548 research outputs found

    Dynamic Formation of Metastable Intermediate State Patterns in Type-I Superconductors

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    Structure of the intermediate state in type-I superconducting lead (Pb) is shown to be very sensitive to the ramp rate of an applied magnetic field. The configurations of resulting static patterns depend sensitively on the shape of the specimen. In particular, geometric barrier, present in the samples with rectangular cross-section, plays an important role in determining the sharp boundary between the phases of different topology. We propose that seemingly laminar (stripe) pattern obtained as a result of the fast field ramp is simply an imprint left behind by the fast-moving flux tubes. Our results confirm that flux tube phase is topologically favorable.Comment: to be presented at LT-25 (Amsterdam, 2008

    Functional characterization of two M42 aminopeptidases erroneously annotated as cellulases

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    Several aminopeptidases of the M42 family have been described as tetrahedral-shaped dodecameric (TET) aminopeptidases. A current hypothesis suggests that these enzymes are involved, along with the tricorn peptidase, in degrading peptides produced by the proteasome. Yet the M42 family remains ill defined, as some members have been annotated as cellulases because of their homology with CelM, formerly described as an endoglucanase of Clostridium thermocellum. Here we describe the catalytic functions and substrate profiles CelM and of TmPep1050, the latter having been annotated as an endoglucanase of Thermotoga maritima. Both enzymes were shown to catalyze hydrolysis of nonpolar aliphatic L-amino acid-pNA substrates, the L-leucine derivative appearing as the best substrate. No significant endoglucanase activity was measured, either for TmPep1050 or CelM. Addition of cobalt ions enhanced the activity of both enzymes significantly, while both the chelating agent EDTA and bestatin, a specific inhibitor of metalloaminopeptidases, proved inhibitory. Our results strongly suggest that one should avoid annotating members of the M42 aminopeptidase family as cellulases. In an updated assessment of the distribution of M42 aminopeptidases, we found TET aminopeptidases to be distributed widely amongst archaea and bacteria. We additionally observed that several phyla lack both TET and tricorn. This suggests that other complexes may act downstream from the proteasome

    Control de malas hierbas: Densidades de siembra y rotaciones de cultivo

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    11 páginas, tablas estadísticas, y figuras.La rotación de cultivos ha sido uno de los métodos tradicionales para el control de las malas hierbas, que se ha visto desplazada por factores económicos, monocultivo de cereal y uso de herbicidas. Por otra parte no siempre son evidentes las ventajas de una aplicación de herbicidas, particularmente en densidades bajas de infestación de malas hierbas (Pardo et al., 2002 y Chao et al., 2002). Aumentar las densidades de siembra en los cereales también han sido empleadas como forma de aumentar la competencia del cultivo frente a las hierbas acompañantes y disminuir de esa forma el daño que estas causan en los rendimientos de los cereales. Actualmente sigue empleándose la expresión de “sembrar con mucho pan” para justificar está practica tradicional. Determinar la densidad optima de siembra ha sido objeto de varios trabajos con desigual resultado (Moreno et al., 2002 y Lacasta et al., 2004), las causas son las diferentes condiciones experimentales. En este trabajo se pretende evaluar la interacción de estas dos formas tradicionales de control de malas hierbas (rotación de cultivos y densidades de siembra) y su efecto sobre la productividad del cereal en las condiciones de semiáridez de los secanos y en un experimento de larga duración (14 años).Peer reviewe

    El pistachero II: Estudio fenológico y económico

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    10 páginas, tablas estadísticas y figuras.El pistachero es capaz de sobrevivir y dar frutos en situaciones adversas, intolerables para la mayor parte de los frutales. Sin embargo también tiene unos condicionamientos de medio bastantes específicos que limitan su posible área de cultivo, como son las necesidades en frío para cubrir adecuadamente su periodo de reposos invernal, la sincronía en la floración de machos y hembras para tener una buena polinización y sensibilidad a las heladas tardías de primavera. Con los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo y en el trabajo presentado en este VI Congreso de la SEAE “El pistachero I: Estudio de variedades en secano y en manejo ecológico”, se realiza un estudio de viabilidad económica. Se recomienda que a la hora de hacer una nueva plantación, se incluya en la misma diferentes variedades hembras y machos. Las variedades hembras con las que se han obtenido mejores resultados son: Avdat, Ashoury y Larnaka, y como polinizadores: C-especial, Askar, Nazar, Chico y Mateur. Las variedades recomendadas, tienen unas necesidades cercanas a las 1.000 horas-frío para el inicio de la actividad vegetativa y la floración es en la primera quincena de abril. En el estudio económico y considerando que sólo uno de cada tres años se obtiene producción, debido a problemas de heladas de primavera o por veceria, se pueden obtener una rentabilidad económica, a partir de los veinte años, superior a los 600 €, lo que le permite ser una buena alternativa para algunas zonas del secano españolPeer reviewe

    Post-traumatic overload or acute syndrome of the os trigonum: a possible cause of posterior ankle impingement

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the post-traumatic overload syndrome of the os trigonum as a possible cause of posterior ankle impingement and hindfoot pain. We have reviewed 19 athletes who were referred to our foot unit between 1995 and 2001 because of posterior ankle pain, and in whom a post-traumatic overload syndrome of os trigonum was diagnosed. All these patients were followed up over a period of 2 years. In 11 cases a chronic repetitive movements in forced plantar flexion was found. In the other eight cases the pain appeared to persist after a standard treatment of an ankle sprain in inversion plantar flexion. The diagnosis was based on clinical history, physical examination and X-rays that revealed a non-fused os trigonum. The confirmation of diagnosis was carried-out injecting local anaesthetic under fluoroscopic control. In all cases a corticosteroid injection as first line treatment was performed. In 6 cases a second injection was necessary to alleviate pain because incomplete recovery with the first injection. Three cases (16%) were recalcitrant to this treatment and in these three cases a surgical excision of the os trigonum was carried out. Our conclusion is that after some chronic athletic activity or an acute ankle sprain the os trigonum, if present, may undergo mechanical overload, remain undisrupted and become painful. Treatment by corticosteroid injection often resolves the proble

    Enhancement of power system transient stability using superconducting fault current limiters

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    Transient stability investigations consist of studying the rotor oscillations of generators (electro-mechanic oscillations, 0.1-2 Hz) after the occurrence of a fault of large amplitude, e.g. short circuit. The goal is to indicate if the generators are capable to stay synchronous after a fault has occurred. The fault duration is one of the most important factors to be determined. In fact, the shorter the fault, the more the maintaining of synchronisation can be guaranteed. Now in case of a fault, a fault current limiter has an extremely fast current transition in comparison to electro-mechanic time constants. This implies a quasi-instantaneous elimination of the fault through a limitation of the current and consequently a better ability to maintain the synchronisation of the system. We recall that in a classic system, the elimination of a fault, by opening a circuit breaker, is carried out in two or three cycles in the best case. We have here studied a simple, radial electric network configuration with a machine and an infinite network. The study covers simulations of a fault that can occur in a network and the consequences of the recovery time of the fault current limiter

    MRI in multiple myeloma : a pictorial review of diagnostic and post-treatment findings

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is increasingly being used in the diagnostic work-up of patients with multiple myeloma. Since 2014, MRI findings are included in the new diagnostic criteria proposed by the International Myeloma Working Group. Patients with smouldering myeloma presenting with more than one unequivocal focal lesion in the bone marrow on MRI are considered having symptomatic myeloma requiring treatment, regardless of the presence of lytic bone lesions. However, bone marrow evaluation with MRI offers more than only morphological information regarding the detection of focal lesions in patients with MM. The overall performance of MRI is enhanced by applying dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion weighted imaging sequences, providing additional functional information on bone marrow vascularization and cellularity. This pictorial review provides an overview of the most important imaging findings in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smouldering myeloma and multiple myeloma, by performing a 'total' MRI investigation with implications for the diagnosis, staging and response assessment. Main message aEuro cent Conventional MRI diagnoses multiple myeloma by assessing the infiltration pattern. aEuro cent Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI diagnoses multiple myeloma by assessing vascularization and perfusion. aEuro cent Diffusion weighted imaging evaluates bone marrow composition and cellularity in multiple myeloma. aEuro cent Combined morphological and functional MRI provides optimal bone marrow assessment for staging. aEuro cent Combined morphological and functional MRI is of considerable value in treatment follow-up

    Development of the ECOSAR P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This paper describes objectives and recent progress on the development of the EcoSAR, a new P-band airborne radar instrument being developed at the NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) for the polarimetric and interferometric measurements of ecosystem structure and biomass. These measurements support science requirements for the study of the carbon cycle and its relationship to climate change. The instrument is scheduled to be completed and flight tested in 2013. Index Terms SAR, Digital Beamforming, Interferometry