11 research outputs found

    Results of the sensory analysis of precision maize production

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    This research was carried out in 2018, at the Látókép Experimental Station of the University of Debrecen in a moderately warm and dry production area, on deep humus layered medium-hard calcareous chernozem soil. In the scope of the research, the chlorophyll content of maize (Zea mays L.) was examined under field circumstances by means of local sensory measurements and we were looking for correlation between the obtained values and the amount of yield. Our measurements were carried out with Minolta SPAD-502 and GreenSeeker devices at 3 measurement times (4 leaf stage, 10 leaf stage and silking). It was found that phenological phases had an effect on the obtained SPAD and NDVI values and were in a slightly significant correlation with the yield. The most significant correlation was found between the results obtained during silking and the amount of yield. This may be because the least time has passed between the measurement time and harvest. Results obtained during the 10-leaf stage show excessive values in each case, which can be due to a measurement error. It was found that the phenological phase had an effect on the correlation of SPAD and NDVI values and the amount of yield. As the phenological phase progressed, the correlation between the measured results and yield has increased

    Természeti értékek - hungarikumok

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    A szakdolgozatom témája egy előadássorozat, illetve annak tapasztalatai voltak. Az előadásokat a közoktatás 3 különböző "állomásán" tartottam, így általános iskolában, gimnáziumban és a felnőttoktatásban is voltam. Az előadásokat követő egy héten belül visszatértem a korábban megkeresett osztályokba és egy 16+1 kérdéses tesztet töltettem ki a tanulókkal, ezáltal felmérve a tanulók fogékonyságát egy tetszőleges természetvédelmi témájú előadásra. Az előadás témája jelen esetben a hungarikumok, mint természeti értékek volt.BSc/BATermészetvédelmi mérnök

    Menedzsment zónák közti heterogenitás vizsgálata helyszíni mérésekkel üzemi körülmények között

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    A kutatásom során kukorica (Zea mays L.) növényt vizsgáltam 3 vegetációs időszakban (6 leveles állapotban, 12 leveles állapotban és virágzáskor) 3 érzékenységi időszakban (nem érzékeny, enyhén érzékeny és érzékeny). A mérések során vizsgáltam az állományok klorofill tartalmát, vegetációs indexét, illetve LAI-indexét is és a táblák közt eltérő eredmények születtek. A kutatás során kapott eredményeket felhasználtam, értékeltem, illetve kerestem a választ, hogy miért is tér el a hozam bizonyos foltokban a táblaátlagoktól. Minden táblán szignifikáns különbséget találtunk a különböző mérési időpontokban kapott eredmények között. Az eredményeket felhasználva igazoltuk, hogy a növény növekedésével nőtt a levélben található klorofill koncentrációja, illetve a növényben található klorofill mennyisége. Azért tartom fontosnak kutatásomat, mert általa vonatkoztathatunk a precíziós gazdálkodás fontosságára, annak élelmezésügyi, és fenntarthatósági jelentőségére.MSc/MAAgrármérnö

    Examination of the Productivity and Physiological Responses of Maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) to Nitrapyrin and Foliar Fertilizer Treatments

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    Nutrient stress has been known as the main limiting factor for maize growth and yield. Nitrapyrin, as a nitrification inhibitor—which reduces nitrogen loss—and foliar fertilizer treatments have been successfully used to enhance the efficiency of nutrient utilization, however, the impacts of these two technologies on physiological development, enzymatic responses, and productivity of maize are poorly studied. In this paper, the concentration of each stress indicator, such as contents of proline, malondialdehyde (MDA), relative chlorophyll, photosynthetic pigments, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured in maize leaf tissues. In addition, biomass growth, as well as quantitative and qualitative parameters of yield production were examined. Results confirm the enhancing impact of nitrapyrin on the nitrogen use of maize. Furthermore, lower activity of proline, MDA, SOD, as well as higher photosynthetic activity were shown in maize with a more favorable nutrient supply due to nitrapyrin and foliar fertilizer treatments. The obtained findings draw attention to the future practical relevance of these technologies that can be implemented to enhance the physiological development and productivity of maize. However, this paper also highlights the importance of irrigation, as nutrient uptake from soil by the crops decreases during periods of drought

    Spectral and Redox Properties of a Recombinant Mouse Cytochrome b561 Protein Suggest Transmembrane Electron Transfer Function

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    Cytochrome b561 proteins (CYB561s) are integral membrane proteins with six trans-membrane domains, two heme-b redox centers, one on each side of the host membrane. The major characteristics of these proteins are their ascorbate reducibility and trans-membrane electron transferring capability. More than one CYB561 can be found in a wide range of animal and plant phyla and they are localized in membranes different from the membranes participating in bioenergization. Two homologous proteins, both in humans and rodents, are thought to participate—via yet unidentified way—in cancer pathology. The recombinant forms of the human tumor suppressor 101F6 protein (Hs_CYB561D2) and its mouse ortholog (Mm_CYB561D2) have already been studied in some detail. However, nothing has yet been published about the physical-chemical properties of their homologues (Hs_CYB561D1 in humans and Mm_CYB561D1 in mice). In this paper we present optical, redox and structural properties of the recombinant Mm_CYB561D1, obtained based on various spectroscopic methods and homology modeling. The results are discussed in comparison to similar properties of the other members of the CYB561 protein family

    The Effect of Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems on Maize Yield

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    Increasing the agricultural production is indispensable from the aspect of feeding the world’s population which can be provided with increasing amounts of irrigation water and mineral fertilisation. Increasing yields can be achieved with proper nutrient management, but yield safety can only be provided with proper water management. Today, producers can choose from various different maize hybrids. However, it is important to consider the nutrient response of the given hybrid and there is an increasing need for irrigation as a result of climate change. In Hungary, in addition to the conventional (ploughing-based) tillage technology of maize, moisture-saving and conservation (precision, strip-tillage) tillage methods also appeared. The principle of conservation tillage involves maintenance of surface soil cover through retention of crop residues achievable by practicing minimal mechanical soil disturbance. Strip-tillage is a form of conservation tillage systems. It combines the benefits of conventional clean tillage with the soil-protecting advantages of no-tillage systems. Strip-tillage has the potential advantages of providing a suitable seedbed for maize production and maintained yield level with minimum energy expenditures, while leaving surface residues in the inter-row area to reduce soil erosion, water loss from the soil and improved soil structure