96 research outputs found

    Разработка индекса приоритетности сотрудничества Российской Федерации в космической отрасли с развивающимися странами Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки

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    The article is devoted to the construction and practical approbation of the ranking methodology of developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on the basis of priority for the Russian Federation to the cooperation development in the space field. This paper is the second part of the article and reflects the results of the calculations based on statistics and on the examination of information about the considered countries. As a result of quantitative and qualitative analysis eight groups of basic indicators have been selected. These indicators have the influence on the rate of development of space industry in emerging countries and their involvement into cooperation with The Russian Federation. Using the principal component analysis eight sub-indexes and the integral index have been constructed. It is shown that China has the highest priority, and then follows India and Brazil. Five key for the cooperation development in space field countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America have been indicated based on the constructed integral index.Статья посвящена разработке и практической апробации методики ранжирования развивающихся стран Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки по признаку их приоритетности для Российской Федерации при развитии сотрудничества в космической сфере на основе единого интегрального показателя ранжирования, объединяющего многокритериальные характеристики анализируемых стран. Публикация отражает результаты расчетов на базе статистических и информационно-аналитических данных о странах. В предыдущей публикации (№ 4 за 2012 г.) описаны методологические подходы к ранжированию стран по единому интегральному показателю. В результате качественного и количественного анализа отобраны восемь групп показателей, влияющих на динамику развития космической отрасли развивающейся страны и степень ее заинтересованности в развитии отношений с Россией. На их основе модифицированным методом главных компонент построены субиндексы, которые формируют интегральный индекс приоритетности сотрудничества. В результате исследования показано, что наибольший приоритет в развитии сотрудничества имеют Китай (с большим отрывом), Индия и Бразилия. На базе построенного рейтинга выбраны пять стран, ключевые для развития сотрудничества в космической отрасли в каждом из трех регионов мира

    Lattice dynamics of coesite

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    The lattice dynamics of coesite has been studied by a combination of diffuse x-ray scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering and an ab initio lattice dynamics calculation. The combined technique gives access to the full lattice dynamics in harmonic description and thus eventually provides detailed information on the elastic properties, the stability and metastability of crystalline systems. The experimentally validated calculation was used for the investigation of eigenvectors, mode character and their influence on the density of vibrational states. High symmetry sections of the reciprocal space distribution of diffuse scattering and inelastic x-ray scattering spectra as well as the density of vibrational states and the dispersion relation are reported and compared to the calculation. A critical point at the zone boundary is found to contribute strongly to the main peak of the low energy part in the density of vibrational states. Comparison with the most abundant SiO2 polymorph - alpha-quartz - reveals similarities and distinct differences in the low-energy vibrational properties

    Lattice dynamics of coesite

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    The lattice dynamics of coesite has been studied by a combination of diffuse x-ray scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering and ab initio lattice dynamics calculations. The combined technique gives access to the full lattice dynamics in the harmonic description and thus eventually provides detailed information on the elastic properties, the stability and metastability of crystalline systems. The experimentally validated calculation was used for the investigation of the eigenvectors, mode character and their contribution to the density of vibrational states. High-symmetry sections of the reciprocal space distribution of diffuse scattering and inelastic x-ray scattering spectra as well as the density of vibrational states and the dispersion relation are reported and compared to the calculation. A critical point at the zone boundary is found to contribute strongly to the main peak of the low-energy part in the density of vibrational states. Comparison with the most abundant SiO2 polymorph - α-quartz - reveals similarities and distinct differences in the low-energy vibrational properties

    Three-dimensional X-ray micro-velocimetry

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    Three-dimensional X-ray velocimetry with micrometer-level resolution is demonstrated

    Indicators mortality risk patients with comorbid HIV infection and tuberculosis in penitentiary institutions

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    The article presents the results of a clinical and epidemiological study to identify risk factors for the lethal outcome of tuberculosis, which occurs in the context of HIV infection, in patients in the treatment facilities of the penitentiary system. In a research, the Machine learning methods based on creation of optimal partitioning signs space and recognition methods were applied. It is with high reliability allowed to determine the predictive factors of hospital mortality to a patient with tuberculosis that occurs against the background of HIV infection, which became: drug use, weight loss, chronic, extensive and acutely progressive forms of the tuberculosis process, tuberculosis recurrence, pulmonary destruction, tachycardia, arrhythmia, fever, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, HIV viral load, CD4 count, hemoglobin , level of ESR, lymphocytes, ALT, ASAT, total bilirubin, creatinine, the presence of bacterial excretion, the presence of parenteral hepatitis, diabetes, HIV-associated diseases.Выявление факторов риска летального исхода от сочетанной патологии ВИЧ-туберкулез имеет большое значение для своевременного прогноза исхода заболевания и выбора оптимальной тактики ведения пациентов в стационаре. Целью настоящей работы явилось определение влияния на выживаемость пациентов показателей анамнестического и клинико-диагностического обследования. для статистической обработки данных применялись методы машинного обучения, основанные на построении оптимальных разбиений признакового пространства. С высокой значимостью были установлены предикторы госпитальной летальности больного туберкулёзом, протекающим на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции: наркомания в анамнезе, дефицит массы тела, наличие хронических, обширных и остро прогрессирующих форм туберкулёзного процесса и его рецидива, формирование деструкции легочной ткани, бактериовыделения, тахикардия, аритмия, лихорадка, гепатомегалия, спленомегалия, лимфаденопатия, уровень гемоглобина менее 117 г/л, общего билирубин выше 25,5 мкмоль/л, АЛТ более 0,285 ммоль/л, АСТ более 0,96 ммоль/л, креатинин выше 180,6 ммоль/л, количество CD 4-лимфоцитов менее 88 кл/мкл, уровень вирусной нагрузки ВИЧ выше 595892,5 коп/мкл, наличие парентеральных гепатитов, сахарного диабета, ВИЧ-ассоциированных заболеваний


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    The aim of this study was to obtain a non-destructive three-dimensional model of the ancient Egyptian mummy skeleton from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (I,1 1240). The objective of this research was to study the possibility of precise segmentation of bone structures and their separation from the surrounding mummified soft tissues, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed bone fragments according to the preserved shape. With the help of additive technology made all fragments of the skeleton, including the distal phalanx. The digital models and plastic reconstructions of historical artifacts can be used for further research, for example, the biomechanical and morphometric ones, as well as for the purpose of information and education, or as a supplement to the original museum objects


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    The X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements have been carried out to study the polycrystalline sample LiNi0.25Co0.75PO4 prepared by the glycerol-nitrate synthesis method.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке государственного задания МИНОБРНАУКИ России (шифр «Поток» Г.р. № 122021000031-8)

    Extension of Maximal Lifespan and High Bone Marrow Chimerism After Nonmyeloablative Syngeneic Transplantation of Bone Marrow From Young to Old Mice

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    The goal of this work was to determine the effect of nonablative syngeneic transplantation of young bone marrow (BM) to laboratory animals (mice) of advanced age upon maximum duration of their lifespan. To do this, transplantation of 100 million nucleated cells from BM of young syngeneic donors to an old nonablated animal was performed at the time when half of the population had already died. As a result, the maximum lifespan (MLS) increased by 28 ± 5%, and the survival time from the beginning of the experiment increased 2.8 ± 0.3-fold. The chimerism of the BM 6 months after the transplantation was 28%

    Определение происхождения природного битума в мумифицирующих смолах древнеегипетских мумий из собрания ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина

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    This work presents the results of a study of the resins of seven Ancient Egyptian mummies from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts using a complex of analytical methods: gas chromatography, atomic emission and mass spectrometry. Natural bitumen and beeswax were identified in the resins using the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method. Based on the results of hydrocarbon distribution in the profiles of n-alkanes in the resin coatings of the mummies and naturally occurring bitumen, it was assumed that the Dead Sea bitumen was used. The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry studies of mummy resins in the selected ion mode (m/z 217 and 191) provided additional evidence of the bitumen’s geographic origin. Atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma was used as a means to determine the content of microelements. Vanadium, nickel and molybdenum were found in the tar of five mummies. The determined relative amounts of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum in the resins of the studied mummies showed a good correlation with the available data on the content of these elements in the Dead Sea bitumen, as well as the Fayum mummy resin based on this bitumen. The advantages of using the method of identifying bitumen in mummy resins based on relative content of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum were revealed.В работе представлены результаты исследования составов смол семи древнеегипетских мумий из коллекции Государственного музея изобразительных искусств имени А.С. Пушкина с применением комплекса аналитических методов: газовой хроматографии (ГХ), атомно-эмиссионной и масс-спектрометрии (МС). Методом ГХ–МС в них идентифицированы природный битум и пчелиный воск. По результатам распределений углеводородов в профилях н-алканов в смоляных покрытиях мумий и природных битумов высказано предположение об использовании битума Мертвого моря. Дополнительные доказательства географического происхождения битума получены ГХ–МС-исследованием смол мумий в режиме мониторинга заданных ионов (m/z 217 и 191). Методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой определено содержание микроэлементов и показано, что в смолах пяти мумий присутствуют ванадий, никель и молибден. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об удовлетворительной корреляции их с литературными данными по содержанию указанных элементов в битуме Мертвого моря и смоле Фаюмской мумии на основе этого битума. Выявлены преимущества использования метода идентификации битума в смолах мумий по относительному содержанию ванадия, никеля и молибдена

    The Russian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis: Enzyme replacement therapy

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    The Russian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis has been prepared on the initiative of the Russian Pancreatology Club to clarify and consolidate the opinions of Russian specialists (gastroenterologists, surgeons, and pediatricians) on the most significant problems of diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis. This article continues a series of publications explaining the most significant interdisciplinary consensus statements and deals with enzyme replacement therapy