3,816 research outputs found

    Near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy of (136108) Haumea's multiple system

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    The transneptunian region of the solar system is populated by a wide variety of icy bodies showing great diversity. The dwarf planet (136108) Haumea is among the largest TNOs and displays a highly elongated shape and hosts two moons, covered with crystalline water ice like Hamuea. Haumea is also the largest member of the sole TNO family known to date. A catastrophic collision is likely responsible for its unique characteristics. We report here on the analysis of a new set of observations of Haumea obtained with SINFONI at the ESO VLT. Combined with previous data, and using light-curve measurements in the optical and far infrared, we carry out a rotationally resolved spectroscopic study of the surface of Haumea. We describe the physical characteristics of the crystalline water ice present on the surface of Haumea for both regions, in and out of the Dark Red Spot (DRS), and analyze the differences obtained for each individual spectrum. The presence of crystalline water ice is confirmed over more than half of the surface of Haumea. Our measurements of the average spectral slope confirm the redder characteristic of the spot region. Detailed analysis of the crystalline water-ice absorption bands do not show significant differences between the DRS and the remaining part of the surface. We also present the results of applying Hapke modeling to our data set. The best spectral fit is obtained with a mixture of crystalline water ice (grain sizes smaller than 60 micron) with a few percent of amorphous carbon. Improvements to the fit are obtained by adding ~10% of amorphous water ice. Additionally, we used the IFU-reconstructed images to measure the relative astrometric position of the largest satellite Hi`iaka and determine its orbital elements. An orbital solution was computed with our genetic-based algorithm GENOID and our results are in full agreement with recent results.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Compositional characterisation of the Themis family

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    Context. It has recently been proposed that the surface composition of icy main-belt asteroids (B-,C-,Cb-,Cg-,P-,and D-types) may be consistent with that of chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CPIDPs). Aims. In the light of this new association, we re-examine the surface composition of a sample of asteroids belonging to the Themis family in order to place new constraints on the formation and evolution of its parent body. Methods. We acquired NIR spectral data for 15 members of the Themis family and complemented this dataset with existing spectra in the visible and mid-infrared ranges to perform a thorough analysis of the composition of the family. Assuming end-member minerals and particle sizes (<2\mum) similar to those found in CPIDPs, we used a radiative transfer code adapted for light scattering by small particles to model the spectral properties of these asteroids. Results. Our best-matching models indicate that most objects in our sample possess a surface composition that is consistent with the composition of CP IDPs.We find ultra-fine grained Fe-bearing olivine glasses to be among the dominant constituents. We further detect the presence of minor fractions of Mg-rich crystalline silicates. The few unsuccessfully matched asteroids may indicate the presence of interlopers in the family or objects sampling a distinct compositional layer of the parent body. Conclusions. The composition inferred for the Themis family members suggests that the parent body accreted from a mixture of ice and anhydrous silicates (mainly amorphous) and subsequently underwent limited heating. By comparison with existing thermal models that assume a 400km diameter progenitor, the accretion process of the Themis parent body must have occurred relatively late (>4Myr after CAIs) so that only moderate internal heating occurred in its interior, preventing aqueous alteration of the outer shell.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Observation of correlations up to the micrometer scale in sliding charge-density waves

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    High-resolution coherent x-ray diffraction experiment has been performed on the charge density wave (CDW) system K0.3_{0.3}MoO3_3. The 2kF2k_F satellite reflection associated with the CDW has been measured with respect to external dc currents. In the sliding regime, the 2kF2k_F satellite reflection displays secondary satellites along the chain axis which corresponds to correlations up to the micrometer scale. This super long range order is 1500 times larger than the CDW period itself. This new type of electronic correlation seems inherent to the collective dynamics of electrons in charge density wave systems. Several scenarios are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Typos added, references remove

    Parallel computation of echelon forms

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    International audienceWe propose efficient parallel algorithms and implementations on shared memory architectures of LU factorization over a finite field. Compared to the corresponding numerical routines, we have identified three main difficulties specific to linear algebra over finite fields. First, the arithmetic complexity could be dominated by modular reductions. Therefore, it is mandatory to delay as much as possible these reductions while mixing fine-grain parallelizations of tiled iterative and recursive algorithms. Second, fast linear algebra variants, e.g., using Strassen-Winograd algorithm, never suffer from instability and can thus be widely used in cascade with the classical algorithms. There, trade-offs are to be made between size of blocks well suited to those fast variants or to load and communication balancing. Third, many applications over finite fields require the rank profile of the matrix (quite often rank deficient) rather than the solution to a linear system. It is thus important to design parallel algorithms that preserve and compute this rank profile. Moreover, as the rank profile is only discovered during the algorithm, block size has then to be dynamic. We propose and compare several block decomposition: tile iterative with left-looking, right-looking and Crout variants, slab and tile recursive. Experiments demonstrate that the tile recursive variant performs better and matches the performance of reference numerical software when no rank deficiency occur. Furthermore, even in the most heterogeneous case, namely when all pivot blocks are rank deficient, we show that it is possbile to maintain a high efficiency

    SST-GATE: A dual mirror telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the world's first open observatory for very high energy gamma-rays. Around a hundred telescopes of different sizes will be used to detect the Cherenkov light that results from gamma-ray induced air showers in the atmosphere. Amongst them, a large number of Small Size Telescopes (SST), with a diameter of about 4 m, will assure an unprecedented coverage of the high energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (above ~1TeV to beyond 100 TeV) and will open up a new window on the non-thermal sky. Several concepts for the SST design are currently being investigated with the aim of combining a large field of view (~9 degrees) with a good resolution of the shower images, as well as minimizing costs. These include a Davies-Cotton configuration with a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GAPD) based camera, as pioneered by FACT, and a novel and as yet untested design based on the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration, which uses a secondary mirror to reduce the plate-scale and to allow for a wide field of view with a light-weight camera, e.g. using GAPDs or multi-anode photomultipliers. One objective of the GATE (Gamma-ray Telescope Elements) programme is to build one of the first Schwarzschild-Couder prototypes and to evaluate its performance. The construction of the SST-GATE prototype on the campus of the Paris Observatory in Meudon is under way. We report on the current status of the project and provide details of the opto-mechanical design of the prototype, the development of its control software, and simulations of its expected performance.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223

    From Bloch model to the rate equations II: the case of almost degenerate energy levels

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    Bloch equations give a quantum description of the coupling between an atom and a driving electric force. In this article, we address the asymptotics of these equations for high frequency electric fields, in a weakly coupled regime. We prove the convergence towards rate equations (i.e. linear Boltzmann equations, describing the transitions between energy levels of the atom). We give an explicit form for the transition rates. This has already been performed in [BFCD03] in the case when the energy levels are fixed, and for different classes of electric fields: quasi or almost periodic, KBM, or with continuous spectrum. Here, we extend the study to the case when energy levels are possibly almost degenerate. However, we need to restrict to quasiperiodic forcings. The techniques used stem from manipulations on the density matrix and the averaging theory for ordinary differential equations. Possibly perturbed small divisor estimates play a key role in the analysis. In the case of a finite number of energy levels, we also precisely analyze the initial time-layer in the rate aquation, as well as the long-time convergence towards equilibrium. We give hints and counterexamples in the infinite dimensional case
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