9 research outputs found

    Polszczyzna w transmisji międzypokoleniowej w rodzinach jednolitych i mieszanych we Lwowskiem

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    The Polish language in intergenerational transmission in homogeneous and mixed families in the Lviv regionThe aim of this article is to analyse the conditions of intergenerational transmission of the Polish language in homogenous and mixed families in Sambir and Dobromyl in Ukraine. 21 families took part in the survey: 13 Polish couples, 6 Polish-Ukrainian and 2 Ukrainian of Ukrainian-Polish origin. The study is based on four layers of data: firstly, semi-structured interviews and unstructured interviews with children and young people from each family (7–25 years of age); secondly, interviews with parents and grandparents; thirdly, family observation and, additionally, interviews with neighbours and friends of the families. The database of analysed audio recordings consists of conversations with 92 respondents (approximately 120 hours).The comparison shows that in Polish families the home language is Polish. Mixed couples, in turn, adopt one of two solutions: parents either apply the one parent – one language strategy (5 couples), or talk to their children in Ukrainian (1 couple). In families who rely on the former principle, in conversations among more household members and among the children themselves the Ukrainian language usually has an advantage. In the case of two Ukrainian couples of Ukrainian-Polish origin, the transmission of the Polish language was discontinued in previous generations: in one case the young participants of the study learned Polish in their childhood from their great-grandmother, in the other – on their own. Children from the presented families (with the exception of the family from Nyzhankovychi near Dobromyl) attended Polish Saturday schools; they also take part in the life of the local Roman Catholic parishes.The interviews and observations lead to the conclusion that the oldest people play a very important role in the transmission of Polish to next generations, especially in three-generation families living in the same household. Close relations between grandchildren and their Polish grandparents strengthen the position of the Polish language in everyday communication and foster their positive emotional attitude to the language.The study also confirms that most young people of Polish descent have a positive attitude towards emigration to Poland, which stems from difficult economic and political situation in Ukraine. The position of the Polish language is twofold: it is associated with the tradition and past of one’s own family on the one hand, and with the future on the other. Polszczyzna w transmisji międzypokoleniowej w rodzinach jednolitych i mieszanych we LwowskiemCelem artykułu jest analiza uwarunkowań transmisji międzypokoleniowej języka polskiego w małżeństwach jednolitych oraz mieszanych w Samborze i Dobromilu na Ukrainie. W badaniu wzięło udział 21 rodzin: 13 małżeństw polskich, 6 polsko-ukraińskich i 2 ukraińskie o ukraińsko-polskim pochodzeniu. Na potrzeby opracowania wykorzystano cztery warstwy danych: po pierwsze – wywiady częściowo standaryzowane (ustrukturyzowane) oraz swobodne rozmowy z dziećmi i młodzieżą z każdej rodziny (7–25 lat), po drugie – z rodzicami i dziadkami, po trzecie – obserwacje życia codziennego rodzin, i dodatkowo – wywiady z sąsiadami i znajomymi opisywanych rodzin. Na bazę analizowanych nagrań audio składają się rozmowy z 92 respondentami (około 120 godzin).Zestawienie pokazuje, że w rodzinach polskich językiem domowym jest polski. W małżeństwach mieszanych wprowadzono jedno z dwóch rozwiązań. Rodzice albo stosują strategię jeden rodzic – jeden język (5 par), albo rozmawiają z dziećmi po ukraińsku (1 para). W małżeństwach wykorzystujących zasadę jeden rodzic – jeden język, we wspólnych rozmowach domowników, w tym dzieci między sobą, z reguły przewagę zyskuje język ukraiński. W wypadku małżeństw ukraińskich, transmisja języka polskiego została przerwana w poprzednich generacjach. Młodzi uczestnicy badania nauczyli się języka polskiego: w jednej rodzinie – w dzieciństwie od prababci, w drugiej – samodzielnie. Dzieci z przedstawianych rodzin (za wyjątkiem rodziny z Niżankowic pod Dobromilem) uczyły się w polskich szkołach sobotnich. Łączy je też udział w życiu miejscowych parafii rzymskokatolickich.Wywiady i obserwacje prowadzą do wniosku, że bardzo ważną rolę w przekazie polszczyzny następnym pokoleniom odgrywają seniorzy, zwłaszcza w mieszkających razem rodzinach trójpokoleniowych. Bliskie kontakty wnuków z dziadkami-Polakami wzmacniają pozycję języka polskiego w codziennej komunikacji, wpływają też na pozytywny emocjonalny stosunek dzieci do tego języka.Badania potwierdzają ponadto, że wśród młodzieży polskiego pochodzenia utrzymuje się orientacja emigracyjna (wyjazdy na studia i do pracy do Polski), na co ma wpływ trudna sytuacja gospodarcza i polityczna na Ukrainie. Pozycja języka polskiego jest dwojaka: z jednej strony jest kojarzony z tradycją i przeszłością własnej rodziny, z drugiej – z przyszłością

    Przymiotnik czerwony w polskojęzycznej prasie wydawanej na Ukrainie sowieckiej w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku

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    The Adjective czerwony ‘red’ in the Polish-Language Press Published in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s The subject of the article is the analysis of the meaning and collocations of the adjective czerwony ‘red – Communist, Soviet’ in the Polish-language press published in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s. The press was primarily to function as a tool for the Sovietisation of the Polish minority, thus the periodical press was directly dependent on state publication policies. The research was conducted on a textual sample encompassing a selection of issues of 36 Polish-language press titles, diversified in terms of their scope, target group, and subject matter.The lexeme czerwony is characterised by a very high textual frequency, a few times higher than in the case of adjectives denoting other colours; thus, there are over 770 examples of the word czerwony, while the next in line are biały ‘white’ – 135 and czarny ‘black’ – 110. The frequency is definitely increased by the fact that the adjective czerwony also constitutes part of various newly-formed proper nouns.In the analysed texts, czerwony has new meaning, not only ‘revolutionary, Communist’ (thus encompassing also people, places and actions generally linked to Communism, including outside Russia), but also with a semantic narrowing of meaning to apply to the Soviet situation – ‘Bolshevik, Soviet’. The broad positive semantic connotations which make this adjective part of a bipolar system, i.e. good (red) – bad (not red), are also significant. The positive context, connected to people, organisations, places and actions whose attribute is czerwony, serves to meliorate the lexeme. Through such means, new collocations and lexemes are formed in Soviet Polish language with the participation of the adjective czerwony, written into the actuality of the USSR. Przymiotnik czerwony w polskojęzycznej prasie wydawanej na Ukrainie sowieckiej w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza znaczenia i łączliwości przymiotnika czerwony ‘komunistyczny, sowiecki’ w polskojęzycznej prasie wydawanej na Ukrainie sowieckiej w latach 20. i 30. XX w. Prasa miała być przede wszystkim narzędziem sowietyzacji mniejszości polskiej, periodyki zależne były więc ściśle od państwowej polityki wydawniczej. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na podstawie wyboru numerów z 36 polskojęzycznych tytułów prasowych, zróżnicowanych co do zasięgu, adresata i tematyki.Leksem czerwony charakteryzuje bardzo wysoka frekwencja tekstowa, kilkukrotnie wyższa niż przymiotników nazywających kolejne kolory: czerwony ma ponad 770 wystąpień, następny w kolejności jest biały – 135 i czarny – 110. Zdecydowanie zwiększa jego frekwencję to, że wchodzi również w skład nowo tworzonych nazw własnych.W badanych tekstach czerwony ma kilka odcieni znaczeniowych: znaczy nie tylko ‘rewolucyjny, komunistyczny’, więc obejmujący osoby, miejsca i działania związane ogólnie z komunizmem, ale też ‘bolszewicki, sowiecki’ – z zawężeniem semantycznym do realiów sowieckich. Istotne są ponadto szerokie pozytywne konotacje semantyczne, które wpisują ten przymiotnik w układ dwubiegunowy: dobry (nasz) – zły (obcy). Melioryzacji leksemu służy pozytywny kontekst powiązany z osobami, organizacjami, miejscami i działaniami, których atrybutem jest czerwony, a także nagromadzenie określeń pozytywnie wartościujących. W ten sposób formuje się w polszczyźnie sowieckiej sieć nowych kolokacji i leksemów z udziałem przymiotnika czerwony, wpisana w rzeczywistość ZSRR

    Impact of Nine Month Health Training and a Single Exercise on Changes in Ghrelin, Leptin and Free Fatty Acids Levels in Women’s Blood

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    The aim of the research was to assess changes in ghrelin, leptin and free fatty acids (FFA) levels in women’s blood after training. The research was carried out in women aged 45.55 ±11.33 years and with the BMI of 26.49 ±4.49. Health training at 50–66% VO2max took place twice a week for 9 months. In the baseline phase and in the 3rd, 6th and 9th month of the training, body mass and composition were measured, cardiorespiratory fitness was checked after a 10-minute exercise test on a cycloergometer, and fasting levels of ghrelin, leptin and FFA in the serum were assayed and 15 minutes after the exercise test. Body mass was reduced in the 6th month of the training. Fasting ghrelin level increased because of training, leptin and FFA decreased. After single 10-minute exercises performed every 3 months level of ghrelin and FFA increased while leptin decreased. An increase in ghrelin level in the blood after the single exercise can be the result of negative energy expenditure. An increase in fasting ghrelin level after training can be one of the adaptive physiological mechanisms connected with energy saving. A mechanism that is switched on as a result of a long-lasting stimulus that leads to energy losses, reduction in body mass and a decrease in leptin level in the blood

    Expression of survivin, SDF-1 and CXCR4 on tumor cells in ovarian cancer

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    Summary Background: epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) has the highest mortality rate among patients with gynecologic malignancies. Lack of specific and early symptoms and of screening tests causes that most patients are diagnosed in advanced stage of disease. Radical surgery followed by chemotherapy does not bring satisfactory curative effects. Objectives: the urgent need exists to define the optimum biomarker for ovarian cancer to predict patients’ response to curative therapy. Our current study aimed at correlation between the expression of survivin, SDF-1, CXCR-4 on tumor tissue and clinical outcome of patients with ovarian cancer. Results: we showed that survivin expression correlates with histological grading of the tumor. No correlation was found in terms of SDF-1/CXCR-4 expression and clinicopathologic data. Conclusions: further studies covering larger number of patients are needed to determine whether SDF-1 and CXCR-4 might be considered as biomarkers for ovarian cancer

    “Sierp” (The Sickle), “Młot” (The Hammer), “Trybuna Radziecka” (The Soviet Tribune): Titles of the Polish-Language Press Published in the Interwar USSR

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    This study is devoted to the titles of newspapers and magazines published in Polish in the USSR in 1918–1939. These periodicals are a reflection of a unique period – they were issued during the first decades after the 1917 revolution, under the conditions of state monopoly on information. The titles of newspapers and magazines had to conform to the single party line and ideology enforced in the USSR. The vocabulary used in the titles under scrutiny is discussed in the context of the features of Russian political propaganda at the time, as well as those of the Polish-language propaganda created on its basis

    miR-31-5p as a Potential Circulating Biomarker and Tracer of Clinical Improvement for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy

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    Background. MicroRNAs are endogenous, small noncoding RNA molecules that play a pivotal role in the regulation of gene expression. MicroRNAs are involved in many biological processes such as proliferation, cell differentiation, neovascularization, and apoptosis. Studies on microRNA expression may contribute to a better understanding of the pathomechanism of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and consequently enable the development of new therapeutic measures using antisense miRNAs (antagomirs). In this study, we evaluated the level of miR-31-5p in the serum of patients with CIDP and its correlation with the miR-31-5p level and clinical presentation and electrophysiological and biochemical parameters. Methods. The study group consisted of 48 patients, mean age 61.60±11.76, who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of a typical variant of CIDP. The expression of miR-31-5p in patient serum probes was investigated by droplet digital PCR. The results were correlated with neurophysiological findings and the patient’s clinical and biochemical parameters. Results. The mean copy number of miRNA-31 in 100 μl serum was 1288.64±2001.02 in the CIDP group of patients, while in the control group, it was 3743.09±4026.90. There was a significant positive correlation (0.426) between IgIV treatment duration and miR-31-5p expression. Patients without IgIV treatment showed significantly lower levels of miR-31 compared to the treated group (259.44±304.02 vs. 1559.48±2168.45; p=0.002). The group of patients with body weight>80 kg showed statistically significantly lower levels of miRNA-31-5p than the patients with lower body weight (934.37±1739.66 vs. 1784.62±2271.62, respectively; p=0.014). Similarly, the patients with elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein levels had significantly higher miRNA-31-5p expression than those with normal protein levels (1393.93±1932.27 vs. 987.38±2364.10, respectively; p=0.044). Conclusion. The results may support the hypothesis that miR-31-5p is strongly involved in the autoimmune process in CIDP. The positive correlation between higher miR-31-5p levels and duration of IVIg treatment may be an additional factor explaining the efficacy of prolonged IVIg therapy in CIDP

    BCL11A Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers

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    B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 11A (BCL11A) may be one of the potential biomarkers of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, its role in the development of this cancer has not yet been precisely established. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of BCL11A at the mRNA and protein levels in NSCLC cases and non-malignant lung tissue (NMLT) and to determine the relationship between BCL11A expression and the clinicopathological factors and Ki-67, Slug, Snail and Twist. The localization and the level of BCL11A protein were examined using immunohistochemistry (IHC) on 259 cases of NSCLC, and 116 NMLT samples were prepared as tissue microarrays and using immunofluorescence (IF) in the following cell lines: NCI-H1703, A549 and IMR-90. The mRNA expression of BCL11A was determined using real-time PCR in 33 NSCLC cases, 10 NMLT samples and the cell lines. BCL11A protein expression was significantly higher in NSCLC cases compared to NMLT. Nuclear expression was found in lung squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells, while cytoplasmic expression was demonstrated in adenocarcinoma (AC) cells. Nuclear expression of BCL11A decreased with increasing malignancy grade and correlated positively with Ki-67 and Slug and Twist expression. The opposite relationships were found for the cytoplasmic expression of BCL11A. Nuclear expression of BCL11A in NSCLC cells may affect tumor cell proliferation and change their phenotype, thus promoting tumor progression