94 research outputs found

    „Wie erst die Deutschen dann die Slawen im Posener Lande wohnten“. Deutsch-polnische Beziehungen in historischen Sagen der Provinz Posen (1815–1918)

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    „Wie erst die Deutschen dann die Slawen im Posener Lande wohnten“. Deutsch-polnische Beziehungen in historischen Sagen der Provinz Posen (1815–1918

    The Effects of Male-Based Anthropometric Cockpit Designs on Self-Reported Female Aircrew Accommodation

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of male-based anthropometric cockpit designs on self-reported female aircrew accommodation. A descriptive survey research method was used to collect the required data. The instrument utilized was a self-developed questionnaire/opinionnaire. It contained both Likert-type and open-ended questions. The 153 subjects were selected from the population of active, civil, female pilots in the United States of America, who hold a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate. The responses provided to the Likert questions were analyzed using a goodness-of-fit statistical method. The data collected did not support the research hypothesis that female aircrew accommodation is reduced by current male-based anthropometric cockpit designs

    Modelización estocástica de flujos de caja bajo la normativa de solvencia II para un seguro de vida de larga duración

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    Los contratos de larga duración son interesantes tanto para el asegurado como para las entidades aseguradoras. Desde la perspectiva de asegurado, las características más atractivas de los contratos de larga duración son: garantía de renovación, garantía de prima, un coste total del seguro más bajo, y finalmente la posibilidad de adquirir un seguro más complejo que combina varias coberturas a un coste más económico. Los contratos de larga duración, al contrario que los contratos de corta duración, permiten a las compañías aseguradoras formar carteras más amplias y estables, con menor volatilidad de pagos por mortalidad o morbilidad y menor necesidad de reaseguro gracias a la posibilidad de diversificación de riesgo de seguro dentro de la cartera. Además, permiten reducir el total de los gastos de adquisición del contrato tales como remuneración de intermediarios, pruebas médicas, coste de diseño de nuevos productos o lanzamiento. Se relacionan también con un negocio más estable por lo que permiten mejor planificación de los gastos e inversiones, lo que se puede transferir a un incremento de calidad y a un menor riesgo operativo. Por último, los contratos de larga duración se suelen asociar con el beneficio medido por un embedded value más alto (en nivel de póliza) que en el caso de los contratos de duración corta. Sin embargo, los contratos de larga duración incluyen riesgos que representan amenazas para la solvencia más acusadas que en los casos de contratos cortos. Nos referimos sobre todo al riesgo financiero relacionado con la gestión de activos y pasivos, el riesgo relacionado con el nivel de gastos futuros, las variaciones de la cartera debidas a los rescates, el riesgo biométrico y todas aquellas garantías del contrato que se convierten en obligaciones a largo plazo..

    Evaluation of left ventricular function in overweight children and teenagers with arterial hypertension and white coat hypertension

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    Background: Obesity in childhood is strongly associated with elevated arterial blood pressure and risk of hypertension. The aim of the study was the evaluation of left ventricular (LV) function in hypertensive and white coat hypertensive overweight children and teenagers. Methods: The study group consisted of 74 overweight patients aged 10.3 ± 3.1 years (range: 6–16 years) diagnosed as hypertensive in standard blood pressure measurement. The control group consisted of 31 normotensive and normoweight children. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and echocardiographic assessment of the LV mass and function were performed in all participants. Results: Using ABPM hypertension was confirmed in 20 (27%) children. In the 54 (73%) remaining children white coat hypertension was diagnosed. The analysis of echocardiographic parameters revealed higher LV mass index (LVMI) in hypertensive overweight than in normotensive normoweight children (47.5 ± 9.2 g/m2.7 vs. 39.8 ± 12.1 g/m2.7; p < 0.05) and no difference between overweight hypertensive and white coat hypertension-hypertensive groups. The deceleration time of mitral early filling (DCT) was longer in hypertensive normoweight children than in normotensive overweight patients (219.5 ± 110.3 ms vs. 197.8 ± 65.8 ms; p < 0.05). A significant correlation between systolic blood pressure load (SBPL) and DCT (r = 0.57) and moderate correlation between SBPL and LVMI (r: 0.48) as well as between LVMI and isovolumetric relaxation time (r = 0.37) were found. Conclusions: In overweight children the diagnosis of hypertension should be confirmed in ABPM because of the high prevalence of white coat hypertension. Periodic echocardiographic examinations should be recommended in overweight children with increased SBPL and decreased systolic nocturnal deep because of the possibility of LV function impairment

    Sniženje temperature u unutarnjim mekim tkivima u odnosu na rektalnu temperaturu u pasa u ranom postmortalnom razdoblju

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    Until recently the rectum was the main site of temperature measurement in a carcass, due to its well-known heat loss mechanism. For more precise determination of time of death, researchers have begun to look for additional sites for temperature reading, such as the brain or soft tissues. Hence the main objective of the study was to compare the temperature reduction in the soft tissues of internal organs with the decrease in rectal temperature in a dog carcass. As most literature data pertain to humans, whereas in animals such measurements are performed sporadically, we aimed to investigate the potential use of post-mortem measurement of the heart, lung and liver temperature in a dog in order to establish the time of its death. The material for the study consisted of 20 dog carcasses divided into two weight groups (small - up to 15 kg and large - over 15 kg). The difference in temperature reduction between the small and large dogs was statistically significant, while the type of organ was not found to affect the rate of the decline in temperature.Sve donedavno rektum je bio glavno mjesto za mjerenje temperature u lešini zbog dobro poznatog mehanizma gubitka topline. Radi što točnijeg utvrđivanja trenutka smrti znanstvenici su počeli tražiti dodatna mjesta za mjerenje temperature, kao što je mozak ili meka tkiva. Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio usporediti vrijeme sniženja temperature u mekim tkivima unutarnjih organa s vremenom sniženja rektalne temperature u lešinama pasa. S obzirom na to da se većina literaturnih podataka odnosi na čovjeka, dok se u životinja ta mjerenja provode sporadično, cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti mogućnost postmortalnog mjerenja temperature srca, pluća i jetre u pasa, kako bi se ustanovilo vrijeme njihova uginuća. Mjerenja su provedena na 20 lešina pasa podijeljenih u dvije skupine prema tjelesnoj masi (do 15 kg i više od 15 kg). Razlika u vremenu sniženja temperature između dviju skupina bila je značajna, dok razlika u stupnju sniženja temperature pojedinih organa nije ustanovljen

    1,N 6 -α-hydroxypropanoadenine, the acrolein adduct to adenine, is a substrate for AlkB dioxygenase

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    1,N6-α-hydroxypropanoadenine (HPA) is an exocyclic DNA adduct of acrolein – an environmental pollutant and endocellular oxidative stress product. Escherichia coli AlkB dioxygenase belongs to the superfamily of α-ketoglutarate (αKG)- and iron-dependent dioxygenases which remove alkyl lesions from bases via an oxidative mechanism, thereby restoring native DNA structure. Here, we provide in vivo and in vitro evidence that HPA is mutagenic and is effectively repaired by AlkB dioxygenase. HPA generated in plasmid DNA caused A → C and A → T transversions and, less frequently, A → G transitions. The lesion was efficiently repaired by purified AlkB protein; the optimal pH, Fe(II), and αKG concentrations for this reaction were determined. In vitro kinetic data show that the protonated form of HPA is preferentially repaired by AlkB, albeit the reaction is stereoselective. Moreover, the number of reaction cycles carried out by an AlkB molecule remains limited. Molecular modeling of the T(HPA)T/AlkB complex demonstrated that the R stereoisomer in the equatorial conformation of the HPA hydroxyl group is strongly preferred, while the S stereoisomer seems to be susceptible to AlkB-directed oxidative hydroxylation only when HPA adopts the syn conformation around the glycosidic bond. In addition to the biochemical activity assays, substrate binding to the protein was monitored by differential scanning fluorimetry allowing identification of the active protein form, with cofactor and cosubstrate bound, and monitoring of substrate binding. In contrast FTO, a human AlkB homolog, failed to bind an ssDNA trimer carrying HPA

    Problemy terapeutyczne u 3-letniego chłopca z chorobą Kawasaki

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    A case of a three year-old by with delayed diagnosis of disease is presented. Treatment with immunoglobulins and methylpreduisolone was affective, however, no regression in coronary artery lesions was observed. The diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease are discussed. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 12: 1273–127

    Construcción de tablas de vida dinámicas para uno o dos sexos

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    Mientras que las tablas de vida tradicionales describen la mortalidad actual en un determinado periodo de tiempo, las tablas de vida dinámicas permiten una proyección de mortalidad futura. Además de la edad y el sexo, las tablas de vida dinámicas tienen también una tercera dimensión, que es el tiempo. Por lo tanto, permiten observar cambios en la mortalidad que resultan no solamente de cambios en la edad sino también de cambios que aparecen a lo largo del tiempo. Esto se refiere sobre todo a la tendencia de disminución de riesgo de mortalidad. Las tablas de vida dinámicas son, por lo tanto, muy útiles en la construcción de seguros de vida de larga duración y planes de pensiones. También pueden ser aplicadas en la construcción de tablas unisex (relacionado con el dictamen C-236/09 – Test -Achats). El objetivo del estudio es comprobar la diferencia en la esperanza de vida a la edad x en España calculada utilizando las tablas de vida estáticas (tradicionales) y dinámicas, para uno o ambos sexos. Este fin se realiza aplicando el modelo de Lee-Carter para pronosticar la mortalidad futur