308 research outputs found

    Existence of equilibria of maps for pair of generalized games

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    In this paper, we prove some new common equilibrium existence theorems for generalized abstract economy pertaining to socio and techno economy with different types of correspondences. &nbsp


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    In this paper, we prove a common xed point theorem for weakly compatible mappings in complex valued b-metric space and also improve the condition of contraction of the results of M. Kumar et al.[7]. Further, we prove common xed point theorems for weakly compatible mappings with (E.A.) property and (CLRg) property


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    In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of a fixed point of (α, β)-admissible almost z-contractions via simulation functions in metric-like spaces. Our results generalize and unify several fixed point theorem in literature

    Description of a new species of \u3ci\u3eAleuroparadoxus\u3c/i\u3e Quaintance and Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Guatemala

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    Puparia of a new whitefly, Aleuroparadoxus marisae García-Ochaeta and Dubey, new species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), collected on leaves of Brosimum alicastrum Sw. in Santa Ana, Petén, Guatemala, and on Pimenta dioica (L). Merr. in Calzada Mopán, Dolores, Petén are described and illustrated. Drawings of morphological structures and differential diagnosis of the puparium are provided, and differences from congeners are discussed. A key to puparia of the Aleuroparadoxus Quaintance and Baker species is included

    Nomographs for Polymeric Material Selection for Environmental Conscious Design of Industrial Products

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    Environmentally-conscious product design using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) deserves the utmost attention to save and sustain our planet’s lives, flora and fauna. The choice of materials during the design stage needs to address environmental concerns from their sourcing to production and ultimately going up to the disposal stage. A good majority of industrial products are still not designed, focusing the environmental concerns. The inclusion and practice of the LCA approach during product designing are in a nascent stage not only in India but even over the rest of the world. Nowadays, polymers share a major chunk of the volume of goods produced worldwide and thus have a significant effect on the environment. The available design books or nomographs guide the selection of materials considering several criteria but not considering the related environmental issues. This paper attempts to bridge this gap only for the selection of polymeric materials by providing some easily interpretable and visually ready reckoners in the form of 3-D nomographs. These 3-D nomographs, graphical representations developed using the Solidworks software, echo the material’s Environmental Impact (EI) potential on an axis with some two material properties (e.g., tensile strength and density) on the other two axes. 3-D nomographs are suitably transformed into 2-D nomographs without the loss of any information. EIs on these nomographs were computed using SimaPro software. The potential EI of any product and the overall environmental burden due to them can be significantly reduced, and more so when they are mass-produced, by selecting the right materials using these nomographs. Such an approach will help in fulfilling long-term sustainable development goals of society and the globe

    Life Cycle Assessment Based Analysis of Water Bottle Designs for Defence Application

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    This paper presents the successful implementation of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach for the sustainable development of a defence product.  Alternative designs of this product are evaluated from the environmental burden perspective.  The products considered are water bottles used by the armed forces in places like the Siachen glacier, where the environmental factors are of great concern.  From the environmental degradation perspective, the suitability of three existing bottle types has been analysed using LCA and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) approaches on SimaPro software for each of its components and the bottle as a whole.  Using this software, uncertainty analysis has also been carried out by conducting a Monte Carlo simulation for a reasonable confidence level.  The latest design was found to have the least environmental burden, being 82.62% less compared to the first design.  To augment the environmental performance further, the best design was again reviewed by carrying out component level analysis to identify feasible alternative materials that would be functionally equivalent but with lower environmental impact.  It suggested switching to lower impact material for the cap and cap cover for the proposed design.  With the adoption of the changed material, the environmental performance improved by 10.61 % as compared to the best design and 84.46 % compared to the earliest design.&nbsp


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    In this article, we generalize and improve the results of Fadail et al.[Z. M. Fadail and S. M. Abusalim, Int. Jour. of Math. Anal., Vol. 11, No. 8(2017), pp. 397-405.] and Dubey et al.[AnilKumar Dubey and Urmila Mishra, Non. Func. Anal. Appl., Vol. 22, No. 2(2017), pp 275-286.] under the concept of a c-distance in cone metric spaces. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the fixed point for T -contractive type mapping under the concept of c-distance in cone metric spaces

    A cross sectional study to measure prevalence of DVT in subacute and chronic spinal cord injury patients without any chemical prophylaxis

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    Background: Prevalence of DVT in patients with sub-acute and chronic SCI has only been reported in a limited number of studies. Knowing the incidence of thromboembolic events in the sub-acute and chronic rehabilitation phase is important to estimate disease risk and facilitate evidence based prevention. We sought to determine the prevalence of DVT in patients of subacute and chronic phases post spinal cord injury without any chemical prophylaxis.Methods: Between June 2016 and April 2018, all cases of sub-acute and chronic spinal cord injury, undergoing rehabilitation at our centre were studied. Patients with pre-existing coagulopathy/hypercoagulable state/ bleeding diathesis or on medications for these conditions, tobacco smokers, chronic alcoholics and obese individuals were excluded from the study. All patients enrolled in the study were given mechanical DVT prophylaxis and followed institutional rehabilitation protocol. They were evaluated at 3 months, 6 months and 9 months by clinical examination and CDFI for any evidence of DVT.Results: Out of 60 patients studied, 04 patients developed DVT (3 in ASIA grade A and 1 in ASIA grade B patient). 75% (3 cases) of the cases were detected in the first 3 months and only one case was detected between 3-6 moths post Spinal cord injury. The prevalence of DVT in our study, in subacute and chronic cases of spinal cord injury was 6.67%.Conclusions: Our study is in concurrence with the existing literature about the low prevalence of DVT in Southeast Asian population which doesn’t warrant DVT chemoprophylaxis in subacute and chronic SCI cases

    National Physical Laboratory demonstrates 1 g Kibble balance: Linkage of macroscopic mass to Planck constant

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    Mass is the only base unit, which is represented as a primary standard in the form of artifact for more than 125 years. International prototype of kilogram (IPK) is kept at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Paris and serves as the international standard of kilogram. It is made of 90% platinum and 10% iridium and as a cylinder of 39 mm diameter and 39 mm height. Replicas of the IPK are made of the same material and used at BIPM as reference or working standards and national prototype of kilogram (NPK), kept at different National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). NPK-57, kept at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, is sent periodically to BIPM for calibration


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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a most common persistent inflammatory arthritis of unknown etiology marked by symmetric, peripheral poly arthritis and often result in joint damage and physical disability. Arthritis is always associated with arthralgia. It is 1.0-1.5% with a female to male ratio of 3:1 functional capacity decrease most rapidly at the beginning of disease and the function state of patients in their first year. R.A. Etiology like Immunological factor (HLA-DRB1), Hormonal factor, contraceptives pills, is also associated with a worse disease outcome in R.A. Particularly in genetically predisposed individuals, some environmental antigen trigger, probably a virus, stimulates the production of autoantibodies (IgM rheumatoid factor) against the body, own IgM immunologlobins. This process can become self perpetuating. The prominent feature is the formation of immune complexes. within the joint resulting from tissue damage. These complex activate complement and attract neutrophils. Phagocytosis of immune complexes by neutrophils leads to release of chemical mediators of inflammation. Continued inflammation stimulates the formation of a proliferative synovitis. This hypertrophic granulation tissue is called pannus. This process is responsible for the causing joint erosions. In Ayurveda it is clinically correlated with Aamvata. According to Bhavprakash Beautiful composition is given in Aamvata chikitsa 26th chapter Rasonadi Kwath. Conceptually it is play very effective role because of its Sothhara, Vedna-sthapana, Kapha-vatashamak, Deepan-Pachan, Anuloman, Shoola-prashman, and also Shunthi is Uttam Aama pachak. The aim of this article is to provide a management for RA by Rasonadi Kwath