209 research outputs found

    Western Arctic Ocean temperature variability during the last 8000 years

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2011): L24602, doi:10.1029/2011GL049714.We reconstructed subsurface (∼200–400 m) ocean temperature and sea-ice cover in the Canada Basin, western Arctic Ocean from foraminiferal δ18O, ostracode Mg/Ca ratios, and dinocyst assemblages from two sediment core records covering the last 8000 years. Results show mean temperature varied from −1 to 0.5°C and −0.5 to 1.5°C at 203 and 369 m water depths, respectively. Centennial-scale warm periods in subsurface temperature records correspond to reductions in summer sea-ice cover inferred from dinocyst assemblages around 6.5 ka, 3.5 ka, 1.8 ka and during the 15th century Common Era. These changes may reflect centennial changes in the temperature and/or strength of inflowing Atlantic Layer water originating in the eastern Arctic Ocean. By comparison, the 0.5 to 0.7°C warm temperature anomaly identified in oceanographic records from the Atlantic Layer of the Canada Basin exceeded reconstructed Atlantic Layer temperatures for the last 1200 years by about 0.5°C.J.R.F., T.M.C., and R.C.T. thank support by USGS Global Change Program, G.S.D. thanks support from the USGS Global Change Program and the NSF Office of Polar Programs, A.d.V. thanks support by Fond québécois de la recherché sur la nature et les technologies (FQRNT) and the Ministere du Développement économique, innovation et exportation (MDEIE) of Quebec.2012-06-1

    Abundances and energy spectra of corotating interaction region heavy ions

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    We have surveyed He-Fe spectra for 41 Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) from 1998–2007 observed on ACE. The spectra are similar for all species, and have the form of broken power laws with the spectral break occurring at a few MeV/nucleon. Except for overabundances of He and Ne, the abundances are close to those of the solar wind. We find the rare isotope ^3He is enhanced in ~40% of the events. In individual CIRs the Fe/O ratio correlates strongly with the solar wind Fe/O ratio measured 2–4 days prior to the CIR passage. Taken together with previously reported observations of pick-up He^+ in CIRs, these observations provide evidence that CIRs are accelerated out of a suprathermal ion pool of heated solar wind ions, pick-up ions, and remnant suprathermal ions from impulsive solar energetic particle (SEP) events

    The role of North Brazil Current transport in the paleoclimate of the Brazilian Nordeste margin and paleoceanography of the western tropical Atlantic during the late Quaternary

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 415 (2014): 3-13, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.05.030.Reconstructions of surface paleoceanographic conditions of the western equatorial Atlantic and past climates of the adjacent Northeast Brazilian (the "Nordeste") continental margin were undertaken by analyzing sediments from a piston core and associated gravity and box cores recovered from 3107 meter water depth at 0° 20’ N on the equatorial Brazilian continental slope. The record is dated by radiocarbon analysis and oxygen isotopic stratigraphy of planktonic foraminifers and spans from near- modern to approximately 110 Ka. High-resolution XRF analysis provides insight into the paleoclimate history of the Nordeste during the last glacial interval. Several large-amplitude and abrupt peaks are observed in the time series of Ti/Ca and are usually accompanied by peaks of Fe/K. Together these record periods of increased precipitation and intense weathering on the adjacent continent and increased terrestrial sediment discharge from Nordeste rivers into the Atlantic. Within the limits of dating accuracy, most Ti/Ca peaks correlate with Heinrich events in the North Atlantic. This record thus corroborates, and extends back in time, the previous record of Arz et al (1998) determined on sediment cores from farther southeast along the Nordeste margin. Stable oxygen isotopic analysis and Mg/Ca paleothermometry on the near- surface-dwelling planktonic foraminiferal species Globierinoides ruber find that mean sea-surface temperature (SST) during glacial time (20 to 55 Ka, n = 97) was 23.89 ± 0.79 °C and the mean SST during the late Holocene (0 to 5 Ka, n = 14) was 26.89 ± 0.33 °C. SSTs were 0.5 to 2 °C higher and inferred sea-surface salinities were lower during most of the periods of elevated Ti/Ca, thus, as observed in previous studies, the western equatorial Atlantic was warm (at least locally) and the adjacent southern tropical continent was wet at the same time that the high-latitude North Atlantic was cold. Using the SYNTRACE-CCSM3 fully coupled climate model with transient forcing for the period 22 Ka to present, we find that decreased transport of the North Brazil Current co-occurs with reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, and colder-than-normal SSTs in the North Atlantic region. These simulated conditions are invariably associated with significantly increased precipitation in the Nordeste region.Funding for the cruise and post-cruise science was provided to PAB by NSF-OCE-0823650

    Negative Energy Density in Calabi-Yau Compactifications

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    We show that a large class of supersymmetric compactifications, including all simply connected Calabi-Yau and G_2 manifolds, have classical configurations with negative energy density as seen from four dimensions. In fact, the energy density can be arbitrarily negative -- it is unbounded from below. Nevertheless, positive energy theorems show that the total ADM energy remains positive. Physical consequences of the negative energy density include new thermal instabilities, and possible violations of cosmic censorship.Comment: 25 pages, v2: few clarifying comments and reference adde

    Recombinant production, characterization and industrial application testing of a novel acidic exo/endo-chitinase from Rasamsonia emersonii

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    An acid-active exo/endo-chitinase; comprising a GH18 catalytic domain and substrate insertion domain; originating from the thermophilic flamentous fungus Rasamsonia emersonii, was expressed in Pichia pastoris. In silico analysis including phylogenetic analysis, and recombinant production, purifcation, biochemical characterisation, and industrial application testing, was carried out. The expressed protein was identifed by SDS-PAGE as a smear from 56.3 to 125.1 kDa, which sharpens into bands at 46.0 kDa, 48.4 kDa and a smear above 60 kDa when treated with PNGase F. The acid-active chitinase was primarily a chitobiosidase but displayed some endo-chitinase and acetyl-glucosamidase activity. The enzyme was optimally active at 50 °C, and markedly low pH of 2.8. As far as the authors are aware, this is the lowest pH optima reported for any fungal chitinase. The acid-active chitinase likely plays a role in chitin degradation for cell uptake in its native environment, perhaps in conjunction with a chitin deacetylase. Comparative studies with other R. emersonii chitinases indicate that they may play a synergistic role in this. The acid-active chitinase displayed some efcacy against non-treated substrates; fungal chitin and chitin from shrimp. Thus, it may be suited to industrial chitin hydrolysis reactions for extraction of glucosamine and chitobiose at low pH

    A 1.8 million year history of Amazon vegetation

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    During the Pleistocene, long-term trends in global climate were controlled by orbital cycles leading to high amplitude glacial-interglacial variability. The history of Amazonian vegetation during this period is largely unknown since no continuous record from the lowland basin extends significantly beyond the last glacial stage. Here we present a paleoenvironmental record spanning the last 1800 kyr based on palynological data, biome reconstructions, and biodiversity metrics from a marine sediment core that preserves a continuous archive of sediments from the Amazon River. Tropical rainforests dominated the Amazonian lowlands during the last 1800 ka interchanging with surrounding warm-temperate rainforests and tropical seasonal forests. Between 1800 and 1000 ka, rainforest biomes were present in the Amazon drainage basin, along with extensive riparian wetland vegetation. Tropical rainforest expansion occurred during the relatively warm Marine Isotope Stages 33 and 31 (ca. 1110 to 1060 ka), followed by a contraction of both forests and wetlands until ca. 800 ka. Between 800 and 400 ka, low pollen concentration and low diversity of palynological assemblages renders difficult the interpretation of Amazonian vegetation. A strong synchronicity between vegetation changes and glacial-interglacial global climate cycles was established around 400 ka. After 400 ka, interglacial vegetation was dominated by lowland tropical rainforest in association with warmer temperatures and higher CO2. During cooler temperatures and lower CO2 of glacial stages, tropical seasonal forests expanded, presumably towards eastern Amazonia. While this study provides no evidence supporting a significant expansion of savanna or steppe vegetation within the Amazonian lowlands during glacial periods, there were changes in the rainforest composition in some parts of the basin towards a higher proportion of deciduous elements, pointing to less humid conditions and/or greater seasonality of precipitation. Nevertheless, rainforest persisted during both glacial and interglacial periods. These findings confirm the sensitivity of tropical lowland vegetation to changes in CO2, temperature, and moisture availability and the most suitable conditions for tropical rainforests occurred during the warmest stages of the Mid Pleistocene Transition and during the interglacial stages of the past 400 kyr

    Why do banks promise to pay par on demand?

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    We survey the theories of why banks promise to pay par on demand and examine evidence about the conditions under which banks have promised to pay the par value of deposits and banknotes on demand when holding only fractional reserves. The theoretical literature can be broadly divided into four strands: liquidity provision, asymmetric information, legal restrictions, and a medium of exchange. We assume that it is not zero cost to make a promise to redeem a liability at par value on demand. If so, then the conditions in the theories that result in par redemption are possible explanations of why banks promise to pay par on demand. If the explanation based on customers’ demand for liquidity is correct, payment of deposits at par will be promised when banks hold assets that are illiquid in the short run. If the asymmetric-information explanation based on the difficulty of valuing assets is correct, the marketability of banks’ assets determines whether banks promise to pay par. If the legal restrictions explanation of par redemption is correct, banks will not promise to pay par if they are not required to do so. If the transaction explanation is correct, banks will promise to pay par value only if the deposits are used in transactions. After the survey of the theoretical literature, we examine the history of banking in several countries in different eras: fourth-century Athens, medieval Italy, Japan, and free banking and money market mutual funds in the United States. We find that all of the theories can explain some of the observed banking arrangements, and none explain all of them
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