650 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Financial Health of Georgia's Start-Up Charter Schools - Brief

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    This report examines the financial health of start-up charter schools in Georgia during the 2006-07 school year. FRC Brief 19

    Economic Change and Fiscal Planning: The Origins of the Fiscal Crisis in New York State

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    What can policy makers learn from the fiscal experience of New York during the 1980s? By most measures, the state went from a position of fiscal strength in the early 1980s to fiscal crisis by the end of the decade. In their analysis of demographic, social, economic, and fiscal patterns, Roy Bahl and William Duncombe show that the lack of long-term fiscal planning and short-term discipline were the root causes of the turnabout. They call for greater use of both, as well as tax reforms that will better reflect the changing reality of local and state economies

    State and Local Debt Burdens in the 1980s: A Study in Contrast

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    Financing an adequate education: A case study of New York

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    The development of any adequacy based school finance system involves three components, which correspond to the three substantive sections of this paper: First, a state must select measures of adequacy, either in terms of resources or student performance. Such measures are necessary to identify school districts below the standard. Although these measures can be controversial and difficult to develop, this choice is unavoidable. Second, a state must estimate the cost of reaching a given performance standard in each district. The cost function approach presented in this study relies on statistical methods to extract from actual data the impact of student needs, resource prices, and enrollment size on the spending required to reach a particular standard. Third, a state must develop a school aid formula. This formula should provide all school districts the resourcesthey need to reach the adequacy standard selected by the state. This paper explains how each of these steps can be implemented, with illustrations based on data from New York State. Our objective is to provide guidance for any state that wants to design an adequacy-based finance system

    The New Anatomy of Urban Fiscal Problems

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    How Much More Does a Disadvantaged Student Cost?

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    This paper provides a guide to statistically based methods for estimating the extra costs of educating disadvantaged students, shows how these methods are related, and compares state aid programs that account for these costs in different ways. We show how pupil weights, which are included in many state programs, can be estimated from an education cost equation, which many scholars use to obtain an education cost index, and we devise a method to estimate pupil weights directly. Using data from New York, we show that the distribution of state aid is similar with statistically based pupil weights and an educational cost index. Finally, we show that large, urban school districts with a high concentration of disadvantaged students would receive far more aid (and rich suburban districts would receive far less aid) if statistically based pupil weights were used instead of the ad hoc weights in existing state aid programs


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    In 1997/98, breeding at subantarctic Marion Island was exceptionally good for five species of seabirds capable of foraging over wide areas and for a tern. The number of king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus chicks surviving to the start of spring in 1997 was considerably more than previously recorded. Greater numbers of wandering Diomedea exulans and grey-headed Thalassarche chrysostoma albatrosses, northern giant petrels Macronectes halli and Kerguelen terns Sterna virgata bred than previously recorded, and more southern giant petrels M. giganteus did so than in any other year since 1994. For southern giant petrels, reproductive success was higher than in any other year, as was survival of chicks of northern giant petrels. Conversely, for two seabirds that feed close to the island, gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua and Crozet shag Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis, 1997/98 was a particularly poor breeding season. Gentoo penguins initiated breeding later than usual and fledged few chicks. The number of Crozet shags that bred decreased; probably about 25% of the adult population did not breed. For two species with an intermediate foraging range that eat mainly crustaceans, macaroni Eudyptes chrysolophus and eastern rockhopper E. chrysocome filholi penguins, breeding was not noticeably different from normal except that chicks of rockhopper penguins fledged with a slightly heavier mass than in other years. However, for both these penguins, the mass of adults on arrival at colonies decreased substantially in the following (1998/99) breeding season. The unusual breeding by most of the seabirds coincided with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event of 1997/98. This synchrony contrasts with lagged responses to ENSO events of seabirds that breed farther south in the Southern Ocean. Continued monitoring of seabirds over well-separated sites in the Southern Ocean may elucidate how climatic perturbations operating at a global scale impact seabirds in the region.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 453–46

    Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for sub-Stellar Companions

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    We report on a sub-stellar companion search utilizing interferometric fringe-tracking astrometry acquired with Fine Guidance Sensor 3 (FGS 3) on the Hubble Space Telescope. Our targets were Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star. We obtain absolute parallax values for Proxima Cen pi_{abs} = 0.7687 arcsecond and for Barnard's Star pi_{abs} = 0.5454 arcsecond. Once low-amplitude instrumental systematic errors are identified and removed, our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods longer than 60 days for Proxima Cen. Between the astrometry and the radial velocity results we exclude all companions with M > 0.8M_{Jup} for the range of periods 1 < P < 1000 days. For Barnard's Star our companion detection sensitivity is less than or equal to one Jupiter mass for periods long er than 150 days. Our null results for Barnard's Star are consistent with those of Gatewood (1995).Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, to appear in August 1999 A
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