376 research outputs found
Gay in the Sasanian period: some preliminary notes on its circular urban plan
This paper examines the Sasanian allegedly circular city of Gay, in the region of Isfahan. Material traces of the city have unfortunately been lost so we are forced to rely on Islamic literary sources alone. After an introduction discussing some aspects of the history of Gay, such as its foundation and possible founder, an attempt shall be made to reconstruct its layout according to the information available in medieval sources and through a comparison with the most renowned Sasanian circular city, ArdashÄ«r Xwarrah/FÄ«rĆ«zÄbÄd. Some hypotheses shall be advanced which aim to investigate new interesting features of the plan of Gay, in particular its connection with Sasanian astronomical beliefs
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The effect of partial hepatectomy on the strength of a conditioned taste aversion: A parametric study
The Impact of Tourism Destination On The Welfare of Micro Businesses In West Sumatera
Tourism sector being the industries that determine the long term economic growth, this sector give big contribution to the region, labor and can create job opportunity to local community through product and services. However the impact of tourism sector to the welfare of micro business is totally ignored. This Research is expected to provide the information about the impact of tourism destination to the welfare of micro business in West Sumatera. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to find the relationship between tourism destination to the micro business in tourism area. the research was conducted in February 2017 with the number of respondents 150 micro business in tourism area.
Keywords : tourism, micro business, welfare, structural equation modeling (SEM
Analysis of Sumatran Earthquake Coulomb Stress Changes in Geothermal Potential in Rianite, Samosir Regency
Increasing energy demand and high world oil prices are making countries turn to geothermal energy use. Indonesia is a country that has geothermal energy due to Indonesia's geographical location and geological conditions, which is located between three active earth plates so that Indonesia has 240 volcanoes and often experiences earthquakes. The 2003-2013 earthquake data obtained are coordinates, magnitude, depth, focal mechanism and all these data are analyzed in the coulomb stress method. Rianiate geothermal measurement data in March 2013 included geothermal location, hotspring and air temperature, pH, and geochemical measurements. The analysis results showed that the highest coulomb stress value was at a depth of 90 km of 0.56 bar while the shear and normal values were 0.452 bar and 0.251 bar. The result of the spread of coulomb stress is to the northeast, east and southeast. Then the results of the analysis of the direction of distribution of coulomb stress are compared to the location of the hotspring based on a decrease in temperature, the change in the potential of hotspring 1 leads to hotspring 2, 3, and 4 in the opposite direction, namely northwest or leads to the largest source of colulomb stress, so that Coulomb Stress Changes affect indirectly changes in the geothermal potential of Rianiat
Implicit integration scheme for porous viscoplastic potential-based constitutive equations
This paper deals with a viscoplastic potential-based model allowing thermomechanical damage behavior modeling of porous materials. The model describes rate dependent effects, hardening, creep as well as defects coalescence and propagation. Kinematic and isotropic hardening effects are taken into account by a set of internal state variables. The integration and implementation of the model into the FE code using a fully implicit integration scheme is exposed. Finally, it 19s used to predict mechanical behaviour degradation of solder layers used in power electronic packaging. Stress-strain behaviour and the evolution of volumic fraction of voids for the material under cyclic loading are presented
Pendidikan merupakan salah satu aspek penting untuk mewujudkan dan mengarahkan manusia untuk berfikir kritis dan idealis. Tuntutan global menuntut dunia pendidikan untuk senantiasa menyesuaikan perkembangan teknologi dengan upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Secara khusus perlu adanya penyesuaian dunia pendidikan, Dalam kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat ditemukan bahwa guru masih belum mengoptimalkan penggunaan komputasi dalam pengajaran mata pelajaran Fisika dan Matematka sehingga perlu diadakan sosialisasi dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan praktik atau simulasi dan pelatihan secara langsung dengan menggunakan microsoft excel dan buku ajar yang akan dihibahkan ke sekolah. Pendekatan praktik/simulasi dan pelatihan yang dilakukan kepada guru selama 2 hari dengan menggunakan buku ajar karangan tim pengabdian kepada masyatakat. Metode yang dilakukan di PkM ini menghasilkan peningkatan pemahaman dari sebelumnya akan pentingnya pembelajaran mata pelajaran Fisika dan Matematika dengan menggunakan komputasi sehingga guru tertarik dan meminta kepada tim untuk ke depannya memberikan lagi porsi lebih di pelatihan selanjutnya sehingga pembendaharaan guru bertambah dan dapat diaplikasi langsung ke peserta didik
Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of Molecular Semiconductor Donor:Acceptor Systems for Organic Optoelectronics
Organische Halbleiter sind faszinierende Systeme. Sie sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten von immer gröĂer werdendem Interesse fĂŒr optoelektronische Anwendungen und haben fĂŒr sich ein wichtiges StĂŒck Markt gewonnen. Ein Beispiel ist die Herstellung von OLED-Bildschirmen. Auf der anderen Seite bieten sie weiterhin spannende Herausforderungen in der Festkörper Physik. Die Möglichkeiten der chemischen Synthese, immer neue Materialien durch passende Funktionalisierungen zu erzeugen, bietet fruchtbaren Boden zur Untersuchung der strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften und ihren Zusammenhang in dĂŒnnen organischen Schichten. Die in dieser Dissertation hauptsĂ€chlich untersuchten Halbleitersysteme gehören, im Gegensatz zu den Polymeren, zu der Kategorie der kleinen MolekĂŒle. Solche Molekularen Halbleiter können durch Vakuumdeposition auf Substrate aufgedampft werden. Diese Methode ermöglicht einen hohen Kontrollgrad mit Blick auf die Wachstumsmechanismen auf einem Substrat. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf Donor:Akzeptor Systeme (D:A Systeme) hergestellt mittels Organic Molecular Beam Deposition (OMBD). Solche Mischsysteme sind interessant, denn sie betreffen das viel diskutierte Thema der MolekĂŒldotierung zur Steigerung der LeitfĂ€higkeit funktioneller organischer Schichten in optoelektronischen Bauelementen. Der Begriff der MolekĂŒldorierung ist an den klassischen Begriff der Dotierung in anorganischen Halbleitern wie Silizium angelehnt und bezeichnet den Zusatz kleiner molekularer Halbleiter zu bestehenden organischen Schichten zwecks der Erzeugung von freien LadungstrĂ€gern. Es existieren verschiedene Modelle, die versuchen, die mikroskopischen Mechanismen der MolekĂŒldorierung in D:A Systemen in Bezug auf Wechselwirkungen durch Ladungstransfer nachzuvollziehen. Bei Polymersystemen können solche Wechselwirkungen einem Ionisationsprozess zugeordnet werden. In D:A Systemen bestehend aus kleinen MolekĂŒlen geschieht der Prozess des Ladungstransfers oft schon im Grundzustand innerhalb eines supramolekularen Komplexes, hĂ€ufig D:A Komplex genannt. In dieser Arbeit wurden organische DĂŒnnschichtsystemen, genauer D:A Mischungen, mit OMBD nach der sogenannten Bulk Heterojunction Architektur hergestellt, d.h. die Donor- und Akzeptor- MolekĂŒle wurden gleichzeitig auf das Substrat aufgedampft. Mithilfe einer solchen Architektur kann man die Anzahl an D:A Komplexen maximieren und dadurch den Aufbau von D:A Cokristallen beobachten. Die optischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von D:A Co-kristallen und deren Zusammenhang lassen sich am besten untersuchen, indem man das D:A MischungsverhĂ€ltnis in den Filmen systematisch variiert. Dies stellt gleichzeitig eine AnnĂ€hrung zur Untersuchung der Einzelsysteme dar. Die Untersuchung der strukturellen Eigenschaften schlieĂt den Effekt der MolekĂŒlorientierung mit ein, was fĂŒr anisotropische molekulare Halbleiter einen grundlegenden Aspekt darstellt, der in der Literatur hĂ€ufig nicht erwĂ€hnt wird. Diese Arbeit leistet daher einen wichtigen Beitrag: es wird ein breiteres VerstĂ€ndnis bezĂŒglich der strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften und deren Zusammenhangs in organischen DĂŒnnschichten gewonnen. Dies bezieht sich im Besonderen auf die Erweiterung der untersuchten D:A Materialkombinationen und auf die BerĂŒcksichtigung des Effekts der Orientierung in anisotropischen molekularen Halbleitern. Die in dieser Arbeit enthaltenen Ergebnisse bieten daher eine erweiterte Perspektive fĂŒr die Entwicklung optoelektronischer Bauelemente aus organischen Halbleitermaterialien
Interprofessional Collaboration Implementation Strategy At Bina Kasih Hospital Medan
In the services carried out in the hospital, there are various health professional experts involved. Where to run a hospital program that aims at patient safety, a collaboration between health professionals is needed. IPC science is one of the ways used to strive for the improvement of service quality in hospitals. The IPC has several implementation strategies that must be fulfilled in the implementation of the IPC. The purpose is to know the concept and strategy of IPC implementation and obstacles in improving patient safety at Bina Kasih Medan Hospital. The research was conducted at Bina Kasih Hospital, Medan, from July 2022 to August 2022. The methods used are data collection techniques after obtaining ethical permission, conducting in-depth interviews and writing transcripts of interview results and processing data by conducting observations, analyses, relevant independent studies that focus on the implementation of IPC at Bina Kasih Hospital Medan in improving patient safety. Results Based on the search results obtained 4 themes that are an overview of the IPC Implementation Strategy at Bina Kasih Hospital Medan, namely: (1) The concept of Interprofessional collaboration, (2) Practice in implementation at the Hospital, (3) IPC Strategy that occurred at Bina Kasih Hospital, (4) IPC Obstacles that occurred at Bina Kasih Hospital. Conclusion The implementation of the IPC Strategy implemented by Bina Kasih Hospital Medan according to participants has carried out the service well. Keywords:Â Health Workers, Interprofessional Collaboration, IP
The 'Right to Die' With Dignity: A Policy Evaluation Study of Assisted Suicide Laws in 20 Jurisdictions in the United States of America
The phrase âRight to Die with Dignityâ has long been a tag-line for the topic of assisted suicide. This dissertation tackles that topic through a qualitative policy evaluation study that includes a review and analysis of assisted suicide laws in 19 States in the United States, the District of Columbia, six countries other than the United States, and Supreme Court cases and other court decisions that are relevant to the topic. The dissertation also considers whether the time is right for assisted suicide policy development, based on recent court interpretations of the Fifth, Tenth and most specifically the Fourteenth Amendment(s) and how recent court decisions have been influenced by either the Constitution or public policy. The purpose of the dissertation is to recommend a public policy that establishes a new federal policy that represents a dignified, compassionate, and common-sense approach to assisted suicide.
The primary methodology is the use of the âlegal lens of study approach,â which lays the foundational groundwork for the five research questions this dissertation explores. Analysis of the common elements of the existing laws was a first step in this policy evaluation and helped identify principles that should be included in any new policy. Also key to the analysis and the proposal of a new federal policy was the legal study of most relevant assisted suicide cases from several states and from the federal court system, including Supreme Court cases involving the Fourteenth Amendment in decisions concerning socially relevant issues that involve liberty interests and individual rights. Critical historical events concerning assisted suicide were uncovered in order to chronologically interpret the issue of assisted suicide over the past 45 years and how these cases and more recent court decisions might create opportunities for policy changes. Results indicate that leaving the issue of assisted suicide to be dealt with by each individual state or waiting for the Supreme Court to make a ruling that would finalize the issue on a national level has created an intolerably diverse quagmire for society as a whole and especially for those competent adult individuals who would prefer to choose this end-of-life option.I. INTRODUCTION 1 -- General overview, explanation of the issue and conceptual framework 2 -- Purpose of the study 5 -- Definition of terms 6 -- Procedures and organization of dissertation 7 -- Significance of study 11 -- II. LITERATURE REVIEW 12 -- An important national concern 12 -- Suicide and assisted suicide statistics 13 -- Reporting, state laws and laws of other countries 14 -- Five critical events concerning assisted suicide 17 -- United States Constitutionâ14th Amendment Summary 20 -- Supreme Court of the United States 14th Amendment casesâ1990 to 2018 21 -- Foundational litigation and case law from 1990 to 2018 21 -- Federal trial courtâstate of Washingtonâ1994 21 -- Federal trial courtâstate of New Yorkâ1994 26 -- Washington and VaccoâJourney to the Supreme Courtâ1997âAll nine justices weigh -- in on assisted suicide 28 -- A decade+ of expanding âindividual rightsâ under the 14th Amendmentâ1997â2018 36 -- State legislation from 1994 to 2018 39 -- Precedent (stare decisis) 42 -- Final consideration from a legal perspectiveâan individualâs ability to manipulate information rationally 44 -- Theoretical underpinningsâ1801 to 2018 45 -- Professor John A. Rohr (1934â2011) 45 -- Jeffrey R. Toobin 49 -- Synopsis 57 -- III. METHODOLOGY 61 -- Research and data collection 61 -- Methodology overview 61 -- Legal lens of study approach defined 67 -- Secondary methodology considerations 67 -- The importance of legal research in informing policy, in academia and in qualitative policy evaluation dissertation studies in public administration 70 -- States and countries selected 72 -- Statistics, state laws and statutes, U.S. Constitution, case law and legal precedent 75 -- Theoretical underpinnings 81 -- Synopsis 83 -- IV. FINDINGS 85 -- Overview 85 -- Introduction 87 -- Research Question 1 92 -- Figure 1 95 -- Table 1 95 -- Table 2 103 -- Table 3 107 -- Research Question 2 108 -- Table 4 111 -- Research Question 3 112 -- Research Question 4 115 -- Research Question 5 134 -- Conclusion 138 -- V. CONCLUSION 141 -- Introduction 141 -- Research Questions, Findings and Implications 145 -- Part A â Individual State LegislationâResearch Questions 1, 2 and 3 146 -- Research Question 1 147 -- Research Question 2 150 -- Research Question 3 151 -- Part B - Research Question 4 152 -- Litigation â the necessity of a âperfect stormâ case in the Supreme Court 152 -- Part C - Status Quo 158 -- Part D - Research Question 5 160 -- Current state of affairs, directional paths ignored and not taken, and where we may -- be going relative to the issue of assisted suicide 160 -- Part E - A proposed federal law following constitutional principles and based on -- common sense, compassion and dignity 173 -- Proposed Federal Statute 174 -- Limitations of Study⊠178 -- TABLE OF CASES 179 -- REFERENCES 181 -- Appendix A â Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 200 -- Appendix B â State of Oregon Statute 203 -- Appendix C â State of California Statute 217 -- Appendix D â State of Colorado Statute 243 -- Appendix E â State of Hawaii Statute 255 -- Appendix F â State of Vermont Statute 275 -- Appendix G â State of Washington Statute 284 -- Appendix H â District of Columbia Act 305 -- Appendix I â Baxter v. Montana (Supreme Court of Montana, 2009) 318 -- Appendix J â Institutional Review Board Protocol Exemption Report 388.Peterson, James W.Peterson, Bonnie E.Wickersham, MaryJames, Christine A.Cruz, Becky K. daD.PA.Public Administratio
Um Olhar Esteriotipado
Resenha: Hall, Stuart. Cultura e Representação. Rio de Janeiro: Apicuri/Editora Puc âRio, 201
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