5,502 research outputs found

    Long-Term Stability of Planets in Binary Systems

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    A simple question of celestial mechanics is investigated: in what regions of phase space near a binary system can planets persist for long times? The planets are taken to be test particles moving in the field of an eccentric binary system. A range of values of the binary eccentricity and mass ratio is studied, and both the case of planets orbiting close to one of the stars, and that of planets outside the binary orbiting the system's center of mass, are examined. From the results, empirical expressions are developed for both 1) the largest orbit around each of the stars, and 2) the smallest orbit around the binary system as a whole, in which test particles survive the length of the integration (10^4 binary periods). The empirical expressions developed, which are roughly linear in both the mass ratio mu and the binary eccentricity e, are determined for the range 0.0 <= e <= 0.7-0.8 and 0.1 <= mu <= 0.9 in both regions, and can be used to guide searches for planets in binary systems. After considering the case of a single low-mass planet in binary systems, the stability of a mutually-interacting system of planets orbiting one star of a binary system is examined, though in less detail.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables, accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    Experiencing Myself in Belize: Adventures of Studying Abroad

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    April 18, 1994 Another beautiful day ... we went snorkeling today after class. This water is absolutely fantastic ... I believe I am overcoming a deep seeded fear of the Deep Blue. Today, Heidi spotted a nurse shark on the reef and pointed it out to me while we were in the water. Surprisingly, I was anxious to see the shark, and felt a bit disappointed after it left. I\u27m feeling a growth and change inside of myself - something I believe this secluded ca ye has brought 0 u t Although I am excited to get home, I dread the day we have to say good-bye

    Investigation to advance prediction techniques of the low-speed aerodynamics of V/STOL aircraft

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    A computer program, VSAERO, has been applied to a number of V/STOL configurations with a view to advancing prediction techniques for the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics. The program couples a low-order panel method with surface streamline calculation and integral boundary layer procedures. The panel method--which uses piecewise constant source and doublet panels-includes an iterative procedure for wake shape and models boundary layer displacement effect using the source transpiration technique. Certain improvements to a basic vortex tube jet model were installed in the code prior to evaluation. Very promising results were obtained for surface pressures near a jet issuing at 90 deg from a flat plate. A solid core model was used in the initial part of the jet with a simple entrainment model. Preliminary representation of the downstream separation zone significantly improve the correlation. The program accurately predicted the pressure distribution inside the inlet on the Grumman 698-411 design at a range of flight conditions. Furthermore, coupled viscous/potential flow calculations gave very close correlation with experimentally determined operational boundaries dictated by the onset of separation inside the inlet. Experimentally observed degradation of these operational boundaries between nacelle-alone tests and tests on the full configuration were also indicated by the calculation. Application of the program to the General Dynamics STOL fighter design were equally encouraging. Very close agreement was observed between experiment and calculation for the effects of power on pressure distribution, lift and lift curve slope

    Cloned mouse cells with natural killer function and cloned suppressor T cells express ultrastructural and biochemical features not shared by cloned inducer T cells.

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    We have examined the morphology, cytochemistry, and biochemistry of mouse leukocyte subsets by analyzing cloned leukocyte populations specialized to perform different immunologic functions. Cloned cells expressing high-affinity plasma membrane receptors for IgE and mediating natural killer (NK) lysis and cloned antigen-specific suppressor T cells contained prominent osmiophilic cytoplasmic granules similar by ultrastructure to those of mouse basophils. Both clones also incorporated 35SO4 into granule-associated sulfated glycosaminoglycans, expressed a characteristic ultrastructural pattern of nonspecific esterase activity, incorporated exogenous [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine, and contained cytoplasmic deposits of particulate glycogen. By contrast, cloned inducer T cells lacked cytoplasmic granules and glycogen, incorporated neither 35SO4 nor [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine, and differed from the other clones in pattern of nonspecific esterase activity. These findings establish that certain cloned cells with NK activity and cloned suppressor T cells express morphologic and biochemical characteristics heretofore associated with basophilic granulocytes. However, these clones differ in surface glycoprotein expression and immunologic function, and the full extent of the similarities and differences among these populations and basophils remains to be determined

    Can stellar wobble in triple systems mimic a planet?

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    The first extrasolar planets have been detected by the measurement of the wobble of the parent star. This wobble leads to the periodic modulation of three observables: the radial velocity, the position on the sky and the time of arrival of periodic signals. We show that the same wobble, and therefore the same modulation of the three observables, can be due to the presence of a more distant binary stellar companion. Thus, the observation of the wobble does not, by itself, constitute a proof of a planet detection. In particular, astrometric confirmation of a wobble does not necessarily provide a sufficient proof of the existence of a planet candidate detected by radial velocity. Additional conditions, which we discuss here, must be fulfilled. We investigate the observed wobble for the planet candidates already detected and we find that, for each case, a wobble due to a binary stellar companion can be excluded. But for apparent Saturn-like planets in wide orbits, there may be an ambiguity in future detections, especially in spaceborne astrometric missions. We conclude that, in some cases, a definitive proof for the presence of a planet requires further observations such as direct imaging.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Study of the Temperature Turbulences Effect upon Optical Beam in Atmospheric Optical Communication

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    The paper deals with the study of the effect of temperature turbulences upon the optical beam. The polarization parameters of optical radiation sources and different optical beam states of polarization have been investigated. The obtained polarization parameters are projected on the Poincare sphere by means of Stokes vectors. The optical power distribution curves of optical beams are processed into diagrams. The horizontal and vertical components of linearly and circularly polarized optical beams have been studied. The turbulence flux has vertical direction and the optical beam is propagating through an atmosphere environment with three different states of turbulence. The evaluation of the obtained data was done by means of variance and correlation functions computing. Different rates of effect of temperature turbulences upon horizontal and vertical components were found. To reduce the rate of effect the advantage of an optical beam with circular polarization has been proposed

    Using CLIPS in the domain of knowledge-based massively parallel programming

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    The Program Development Environment (PDE) is a tool for massively parallel programming of distributed-memory architectures. Adopting a knowledge-based approach, the PDE eliminates the complexity introduced by parallel hardware with distributed memory and offers complete transparency in respect of parallelism exploitation. The knowledge-based part of the PDE is realized in CLIPS. Its principal task is to find an efficient parallel realization of the application specified by the user in a comfortable, abstract, domain-oriented formalism. A large collection of fine-grain parallel algorithmic skeletons, represented as COOL objects in a tree hierarchy, contains the algorithmic knowledge. A hybrid knowledge base with rule modules and procedural parts, encoding expertise about application domain, parallel programming, software engineering, and parallel hardware, enables a high degree of automation in the software development process. In this paper, important aspects of the implementation of the PDE using CLIPS and COOL are shown, including the embedding of CLIPS with C++-based parts of the PDE. The appropriateness of the chosen approach and of the CLIPS language for knowledge-based software engineering are discussed

    CoRoT's first seven planets: An overview

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    The up to 150 day uninterrupted high-precision photometry of about 100000 stars - provided so far by the exoplanet channel of the CoRoT space telescope - gave a new perspective on the planet population of our galactic neighbourhood. The seven planets with very accurate parameters widen the range of known planet properties in almost any respect. Giant planets have been detected at low metallicity, rapidly rotating and active, spotted stars. CoRoT-3 populated the brown dwarf desert and closed the gap of measured physical properties between standard giant planets and very low mass stars. CoRoT extended the known range of planet masses down to 5 Earth masses and up to 21 Jupiter masses, the radii to less than 2 Earth radii and up to the most inflated hot Jupiter found so far, and the periods of planets discovered by transits to 9 days. Two CoRoT planets have host stars with the lowest content of heavy elements known to show a transit hinting towards a different planet-host-star-metallicity relation then the one found by radial-velocity search programs. Finally the properties of the CoRoT-7b prove that terrestrial planets with a density close to Earth exist outside the Solar System. The detection of the secondary transit of CoRoT-1 at the 10510^{-5}-level and the very clear detection of the 1.7 Earth radii of CoRoT-7b at 3.51043.5 10^{-4} relative flux are promising evidence of CoRoT being able to detect even smaller, Earth sized planets.Comment: 8 pages, 19 figures and 3 table

    Dynamical Stability and Habitability of Gamma Cephei Binary-Planetary System

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    It has been suggested that the long-lived residual radial velocity variations observed in the precision radial velocity measurements of the primary of Gamma Cephei (HR8974, HD222404, HIP116727) are likely due to a Jupiter-like planet around this star (Hatzes et al, 2003). In this paper, the orbital dynamics of this plant is studied and also the possibility of the existence of a hypothetical Earth-like planet in the habitable zone of its central star is discussed. Simulations, which have been carried out for different values of the eccentricity and semimajor axis of the binary, as well as the orbital inclination of its Jupiter-like planet, expand on previous studies of this system and indicate that, for the values of the binary eccentricity smaller than 0.5, and for all values of the orbital inclination of the Jupiter-like planet ranging from 0 to 40 degrees, the orbit of this planet is stable. For larger values of the binary eccentricity, the system becomes gradually unstable. Integrations also indicate that, within this range of orbital parameters, a hypothetical Earth-like planet can have a long-term stable orbit only at distances of 0.3 to 0.8 AU from the primary star. The habitable zone of the primary, at a range of approximately 3.1 to 3.8 AU, is, however, unstable.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, submitted for publicatio