395 research outputs found

    An Everyday Approach to Agritourism Production in Southern Ontario

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    This dissertation is a nuanced interpretation of the production of space in the context of agritourism in Southern Ontario. It uses everyday life as a theoretical framework to expand conceptualizations of tourism production by enabling a discussion of how cultural practice is central to economic activity. I use agritourism to show how, in addition to being an important economic activity, tourism production is a culturally informed process with intrinsic value concerned with home and family, and contributes to individual utility, self-worth, identity and well-being for the tourism producer. In Southern Ontario, Agritourism has grown in popularity in the past thirty years. It is well-known as an economic diversification strategy but needs to be better understood as a cultural practice involving the social relations and everyday interactions of individual life contexts. I argue that the everyday reveals the production logic of well-being that is not necessarily based on an economic mentality but on the day-to-day negotiation of the home as a private place of residence, a place of work, and a tourism attraction open to the public. The question driving this dissertation is: to what extent does the everyday reveal alternative forms of production related to agritourism that are not necessarily driven by profit but by achieving a greater sense of well-being? At the heart of the research is an intimate knowledge of the farmers experience. I investigated these experiences by way of participant observation and semi-structured conversational style interviews. In addition to completing 27 interviews with a total of 32 self-employed people involved in operating/managing/running small to medium-large, and relatively large sized agritourism operations/businesses, I visited 16 agritourism attractions as an agritourist. An everyday approach shows that emotional well-being is a success factor in the production process, which points to agritourism as more than an economic activity. Adaptation, personal growth, family bonds and legacy, emotional connections, value systems, and protecting the privacy of the home are non-economic characteristics of tourism production that are about the embodied doings of day-to-day tasks that keep the destination running in the long term by preserving the well-being of the farmer and his/her family

    Body composition estimation from selected slices:equations computed from a new semi-automatic thresholding method developed on whole-body CT scans

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    Background Estimating volumes and masses of total body components is important for the study and treatment monitoring of nutrition and nutrition-related disorders, cancer, joint replacement, energy-expenditure and exercise physiology. While several equations have been offered for estimating total body components from MRI slices, no reliable and tested method exists for CT scans. For the first time, body composition data was derived from 41 high-resolution whole-body CT scans. From these data, we defined equations for estimating volumes and masses of total body AT and LT from corresponding tissue areas measured in selected CT scan slices. Methods We present a new semi-automatic approach to defining the density cutoff between adipose tissue (AT) and lean tissue (LT) in such material. An intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to validate the method. The equations for estimating the whole-body composition volume and mass from areas measured in selected slices were modeled with ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regressions and support vector machine regression (SVMR). Results and Discussion The best predictive equation for total body AT volume was based on the AT area of a single slice located between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5) and produced lower prediction errors (|PE| = 1.86 liters, %PE = 8.77) than previous equations also based on CT scans. The LT area of the mid-thigh provided the lowest prediction errors (|PE| = 2.52 liters, %PE = 7.08) for estimating whole-body LT volume. We also present equations to predict total body AT and LT masses from a slice located at L4-L5 that resulted in reduced error compared with the previously published equations based on CT scans. The multislice SVMR predictor gave the theoretical upper limit for prediction precision of volumes and cross-validated the results

    Effects of static and dynamic higher-order optical modes in balanced homodyne readout for future gravitational waves detectors

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    With the recent detection of Gravitational waves (GW), marking the start of the new field of GW astronomy, the push for building more sensitive laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors (GWD) has never been stronger. Balanced homodyne detection (BHD) allows for a quantum noise (QN) limited readout of arbitrary light field quadratures, and has therefore been suggested as a vital building block for upgrades to Advanced LIGO and third generation observatories. In terms of the practical implementation of BHD, we develop a full framework for analyzing the static optical high order modes (HOMs) occurring in the BHD paths related to the misalignment or mode matching at the input and output ports of the laser interferometer. We find the effects of HOMs on the quantum noise limited sensitivity is independent of the actual interferometer configuration, e.g. Michelson and Sagnac interferometers are effected in the same way. We show that misalignment of the output ports of the interferometer (output misalignment) only effects the high frequency part of the quantum noise limited sensitivity (detection noise). However, at low frequencies, HOMs reduce the interferometer response and the radiation pressure noise (back action noise) by the same amount and hence the quantum noise limited sensitivity is not negatively effected in that frequency range. We show that the misalignment of laser into the interferometer (input misalignment) produces the same effect as output misalignment and additionally decreases the power inside the interferometer. We also analyze dynamic HOM effects, such as beam jitter created by the suspended mirrors of the BHD. Our analyses can be directly applied to any BHD implementation in a future GWD. Moreover, we apply our analytical techniques to the example of the speed meter proof of concept experiment under construction in Glasgow. We find that for our experimental parameters, the performance of our seismic isolation system in the BHD paths is compatible with the design sensitivity of the experiment

    Demonstration of a switchable damping system to allow low-noise operation of high-Q low-mass suspension systems

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    Low mass suspension systems with high-Q pendulum stages are used to enable quantum radiation pressure noise limited experiments. Utilising multiple pendulum stages with vertical blade springs and materials with high quality factors provides attenuation of seismic and thermal noise, however damping of these high-Q pendulum systems in multiple degrees of freedom is essential for practical implementation. Viscous damping such as eddy-current damping can be employed but introduces displacement noise from force noise due to thermal fluctuations in the damping system. In this paper we demonstrate a passive damping system with adjustable damping strength as a solution for this problem that can be used for low mass suspension systems without adding additional displacement noise in science mode. We show a reduction of the damping factor by a factor of 8 on a test suspension and provide a general optimisation for this system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum-Enhanced Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) has been directly detecting gravitational waves from compact binary mergers since 2015. We report on the first use of squeezed vacuum states in the direct measurement of gravitational waves with the Advanced LIGO H1 and L1 detectors. This achievement is the culmination of decades of research to implement squeezed states in gravitational-wave detectors. During the ongoing O3 observation run, squeezed states are improving the sensitivity of the LIGO interferometers to signals above 50 Hz by up to 3 dB, thereby increasing the expected detection rate by 40% (H1) and 50% (L1)

    Quantum-Enhanced Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) has been directly detecting gravitational waves from compact binary mergers since 2015. We report on the first use of squeezed vacuum states in the direct measurement of gravitational waves with the Advanced LIGO H1 and L1 detectors. This achievement is the culmination of decades of research to implement squeezed states in gravitational-wave detectors. During the ongoing O3 observation run, squeezed states are improving the sensitivity of the LIGO interferometers to signals above 50 Hz by up to 3 dB, thereby increasing the expected detection rate by 40% (H1) and 50% (L1)

    First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

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    Spinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signalto- noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, narrow-band analysis methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known pulsars over a fraction of a hertz and several spin-down values. In this paper we describe a narrow-band search of 11 pulsars using data from Advanced LIGO’s first observing run. Although we have found several initial outliers, further studies show no significant evidence for the presence of a gravitational wave signal. Finally, we have placed upper limits on the signal strain amplitude lower than the spin-down limit for 5 of the 11 targets over the bands searched; in the case of J1813-1749 the spin-down limit has been beaten for the first time. For an additional 3 targets, the median upper limit across the search bands is below the spin-down limit. This is the most sensitive narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves carried out so far

    Quantum-Enhanced Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) has been directly detecting gravitational waves from compact binary mergers since 2015. We report on the first use of squeezed vacuum states in the direct measurement of gravitational waves with the Advanced LIGO H1 and L1 detectors. This achievement is the culmination of decades of research to implement squeezed states in gravitational-wave detectors. During the ongoing O3 observation run, squeezed states are improving the sensitivity of the LIGO interferometers to signals above 50 Hz by up to 3 dB, thereby increasing the expected detection rate by 40% (H1) and 50% (L1)

    Quantum correlations between light and the kilogram-mass mirrors of LIGO

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    The measurement of minuscule forces and displacements with ever greater precision is inhibited by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which imposes a limit to the precision with which the position of an object can be measured continuously, known as the standard quantum limit1,2,3,4. When light is used as the probe, the standard quantum limit arises from the balance between the uncertainties of the photon radiation pressure applied to the object and of the photon number in the photoelectric detection. The only way to surpass the standard quantum limit is by introducing correlations between the position/momentum uncertainty of the object and the photon number/phase uncertainty of the light that it reflects5. Here we confirm experimentally the theoretical prediction5 that this type of quantum correlation is naturally produced in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). We characterize and compare noise spectra taken without squeezing and with squeezed vacuum states injected at varying quadrature angles. After subtracting classical noise, our measurements show that the quantum mechanical uncertainties in the phases of the 200-kilowatt laser beams and in the positions of the 40-kilogram mirrors of the Advanced LIGO detectors yield a joint quantum uncertainty that is a factor of 1.4 (3 decibels) below the standard quantum limit. We anticipate that the use of quantum correlations will improve not only the observation of gravitational waves, but also more broadly future quantum noise-limited measurements