23 research outputs found

    Znaczenie kliniczne zakażeń wirusem Zachodniego Nilu w Europie w świetle doniesień prezentowanych na konferencji „Aktualne problemy dotyczące czynników zakaźnych przenoszonych przez krew” (10 marca 2017 r., Warszawa)

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    West Nile Virus (WNV) is a RNA virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family. It is the most widespreadvirus in the world. Culex mosquitoes are vectors of this virus, while birds inhabiting humid areas are the reservoir. The paper presents epidemiological data, the clinical picture, diagnostic methods and treatment of West Nile fever. Special emphasis was put on prevention, especially in pregnant women.Wirus Zachodniego Nilu (WNV) należy do wirusów RNA z rodziny Flaviviridae. Obecnie jest najszerzej rozpowszechnionym flawiwirusem na świecie. Wektorem wirusa na świecie są komary z gatunków Culex, a jego rezerwuarem — ptaki zamieszkujące tereny wilgotne. W pracy omówiono dane epidemiologiczne gorączki Zachodniego Nilu, obraz kliniczny, leczenie oraz diagnostykę. Zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie działań zapobiegawczych, szczególnie u kobiet w ciąży

    Post-mortem detection of six human herpesviruses (HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6) in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia by PCR

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    Background Among over 100 types of Herpesviridae viruses, eight can infect humans: herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1, HSV-2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8 (HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8). After initial infection, the viruses remain latent for the lifetime of the host. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of six different herpesviruses: HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia among a random group of Polish population. Methods The studied group consisted of 47 individuals (40 male, seven female); mean age of 47.4 ± 16.5 years) who died of independent causes (suicide, traffic accident, and poisoning, among others). Bilateral trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia of each cadaver were collected during the autopsy. Herpesviruses were detected using multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique. Results Herpesviruses were found in trigeminal and/or facial ganglia in 30/47 (63.8%) of cadavers. HHV-6 was the most prevalent of the herpesviruses and was found in nearly half of cadavers (n = 22; 46.8%), followed by HSV-1 (n = 7; 14.9%), VZV (n = 4; 8.5%), EBV (n = 4; 8.5%), HSV-2 (n = 2; 4.3%), and CMV (n = 1; 2.1%). Facial nerve ganglia (n = 23; 48.9%) were more often infected than trigeminal ganglia (n = 13; 27.7%). Discussion The results of this study have revealed a common presence of the herpesviruses in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia among a random group of Polish population. Furthermore, the data also demonstrate simultaneous infection of the ganglia with different herpesviruses. This study has contributed to the knowledge of prevalence and localization of herpesviruses in different structures of the nervous system

    Rickettsia species in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks feeding on human skin and clinical manifestations of tick-borne infections after tick bite

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    Abstract Dermacentor reticulatus ticks are sporadically removed from human skin and therefore the medical consequences of their feeding are neglected compared to Ixodes ricinus. We investigated the prevalence of pathogens in D. reticulatus removed from human skin and possible clinical manifestations suggestive of tick-borne diseases after a tick bite. A total of 2153 ticks were studied and of these only 34 were D. reticulatus. The mean prevalence of Rickettsia in D. reticulatus was 50.0% and R. raoultii was identified in 82.4% of infected D. reticulatus ticks. We confirmed the first case of R. aeschlimannii infection in D. reticulatus ticks. Among participants bitten by D. reticulatus, 13.3% reported reddening around the tick bite site and flu-like symptoms, including lymphadenopathy and 3.3% reported eschar on the tick site bite. All of the participants with flu-like symptoms after tick removal were bitten by ticks infected with R. raoultii. The results of this study indicate that even though D. reticulatus ticks bite humans sporadically, pathogenic Rickettsia have a remarkably high prevalence in this tick species. We can expect that the incidence of tick-borne lymphadenopathy might increase with the reported expansion of the D. reticulatus into new areas and its growing abundance in Central Europe

    Associations of the cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte population with a clinical presentation of tick-borne encephalitis

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    In tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), lymphocytes infiltrating central nervous system are indispensable for the infection control, but also potentially immunopathogenic. To clarify their roles, we have evaluated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) count of the main lymphocyte populations (considered as a proxy of the brain parenchyma lymphocytic infiltrate) in TBE patients and analyzed if they associate with clinical presentation, blood-brain barrier disruption and intrathecal antibody synthesis.We have studied CSF from 96 adults with TBE (50 with meningitis, 40 with meningoencephalitis, 6 with meningoencephalomyelitis), 17 children and adolescents with TBE and 27 adults with non-TBE lymphocytic meningitis. Th CD3+CD4+, Tc CD3+CD8+, double positive T CD3+CD4+CD8+, B CD19+ and NK CD16+/56+ cells were counted cytometrically with a commercial fluorochrome-stained monoclonal antibody set. The associations between the counts and fractions of these cells and clinical parameters were analyzed with non-parametric tests, p<0.05 considered significant.The TBE patients had lower pleocytosis with similar proportions of the lymphocyte populations compared to non-TBE meningitis. The different lymphocyte populations correlated positively with one another, as well as with CSF albumin, IgG and IgM quotients. The higher pleocytosis and expansion of Th, Tc and B cells associated with a more severe disease and neurologic involvement: Th with encephalopathy, myelitis and weakly with cerebellar syndrome, Tc with myelitis and weakly with encephalopathy, B with myelitis and with at least moderately severe encephalopathy. The double-positive T lymphocytes associated with myelitis, but not with other forms of CNS involvement. The fraction of double positive T cells decreased in encephalopathy and the fraction of NK in patients with neurologic deficits. In children with TBE, Tc and B counts were increased at the expense of Th lymphocytes in comparison with adults.The concerted intrathecal immune response, involving the main lymphocyte populations, increases with the clinical severity of TBE, with no evidently protective or pathogenic elements distinguishable. However, the particular populations including B, Th and Tc cells associate with different, though overlapping, spectra of CNS manifestations, suggesting they may be specifically related to TBE manifesting as myelitis, encephalopathy and cerebellitis. The double-positive T and NK cells do not expand evidently with severity and may be most closely associated with the protective anti-TBEV response

    The Lack of the Association of the CCR5 Genotype with the Clinical Presentation and Frequency of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in the Polish Population

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    Background: The host factors influencing the susceptibility to and the severity of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are poorly defined. The loss-of-function Δ32 mutation in the chemokine receptor gene CCR5 was identified as a risk factor for West Nile encephalitis and possibly for TBE, suggesting a protective role of CCR5 in Flavivirus encephalitis. Methods: We studied the CCR5 genotype in 205 TBE patients stratified by a clinical presentation and 257 controls from the same endemic area (Podlasie, Poland). The genotype distribution between the groups and differences between TBE patients with different genotypes were analyzed. Results: There were 36 (17.6%) CCR5Δ32 heterozygotes and 3 (1.5%) homozygotes in the TBE group, with no statistically significant difference in comparison with the controls. The CCR5Δ32 allele did not associate with the clinical presentation or the severity of TBE. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammatory parameters did not differ between the wild-type (wt/wt) and wt/Δ32 genotype patients. The TBE clinical presentation and CSF parameters in three Δ32/Δ32 homozygotes were unremarkable. Conclusions: The lack of association of CCR5Δ32 with the risk and clinical presentation of TBE challenges the suspected CCR5 protective role. CCR5 is not indispensable for the effective immune response against the TBE virus

    The increased concentration of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with tick-borne encephalitis

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    Abstract Background Host factors determining the clinical presentation of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are not fully elucidated. The peripheral inflammatory response to TBE virus is hypothesized to facilitate its entry into central nervous system by disrupting the blood-brain barrier with the involvement of a signaling route including Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and pro-inflammatory cytokines macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β). Methods Concentrations of MIF, TNFα, and IL-1β were measured with commercial ELISA in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 36 hospitalized TBE patients, 7 patients with non-TBE meningitis, and 6 controls. The CSF albumin quotient (AQ) was used as a marker of blood-brain barrier permeability. Single nucleotide polymorphisms rs3775291, rs5743305 (associated with TLR3 expression), and rs755622 (associated with MIF expression) were assessed in blood samples from 108 TBE patients and 72 non-TBE controls. The data were analyzed with non-parametric tests, and p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results The median serum and CSF concentrations of MIF and IL-1β were significantly increased in TBE group compared to controls. MIF concentration in serum tended to correlate with AQ in TBE, but not in non-TBE meningitis. The serum concentration of TNFα was increased in TBE patients bearing a high-expression TLR3 rs5743305 TT genotype, which also associated with the increased risk of TBE. The low-expression rs3775291 TLR3 genotype TT associated with a prolonged increase of CSF protein concentration. The high-expression MIF rs755622 genotype CC tended to correlate with an increased risk of TBE, and within TBE group, it was associated with a mild presentation. Conclusions The results point to the signaling route involving TLR3, MIF, and TNFα being active in TBE virus infection and contributing to the risk of an overt neuroinvasive disease. The same factors may play a protective role intrathecally contributing to the milder course of neuroinfection. This suggests that the individual variability of the risk and clinical presentation of TBE might be traced to the variable peripheral and intrathecal expression of the mediators of the inflammatory response, which in turn associates with the host genetic background

    Synthesis of Th17 cytokines in the culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato

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    Introduction and objective Th17 lymphocytes and their cytokines, interleukin 17A (IL-17A), IL-17F and IL-22, participate in the response to extracellular bacteria and in the autoimmunity and may be engaged in the pathogenesis of Lyme borreliosis. Concentrations were measured of IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22 in the supernatant of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) culture stimulated with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato ( B. burgdorferi ). Material and Methods The study group consisted of 13 patients with early disseminated and late Lyme borreliosis and a control group of 7 healthy persons. PBMC cultures were stimulated for 48 hours with B. burgdorferi spirochetes of three pathogenic species: B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. afzelii or B. garinii , in the multiplicity of infection 10:1. Concentrations of Th17 cytokines IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22, as well as Th2/immunoregulatory cytokine IL-10 were measured with ELISA assays. Results Expression of IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22 increased under stimulation, simultaneously with the increased IL-10 expression. Concentration of IL-17F tended to be lower in early neuroborreliosis than in late Lyme borreliosis and than in controls. B. afzelii elicited higher expression of IL-17A than the other two species. Conclusions IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22 are synthesized simultaneously by PBMC stimulated with B. burgdorferi . There is no antagonism between Th17 response and IL-10 expression. The role of Th17 cytokines seems to differ depending on the clinical stage of Lyme borreliosis and on the B. burgdorferi species

    Assessment of HMGB-1 concentration in tick-borne encephalitis and neuroborreliosis

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of HMGB-1 (high mobility group box 1) in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients suffering from tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and neuroborreliosis (NB). Focus was placed on HMGB-1 measurement in the CSF or serum in order to establish whether this could help to differentiate between NB and TBE. Methods: Eighty patients with meningitis and meningoencephalitis were enrolled in the study. The patients were divided into two groups: group I comprised patients with NB (n = 40) and group II comprised patients with TBE (n = 40). The diagnosis was made based on the clinical picture, CSF examination, and the presence of specific antibodies in the serum and CSF. The control group for the evaluation of the parameters in serum were healthy blood donors (n = 25), while the control group for the evaluation of parameters in the CSF were patients in whom a central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory process was excluded. The concentrations of HMGB-1 were measured by ELISA method using a commercial kit (HMGB-1 ELISA Kit; EIAab, China). The results were analyzed using Statistica 10, Gretl, receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC), and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results and conclusions: HMGB-1 is associated with the development of inflammatory processes in the CNS caused by both tick-borne pathogens: viral (TBE) and bacterial (Lyme borreliosis). Measurement of the serum HMGB-1 concentration in the early stages of both diseases of the CNS may contribute to the differentiation between TBE and NB, which may have a clinical impact for patients bitten by ticks. Keywords: HMGB-1, TBE, Neuroborreliosis, Biomarke

    Borrelia burgdorferi genospecies detection by RLB hybridization in Ixodes cinus ticks from different sites of North-Eastern Poland

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    Introduction. RLB (Reverse Line Blot Hybridization) is a molecular biology technique that might be used for [i]Borrelia burgdorferi [/i]sensu lato (sl) DNA detection with genospecies specification. Among[i] B. burgdorferi[/i] sl genospecies at least 7 are regarded as pathogenic in Europe. objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of different [i]Borrelia[/i] genospecies DNA detection in Ixodes ricinus ticks in the endemic area of North-Eastern Poland by using RLB. materials and method. Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected in May – June, from 6 different sites in North-Eastern Poland (Jakubin, Kolno, Grajewo, Suwałki, Siemiatycze, Białowieża) by flagging. Extracted DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the intergenic spacer 5S 23S of [i]B. burgdorferi sl.[/i] PCR products were hybridised to 15 different oligonucleotide probes for 9 different [i]Borrelia [/i]genospecies ([i]B. burgdorferi sl, B. burgdorferi ss, B. garinii, B. afzelii, B. valaisiana, B. lusitaniae, B. spielmanii, B. bissettii and B. relapsing[/i] fever-like spirochetes (B. myamotoi)) by RLB. results. [i]Borrelia [/i]genospecies DNA was detected in 205 Ixodes ricinus ticks. Among 14 infected with [i]Borrelia[/i] ticks, 4 were identified as B. garinii and 10 as B. afzelii. Higher numbers of infected ticks were noticed in the eastern part of the research area, where large forest complexes dominate. Nymphs appeared to be the most frequently infected tick stage, which has an epidemiological meaning in the incidence of Lyme borreliosis. conclusions. The study demonstrated that RLB might be easily used in [i]Borrelia[/i] DNA detection with genospecies-identification, and indicated the domination of [i]B. afzelii and B. garinii [/i]in ticks from North-Eastern Poland