of microorganisms. Our exposition indicates the need for enhanced studies directed to reveal the implications of hormesis to levels of biological organization beyond the individual and that hormesis is considered in the ecological risk assessment

    Micro/nanoplastics effects on organisms: A review focusing on ‘dose’

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    Microplastics have become predominant contaminants, attracting much political and scientific attention. Despite the massively-increasing research on microplastics effects on organisms, the debate of whether environmental concentrations pose hazard and risk continues. This study critically reviews published literatures of microplastics effects on organisms within the context of “dose”. It provides substantial evidence of the common occurrence of threshold and hormesis dose responses of numerous aquatic and terrestrial organisms to microplastics. This finding along with accumulated evidence indicating the capacity of organisms for recovery suggests that the linear-no-threshold model is biologically irrelevant and should not serve as a default model for assessing the microplastics risks. The published literature does not provide sufficient evidence supporting the general conclusion that environmental doses of microplastics cause adverse effects on individual organisms. Instead, doses that are smaller than the dose of toxicological threshold and more likely to occur in the environment may even induce positive effects, although the ecological implications of these responses remain unknown. This study also shows that low doses of microplastics can reduce whereas high doses can increase the negative effects of other pollutants. The mechanisms explaining these findings are discussed, providing a novel perspective for evaluating the risks of microplastics in the environment