31 research outputs found

    The Many Faces of Autism: Implications for assessment and association with anxiety

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder, making it difficult to accurately identify ASD, especially in certain groups such as girls. The __first aim__ of this thesis was to contribute to the identification of ASD by examining the role of screening instruments, informants, and changes in diagnostic criteria, and differences betw

    Nervousness and Performance Characteristics as Predictors of Peer Behavior Towards Socially Anxious Adolescents

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    Social anxiety in adolescents has frequently been linked to negative outcomes from social interactions. The present study investigated whether socially anxious adolescents are treated negatively by their classmates and which characteristics of socially anxious adolescents could explain negative social responses. Classroom observations of class behavior were made during oral presentations of 94 students (60% females) in the ages of 13–18 years. Speakers’ social performance, speech quality, and nervousness during the presentation were also rated. Findings showed that the social performance of socially anxious students was a predictor of class behavior, whereas their overt nervousness was not. Surprisingly, the quality of their speech was negatively related to class behavior. Implications of these findings for the treatment of socially anxious adolescents are discussed

    Caring for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder:Factors Associating with Health- and Care-Related Quality of Life of the Caregivers

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    This study investigated the association of child, caregiver, and caregiving measurements with the quality of life (QoL) in 81 caregivers (mostly parents) of clinically referred children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We used the EuroQol five-dimensional (EQ-5D) questionnaire and the care-related QoL questionnaire (CarerQol) to respectively assess health-related QoL and care-related QoL. Health-related QoL was associated with the caregiver's internalizing problems and adaptive coping, explaining 38% of the variance. Parenting stress and adaptive coping were associated with the care-related QoL and explained 60% of the variance. Child variables were not associated with the caregiver's health- and care-related QoL if caregiver and caregiving variables were taken into account. Findings indicate the importance of the caregiver's mental health, coping, and parenting stress in caring for children with ASD

    Utility of the 3Di Short Version for the Diagnostic Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Compatibility with DSM-5

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    The Developmental Diagnostic Dimensional Interview-short version (3Di-sv) provides a brief standardized parental interview for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study explored its validity, and compatibility with DSM-5 ASD. 3Di-sv classifications showed good sensitivity but low specificity when compared to ADOS-2-confirmed clinical diagnosis. Confirmatory factor analyses found a better fit against a DSM-5 model than a DSM-IV-TR model of ASD. Exploration of the content validity of the 3Di-sv for the DSM-5 revealed some construct underrepresentation, therefore we obtained data from a panel of 3Di-trained clinicians from ASD-specialized centers to recommend items to fill these gaps. Taken together, the 3Di-sv provides a solid basis to create a similar instrument suitable for DSM-5. Concrete recommendations are provided to improve DSM-5 compatibility

    Children with an autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers: capturing health-related and care-related quality of life

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    This study investigated health-related QoL (HRQoL) and care-related quality of life (CarerQol) in clinically referred children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and their primary and secondary caregivers. The EuroQol fve-dimensional (EQ5D) and the CarerQol questionnaires were used to respectively measure health-related QoL and care-related QoL. Primary caregivers reported pain/discomfort (42%) and anxiety/depression (40%). In caring, they mostly experienced problems in the relationship with the child (84%), and in combining care with daily activities (51%). Children with ASD had a relevantly lower QoL. Despite negative efects, almost all caregivers (96%) derived fulfllment from caring for their afected children. HRQoL and CarerQol reports of primary caregivers and children were correlated, both providing useful information to ASD measurement and treatment

    Design and Cohort Characteristics of the Social Spectrum Study: A Multicenter Study of the Autism Spectrum Among Clinically Referred Children

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    This paper provides an overview of the design and cohort characteristics of the Social Spectrum Study: a clinical cohort study that used a two-phase sampling design to identify children at risk for ASD. After screening 1281 children aged 2.5–10 years who had been consecutively referred to one of six mental health services in the Netherlands, children who screened positive for ASD (n = 428) and a random selection of screen negatives (n = 240) were invited to participate in diagnostic assessments and questionnaires regarding the child, family and society. A 1-year follow-up was also conducted. Results from this study may contribute to knowledge of the identification and characterization of children with ASD, family processes, and the impact of ASD on the family and society

    The CHIP-Family study to improve the psychosocial wellbeing of young children with congenital heart disease and their families: design of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at increased risk for behavioral, emotional, and cognitive problems. They often have reduced exercise capacity and participate less in sports, which is associated with a lower quality of life. Starting school may present more challenges for children with CHD and their families than for families with healthy children. Moreover, parents of children with CHD are at risk for psychosocial problems. Therefore, a family-centered psychosocial intervention for children with CHD when starting school is needed. Until now, the 'Congenital Heart Disease Intervention Program (CHIP) - School' is the only evidence-based intervention in this field. However, CHIP-School targeted parents only and resulted in non-significant, though positive, effects as to child psychosocial wellbeing. Hence, we expanded CHIP by adding a specific child module and including siblings, creating the CHIP-Family intervention. The CHIP-Family study aims to (1) test the effects of CHIP-Family on parental mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of CHD-children and to (2) identify baseline psychosocial and medical predictors for the e

    The Many Faces of Autism: Implications for assessment and association with anxiety

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder, making it difficult to accurately identify ASD, especially in certain groups such as girls. The __first aim__ of this thesis was to contribute to the identification of ASD by examining the role of screening instruments, informants, and changes in diagnostic criteria, and differences betw