226 research outputs found

    Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis and production theory for performance evaluation: framework and review

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    Accounting, life cycle assessment (LCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) are examples of various research areas that independently develop and apply diverse methodologies to evaluate performance. Though, many methods have in common that the results to be assessed are mainly determined by the inputs and outputs of the activities which are to be evaluated. Based on both production and decision theory, our comprehensive framework integrates and systematically distinguishes specific types of production-based performance assessment. It allows to examine and categorise the existing literature on such approaches. Our review focuses on sources which explicitly apply concepts or methods of multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA). We did not find any elaborated methodology that fully integrates MCDA with production theory. At least, a basic approach to multicriteria performance analysis, which generalises the methodology of data envelopment analysis, appears to be well-grounded on production theory. It was already presented in this journal in 2001 and has rarely been noticed in the literature until now. A short overview outlines its recent insights and main findings. A key finding is that a category mistake prevails among well-known methodologies of efficiency measurement like DEA. It may imply invalid empirical results because the inputs and outputs of production processes are confused with resulting impacts destroying or creating values (to be minimised or maximised, respectively). We conclude by defining open problems and by indicating prospective research directions

    О контактной прочности эвольвентных зубчатых передач

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    Приведены результаты численного моделирования контактного взаимодействия зубьев эвольвентной прямозубой зубчатой передачи при перекосах осей зубчатых колес. Показано отсутствие дополнительного (помимо известного герцевского) влияния приведенного радиуса кривизны контактирующих поверхностей на нагрузочную способность контакта, что опровергает данные, содержащиеся в некоторых литературных источниках. Установлено, что расчет контактной прочности эвольвентных передач по стандартной методике дает заниженные показатели по напряжениям и завышенные по нагрузочной способности в сравнении с результатами, полученными на расчетной модели.The computer simulation results for contact interaction of the spur involute gearing teeth at skewness of axes of the gear wheels are present. The absence of additional influence (besides known Hertz one) of the reduced principal curvature radius for contacting surfaces on the load-carrying capacity of the contact is shown. That disproves data of some references. It is stated that a calculation of contact strength of the involute gearing, based on the standard method, leads to decreased results on stresses and to increased results on load-carrying capacity by comparing with the data obtained in the numerical model

    Reference Data Models for the Strategic Controlling ofWasteManagement Firms

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    The paper depicts the developmentof reference data models for strategickey performance indicator systemsspecific to waste management firmsproviding a new comprehensive typologyof generic models for data warehousesolutions. Additionally, a developmentmethodology for industry solutionsis applied, which, given the empiricallyfounded typification processand the theoretically derived performancemeasurement systems, is characterizedby a high degree of structureand transparency. The new approachthus systematically integratesboth inductive-empirical and deductive-analytical elements

    Kicking against the pricks : Margaret Atwood's art(i)face(s).

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    "Margaret Atwood", claim the Margarets Atwood in a review of their book, Second Words, is not one person, but "a front for a committee" (McCombs, ed. 251). This thesis examines some of the faces of Margaret Atwood's artistry. It is governed by the premise that Atwood's work embodies the subversive strategies of a feminine sextuality. Hers is a (feminine) subversion on every level:: formal, linguistic, historical and thematic. Atwood replies to the phallocentric logos and the phallogocentric "I" by kicking against the pricks. It is a resistance that is both multiple and strategic. Therefore, my feminist post-structuralist approach to Atwood's multiplicities takes as its basis the rhizomatic theory of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattali. Rather than the centered metaphor of the well-wrought urn of textual modernity, the rhizome is an overground and underground metaphor; an identification of a proliferation of roots and shoots that are uncentered and endless. It is a metaphor that is both appropriate and applicable to the form and content of Atwood's work. This thesis, then, focuses on four major rhizomatic threads -- ways of seeing, language, the body, and desire -- in a comprehensive selection of both poetry and prose works. The irreducibility of Atwood's texts to a singular approach demands an equally strategic critical positionality. These readings, therefore, are not necessarily theoretically compatible, but they are definitely not mutually exclusive. Thus, the rhizomatics of this work echoes the contra-dictory complexity of that elusive Atwoodian beast

    Разработка и исследование возможностей кровати-трансформера для людей с ограниченными функциями

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    Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке и исследованию медицинской кровати-трансформер. В процессе исследования физических возможностей человека, использующего и обслуживающего реабилитационную кровать, была спроектирована установка "Кровать-трансформер". В процессе создания установки было спроектировано несколько вариаций конструкции кровати с разным функционалом, а также в работе проведено исследование на сравнение приводов для трансформации кровати. В работе освещены такие темы как "Появление и трансформация с течением времени многофункциональных медицинских кроватей" и "Особенности больных с ограниченными возможностями". Проведены финансовые расчеты и исследования безопасности при производстве и эксплуатации конструкции.The master's thesis is devoted to the development and research of a medical transformer bed. In the process of studying the physical capabilities of a person using and servicing a rehabilitation bed, the “Transformer bed” installation was designed. In the process of creating the installation, several variations in the design of the bed with different functionalities were designed, and a study was conducted to compare the drives for transforming the bed. The work covers topics such as “The emergence and transformation over time of multifunctional medical beds” and “Features of patients with disabilities.” Conducted financial calculations and safety studies in the production and operation of the structure

    Pressure instrumentation in explosive forming : the non-linear transient displacement of a circular plate

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    The use of explosive forming for small production runs has been considered suitable for New Zealand manufacturing. A literature review of the explosive forming process establishes the need for instrumentation that enables the loading of the workpiece to be determined, particularly that associated with the workpiece/energy transfer medium interaction. Because of the magnitude of the initial shock wave the development of a pressure transducer based upon the non-linear deflection of a circular clamped plate or plate/dielectric foundation is considered. A modal analysis of the linear response of a clamped plate or plate/foundation system with viscous damping and subject to a transient loading is derived. The Winkler and Pasternak models were used to represent the foundation behaviour. To determine the non-linear response of both a rigidly fixed edge and a simply supported immovable edge plate for similar conditions to those applied to the modal analysis a numerical program is developed. The spatial domain is modelled by central finite differences with a time element method giving a resultant recurrence scheme which is used in the time domain. An analysis of the effect of viscous damping on the stability of a range of three point schemes is derived for a single degree of freedom system and the results presented. For a range transient loads a strong correlation was obtained between the linear deflection results determined from numerical program and the modal analysis. The dynamic non-linear deflection of the plate and plate/foundation system is presented for step loads and a transient exponentially decaying load

    Las cloritas de las Cordilleras Béticas

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    249 páginas, figuras, tablas, 1 lámina Tesis Doctoral dirigida por el Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Rodríguez Gallego, Catedrático de Cristalografía y Mineralogía de la Universidad de Granada. Fue leída el 2 de julio de 1982 ante el tribunal formado por los profesores: Font Altaba, Barcelona; Rodríguez Gallego, Granada; Vera Torres, Granada; Aldaya Valverde, Granada y Linares Ruiz, CSIC. Obtuvo la calificación de Sobresaliente cum laude.La presente tesis se encuadra dentro de una amplia línea de investigación tendente al conocimiento de la mineralogía de las Cordilleras Béticas, este trabajo pretende cubrir el campo de las cloritas hasta el momento poco tocado, tratando de ofrecer una visión de conjunto tanto desde el punto de vista de las diversas formaciones de las Cordilleras Béticas, como desde el de las diversas características y propiedades de este grupo de minerales. Se busca un triple objetivo: desarrollar una metodología lo más exacta y completa posible para el estudio de las cloritas y aplicarla a muestras representativas de las diversas unidades de las Cordilleras Béticas (Complejo Alpujárride y Nevado_Filábride); buscar relaciones entre las condiciones de formación de las cloritas y sus características químicas y estructurales; y finalmente el conocimiento de las cloritas existentes en las diversas unidades de las Cordilleras Béticas.Peer reviewe