4 research outputs found

    Intention to Consume Junk Food: A Study of Drivers for Control Implications

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    Junk food has been making fast inroads in Indian market. Socio-culturally India has been a collectivist and tradition dominated society, where the concept of food is very different from junk food. This study aims to explore the rising incidence of junk food based on the theory of planned behavior and contributes to understanding the consumption drivers for possible social marketing implications. The findings suggest that out of the three constructs: attitude, social norms and perceived behavioral control, only perceived behavioral control was found to be the significant determinant of intentions. The study has implications for social marketers. For controlling the rising incidence of junk food, the strategy should focus on developing a sense of perceived control. This requires building self-belief and increasing barriers to access of junk food. This paper contributes to the body of literature in understanding consumption drivers of junk food, particularly in a collectivist and family-oriented society like India and how efforts to control rising incidence of junk food can be made more effective


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    Retail touches the lives of people all over the globe, the beneficence of retail services in augmenting competencies for diverse consumer goods and services has been duly acknowledged. Retail, a traditional activity involving buying and selling of products has been reinvented with the effects of modernization, liberalization and deregulation. Retailing has emanated as a significant sector becoming much more formal and critical and has been proved to be conducive to the economic growth. With market liberalization, growing consumerism and the entry of corporate players, the Indian retail sector is currently experiencing developments at an evolutionary rate like nowhere else in the world. Services like retail need to be strengthened by identification of key success factors. The study seeks to explore the critical aspects as retail moves from traditional to modern, from single to multiple to omni-channel. It identifies the significant issues which retailers need to address to devise competitive strategies

    Indian Cool: Concept and Contrast with Western Cool

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    Intention to Consume Junk Food: A Study of Drivers for Control Implications

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    Junk food has been making fast inroads in Indian market. Socio-culturally India has been a collectivist and tradition dominated society, where the concept of food is very different from junk food. This study aims to explore the rising incidence of junk food based on the theory of planned behavior and contributes to understanding the consumption drivers for possible social marketing implications. The findings suggest that out of the three constructs: attitude, social norms and perceived behavioral control, only perceived behavioral control was found to be the significant determinant of intentions. The study has implications for social marketers. For controlling the rising incidence of junk food, the strategy should focus on developing a sense of perceived control. This requires building self-belief and increasing barriers to access of junk food. This paper contributes to the body of literature in understanding consumption drivers of junk food, particularly in a collectivist and family oriented society like India and how efforts to control rising incidence of junk food can be made more effective.