87 research outputs found

    ‘Wszystkiemu winni są litewscy prowokatorzy…’. Aneksja Litwy przez ZSRR latem 1940 r. w świetle dokumentów dyplomatycznych i materiałów propagandowych

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    The research problem addressed in this paper is the issue of the process of the accession of the Republic of Lithuania to the Soviet Union in the summer of 1940 and the political context of this event. There is much historical and political controversy nowadays around the history of Kremlin politics in 1939–1941, but recently the subject of annexation of Lithuania has not been discussed, and the issue of relations and diplomatic relations between the two countries has not been described in detail so far in Polish historiography. The research question was formulated as follows: why, in spite of the October 1939 Mutual Assistance Treaty, did Moscow decide to change the status quo and directly annex the neighbouring country, disregarding the considerable number of alternative scenarios and extensive possibilities of controlling Lithuania's policy? The research was conducted by analysing the documents of the diplomatic services of both countries (among which diplomatic correspondence occupies a special place), the then Soviet press from the point of view of the propaganda message used, as well as using memoiristic sources. As a result of the conducted research, no definite reasons for initiating the process of annexation of Lithuania by the USSR were defined, but a number of factors that may have a significant impact on the Kremlin's move were revealed. These include the successes of the Third Reich in the Second World War at that time, which, according to Moscow, could threaten the position of the USSR in the Baltic States and the achievements made, as well as the Kremlin's far-reaching imperial plans and the search for borders in the region.Problemem badawczym poruszonym w niniejszej pracy jest zagadnienie procesu przyłączenia Republiki Litewskiej do Związku Radzieckiego latem 1940 r. oraz kontekst polityczny tego wydarzenia. Współcześnie wokół historii polityki Kremla w latach 1939–1941 istnieje dużo kontrowersji historycznych i politycznych, niemniej w ostatnim czasie w polskiej historiografii temat aneksji Litwy nie był poruszany, a zagadnienie relacji i zależności dyplomatycznych między obydwoma państwami nie było dotąd wyczerpująco opisane. Pytanie badawcze sformułowano następująco: dlaczego, mimo obowiązywania Układu o przyjaźni, współpracy i pomocy wzajemnej z października 1939 r., Moskwa zdecydowała się na zmianę status quo i bezpośrednią aneksję sąsiedniego państwa mimo znacznych alternatywnych szerokich możliwości kontroli polityki Litwy? Badanie przeprowadzono analizując opracowane dokumenty służb dyplomatycznych obydwu państw (wśród których szczególne miejsce zajmuje korespondencja dyplomatyczna), ówczesną prasę radziecką pod kątem stosowanego przekazu propagandowego, a także wykorzystano źródła memuarystyczne. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań nie zdefiniowano jednoznacznych przyczyn zapoczątkowania procesu aneksji Litwy przez ZSRR, natomiast ujawniono szereg czynników mogących mieć znaczący wpływ na takie posunięcie Kremla. Należą do nich zarówno sukcesy III Rzeszy w II wojnie światowej w tym czasie co, zdaniem Moskwy, mogłoby zagrozić pozycji ZSRR w krajach bałtyckich i osiągniętym zdobyczom, jak również dalekosiężne plany imperialne Kremla i dążenie do rewizji granic w regionie

    O parabazie u jej antycznych źródeł

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    Modern reflection on a literary work uses the term "parabasis", which has been borrowed from ancient tradition. In the article the author goes back to the very sources of parabasis and reminds the meaning of the word parabasis which in Greek means departure from something, leaving the stage and the chorus remains to address the audience directly and in reference to Old Attic comedy, with which it is unequivocally associated, it means the structural part of a literary work in which a suspense of dramatic action occurs. Particular parabases were discussed which are found in the extant comedies of Aristophanes, this in order to find out that in none of the comedies it occurs in its complete model form as accepted by classical philologists on the basis of material known from Aristophanes and from fragments of comedies by other authors. The practical function of parabasis and its particular parts were shown on the example of The Knights by Aristophanes. In the final part of the article the author presented some contemporary views on parabasis of which some speak traditionally about breaking the scenic illusion while the others about the integral relation of parabasis with the other parts of the comedy. The author concludes that in spite of all parabases in Greek comedy have no parallel either in the earlier or in the later Greek literature. It has its own poetics, its own structure, and explicitly breaks science illusion, even if Greeks differently viewed the very phenomenon of breaking illusion in drama.Modern reflection on a literary work uses the term "parabasis", which has been borrowed from ancient tradition. In the article the author goes back to the very sources of parabasis and reminds the meaning of the word parabasis which in Greek means departure from something, leaving the stage and the chorus remains to address the audience directly and in reference to Old Attic comedy, with which it is unequivocally associated, it means the structural part of a literary work in which a suspense of dramatic action occurs. Particular parabases were discussed which are found in the extant comedies of Aristophanes, this in order to find out that in none of the comedies it occurs in its complete model form as accepted by classical philologists on the basis of material known from Aristophanes and from fragments of comedies by other authors. The practical function of parabasis and its particular parts were shown on the example of The Knights by Aristophanes. In the final part of the article the author presented some contemporary views on parabasis of which some speak traditionally about breaking the scenic illusion while the others about the integral relation of parabasis with the other parts of the comedy. The author concludes that in spite of all parabases in Greek comedy have no parallel either in the earlier or in the later Greek literature. It has its own poetics, its own structure, and explicitly breaks science illusion, even if Greeks differently viewed the very phenomenon of breaking illusion in drama

    O parabazie u jej antycznych źródeł

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    Modern reflection on a literary work uses the term "parabasis", which has been borrowed from ancient tradition. In the article the author goes back to the very sources of parabasis and reminds the meaning of the word parabasis which in Greek means departure from something, leaving the stage and the chorus remains to address the audience directly and in reference to Old Attic comedy, with which it is unequivocally associated, it means the structural part of a literary work in which a suspense of dramatic action occurs. Particular parabases were discussed which are found in the extant comedies of Aristophanes, this in order to find out that in none of the comedies it occurs in its complete model form as accepted by classical philologists on the basis of material known from Aristophanes and from fragments of comedies by other authors. The practical function of parabasis and its particular parts were shown on the example of The Knights by Aristophanes. In the final part of the article the author presented some contemporary views on parabasis of which some speak traditionally about breaking the scenic illusion while the others about the integral relation of parabasis with the other parts of the comedy. The author concludes that in spite of all parabases in Greek comedy have no parallel either in the earlier or in the later Greek literature. It has its own poetics, its own structure, and explicitly breaks science illusion, even if Greeks differently viewed the very phenomenon of breaking illusion in drama.Modern reflection on a literary work uses the term "parabasis", which has been borrowed from ancient tradition. In the article the author goes back to the very sources of parabasis and reminds the meaning of the word parabasis which in Greek means departure from something, leaving the stage and the chorus remains to address the audience directly and in reference to Old Attic comedy, with which it is unequivocally associated, it means the structural part of a literary work in which a suspense of dramatic action occurs. Particular parabases were discussed which are found in the extant comedies of Aristophanes, this in order to find out that in none of the comedies it occurs in its complete model form as accepted by classical philologists on the basis of material known from Aristophanes and from fragments of comedies by other authors. The practical function of parabasis and its particular parts were shown on the example of The Knights by Aristophanes. In the final part of the article the author presented some contemporary views on parabasis of which some speak traditionally about breaking the scenic illusion while the others about the integral relation of parabasis with the other parts of the comedy. The author concludes that in spite of all parabases in Greek comedy have no parallel either in the earlier or in the later Greek literature. It has its own poetics, its own structure, and explicitly breaks science illusion, even if Greeks differently viewed the very phenomenon of breaking illusion in drama

    Flow cytometric analysis of CD55 and CD59 expression on blood cells in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

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    PNH is a rare clonal disorder of hematopoietic stem cells, therefore all blood cells lineages are involved. The main feature is an increased sensitivity of erythrocytes to complement-mediated cell lysis due to deficiency of membrane-bound GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol)-anchored proteins which normally function as inhibitors of reactive hemolysis. In the present study, we performed flow cytometric analysis using monoclonal antibodies against CD55 and CD59 for the detection of PNH-type clone in the blood of 50 patients (28 females and 22 males, age range 7-67 yrs). In one patient only we found a large population (95%) of granulocytes with decreased expression of both CD55 and CD59 molecules (type I PNH) and in two others with partial loss of CD55 expression (type II PNH). The expression was determined chiefly on granulocytes which in the control group showed reliable and high expression of CD55 and CD59

    Rak pęcherzykowy tarczycy z przerzutami do wątroby — diagnostyka, leczenie i prognoza

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      Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) is the second most common type of thyroid cancer (TC) and accounts for approximately 10% of all TC cases. Liver metastases are a rare presentation in 0.5–1% of follicular thyroid cancers, usually occurring in the setting of widely disseminated FTC disease, and their presence is associated with poor prognosis. Until now, there have been only 30 cases of FTC liver metastases described in the literature. Herein, we review publications and describe diagnostic tools that may be used in the diagnosis and follow-up of FTC metastases to the liver, including biopsy and imaging techniques like US, CT, MRI, SPECT, PET, and radioiodine scintigraphy. We also present and discuss current methods of treatment, e.g. TSH suppressive therapy with levothyroxine, surgery, radiofrequency ablation (RFA), transarterial embolisation (TAE), liver transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE), chemotherapy with cisplatin and doxorubicin, treatment with Indium- 111-octreotide (or its analogues), and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (sorafenib, sunitinib). At the end we describe the course, results of diagnostics, and treatment in a patient with large multiple FTC metastases to the liver. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (3): 332–347)    Rak pęcherzykowy tarczycy (FTC) jest drugim najczęstszym typem raka tarczycy (TC) i stanowi około 10% wszystkich TC. Przerzuty do wątroby występują w 0,5–1% przypadków FTC, zwykle w przypadku znacznie zaawansowanej choroby nowotworowej i wiążą się ze złą prognozą. Do tej pory, tylko 30 przypadków FTC z przerzutami do wątroby zostało opisanych w literaturze. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu literatury i opisu metod diagnostycznych jakie mogą być użyte w badaniu i kontroli przerzutów FTC do wątroby, w tym biopsji, technik obrazowych, takich jak: USG, KT, MRI, SPECT, PET i scyntygrafii jodowej. Zaprezentowano i omówiono aktualne metody leczenia: terapię L-tyroksyną w dawce supresyjnej, leczenie operacyjne, ablację prądem o częstotliwości fal radiowych (RFA), embolizację przeztętniczą (TAE), przeztętniczą chemoembolizację, chemioterapię z użyciem cisplatyny i doksyrubicyny, leczenie z użyciem analogów somatostatyny w tym octreotydu znakowanego izotopem indu 111In, czy terapię z użyciem inhibitorów kinazy tyrozynowej (sorafenib, sunitynib). Na końcu opisano przebieg choroby, wyniki badań diagnostycznych i podjęte leczenie u chorej z ogromnymi mnogimi przerzutami FTC do wątroby. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (3): 332–347)

    Extraneural relapse of medulloblastoma mimicking acute leukemia: A diagnostic challenge in adult patient

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    Medulloblastoma is the most frequent malignant tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in children, but it can rarely occur in adults. Extraneural relapse of medulloblastoma occurs very rarely and it is usually associated with dismal prognosis. We present a case of young adult with relapsed medulloblastoma with extraneural metastases in the bone marrow and expression of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) on the malignant cells mimicking acute leukemia. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of medulloblastoma exhibiting expression of the TdT in adult. We would like to emphasize that in cases like this, differential diagnosis of anemia and thrombocytopenia in adults should include a consideration of primary or secondary bone marrow involvement by medulloblastoma or other rare malignancy

    Down-Regulation of the Interferon Signaling Pathway in T Lymphocytes from Patients with Metastatic Melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: Dysfunction of the immune system has been documented in many types of cancers. The precise nature and molecular basis of immune dysfunction in the cancer state are not well defined. METHODS AND FINDINGS: To gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of immune dysfunction in cancer, gene expression profiles of pure sorted peripheral blood lymphocytes from 12 patients with melanoma were compared to 12 healthy controls. Of 25 significantly altered genes in T cells and B cells from melanoma patients, 17 are interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes. These microarray findings were further confirmed by quantitative PCR and functional responses to IFNs. The median percentage of lymphocytes that phosphorylate STAT1 in response to interferon-α was significantly reduced (Δ = 16.8%; 95% confidence interval, 0.98% to 33.35%) in melanoma patients (n = 9) compared to healthy controls (n = 9) in Phosflow analysis. The Phosflow results also identified two subgroups of patients with melanoma: IFN-responsive (33%) and low-IFN-response (66%). The defect in IFN signaling in the melanoma patient group as a whole was partially overcome at the level of expression of IFN-stimulated genes by prolonged stimulation with the high concentration of IFN-α that is achievable only in IFN therapy used in melanoma. The lowest responders to IFN-α in the Phosflow assay also showed the lowest gene expression in response to IFN-α. Finally, T cells from low-IFN-response patients exhibited functional abnormalities, including decreased expression of activation markers CD69, CD25, and CD71; T(H)1 cytokines interleukin-2, IFN-γ, and tumor necrosis factor α, and reduced survival following stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28 antibodies compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Defects in interferon signaling represent novel, dominant mechanisms of immune dysfunction in cancer. These findings may be used to design therapies to counteract immune dysfunction in melanoma and to improve cancer immunotherapy

    Recovery of ζ-chain expression and changes in spontaneous IL-10 production after PSA-based vaccines in patients with prostate cancer

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    Circulating T lymphocytes of patients with prostate cancer have been reported to have functional deficits, including low or absent ζ-chain expression. To determine whether these functional impairments could be reversed by prostate specific antigen-based vaccination therapy, 10 patients treated with recombinant human prostate specific antigen plus GM-CSF and eight others receiving prostate specific antigen plus oil emulsion in two pilot clinical trials were evaluated prior to and after vaccination for several immunologic end points, including ζ-chain expression and cytokine production by circulating T cells as well as the frequency of T cells able to respond to prostate specific antigen in ELISPOT assays. The flow cytometry assay for ζ-chain expression was standardized to allow for a reliable comparison of pre- vs post-vaccination samples. Prior to therapy, the patients were found to have significantly lower ζ-chain expression in circulating CD3+ cells and a higher percentage of ζ-chain negative CD3+ and CD4+ cells than normal donors. The patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells spontaneously produced more IL-10 ex vivo than those of normal controls. After vaccination, recovery of ζ-chain expression was observed in 50% of patients in both clinical trials. Also, spontaneous IL-10 secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells decreased following immunotherapy in patients treated with prostate specific antigen and GM-CSF. The frequency of prostate specific antigen-reactive T cells was detectable in 7 out of 18 patients vs 4 out of 18 patients prior to vaccination. Only one of 18 patients was a clinical responder. The vaccine had stimulatory effects on the patients' immune system, but post-vaccine immune recovery could not be correlated to progression-free survival in this small cohort of patients with prostate cancer