96 research outputs found

    Share price trend based on analysis of investor’s online activity

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    The desire of modeling the influence coming from behavioral economics, representing mostly qualitative variables, requires new approaches to quantify this influence. In this paper we present an analytical method for determining the direction of the share future return using an aggregate indicator calculated based exclusively on the trend of registered variables from investor’s online activity. This online activity refers to the number and content of messages posted by investors on shares analysis dedicated web blogs


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    Thanks to the Internet, „high-quality” information is now easier and quicker to obtain than ever before. However, the Internet investing environment fosters overconfidence. As you acquire more information, your confidence in your ability to predict the future rises far faster than your true ability. Online investors have access to vast quantities of data, but information is not knowledge or wisdom. In fact, having loads of data gives you the illusion of knowledge and thus control. Ultimately, this data may give you a false confidence that you can pick stocks

    Influence of Long Term Fertilization With NPK on Wheat Production and Chemical Characteristics of Typical Chernozem From Valu Lui Traian

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    To determine the evolution soil fertility as a result of NPK fertilization, are presented experimental results from a long-term experience after 44 years of fertilization. The experimental field is located on the chernozem - soil type, the plant of culture was wheat. Nitrogen and phosphorus doses that were applied had 2 graduations. We tracked the influence of fertilizers on the production and content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humus, pH and heavy metals: Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn from the soil after harvesting. The highest yield (4288 kg / ha) was obtained in fertilized variants with N100K150, variants where the production level increased by 216% compared to the unfertilized soil (1987 kg / ha); Fertilization with 100 kg / ha of phosphorus alone or with 50-150 kg / ha of potassium and fertilization with N100P100 along with doses of 50-150 kg / ha of potassium have led to very significant increases in the level of the mobile phosphorus in soil (from 34 mg / kg in unfertilized soil to 178 mg / kg in variant fertilized with N100P100 kg / ha), the potassium content of the soil increased very significantly with the increase of the applied potassium dose


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    The paper presents the results obtained in the SCDA Secuieni long term experimental field. The effect of long term (42 years) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization upon soil fertility and yield was followed up with 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N/ha and 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg P/ha doses. Long term fertilization led to a statistically significant increase of grain yield. Harvest increased from 5,569 kg/ha in the unfertilized control to 9,805 kg/ha in the N160P160 fertilized variants. Each kilogram of phosphorus brought a 6.78 kg corn grain gain, and for each kilogram of nitrogen a 15.28 kg corn grain increase was obtained. Phosphorus long term fertilization significantly increased the total and mobile soil phosphorus content: from 0.0160% in the unfertilized control to 0.094% in the variants fertilized with 160 kg P/ha, respectively from 8 mg PAL/kg in the unfertilized control to 144 mg PAL/kg in the variants fertilized with 160 kg P/ha, and didn`t significantly change total and mobile potassium level. No significant humus and nitrogen levels modifications occur under the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus long term fertilization


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    Numerous studies have tried to model the connection between the structure of population and the financial markets, showing the possibility of a future meltdown in the financial markets, via lower savings and investments given the reaching of the baby-boom cohorts at the age of retirement. In general the research has focused on the case of more industrialized countries, where the aging phenomenon is more felt in the present. The case of Central and Eastern European countries was somehow left aside, although the issue of aging should be an important one, considering also the current state of developing CEE capital markets. Our empirical work, based on the Romanian experience, suggests also that the demographic dynamics have had a detectable impact on the domestic stock market


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    The research was organized on the Balta Unchiașului tailings dump, Rovinari, Gorj county, a dump covered with 30 cm of fertile soil, aiming to establish the effect of fertilization with fertilizers, cattle manure, compost, lignite –based fertilizer and liquid fertilizer based on humates extracted from lignite on sunflower production and followed the effect of fertilization with mineral fertilizers, manure, compost and liquid fertilizers based on humates extracted from lignite, on the sunflower crop). The chemical characteristics of the crop substrate had a large variability and consisted of: pH values between 8.08 and 8.35, so a slightly alkaline reaction, humus values between 2.50 -3.52%, being valued as a low-medium level of supply, the level of nitrogen total between 0.101 and 1.60%, therefore a low-medium level of supply, mobile phosphorus between 25 and 44 mg/kg, therefore a medium-high level of supply. The most high values is recorded in the variants fertilized with manure and compost, mobile potassium between 152 and 315 mg/kg, so a medium - high supply level, copper between 18 and 23 mg/kg, so normal supply values, nickel between 30 and 37 mg/kg, so an average load, lead between 7 and 12 mg/kg, values that highlight a normal level of load, manganese between 473 and 595 mg/kg, so normal values, zinc between 48 and 66 mg/ kg, showing normal values and cadmium 0.17 AND 0.32 mg/kg so normal values. The sunflower plants can be used as copper hyperaccumulators

    Viziuni contemporane în tratamentul defectului cuneiform

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    Rezumat. Defectul cuneiform este o patologie necarioasă posteruptivă cauzată de suprasolicitările ocluzale datorate anomaliilor de poziţie şi număr a dinţilor. Necesită un examen clinic şi paraclinic minuţios cît şi o abordare complexă şi riguroasă în timpul tratamentului în vederea înlăturării cauzei şi simptomelor acestei patologii, pentru dobândirea unui rezultat eficient şi durabil.Summary. Cuneiform defect is a non-carious post-eruptive pathology caused by the occlusal over use due to the abnormal position and number of teeths. A detailed clinical and paraclinical exam is needed as well as a complex and rigorous behavior during the treatement in order to remove the cause and the symptoms of the pathology to obtain an efficient and a lasting result

    Ethical aspects on partnership Christian Orthodox Church – medical institutions concerning the organ transplantation

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    The explosive technological progress in medicine generated a need of ethic, moral and religious evalution concerning new medical achievements. In this way, the present study reveals an Orthodox Cristian point of view on such contradictory medical practice as it is the organ transplantation. The quintessence of study resides in fact that Orthodox Church conception regarding the organ transplantation is aproving, however, this practice should be limited in certain bioethic and biotheological requirements, so it could be religiously accepted