13 research outputs found


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    The kinematical values (distance, time, velocity, acceleration) characterised pedestrian movement are important input data for the next accident reconstruction. When we try to model the pedestrian movement, it is applicable to know the real measured values of walking (velocity and acceleration of different pedestrian categories). Creating of the database (course of velocity and acceleration in dependence on distance) for different pedestrian categories was the reason to elaborate at the Institute of Forensic Engineering in Zilina the work named: The pedestrian movement analysis. The paper shows the methodology and brief conclusions of the work

    Ethical responsability of media

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    Inżynieria pożarowa i jej praktyczne zastosowanie

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    Progress in the fields of construction and fire safety leads to the development of methods and approaches that are more suitable for extensive and atypical structures than the classical "standard" approach used up to now. In the Czech Republic, basic conditions for the official application of fire engineering approaches were established in the years 2009 and 2010. Needed changes have impacted on legislation, state administration, preparation of standards as well as professional training. The development and the introduction of fire engineering approaches form the content of the research project Specific Assessment of High Risk Conditions for Fire Safety by Fire Engineering Approaches (VG20122014074) handled as a part of the Czech Republic Security Research Programme 2010 - 2015. The contribution also states selected applications of fire engineering approaches to some atypical structures designed in the Czech Republic, including experience following from this.Postęp w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa budownistwa i bezpieczeństwa pożarowego prowadzi do rozwoju metod które są bardziej przydatne w sytuacjach nietypowych od "standardowego" podejścia stosowanego dotychczas. W Republice Czeskiej, podstawowe warunki oficjalnego stosowania metod inżynierii pożarowej powstały w latach 2009 i 2010. Potrzebne zmiany miały wpływ na ustawodawstwo, administrację państwową, przygotowanie norm, jak również szkolenia zawodowe.Opracowanie i wprowadzenie rozwiązań inżynierii pożarniczej tworzą zawartość projektu badawczego .Ocena szczegółowa warunków wysokiego ryzyka dla Straży Pożarnej poprzez zastosowanie metod inżynierii pożarniczej. (VG20122014074) będącego częścią Programu Badawczego w Dziedzienie Bezpieczeństwa Republiki Czeskiej na lata 2010-2015

    Transmedia Storytelling in Education

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    An Analysis of Producer Participation in the Georgia Grown State Marketing Program

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    State marketing programs are dedicated to promoting state grown and produced products. Currently, every state in the US has a state marketing program. At the same time, these programs vary in the extent of their efforts to promote state-specific agricultural products. To date, numerous studies have examined the impact of specific state marketing programs from a consumer perspective. To our knowledge, no studies have examined the producer side of state grown programs. The focus of this research is to identify specific factors that affect firm participation in the Georgia state marketing program, Georgia Grown. We rely on a unique data set identifying characteristics of participants in the Georgia Grown program along with their selection into a specific tier of marketing service. Importantly, each tier requires a specific sum for participation. Using this data, we are able to identify specific factors that influence participation including: industry sector and geographic region. The results of this analysis are relevant for understanding how state marketing programs can better interact with the suppliers who are interested in participating in their program

    A Multipurpose Robotic Vehicle for the Rescue of Persons and Interventions in Emergency Situations

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    At present, multipurpose robotic vehicles represent the best possible solution for the rescue and transport of persons in a state of traumafrom places in difficult-to-access terrain, in poor weather conditions and in emergency situations. It is a case of complementary means supplementingthe equipment for rescue and emergency response that already exists or is being developed on the basis of a concept drawn in theframework of Integrated Emergency System of the Czech Republic. As a multipurpose means, the vehicle can be used for unmanned remoteinvestigations into situations, for unmanned rescue and materials transport. Simultaneously, a modification to vehicles for places accessiblemerely by rail is designed

    Characterization of Ultrafine Particles and VOCs Emitted from a 3D Printer

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    Currently, widely available three-dimensional (3D) printers are very popular with the public. Previous research has shown that these printers can emit ultrafine particles (UFPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Several studies have examined the emissivity of filaments from 3D printing, except glycol modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG) and styrene free co-polyester (NGEN) filaments. The aim of this study was to evaluate UFP and VOC emissions when printing using a commonly available 3D printer (ORIGINAL PRUSA i3 MK2 printer) using PETG and NGEN. The concentrations of UFPs were determined via measurements of particle number concentration and size distribution. A thermal analysis was carried out to ascertain whether signs of fiber decomposition would occur at printing temperatures. The total amount of VOCs was determined using a photoionization detector, and qualitatively analyzed via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The total particle concentrations were 3.88 × 1010 particles for PETG and 6.01 × 109 particles for NGEN. VOCs at very low concentrations were detected in both filaments, namely ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene. In addition, styrene was identified in PETG. On the basis of our results, we recommend conducting additional measurements, to more accurately quantify personal exposure to both UFPs and VOCs, focusing on longer exposure as it can be a source of potential cancer risk

    Panel 3. Education, Transmedia and communication

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    Tercer bloc de comunicacions on es presenten diferents projectes de narrativa transmèdia a càrrec d' Edorta Arana de la Universitat del País Basc sobre una producció transmèdia sobre la violència al País Basc a través de les caricatures al diari; Mª Estela Bernad Monferrer, Cesáreo Fernández Fernández, i Rosa María Torres Valdés de la Universitat Jaume I, sobre l'ús dels recursos transmèdia en les festes populars; i Oto Dudáček de la Universitat de Girona sobre l'educació en el món virtua