633 research outputs found

    La relation pédagogique contrôleur de gestion – opérationnels : enjeux et déterminants

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    International audienceBased on an inquiry led with industrial management controllers and with foremen, this article shows in what their interactions, when they join a real step of learning and when they are encouraged by the leaders, improve the piloting of manufacturing units while strengthening the confidence which the operational grant in the service of the control. The efficiency of the production, measured by the implemented of the actions of correction, supposes the institution of an educational relation between controller and decision-makers premises, relation today which lets suspect new perspectives as for the reports which they maintain, while asserting itself as an additional control mechanism in the control by the hierarchy and by the market.Partant d'une enquête menée auprès de contrôleurs de gestion industriels et de chefs d'ateliers, cet article montre en quoi leurs interactions, lorsqu'elles s'inscrivent dans une véritable démarche d'apprentissage et qu'elles sont encouragées par les dirigeants, améliorent le pilotage des unités de fabrication tout en consolidant la confiance que les opérationnels accordent au service du contrôle. L'efficacité de la production, mesurée par la mise en oeuvre des actions de correction, suppose aujourd'hui l'instauration d'une relation pédagogique entre contrôleur et décideurs locaux, relation qui laisse entrevoir de nouvelles perspectives quant aux rapports qu'ils entretiennent, tout en s'affirmant comme un mécanisme de contrôle complémentaire au contrôle par la hiérarchie et par le marché

    La relation pédagogique contrôleur de gestion – opérationnels : enjeux et déterminants

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    Partant d'une enquête menée auprès de contrôleurs de gestion industriels et de chefs d'ateliers, cet article montre en quoi leurs interactions, lorsqu'elles s'inscrivent dans une véritable démarche d'apprentissage et qu'elles sont encouragées par les dirigeants, améliorent le pilotage des unités de fabrication tout en consolidant la confiance que les opérationnels accordent au service du contrôle. L'efficacité de la production, mesurée par la mise en oeuvre des actions de correction, suppose aujourd'hui l'instauration d'une relation pédagogique entre contrôleur et décideurs locaux, relation qui laisse entrevoir de nouvelles perspectives quant aux rapports qu'ils entretiennent, tout en s'affirmant comme un mécanisme de contrôle complémentaire au contrôle par la hiérarchie et par le marché.Décentralisation du contrôle ; Coopération contrôleur;contrôlé ; Rôle du contrôleur de gestion ; Relation pédagogique ; Efficacité

    On the eigenvalues of finite rank Bratteli-Vershik dynamical systems

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    International audienceIn this article we study conditions to be a continuous or a measurable eigenvalue of finite rank minimal Cantor systems, that is, systems given by an ordered Bratteli diagram with a bounded number of vertices per level. We prove that continuous eigenvalues always come from the stable subspace associated to the incidence matrices of the Bratteli diagram and we study rationally independent generators of the additive group of continuous eigenvalues. Given an ergodic probability measure, we provide a general necessary condition to be a measurable eigenvalue. Then we consider two families of examples. A first one to illustrate that measurable eigenvalues do not need to come from the stable space. Finally we study Toeplitz type Cantor minimal systems of finite rank. We recover classical results in the continuous case and we prove measurable eigenvalues are always rational but not necessarily continuous

    Monitoring of a Large Cracked Concrete Sample with Non-Linear Mixing of Ultrasonic Coda Waves

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    International audienceA high precision can be achieved with ultrasonic coda waves to monitor the mechanical properties of concrete material (~10-5 in relative). This high sensitivity can be used to detect damage initiation and to closely follow concrete mechanical properties evolution with time. This advantage is counterbalance by the influence of environmental conditions making reproducibility of any experiment in concrete a challenging issue especially when in situ measurements are performed. Indeed thermal and water gradients present in the thickness of the structures (several decimetres) cannot be controlled and must be compensated. In this paper a protocol to remove environmental bias is proposed. Furthermore, to follow the apparition of a tensile crack in a metric size structure, non-linear mixing of coda wave via frequency-swept pump waves is tested. It is shown that, when the crack is closed (by pre-stressing cables), it is still possible to detect its presence. The non-linearity of the cracked zone remains at a high level, comparable to the case when the crack was open

    Renal Angiomyolipoma Associated with Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus

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    A 57-year-old woman was found to have an inferior vena cava involvement of a known sinusal angiomyolipoma incompletely resected three years beforehand. Intravascular extension into the IVC of angiomyolipoma has rarely been reported. We present a new case and reconsider the literature about this uncommon complication of a benign renal tumor

    Genomic preselection with genotyping-bysequencing increases performance of commercial oil palm hybrid crosses

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    Background: There is great potential for the genetic improvement of oil palm yield. Traditional progeny tests allow accurate selection but limit the number of individuals evaluated. Genomic selection (GS) could overcome this constraint. We estimated the accuracy of GS prediction of seven oil yield components using A × B hybrid progeny tests with almost 500 crosses for training and 200 crosses for independent validation. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) yielded +5000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the parents of the crosses. The genomic best linear unbiased prediction method gave genomic predictions using the SNPs of the training and validation sets and the phenotypes of the training crosses. The practical impact was illustrated by quantifying the additional bunch production of the crosses selected in the validation experiment if genomic preselection had been applied in the parental populations before progeny tests. Results: We found that prediction accuracies for cross values plateaued at 500 to 2000 SNPs, with high (0.73) or low (0.28) values depending on traits. Similar results were obtained when parental breeding values were predicted. GS was able to capture genetic differences within parental families, requiring at least 2000 SNPs with less than 5% missing data, imputed using pedigrees. Genomic preselection could have increased the selected hybrids bunch production by more than 10%. Conclusions: Finally, preselection for yield components using GBS is the first possible application of GS in oil palm. This will increase selection intensity, thus improving the performance of commercial hybrids. Further research is required to increase the benefits from GS, which should revolutionize oil palm breeding. (Résumé d'auteur