332 research outputs found

    Being-in-the-World-Hispanically: A World on the "Border" of Many Worlds

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    This translation of Enrique Dussel's “‘Ser-Hispano’: Un Mundo en el ‘Border’ de Muchos Mundos” offers an interpretation of hispanos (Latin Americans and U.S. latinos) as historically, culturally, and geographically located “in-between” many worlds that combine to constitute an identity on the intercultural “border.” To illustrate how hispanos have navigated and continue to navigate their complex history in order to create a polyphonic identity, the essay sketches five historical-cultural “worlds” that come together to form the hispanic “world.

    Cultura, cultura latinoamericana y cultura nacional

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    Fil: Dussel, Enrique

    Sentido de una historia de las ideas dentro de una teorĂ­a de la cultura

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    Fil: Dussel, Enrique


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    La ponencia sostiene las siguientes tesis. 1. Es necesario afirmar que toda la humanidad ha expresado siempre ciertos «nĂșcleos problemĂĄticos universales» que se presentan en todas las culturas. 2. Las respuestas racionales a esos «nĂșcleos» adquieren primeramente la forma de narraciones mĂ­ticas. 3. La formulaciĂłn de discursos categoriales filosĂłficos es un nuevo desarrollo en la racionalidad humana, que no invalida todas las narrativas mĂ­ticas. Estos discursos filosĂłficos se han dado en todas las grandes culturas urbanas neolĂ­ticas (aunque sea en un nivel muy inicial). 4. La filosofĂ­a moderna europea confundiĂł el dominio econĂłmico polĂ­tico de su cultura y la crisis derivada de las otras filosofĂ­as regionales con una eurocĂ©ntrica pretensiĂłn de universalidad que debe cuestionarse. 5. De todos modos hay aspectos formales universales en los que todas las filosofĂ­as regionales pueden coincidir, y responden a los «nĂșcleos problemĂĄticos» en un nivel abstracto. 6. Todo ello impulsa a entrar en una nueva Edad de diĂĄlogo inter-filosĂłfico, respetuoso de las diferencias y aprendices de los descubrimientos Ăștiles de las otras tradiciones. 7. HabrĂ­a que formular un proyecto que, superando la Modernidad eurocĂ©ntrica filosĂłfica, intente un pluriverso trans-moderno, mundial, a partir del desarrollo de los recursos propios, de las filosofĂ­as perifĂ©ricas, subalternas, postcoloniales, «desechados» por la Modernidad

    Francisco Romero

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    Fil: Dussel, Enrique

    A New Age in the History of Philosophy: the World Dialogue Between Philosophical Traditions

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    This paper argues the following points: 1. It is necessary to affirm that all of humanity has always sought to address certain “core universal problems” that are present in all cultures. 2. The rational responses to these “core problems” first acquire the shape of mythical narratives. 3. The formulation of categorical philosophical discourses is a subsequent development in human rationality, which does not however negate all mythical narratives. These discourses arose in all the great urban Neolithic cultures (even if only in initial form). 4. Modern European philosophy confused its economic, political and cultural domination, and the resulting crises in other philosophical traditions, with a Eurocentric universality claim, which must be questioned. 5. In any case there are formal universal aspects in which all regional philosophies can coincide, and which respond to the “core problems”at an abstract level. 6. All of this impels entry into a new Age of inter-philosophical dialogue, respectful of differences and open to learning from the useful discoveries of other traditions. 7. A new philosophical project must be developed that is capable of going beyond Eurocentric philosophical Modernity, by shaping a global Trans-modern pluriverse, drawing upon the “discarded” (by the Modernity) own resources of peripheral, subaltern, postcolonial philosophies.

    The Pedagogics of Liberation

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    "Enrique Dussel is considered one of the founding philosophers of liberation in the Latin American tradition, an influential arm of what is now called decoloniality. While he is astoundingly prolific, relatively few of his works can be found in English translation — and none of these focus specifically on education. Founding members of the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society David I. Backer and Cecilia Diego bring to us Dussel’s The Pedagogics of Liberation: A Latin American Philosophy of Education, the first English translation of Dussel’s thinking on education, and also the first translation of any part of his landmark multi-volume work Towards an Ethics of Latin American Liberation. Dussel’s ouevre is an impressive intellectual mosaic that uses Europeans to disrupt European thinking. This mosaic has at its center French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, but also includes Ancient Greek philosophy, Thomist theology, modern Enlightenment philosophy, analytic philosophy of language, Marxism, psychoanalysis (Freud, Klein, evolutionary psychology, neuroscience), phenomenology (Sartre, Heidegger, Husserl, Hegel), critical theory (Frankfurt School, Habermas), and linguistics. Dussel joins these traditions to Latin American history, literature, and philosophy, specifically the work of Octavio Paz, Ivan Illich, and the philosophers of liberation whom Dussel studied with in Argentina before his exile to Mexico in the late 1970s. Drawing heavily from the ethics of Levinas, Dussel examines the dominating and liberating features of intimate, concrete, and observable interactions between different kinds of people who might sit down and have face-to-face encounters, specifically where there may be an inequality of knowledge and a responsibility to guide, teach, learn, care, or study: teacher–student, politician–citizen, doctor–patient, philosopher–nonphilosopher, and so on. Those occupying the superior position of these face-to-face encounters (teachers, politicians, doctors, philosophers) have a clear choice for Dussel when it comes to their pedagogics. They are either open to hearing the voice of the Other, disrupting their sense of what is and should be by a newness beyond what they know; or, following the dominant pedagogics, they can try to communicate and instruct their sense of what is and should be (which Dussel, in a Latin American context, associates with dominant cultures) to the (supposed) tabula rasas in their charge. Dussel calls that sense of what is and should be “lo Mismo.” [The French in Levinas is “le MĂȘme,” and Backer and Diego have translated Dussel’s “lo Mismo” as “the Same.”] This groundbreaking translation makes possible a face-to-face encounter between an Anglo Philosophy of Education and Latin American Pedagogics. “Pedagogics” should be considered as a type of philosophical inquiry alongside ethics, economics, and politics. Dussel’s pedagogics is a decolonizing pedagogics, one rooted in the philosophy of liberation he has spent his epic career articulating. With an Introduction by renowned philosopher Linda Martin Alcoff, this book adds an essential voice to our conversations about teaching, learning, and studying, as well as critical theory in general.

    Implications for inequality?

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    In the last decade, the socioeconomic relationship between Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the People®s Republic of China has increased massively. How has this new qualitative relationship between LAC and China affected inequality in LAC? This paper highlights the degrees of concentration of trade since the 1990s until 2011 and its technological content. Future research will have to deepen this relationship at the national, regional and even firm-level. Based on a brief critical review of the relationship between trade and equality/inequality, the document analyzes several of the outstanding features of the booming trade relationship between LAC and China. It concludes, among other issues, that both academics and policy makers have to overcome the bias against the agricultural sector and natural resources based on the concepts of global commodity chains, systemic competitiveness and territorial endogeneity. In addition, one of the most striking features of the new LAC-China trade is its increasing concentration, both compared with historical levels of LAC-China trade, as well as with the rest of the world, a development that will affect inequality in LAC substantially. It is not “old wine in new bottles”, but rather a new socioeconomic relationship with dynamic and profound impacts in LAC that will have to be considered in more detail by scholars and policy makers in the future

    La economĂ­a China desde la crisis internacional en 2008: estrategias, polĂ­ticas y tendencias

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    ResumenLa economĂ­a internacional ha transcurrido por una serie de eventos que pudieran catalogarse como de enorme incertidumbre, rĂĄpidos cambios y crisis. Sus efectos en la distribuciĂłn del ingreso, el empleo y los salarios han sido particularmente significativos y sus secuelas a nivel global han generado inestabilidad e incertidumbre. La RepĂșblica Popular China parece salir mejor librada de estos reacomodos y se ha convertido crecientemente en un activo actor global sobre el que se han acumulado altas expectativas internacionales para la soluciĂłn de tal crisis. Por ello, se examinan las estrategias y polĂ­ticas que China ha tomado desde 2007-2008, las principales tendencias macroeconĂłmicas y sectoriales que han surgido desde entonces, asĂ­ como las expectativas en el mediano y largo plazos. Se analizan las principales condiciones de su economĂ­a, sus estrategias y polĂ­ticas, asĂ­ como sus propuestas en el ĂĄmbito macroeconĂłmico, como la inversiĂłn extranjera directa y los factores internacionales y domĂ©sticos que serĂĄn significativos para su economĂ­a en el contexto de la crisis internacional que todavĂ­a subsiste.AbstractThe economy has gone through a series of events that could be classified as of high uncertainty, rapid change and crisis. Its effects on income distribution, employment and wages have been particularly significant and its aftermath have generated global instability and uncertainty. The prc appears to do better rid of these rearrangements and has increasingly become an active global player on that have accumulated high expectations for resolving international crises such. Therefore examines the strategies and policies that China has taken since 2007-2008, the main macroeconomic and sectoral trends that have emerged since then, and the expectations in the medium and long term. It analyzes the main conditions of its economy, its strategies and policies and their proposals at the macroeconomic level, as foreign direct investment and international and domestic factors that will be significant for the economy in the context of the international crisis that still exists
