15,207 research outputs found

    Deformation mechanics of deep surface flaw cracks

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    A combined analytical and experimental program was conducted to determine the deformation characteristics of deep surface cracks in Mode I loading. An approximate plane finite element analysis was performed to make a parameter study on the influence of crack depth, crack geometry, and stress level on plastic zones, crack opening displacement, and back surface dimpling in Fe-3Si steel and 2219-T87 aluminum. Surface replication and profiling techniques were used to examine back surface dimple configurations in 2219-T87 aluminum. Interferometry and holography were used to evaluate the potential of various optical techniques to detect small surface dimples on large surface areas

    Nonlinear screening and stopping power in two-dimensional electron gases

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    We have used density functional theory to study the nonlinear screening properties of a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. In particular, we consider the screening of an external static point charge of magnitude Z as a function of the distance of the charge from the plane of the gas. The self-consistent screening potentials are then used to determine the 2D stopping power in the low velocity limit based on the momentum transfer cross-section. Calculations as a function of Z establish the limits of validity of linear and quadratic response theory calculations, and show that nonlinear screening theory already provides significant corrections in the case of protons. In contrast to the 3D situation, we find that the nonlinearly screened potential supports a bound state even in the high density limit. This behaviour is elucidated with the derivation of a high density screening theorem which proves that the screening charge can be calculated perturbatively in the high density limit for arbitrary dimensions. However, the theorem has particularly interesting implications in 2D where, contrary to expectations, we find that perturbation theory remains valid even when the perturbing potential supports bound states.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures in RevTeX

    Analytical testing

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    Analytical methods for combining flight acceleration and strain data with shake test mobility data to predict the effects of structural changes on flight vibrations and strains are presented. This integration of structural dynamic analysis with flight performance is referred to as analytical testing. The objective of this methodology is to analytically estimate the results of flight testing contemplated structural changes with minimum flying and change trials. The category of changes to the aircraft includes mass, stiffness, absorbers, isolators, and active suppressors. Examples of applying the analytical testing methodology using flight test and shake test data measured on an AH-1G helicopter are included. The techniques and procedures for vibration testing and modal analysis are also described

    Global existence and exponential decay for hyperbolic dissipative relativistic fluid theories

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    We consider dissipative relativistic fluid theories on a fixed flat, compact, globally hyperbolic, Lorentzian manifold. We prove that for all initial data in a small enough neighborhood of the equilibrium states (in an appropriate Sobolev norm), the solutions evolve smoothly in time forever and decay exponentially to some, in general undetermined, equilibrium state. To prove this, three conditions are imposed on these theories. The first condition requires the system of equations to be symmetric hyperbolic, a fundamental requisite to have a well posed and physically consistent initial value formulation. The second condition is a generic consequence of the entropy law, and is imposed on the non principal part of the equations. The third condition is imposed on the principal part of the equations and it implies that the dissipation affects all the fields of the theory. With these requirements we prove that all the eigenvalues of the symbol associated to the system of equations of the fluid theory have strictly negative real parts, which in fact, is an alternative characterization for the theory to be totally dissipative. Once this result has been obtained, a straight forward application of a general stability theorem due to Kreiss, Ortiz, and Reula, implies the results above mentioned.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Investigation of the composition of the Luna 16 lunar sample

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    The concentrations of aluminum, manganese, sodium, chromium, iron, cobalt, and 12 rare earth elements were determined by neutron activation analysis using slow neutrons. Oxygen and silicon were determined using a fast neutron generator. Mossbauer spectroscopy was used to investigate iron compounds in Luna 16 regolith samples from the upper part of the core

    Quantum Computing on Lattices using Global Two-Qubit Gate

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    We study the computation power of lattices composed of two dimensional systems (qubits) on which translationally invariant global two-qubit gates can be performed. We show that if a specific set of 6 global two qubit gates can be performed, and if the initial state of the lattice can be suitably chosen, then a quantum computer can be efficiently simulatedComment: 9 page

    C2_2H observations toward the Orion Bar

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    C2_2H is one of the first radicals to be detected in the interstellar medium. Its higher rotational transitions have recently become available with the Herschel Space Observatory. We aim to constrain the physical parameters of the C2_2H emitting gas toward the Orion Bar. We analyse the C2_2H line intensities measured toward the Orion Bar CO+^+ Peak and Herschel/HIFI maps of C2_2H, CH, and HCO+^+, and a NANTEN map of [CI]. We interpret the observed C2_2H emission using radiative transfer and PDR models. Five rotational transitions of C2_2H have been detected in the HIFI frequency range toward the CO+^+ peak. A single component rotational diagram gives a rotation temperature of ~64 K and a beam-averaged C2_2H column density of 4×\times1013^{13} cm−2^{-2}. The measured transitions cannot be explained by any single parameter model. According to a non-LTE model, most of the C2_2H column density produces the lower-NN C2_2H transitions and traces a warm (TkinT_{\rm{kin}} ~ 100-150 K) and dense (nn(H2_2)~105^5-106^6 cm−3^{-3}) gas. A small fraction of the C2_2H column density is required to reproduce the intensity of the highest-NN transitions (NN=9-8 and N=10-9) originating from a high density (nn(H2_2)~5×\times106^6 cm−3^{-3}) hot (TkinT_{\rm{kin}} ~ 400 K) gas. The total beam-averaged C2_2H column density in the model is 1014^{14} cm−2^{-2}. Both the non-LTE radiative transfer model and a simple PDR model representing the Orion Bar with a plane-parallel slab of gas and dust suggest, that C2_2H cannot be described by a single pressure component, unlike the reactive ion CH+^+, which was previously analysed toward the Orion Bar CO+^+ peak. The physical parameters traced by the higher rotational transitions (NN=6-5,...,10-9) of C2_2H may be consistent with the edges of dense clumps exposed to UV radiation near the ionization front of the Orion Bar.Comment: Proposed for acceptance in A&A, abstract abridge

    Multi-jet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at next-to-leading order

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    We present the perturbative prediction for three-jet production cross section in DIS at the NLO accuracy. We study the dependence on the renormalization and factorization scales of exclusive three-jet cross section. The perturbative prediction for the three-jet differential distribution as a function of the momentum transfer is compared to the corresponding data obtained by the H1 collaboration at HERA.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
