45 research outputs found

    Examining the Leadership Style of Mike Espy Using Key Leadership Traits

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    This study seeks to evaluate the leadership style of Mike Espy, a former United States Secretary of Agriculture and Congressman. The author will employ four methodologies: good and bad leadership attributes, leadership style, and vision shaping. Organizational leadership will be analyzed through a new leadership theory and guiding principles that aim to identify ways of enhancing leadership in a dynamic society. Mike Espy has extensive experience in politics, having served in Congress and the military. In 1986, he became Mississippi’s first African American to serve in Congress since Reconstruction. He made history again in 1993 when President Bill Clinton appointed him as the United States Secretary of Agriculture, making him the first African American to hold the position. The author will assess Espy’ s leadership style and its effectiveness in achieving his goals. This study aims to provide insights into effective leadership strategies that can be applied in various settings

    An Analysis of Congressman Bennie Thompson’s Leadership in Advancing Equality and Democracy in America

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    This article analyzes Congressman Bennie Thompson’s leadership role in the fight for equality and justice for all Americans and his fight to maintain and sustain the democracy experiment in America. The analysis examines the political trajectory of the subject in question, casting light on their initial engagement and underlying motivations. Additionally, this article examines the strategies and initiatives utilized by Thompson. This study aims to assess the impact of Thompson’s leadership on advancing equity and democracy in the United States by thoroughly analyzing his policies, legislative achievements, and public advocacy. Finally, it looks at Thompson’s political career, casting light on the efficacy and significance of his efforts to advance a society characterized by justice and democracy

    Estudio de correlaciones cuánticas en un sistema Tavis-Cumming

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 41-50).Se estudian las correlaciones cuánticas de dos qubits en una microcavidad con disipación y un solo modo cuantificado del campo electromagnético interactuado con ella. Para estudiar nuestro sistema físico, se utiliza el modelo de Tavis-Cummings y el formalismo de la ecuación maestra del operador de densidad bajo las aproximaciones de Born-Markov. El modo de cavidad estará acoplado con un láser pulsado externo y la ecuación maestra del operador de densidad que describe la evolución del sistema será resuelta numéricamente. La concurrencia, la información mutua cuántica y la discordancia cuántica se determinan para el sistema de dos qubits. Las correlaciones se estudian como una función de la cantidad adimensional τ = gt cuando la intensidad de acoplamiento cavidad láser varía, y se consideran dos condiciones iniciales en el régimen de acoplamiento débil en los que se estudió la evolución dinámica de estas correlaciones.The quantum correlations of two qubits in a microcavity with dissipation and a single quantized mode of the electromagnetic field are studied. In order to study our physical system, the Tavis-Cummings model and the formalism of the master equation of the density operator under the Born-Markov approximations will be used. The cavity mode will be coupled with an external pulsed laser and the master equation of the density operator that describes the evolution of the system will be solved numerically. The concurrence, the quantum mutual information, and the quantum discord are determined for the system of two qubits. The correlations are studied as a function of the dimensionless quantity τ = gt when the intensity of the laser cavity coupling varies, and two initial conditions are considered in the weak coupling regime in which the dynamic evolution of these correlations was studied.Bibliografía: páginas 49-50

    Monstruos en la red

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    El proyecto de investigación aborda el tema de los ataques de pedófilos y pederastas en las redes sociales, (Entendiendo la palabra pedófilo, como un hombre adulto que busca abusar sexualmente de un menor de edad), siendo Facebook, el eje de trabajo, para desarrollar la investigación, lo que se planea es lograr visibilizar y generar conciencia de los diferentes riesgos y repercusiones al enfrentarse a ataques de este tipo de personas por medio de una estrategia publicitaria digital, la cual tiene como base una guía interactiva que en un principio será presentada en un colegio del municipio de Soacha, dicha guía trata de qué tipo de acercamientos pueden efectuar personas con tendencias pedófilas y pederastas, y cuál sería la manera adecuada en que los jóvenes deberían actuar frente a ellas

    Cambio de Sexo: Implicaciones Jurídico-Forence

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    Transfert de nouveaux outils biotechnologiques au CIRDES pour une meilleure connaissance des trypanosomoses animales et de leur épidémiologie

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    Transfer To CIRDES In Burkina Faso Of Molecular Biotechniques For The Epidemiology Of Animal Trypanosomoses. On the occasion of the internationalisation of CRTA, located in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), which becomes CIRDES, the authors present different activities of this Centre, which has a regional vocation, for research-development on livestock. Highlighted are the activities to transfer recent molecular biotechniques (DNA probes, PCR). These tools are used for specifically characterise trypanosomes in host animals and vectors. This may result in a better understanding of the epidemiological cycles of these parasites and ultimately more efficient control

    Embryo-Politics in Haiti

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