761 research outputs found

    Surface and interface states investigated in Si based thin films for photovoltaic applications

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    Recently, hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon oxynitride (nc-SiOxNy:H) has been proposed as a suitable substitute for a-Si:H as heteroemitter in SHJ cells. The latter presents strong parasitic absorption of light, which causes losses in short circuit current, and prevents to achieve higher power conversion efficiencies. Previous studies on nc-SiOxNy:H thin layers have shown for these films optical bandgap values as high as 2.5 eV and very high dark conductivities, up to 44 S/cm, which could lead to significant efficiency improvements. This thesis reports the investigation of nc-SiOxNy thin films, deposited by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) on c-Si and glass substrates, conducted by means of surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements and electrical characterization. The study concerned in particular the evaluation of the influence of the oxygen content and the thermal treatment, on the optoelectronic and electrical properties of the SiOxNy layers. SPV measurements have revealed the excellent passivation quality of the as-deposited sample with low oxygen content. In addition, it allowed for the identification of possible quantum confinement effects at the silicon nanocrystals in the sample with low oxygen, 3 h annealed. Furthermore, the thermal treatment have demonstrated to yield a significant improvement of the electrical properties of nc-SiOxNy thin films. The results this study show that the optimization of nc-SiOxNy for its application in SHJ solar cells still requires further study. In order to achieve the required high conductivity, annealing treatments are required; however, such treatments strongly degrades the passivating quality of the layer. Similar high conductivities can be achieved using higher H2 dilution during the deposition stage, that boosts the layer crystallinity

    Entwicklung eines neuen Applikationsverfahrens fĂŒr fließfĂ€hige Komposite zur Reduktion polymerisationsbedingter Spannungen

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    Die Polymerisationsschrumpfung und die resultierenden Spannungen im Zahn stellen heute immer noch eine hĂ€ufige Ursache fĂŒr das Versagen von KompositfĂŒllungen dar. Daher beschĂ€ftigt sich die Kompositforschung seit vielen Jahren mit diesem Problem. Um eine adĂ€quate Haftung der FĂŒllung am Zahn sowie eine ausreichende DurchhĂ€rtung des Materials zu gewĂ€hrleisten, ist die Anwendung der Schichttechnik bei Verwendung eines herkömmlichen Komposits heute Stand der Technik. Diese Technik ist jedoch zeitaufwendig. Zur Zeitersparnis bei der FĂŒllung von großen KavitĂ€ten kamen vor einigen Jahren die sogenannten Bulk- Fill Komposite auf den Markt, welche sich seither steigender Beliebtheit erfreuen. Die zwei Bulk-Fill Materialien SDRÂź (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Deutschland) und x-tra base (VOCO, Cuxhaven, Deutschland) wurden in dieser Studie als exemplarische Bulk-Fill Flowables untersucht. Basierend auf dem Gradientenmodell nach Sommer und Gente wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die polymerisationsschrumpfbedingten Spannungen durch gleichzeitige Belichtung (=Vorbelichtung) signifikant reduziert werden können. Dies gelingt durch Erzeugung der Gelphase des Versuchskomposits, direkt nachdem es an die KavitĂ€tenwand anfließen konnte. Durch dieses Vorgehen soll der „Gelschrumpf“ des schon applizierten Materials durch nachfließendes Material kompensiert werden. Dabei ist das richtige Maß an Belichtung entscheidend fĂŒr den Erfolg. Als Vergleichsbasis diente die Verarbeitung nach Herstellerangabe (Bulk-Technik) sowie die Schichttechnik. Die Spannungsmessung erfolgte mithilfe der etablierten spannungsoptischen Methode.Die vorliegende Studie soll einen neuen Ansatz zur Spannungsreduktion aufzeigen und eine erste technische Umsetzung der oben beschrieben Applikationsweise erproben. Dies gelang durch die Montage einer weißen LED an die Applikationspistole. Durch die Verwendung eines Analogcomputers wurde eine automatische Regulierung der Belichtung realisiert, sodass das Material mit variabler Geschwindigkeit appliziert werden kann. Diese Applikationseinrichtung wurde von Prof. Dr. M. Gente und mir als Erfindung gemeldet, von der Philipps- UniversitĂ€t in Anspruch genommen und sowohl national als auch international zum Patent angemeldet. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigen eine signifikante Reduktion der Spannungen bei Anwendung der Vorbelichtung. Eine insgesamt schlĂŒssige ErklĂ€rung der beobachteten Spannungsreduktion konnte durch eine Erweiterung des Gradientenmodells von Sommer und Gente von drei auf vier Phasen gegeben werden. Die Vorbelichtung war unterschiedlich effektiv fĂŒr die beiden untersuchten Bulk- Fill Materialien. So ist bei Anwendung von x-tra base mit Vorbelichtung die Spannungsreduktion so effektiv wie die Anwendung der Schichttechnik; bei Anwendung von SDRÂź mit Vorbelichtung konnten sogar noch signifikant geringere Spannungswerte erreicht werden. In Zukunft wird also eine Verfeinerung der technischen Umsetzung dieses vielversprechenden Ansatzes erfolgen, ebenso sollte die Anwendbarkeit auf andere Materialien untersucht werden


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    K e y w o r d s: PathFinder code, porous media, granular beds, tortuosity. A b s t r a c t This paper discusses a new approach to analyzing fluid flow through a granular bed. The analysis involves the determination of a set of geometric parameters characterizing a granular bed based on information about the location and diameter of all bed particles. The above task has been achieved with the use of the PathFinder numeric code developed by the authors. The study proposes a new algorithm for calculating the parameters of granular beds composed of spherical particles with various diameters in the PathFinder program. The algorithm has been verified with the use of independent tools and implemented in the new version of the PathFinder code. The modified algorithm's effect on flow path tortuosity has been analyzed. Path length is used to determine tortuosity, a key parameter of pore geometry that is difficult to calculate. Comparative calculations were performed in a granular bed generated by the Discrete Element Method in the PFC 3D program

    Do Normal Radiographs Exclude Asphericity of the Femoral Head-Neck Junction?

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    Asphericity of the femoral head-neck junction is one cause for femoroacetabular impingement of the hip. However, the asphericity often is underestimated on conventional radiographs. This study compares the presence of asphericity on conventional radiographs with its appearance on radial slices of magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA). We retrospectively reviewed 58 selected hips in 148 patients who underwent a surgical dislocation of the hip. To assess the circumference of the proximal femur, alpha angle and height of asphericity were measured in 14 positions using radial slices of MRA. The hips were assigned to one of four groups depending on the appearance of the head-neck junction on anteroposterior pelvic and lateral crosstable radiographs. Group I (n=19) was circular on both planes, Group II (n=19) was aspheric on the crosstable view, Group III (n=4) was aspheric on the anteroposterior view, and Group IV (n=13) was aspheric on both views. In all four groups, the highest alpha angle was found in the anterosuperior area of the head-neck junction. Even when conventional radiographs appeared normal, an increased alpha angle was present anterosuperiorly. Without the use of radial slices in MRA, the asphericity would be underestimated in these patients. Level of Evidence: Level II, prognostic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidenc

    Verwendungsraten von Prothesen der unteren ExtremitÀt in Deutschland und der Schweiz: Ein Vergleich der Jahre 2005-2008

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: In den USA hat die Verwendung der totalen HĂŒftprothese innerhalb der letzten Dekade stark zugenommen. Es ist jedoch nicht bekannt, ob sich dieser Trend auf andere LĂ€nder ĂŒbertragen lĂ€sst. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war daher der detaillierte Vergleich der Verwendungsraten von HĂŒft-, Knie- und OSG-Prothesen in der BRD und der Schweiz im Zeitraum 2005-2008 und ein SekundĂ€rvergleich mit den USA. Patienten und Methoden: Aus Daten der beiden statistischen BundesĂ€mter wurden die Einwohnerzahl, Geschlechts- und Altersverteilung sowie die Anzahl von PrimĂ€r- und Revisionseingriffen ermittelt. Aus diesen Kennzahlen konnte die Anzahl von PrimĂ€r-, Revisions- und Gesamteingriffen, der Revisionslast, von PrimĂ€r- und Revisionsraten pro 100.000 Einwohner und Jahr sowie geschlechts- und altersspezifische PrimĂ€r- und Revisionsraten berechnet werden. Ein im Vergleich dazu reduzierter Datensatz aus den USA stammt direkt vom Autor der entsprechenden Auswertungen. Ergebnisse: In Deutschland, der Schweiz und den USA stieg die Anzahl der Voll- und TeilhĂŒftprothesenimplantationen pro 100.000 Personen von 235,8, 238,2 und 116,8 im Jahr 2005 auf 254,7, 262,7 und 127,3 an. FĂŒr Voll- und Teilknieprothesen lagen die Raten bei 156,3, 140,1 und 178,2 Implantationen in 2005 und 188,3, 176,8 und 213,6 in 2008. Die Revisionslast fĂŒr HĂŒftprothesen lag in der BRD in 2005 mit 13,6% um 3,6% höher als in der Schweiz und betrug 11,2% in den USA. In 2008 lag sie mit 15,1% um 4,6% höher als in der Schweiz und betrug wiederum 11,2% in den USA. FĂŒr Knieprothesen lag die Last in der BRD in 2005 bei 11,1% und damit 3,5% höher als in der Schweiz; in den USA betrug sie 7,4%. In 2008 lag sie bei 12,8% und somit 4,2% höher als in der Schweiz und betrug 8,9% in den USA. In allen 3 LĂ€ndern lag die Revisionslast fĂŒr Knieprothesen stets unter derjenigen fĂŒr HĂŒftprothesen. Schlussfolgerung: In allen 3 LĂ€ndern stiegen die PrimĂ€rraten fĂŒr HĂŒft- und Knieprothesen an, diejenigen fĂŒr Knieprothesen stĂ€rker. Die Revisionslasten lagen in 2008 fĂŒr beide Prothesentypen in der BRD am höchsten. In der Schweiz gab es eine vorĂŒbergehende Senkung der Revisionslasten und erst ab 2007 wieder einen Anstieg. Die Verwendungsrate von HĂŒftprothesen pro 100.000 Einwohner lag in den USA stark unter den Raten der BRD und der Schweiz, fĂŒr Knieprothesen lag sie leicht darĂŒbe

    Foxp3+ regulatory T cells maintain immune homeostasis in the skin

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    Cutaneous immune responses must be tightly controlled to prevent unwanted inflammation in response to innocuous antigens, while maintaining the ability to combat skin-tropic pathogens. Foxp3+ regulatory T (T reg) cells are potent immune regulators and are found at high frequency in both human and mouse skin. Although T reg cells migrate to the skin and can dampen immune responses during experimentally induced inflammation or infection, the importance of cutaneous T reg cells for maintaining normal immune homeostasis in the skin has not been addressed. To selectively block T reg cell function in the skin, we restored the T reg cell compartment in Foxp3-deficient scurfy mice with cells whose ability to migrate to the skin was impaired because of targeted mutation of α-1,3-fucosyltransferase VII (Fut7). Although Fut7-deficient T reg cells were present at normal frequency and could function in all other tissues examined, these animals rapidly developed severe cutaneous inflammation. Thus, skin-resident T reg cell are essential for maintaining normal immune homeostasis at this site

    The International Documentation and Evaluation System IDES: a single center observational case series for development of an ankle prosthesis documentation questionnaire and study of its feasibility and face validity

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The number of implanted total ankle replacements is increasing and most articles present short- and mid-term results. Comparison of outcomes is difficult because of inconsistent terminology and different use of parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We created a module for total ankle prostheses in the framework of the International Documentation and Evaluation System (IDES). Content development was conducted with an iterative process based on a single surgeon series of 74 HINTEGRA(c) total ankle replacements and expert opinions. RESULTS: The IDES ankle module comprises three forms A, B and C for recording of primary (A), revision (B) and followup (C) procedures. 74 primary interventions, 28 revisions and 92 followups could be documented in detail with the final version of the questionnaires. CONCLUSION: The IDES-forms facilitate a structured and standardized data collection for total ankle arthroplasties. Implemented on the academic MEMdoc portal http://www.memdoc.org of the University of Bern, all registered users can make use of IDES in its online or paper based versions

    A small series of pole sport injuries

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    Pole sport is a relatively new athletic sport that is gaining increasing popularity and for which national and international championships are held. It evolved from pole dance and harbours the risk of falls from heights of up to three metres. Currently, no studies on pole sport injuries are available. This is the first description of a small series of five pole sport injuries. A retrospective review of the case histories and radiological findings was performed, and in addition, a follow-up interview was carried out. All the patients were female and had a mean age of 27.2 years. Most injuries were located in the head, neck or spine. The use of proper training equipment like landing mats and grip aids could probably reduce accidents

    Acceptance, Barriers, and Future Preferences of Mobile Health Among Patients Receiving Trauma and Orthopedic Surgical Care: Paper-Based Survey in a Prospective Multicenter Study

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    Background: Smartphones have become an essential part of everyday life and it is undeniable that apps offer enormous opportunities for dealing with future challenges in public health. Nevertheless, the exact patient requirements for medical apps in the field of orthopedic and trauma surgery are currently unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to define target groups, evaluate patient requirements, and the potential and pitfalls regarding medical apps specific for patients receiving orthopedic and trauma surgical care. Methods: A prospective multicenter study was conducted between August 2018 and December 2019 at a German trauma center and 3 trauma surgery/orthopedic practices. A paper-based survey consisting of 15 questions evaluated information regarding smartphone and medical app usage behavior. In addition, suggested app functions were rated using Likert scales. Descriptive statistics and binary log-binomial regression were performed. Results: A total of 1055 questionnaires were included in our statistical analysis. Approximately 89.57% (945/1055) of the patients in this study owned a smartphone. Smartphone ownership probability decreased with every decade of life and increased with higher levels of education. Medical information was obtained via mobile web access by 62.65% (661/1055) of the patients; this correlated with smartphone ownership in regard to age and educational level. Only 11.18% (118/1055) of the patients reported previous medical app usage, and 3.50% (37/1055) of the patients received an app recommendation from a physician. More than half (594/1055, 56.30%) of the patients were unwilling to pay for a medical app. The highest rated app functions were information about medication, behavioral guidelines, and medical record archival. An improved treatment experience was reported through the suggested app features by 71.18% (751/1055) of the patients. Conclusions: Mobile devices are a widely used source of information for medical content, but only a minority of the population reported previous medical app usage. The main target group for medical apps among patients receiving orthopedic and trauma surgical care tends to be the younger population, which results in a danger of excluding fringe groups, especially the older adults. Education seems to be one of the most important pull factors to use smartphones or a mobile web connection to obtain health information. Medical apps primarily focusing on an optimized patient education and flow of information seem to have the potential to support patients in health issues, at least in their subjective perception. For future target group–oriented app developments, further evidence on the clinical application, feasibility, and acceptance of app usage are necessary in order to avoid patient endangerment and to limit socioeconomic costs
