40 research outputs found

    The Higher Education Adaptability to The Digital Economy

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    Digitalization processes are global and performed in all spheres of economic activities. The development of the digital economy correlates with the dynamics of educational, scientific and technical, and innovative activities in the country. Higher education particularly affects the development of the digital economy because it is a system training highly qualified personnel, conducting quality research, and generating innovations. The purpose of the article is the identification of promising vectors of higher education system development under the conditions of digitalization of national economy. Section 1 of the article presents the authors’ methodological approach to assessment the impact of educational, research, and innovation components on digital economy development. The implementation of the authors’ approach covers the phased use of methods of statistical, index, cluster and system analysis. The influence of higher education on the structural components of the digital economy (educational, research, innovative ones) is grounded. The result of the study was the identification of main trends in the development of higher education under the conditions of digital economy. The problems of the development of higher education are systematized in the groups: contextual, legal, organizational and economic, financial, logistical problems, and problems of internationalization. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors conclude the necessity of development of a conceptual base for increasing the digital adaptability of the higher education system to new socio-economic conditions. Section 2 of the article describes the concept of the digital adaptability strategy of the higher education system. The concept was developed on the base of structural and functional, systemic and synergetic, and institutional approaches. The proposed concept is based on the idea of deepening the long-term partnership of universities with stakeholders within the Quadruple Helix model. In the conclusion section, the authors highlight the key priorities of the digital adaptability strategy of the higher education system

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 2. Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae, Festucetea vaginatae, Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes

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    Pioneer psammophytic vegetation is usually developed on wind-drift sandy substrates such as arenas, spits, beaches, river terraces, and this vegetation occupies significant areas in all three natural zones of Ukraine. The Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class was represented by 13 associations, 3 alliances and 1 order; Festucetea vaginatae class by 22 associations, 2 alliances and 1 order; Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae by 10 associations, 4 alliances and 1 order. The results of cluster analysis and synoptic tables of the classes are presented. 9 alliances are briefly described. Leading factors of territorial and ecological differentiation are identified. It was found that the territorial distribution of plant communities is influenced by the character of ecotope mesorelief, soil composition and humus horizon thickness, as well as the degree of eolian processes development. The main factors of their ecological differentiation are soil acidity, salt regime and ombroregime. Based on the results of DCA-ordination of syntaxa within certain vegetation classes, it was found that their distribution is influenced by factors that correlate with the environment-specific conditions. It has emerged that an ecological differentiation of syntaxa within Festucetea vaginatae is determined by the integrated effect of gradients, and soil salinity is leading among them. Temperature regime and climate continentality are leading factors in the distribution of syntaxa within the Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class. The gradients of ombroregime and soil humidity have a significant impact. The distribution of communities of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae class in the ecological space is determined mainly by factors of variability of damping, ombroregime and climate continentality. The author’s syntaxonomic concept assumes the independence of the studied classes: Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis, Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Festucetea vaginatae, conside­ring that the leading factors of community differentiation of the Festucetea vaginatae and Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes are the origin (genesis) of sandy substrates, as well as soil acidity. Phytosociological analysis of a large number of relevés of coastal littoral vegetation also provides support for independence of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Ammophiletea classes diffe­rent floristically and ecologically. A review of the psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine will determine the place of the selected syntaxonomic units in the pan-European system

    Features of ecological differentiation of halophytic, steppe and petrophytic vegetation in the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast)

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    Assessment of key environmental factors that influence vegetation distribution and formation of plant communities is one of the most important challenges in modern phytocenology. Nowadays, several bioindication systems are applied to determine ecological specificity of plant communities and to establish the leading factors for their environmental differentiation. The system most widely used in Europe, that of H. Ellenberg, contains a numerical score on 6 ecological factors. On the example of vegetation of the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik, Y. Didukh developed the synphytoindication method based on evaluation of phytocenoses with respect to 12 ecological factors: 7 edaphic factors and 5 climatic factors; the method determines a more accurate and complete presentation of the analysis. In the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast) the largest area is covered with halophytic and steppe vegetation. Halophytic vegetation (Therosalicornietea, Festuco-Puccinellietea classes, Juncetea maritimi, Bolboschoenetea maritimi) predominated in the shoreline areas of the valley, whereas steppe (Festuco-Brometea) and petrophytic (Sedo-Scleranthetea) vegetation dominated on the slope sites. With the application of DCA-ordination and synphytoindication methods it was established that distribution of plant communities in the hyper-space of the environmental conditions was most strongly correlated with edaphic factors, whereas microclimatic (light intensity) and climatic (thermo-regime) conditions had somewhat less influence on their differentiation. Water regime and level of soil salinity served as key factors for syntaxa of halophytic vegetation; moisture variability and salt regime, as well as soil moisture and carbonate content were key factors for the steppe vegetation, and thermo-regime was the main factor for petrophytic-steppe and petrophytic vegetation. The "eco-spaces" of these groups largely overlap. Halophytic cenoses are characterized by quite wide ecological ranges by most ecological factors. Steppe communities show much less ecological diversity. In the valley of the liman, all the steppe communities were characterized by stenotopicity in relation to most ecological factors; these factors complexly determine the specificity and diversity of biotopes within the valley, which are unique and require protection and the taking of appropriate measures, depending on the changes in activity of one or another limiting factor. Nowadays, the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik is in a state of environmental disaster. The established relationships in ecological differentiation of plant communities will be applied to further monitoring of biodiversity state, preservation and possible restoration of vegetation types that were native for this unique territory

    Ways ot informational modern maintenance of educational process

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    До сучасних способів інформаційного забезпечення навчального процесу належить дистанційне навчання. У тезах подано впровадження дистанційних технологій у післядипломну освіту лікарів-стоматологів, що дозволяє більш повно реалізувати можливості безперервної післядипломної освіти і має економічну ефективність; Modern methods of information supply of educational process refers to distance learning. In the the sis are the introduction of distance technology in post graduate education of dentists that allows you to more fully realize the possibilities of continuing post-graduate educational and economic efficiency

    навчальний курс

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    Навчальний курс з виявлення, попередження та розслідування злочинів торгівлі людьми, вчинених із застосуванням інформаційних технологій / [ А. Вінаков, В. Гузій, Д. Девіс та ін.; Посольство Великої Британії в Україні, МВС України, Координатор проектів ОБСЄ, Global Affairs, Canada, Affaires mondiales Canada]. – Київ, 2017. – 148 с.Навчальний курс з виявлення, попередження та розслідування злочинів торгівлі людьми, вчинених із застосуванням інформаційних технологій, підготовлений до апробації з метою його подальшого використання у навчальному процесі під час підготовки курсантів вищих навчальних закладів МВС України та підвищення кваліфікації діючих працівників ОВС щодо протидії торгівлі людьми та кіберзлочинності. Навчальний курс та матеріали методичного посібника будуть також корисними для підвищення кваліфікації прокурорів та суддів.A training course on the detection, prevention and investigation of crimes of trafficking in persons committed with the use of information technology has been prepared for testing with a view to its further use in the educational process in the preparation of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the advanced training of current officers of the Department of Internal Affairs in combating human trafficking and cybercrime. The training course and materials of the methodological manual will also be useful for advanced training of prosecutors and judges.Учебный курс по выявлению, предупреждению и расследованию преступлений торговли людьми, совершенных с применением информационных технологий, подготовлен к апробации с целью его дальнейшего использования в учебном процессе при подготовке курсантов высших учебных заведений МВД Украины и повышения квалификации действующих сотрудников ОВД по противодействию торговле людьми и киберпреступности . Учебный курс и материалы методического пособия будут также полезны для повышения квалификации прокуроров и судей

    European Vegetation Archive (EVA): An integrated database of European vegetation plots

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    © 2016 International Association for Vegetation Science. The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and regional vegetation- plot databases on a single software platform. Data storage in EVA does not affect on-going independent development of the contributing databases, which remain the property of the data contributors. EVA uses a prototype of the database management software TURBOVEG 3 developed for joint management of multiple databases that use different species lists. This is facilitated by the SynBioSys Taxon Database, a system of taxon names and concepts used in the individual European databases and their corresponding names on a unified list of European flora. TURBOVEG 3 also includes procedures for handling data requests, selections and provisions according to the approved EVA Data Property and Governance Rules. By 30 June 2015, 61 databases from all European regions have joined EVA, contributing in total 1 027 376 vegetation plots, 82% of them with geographic coordinates, from 57 countries. EVA provides a unique data source for large-scale analyses of European vegetation diversity both for fundamental research and nature conservation applications. Updated information on EVA is available online at http://euroveg.org/eva-database

    The virgin forests of the Synevyr National Nature Park, Ukraine: its current condition and biodiversity

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    Among the protected sites of the Eastern Carpathians, the Synevyr National Nature Park (NNP) in the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine is one of the most valuable and was created to preserve its unique mountain beech and spruce forest communities. The importance of the conservation of typical natural virgin forest ecosystems of the Central European mountain systemis emphasized. The aim of this article was to determine the state of the naturalness of virgin forests in the territory of Synevyr NNP, to analyse their syntaxonomy, and to establish the floristic and geobotanical characteristics of its virgin forests and to distinguish the existing biodiversity threats. It was established that the studied plots of beech and spruce forests within the territory of the Synevyr NNP have a distinct virgin nature based on their structure, forest valuation parameters, spontaneous dynamics and other features. Syntaxonomically the virgin forests of the park belong to two associations: Symphyto cordati-Fagetum Vida (1959) 1963 (alliance Fagion sylvaticae Luquet 1926, order Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawłowski 1928, class Сarpino-Fagetea sylvaticae Jakucs ex Passarge 1968) and Luzulo luzuloidis-Fagetum (Du Rietz 1923) Markgraf 1932 (alliance Luzulo-Fagion sylvaticae Lohmeyer & Tx. in Tx. 1954, order Luzulo-Fagetalia Scamoni & Passarge 1959, class Quercetea roboripetraeae Br.-Bl. & Tx. ex Oberd. 1957). The natural and anthropogenic biodiversity threats of these virgin forests are summarized. The results of the research formed the basis for the inclusion of the beech virgin forests of Synevyr NNP as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the list of objects on “Beech virgin forests and ancient forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe”

    Anthropogenic Transformations of Vegetation in the Kuyalnik Estuary Valley (Ukraine, Odesa District)

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    Human influence on the steppe ecosystems of Ukraine caused irreversible loss of biodiversity in the natural zone. Currently, this problem is aggravated by military operations which cover almost half of the steppe zone and are unprecedented in the entire history of their existence. This actualizes the study of vegetation dynamic processes under the influence of the novel anthropogenic factors, and serves as the scientific basis for restoring and preserving steppe vegetation and maintaining its functional stability. The paper highlights anthropogenic changes in vegetation of the Kuyalnik Estuary valley based on long-term comparative phytocenotic surveys and uses of the method of succession series for reconstruction. These changes are representative of the river valleys of the estuaries in the Northern Black Sea region. This work examines vegetation changes induced by runoff overregulation of estuary rivers within the basin, quarrying of sand and limestone, ploughing, grazing, burning, terracing of slopes and their afforestation, excessive mowing of grass stands, and uncontrolled recreation. Subject to the existing anthropogenic impact combined with global climate changes, further vegetation degradation was predicted to occur in the direction of xerophitization and halophitization, reduction in shrubby vegetation areas, degradation of steppe vegetation, and intensification of desertification processes

    Anthropogenic Transformations of Vegetation in the Kuyalnik Estuary Valley (Ukraine, Odesa District)

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    Human influence on the steppe ecosystems of Ukraine caused irreversible loss of biodiversity in the natural zone. Currently, this problem is aggravated by military operations which cover almost half of the steppe zone and are unprecedented in the entire history of their existence. This actualizes the study of vegetation dynamic processes under the influence of the novel anthropogenic factors, and serves as the scientific basis for restoring and preserving steppe vegetation and maintaining its functional stability. The paper highlights anthropogenic changes in vegetation of the Kuyalnik Estuary valley based on long-term comparative phytocenotic surveys and uses of the method of succession series for reconstruction. These changes are representative of the river valleys of the estuaries in the Northern Black Sea region. This work examines vegetation changes induced by runoff overregulation of estuary rivers within the basin, quarrying of sand and limestone, ploughing, grazing, burning, terracing of slopes and their afforestation, excessive mowing of grass stands, and uncontrolled recreation. Subject to the existing anthropogenic impact combined with global climate changes, further vegetation degradation was predicted to occur in the direction of xerophitization and halophitization, reduction in shrubby vegetation areas, degradation of steppe vegetation, and intensification of desertification processes

    Morphofunctional Peculiarities of Urinary-Genital System Organs in Experimentally Simulated Conditions

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    The paper represents the results of electronic microscopic study of morphofunctional state of the structural components of the urinary bladder, prostate, testes and ovaries during the third day after exposure to cold, which was performed during the experiment on 20 mature white outbred rats and kidneys of 10 adult male rats, who were modeled hypothyroidism. In all studied organs after exposure to cold there were revealed the same type of dystrophic-destructive changes of blood vessels, urothelium, glandular epithelium, connective tissue framework, smooth muscle cells, thus angiotransformations were initiating and dominant ones. Bladder, prostate, testes and ovaries, in general, are the organs with marked thermal lability. Intrarenal blood vessels, nephrons, renal tubules and interstitia in conditions of thyroid hormones deficiency undergo edematous and dystrophic changes.