124 research outputs found

    Large NcN_{c} limit for physical quantities in SU(3) skyrme model

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    In SU(3)-flavor Skyrme model, three different ways of defining the NcN_{c}\to \infty limit are proposed. Mass splittings and magnetic moments are calculated in this limit. The calculations show importance of 1/Nc_{c} corrections

    Large Nc_{c} limit of the Skyrme model

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    In Skyrme model with 3 flavors the limit Nc_{c} \rightarrow \infty is explicitly performed. Mass splittings and magnetic moments for the baryonic states in such a model are calculated and compared with the data

    The width of Θ+\Theta^{+} for large NcN_{c} in chiral quark soliton model

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    In the chiral quark soliton model the smallness of Θ+\Theta^+ width is due to the cancellation of the coupling constants which are of different order in NcN_c. We show that taking properly into account the flavor structure of relevant SU(3) representations for arbitrary number of colors enahnces the nonleading term by an additional factor of NcN_c, making the cancellation consistent with the NcN_c counting. Moreover, we show that, for the same reason, Θ+\Theta^+ width is suppressed by a group-theoretical factor O(1/Nc){\cal O}(1/N_c) with respect to Δ\Delta and discuss the NcN_c dependence of the phase space factors for these two decays.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figures, in v2 reference added, minor typos correcte

    Sustainable airport passenger terminal design – the review of selected examples

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    This paper points out recent tendencies in airport passenger terminal architecture. Taking sustainability of the building as a major concern, examples of the current architectural approaches are presented. Norman Foster’s Stansted Airport design is identified as a model solution and three cases of its implementation are pictured and analyzed. Moreover, the rising interest in multi-criteria certification in the aviation infrastructure is depicted on the example of LEED certification

    Peculiar calcite speleothems filling fissures in calcareous sandstones and their palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatic significance : an example from the Polish Carpathians

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    Peculiar calcite speleothems developed in fissures in the Cergowa Sandstones were found in the Klęczany Quarry (Polish Western Carpathians). They represent flowstone and stalactites, rafts and various sparry crusts. Such speleothems, especially phreatic ones, are uncommon in the Outer Carpathians that are composed mainly of siliciclastic rocks of flysch type, with only limited calcium carbonate content. The speleothems analysed grew in vadose and phreatic conditions as well as at the air-water interface. Phreatic speleothems and thin rafts comprise calcite crystals of eccentric morphology. Based on their stable isotope composition the majority of the speleothems form two clusters. The first is characterized by d18O values between -9.8 and -8.5‰ and of d13C values between -5.7 and -0.6‰ whereas the second cluster of samples yields d18O values between -9.4 and -7.3‰ and d13C values from -11.5 to -9.7‰. Speleothems grew between 230+14-13 ka and Holocene time. Phreatic speleothems, including massive rafts, precipitated from ascending water of deep circulation whereas vadose and water table speleothems crystallized from local infiltration water charged with soil CO2. Mixing of both waters in the shallow phreatic zone is plausible

    Automatic hidden bypasses in software-defined networks

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    As global internet traffic continues to increase, network operators face challenges on how to efficiently manage transmission in their networks. Even though attempts are underway to make optical networks automatic, the majority of actions related to traffic engineering are still performed manually by the administrators. In this paper we propose an Automatic Hidden Bypasses approach to enhance resource utilization in optical networks. Our solution uses the software-defined networking concept to automatically create or remove hidden bypasses which are not visible at the network layer. The mechanism increases throughput and reduces transmission delays

    Solid-State Fermentation Reduces Phytic Acid Level, Improves the Profile of Myo-Inositol Phosphates and Enhances the Availability of Selected Minerals in Flaxseed Oil Cake

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    U radu su ispitani in vitro sljedeći parametri: udjel fitata (InsP6), svojstva mioinozitol fosfata i iskoristivost esencijalnih mineralnih tvari iz lanene pogače fermentirane s pomoću gljivice Rhizopus oligosporus (DSM 1964 i ATCC 64063). Maseni udjel fitata u lanenoj pogači bio je 13,9 mg/g, nakon 96 sati fermentacije s pomoću R. oligosporus DSM 1964 smanjen je za 48 %, a s pomoću R. oligosporus ATCC 64063 za 33 %. Fermentacijom s pomoću soja DSM 1964 postignuti su bolji rezultati, jer je dobiven dominantni mioinozitol InsP3-5, dok je fermentacijom s pomoću soja ATCC 64603 dobiven uglavnom InsP5-6. Fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od lanene pogače poboljšana je in vitro iskoristivost kalcija za 14 %, magnezija za 3,3 % i fosfora za 2-4 %.Flaxseed oil cake was subjected to fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus (DSM 1964 a nd ATCC 64063), and the phytate (InsP6) content, myo-inositol phosphate profile and in vitro bioavailability of essential minerals were studied. Flaxseed oil cake had a phytate mass fraction of 13.9 mg/g. A 96-hour fermentation of flaxseed oil cake by R. oligo sporus DSM 1964 and R. oligosporus ATCC 64063 decreased the InsP6 content by 48 and 33 %, respectively. The strains had different phytate-degrading activities: fermentation of flaxseed oil cake with R. oligosporus DSM 1964 was more advantageous, yielding InsP3-5 as a predominating myo-inositol compound, while fermentation with R. oligosporus ATCC 64603 produced predominantly InsP5-6. Solid-state fermentation of flaxseed oil cake enhanced in vitro bioavailability of calcium by 14, magnesium by 3.3 and phosphorus by 2–4 %