536 research outputs found

    Cellular distribution of a feminizing microsporidian parasite: a strategy for transovarial transmission

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    The cellular distribution of a vertically transmitted, feminizing microsporidian was followed in its host Gammarus duebeni. In adult females the parasite was restricted to gonadal tissue, in particular primary and secondary follicle cells. Spores were diplokaryotic with a thin spore wall and a short polar filament, characteristics typical of ‘early’ spores involved in autoinfection. The diplokaryotic life-cycle, absence of spore groupings and of a pansporoblast membrane typify the genus Nosema. However, the unusual globular polaroplast of the spore and restriction of this stage to host ovarian tissue have not previously been described in Nosema. Sporogony occurred only in follicle cells adjacent to developing oocytes and was in synchrony with the process of vitellogenesis. Oocytes were infected after formation of intracellular connections with follicle cells but harboured only vegetative stages of the parasite. Parasites were associated with the perinuclear cytoplasm and, in developing embryos, segregated to daughter cells along the axis of the spindle. In juvenile animals there was no evidence of pathology linked with feminization and the parasite was found at low density in cells under the cuticle. The parasite is highly adapted to transovarial transmission with an efficient mechanism of oocyte infection and no evidence of pathology

    Segregation of a microsporidian parasite during host cell mitosis

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    We investigated the segregation of an intracellular microsporidian parasite during host cell division. A time-course experiment was carried out to examine the distribution of parasites relative to host chromosomal DNA via light and electron microscopy. Fluorescent light microscopy and EM studies showed that the parasite lay in the perinuclear zone of the host cell during interphase and segregated to daughter cells at mitosis. At metaphase, the parasite was frequently closely associated with host microtubules and mitochondria. Electron-dense bridges were observed between the parasites and the host microtubules and also between host mitochondria and microtubules. The study suggests that both the parasite and the host cell organelles segregate in association with spindle microtubules

    Infection of Gammarus duebeni populations by two vertically transmitted microsporidia; parasite detection and discrimination by PCR–RFLP

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    We screened a population of the brackish water crustacean Gammarus duebeni from the Isle of Cumbrae for the presence of vertically transmitted microsporidia. We compared 2 screening techniques; light microscopy and PCR-based detection using generic 16S rDNA microsporidian primers. Fifty percent of females from this population tested positive for vertically transmitted microsporidia. The PCR screen was 100% efficient in comparison with existing LM based screening. In addition, the PCR screen produced bands of 2 sizes suggesting that more than 1 species of microsporidian was present. Sequencing revealed 2 distinct species of vertically transmitted microsporidia; 33% of females were infected with the feminizer Nosema granulosis and 17% were infected with a new species which we provisionally designate Microsporidium sp. On the basis of sequence information, we developed a discriminatory PCR–RFLP test based on MspI and HaeIII digests. This screen allows rapid detection and discrimination of vertically transmitted microsporidia in natural field populations. We applied the PCR–RFLP screen to a second G. duebeni population from the Isle of Man. This population also hosted these 2 parasite species. In total 45% of females harboured N. granulosis and 10% harboured Microsporidium sp. No dual-infected individuals were found in either population. The occurrence of 2 vertically transmitted parasites within a population has implications for our understanding of parasite–host relationships in the field and we discuss factors affecting the dynamics of parasite–parasite competition and coexistence

    On the 3D steady flow of a second grade fluid past an obstacle

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    We study steady flow of a second grade fluid past an obstacle in three space dimensions. We prove existence of solution in weighted Lebesgue spaces with anisotropic weights and thus existence of the wake region behind the obstacle. We use properties of the fundamental Oseen tensor together with results achieved in \cite{Koch} and properties of solutions to steady transport equation to get up to arbitrarily small \ep the same decay as the Oseen fundamental solution

    Reducing stomatal density in barley improves drought tolerance without impacting on yield.

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    The epidermal patterning factor (EPF) family of secreted signalling peptides regulate the frequency of stomatal development in model dicot and basal land plant species. Here we identify and manipulate the expression of a barley ortholog and demonstrate that when overexpressed HvEPF1 limits entry to, and progression through, the stomatal development pathway. Despite substantial reductions in leaf gas exchange, barley plants with approximately half of the normal number of stomata show no reductions in grain yield. In addition, HvEPF1OE barley lines exhibit significantly enhanced water use efficiency, drought tolerance and soil water conservation properties. Our results demonstrate the potential of manipulating stomatal frequency for the protection and optimisation of cereal crop yields under future drier environments

    Reduced stomatal density in bread wheat leads to increased water-use efficiency

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    Wheat is a staple crop, frequently cultivated in water-restricted environments. Improving crop water-use efficiency would be desirable if grain yield can be maintained. We investigated whether a decrease in wheat stomatal density via the manipulation of epidermal patterning factor (EPF) gene expression could improve water-use efficiency. Our results show that severe reductions in stomatal density in EPF-overexpressing wheat plants have a detrimental outcome on yields. However, wheat plants with a more moderate reduction in stomatal density (i.e. <50% reduction in stomatal density on leaves prior to tillering) had yields indistinguishable from controls, coupled with an increase in intrinsic water-use efficiency. Yields of these moderately reduced stomatal density plants were also comparable with those of control plants under conditions of drought and elevated CO2. Our data demonstrate that EPF-mediated control of wheat stomatal development follows that observed in other grasses, and we identify the potential of stomatal density as a tool for breeding wheat plants that are better able to withstand water-restricted environments without yield loss

    Thermodynamics of non-local materials: extra fluxes and internal powers

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    The most usual formulation of the Laws of Thermodynamics turns out to be suitable for local or simple materials, while for non-local systems there are two different ways: either modify this usual formulation by introducing suitable extra fluxes or express the Laws of Thermodynamics in terms of internal powers directly, as we propose in this paper. The first choice is subject to the criticism that the vector fluxes must be introduced a posteriori in order to obtain the compatibility with the Laws of Thermodynamics. On the contrary, the formulation in terms of internal powers is more general, because it is a priori defined on the basis of the constitutive equations. Besides it allows to highlight, without ambiguity, the contribution of the internal powers in the variation of the thermodynamic potentials. Finally, in this paper, we consider some examples of non-local materials and derive the proper expressions of their internal powers from the power balance laws.Comment: 16 pages, in press on Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamic

    Improved SOT (Hinode mission) high resolution solar imaging observations

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    We consider the best today available observations of the Sun free of turbulent Earth atmospheric effects, taken with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode spacecraft. Both the instrumental smearing and the observed stray light are analyzed in order to improve the resolution. The Point Spread Function (PSF) corresponding to the blue continuum Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) near 450 nm is deduced by analyzing i/ the limb of the Sun and ii/ images taken during the transit of the planet Venus in 2012. A combination of Gaussian and Lorentzian functions is selected to construct a PSF in order to remove both smearing due to the instrumental diffraction effects (PSF core) and the large-angle stray light due to the spiders and central obscuration (wings of the PSF) that are responsible for the parasitic stray light. A Max-likelihood deconvolution procedure based on an optimum number of iterations is discussed. It is applied to several solar field images, including the granulation near the limb. The normal non-magnetic granulation is compared to the abnormal granulation which we call magnetic. A new feature appearing for the first time at the extreme- limb of the disk (the last 100 km) is discussed in the context of the definition of the solar edge and of the solar diameter. A single sunspot is considered in order to illustrate how effectively the restoration works on the sunspot core. A set of 125 consecutive deconvolved images is assembled in a 45 min long movie illustrating the complexity of the dynamical behavior inside and around the sunspot.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figures, 1 movi