168 research outputs found

    Dynamical relativistic corrections to the leptonic decay width of heavy quarkonia

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    We calculate the dynamical relativistic corrections, originating from radiative one-gluon-exchange, to the leptonic decay width of heavy quarkonia in the framework of a covariant formulation of Light-Front Dynamics. Comparison with the non-relativistic calculations of the leptonic decay width of J=1 charmonium and bottomonium S-ground states shows that relativistic corrections are large. Most importantly, the calculation of these dynamical relativistic corrections legitimate a perturbative expansion in αs\alpha_s, even in the charmonium sector. This is in contrast with the ongoing belief based on calculations in the non-relativistic limit. Consequences for the ability of several phenomenological potential to describe these decays are drawn.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Preon Trinity

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    We present a new minimal model for the substructure of all known quarks, leptons and weak gauge bosons, based on only three fundamental and stable spin-1/2 preons. As a consequence, we predict three new quarks, three new leptons, and six new vector bosons. One of the new quarks has charge 4e/3-4e/3. The model explains the apparent conservation of three lepton numbers, as well as the so-called Cabibbo-mixing of the dd and ss quarks, and predicts electromagnetic decays or oscillations between the neutrinos νˉμ\bar{\nu}_{\mu} (νμ\nu_{\mu}) and νe\nu_e (νˉe\bar{\nu}_e). Other neutrino oscillations, as well as rarer quark mixings and CP violation can come about due to a small quantum-mechanical mixing of two of the preons in the quark and lepton wave functions.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, no figure

    Preon Trinity - a new model of leptons and quarks

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    A new model for the substructure of quarks, leptons and weak gauge bosons is discussed. It is based on three fundamental and absolutely stable spin-1/2 preons. Its preon flavour SU(3) symmetry leads to a prediction of nine quarks, nine leptons and nine heavy vector bosons. One of the quarks has charge 4e/3-4e/3, and is speculated to be the top quark (whose charge has not been measured). The flavour symmetry leads to three conserved lepton numbers in all known weak processes, except for some neutrinos, which might either oscillate or decay. There is also a (Cabibbo) mixing of the dd and ss quarks due to an internal preon-antipreon annihilation channel. An identical channel exists inside the composite Z0Z^0, leading to a relation between the Cabibbo and Weinberg mixing angles.Comment: 12 pages Latex, no figures; to be published in the Proceedings of Beyond 99, Tegernsee, Germany, June 199

    Higgs Pain? Take a Preon!

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    The Higgs mechanism is the favourite cure for the main problem with electroweak unification, namely how to reconcile a gauge theory with the need for massive gauge bosons. This problem does not exist in preon models for quark and lepton substructure with composite Z0Z^0 and WWs, which, consequently, also avoid all other theoretical complications and paradoxes with the Higgs mechanism. We present a new, minimal preon model, which explains the family structure, and predicts several new, heavy quarks, leptons and vector bosons. Our preons obey a phenomenological supersymmetry, but without so-called squarks and sleptons, since this SUSY is effective only on the composite scale.Comment: The preon contents of some quarks and leptons have been changed in order to achieve a more consistent scheme. A few new comments have been added. 13 pages, LaTeX, no figures. To be published in Proc. of the Meeting on 'The Fundamental Structure of Matter' and 'Tests of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking', Ouranoupolis, Greece, May 199

    Spin zero particle propagator from a random walk in 3-D space

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    The propagator of a spin zero particle in coordinate space is derived supposing that the particle propagates rectilinearly always at the speed of light and changes its direction in some random points due to a scattering process.The average path between two scatterings is of the order of the Compton length.Comment: 8 pages, no figure. accepted by Phys.Lett.

    Non-perturbative renormalization in Light Front Dynamics with Fock space truncation

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    Within the framework of the Covariant formulation of Light-Front Dynamics, we develop a general non-perturbative renormalization scheme based on the Fock decomposition of the state vector and its truncation. The explicit dependence of our formalism on the orientation of the light front is essential in order to analyze the structure of the counterterms and bare parameters needed to renormalize the theory. We present here a general strategy to determine the dependence of these quantities on the Fock sectors. We apply our formalism to QED for the two-body (one fermion and one boson) truncation and recover analytically, without any perturbative expansion, the renormalization of the electric charge according to the requirements of the Ward Identity.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics, Cairns, Australia, July 7-15, 200

    EBSD investigation of SiC for HTR fuel particles

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    Xavier Bourrat : Present Address ISTO - CNRS-Université d'OrléansInternational audienceElectron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) can be successfully performed on SiC coatings for HTR fuel particles. EBSD grain maps obtained from thick and thin unirradiated samples are presented, along with pole figures showing textures and a chart showing the distribution of grain aspect ratios. This information is of great interest, and contributes to improving the process parameters and ensuring the reproducibility of coating

    Compact stars in the standard model - and beyond

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    In the context of the standard model of particle physics, there is a definite upper limit to the density of stable compact stars. However, if there is a deeper layer of constituents, below that of quarks and leptons, stability may be re-established far beyond this limiting density and a new class of compact stars could exist. These objects would cause gravitational lensing of white dwarfs and gamma-ray bursts, which might be observable as a diffraction pattern in the spectrum. Such observations could provide means for obtaining new clues about the fundamental particles and the origin of cold dark matter.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, contribution to the 42nd course of the international school of subnuclear physics, 'How and where to go beyond the standard model', Erice, Aug. 29 - Sep. 7, 200

    Preon Prophecies by the Standard Model

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    The Standard Model of quarks and leptons is, at first sight, nothing but a set of {\it ad hoc} rules, with no connections, and no clues to their true background. At a closer look, however, there are many inherent prophecies that point in the same direction: {\it Compositeness} in terms of three stable preons.Comment: 13 pages, 8 eps-figures, invited talk at Beyond the Desert '03, Schloss Ringberg, Bavaria, June 2003; to be published in the Proceeding

    The Harari-Shupe preon model and nonrelativistic quantum phase space

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    We propose that the whole algebraic structure of the Harari-Shupe rishon model originates via a Dirac-like linearization of quadratic form x^2+p^2, with position and momentum satisfying standard commutation relations. The scheme does not invoke the concept of preons as spin-1/2 subparticles, thus evading the problem of preon confinement, while fully explaining all symmetries emboded in the Harari-Shupe model. Furthermore, the concept of quark colour is naturally linked to the ordering of rishons. Our scheme leads to group U(1)xSU(3) combined with SU(2), with two of the SU(2) generators not commuting with reflections. An interpretation of intra-generation quark-lepton transformations in terms of genuine rotations and reflections in phase space is proposed