2,073 research outputs found

    Panorama dos cursos de odontologia hospitalar no Brasil: estudo transversal

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    Hospital dentistry is an area of activity that is expanding in Brazil, and dental surgeons qualified in this area bring benefits to both individual and collective health. The objective of this work was to characterize qualification courses in hospital dentistry in Brazil, identifying the locations, values, content and regions of Brazil in which the courses are offered. To this end, an exploratory, cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach was developed. The search was carried out on Google, using the search key “hospital dentistry course”, and 15 courses were included in the study. A script was prepared on Google Forms, with questions to be answered by the researcher himself about workload, region of offering, qualification and training of the coordinator, investment and type of institution offering. It was noticed that the Southeast region and more specifically the state of São Paulo concentrate the majority of course offerings. Investments vary between R1400andR1400 and R1700. The course load for qualification is met and private institutions offer more Hospital Dentistry courses. This study is an important contribution to knowledge about the provision of qualification courses in hospital dentistry in Brazil. The results found can be used to guide the improvement of the quality of these courses, to plan actions for their growth and for academic guidance in the search for postgraduate studies in the hospital area.A odontologia hospitalar é uma área de atuação que está em expansão no Brasil, e cirurgiões-dentistas habilitados nessa área trazem benefícios tanto à saúde individual quanto à coletiva.  O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os cursos de habilitação em odontologia hospitalar no Brasil, identificando os locais, valores, conteúdos e regiões do Brasil nas quais os cursos são oferecidos. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória, transversal de abordagem quantitativa. A busca foi feita no Google, a partir da chave de busca “curso de odontologia hospitalar”, e 15 cursos foram incluídos no estudo. Um roteiro foi elaborado no Google Forms, com perguntas a serem respondidas pelo próprio pesquisador acerca de carga horária, região de oferta, titulação e formação do coordenador, investimento e tipo de instituição ofertante. Percebeu-se que a região Sudeste e mais especificamente o estado de São Paulo concentram a maioria da oferta dos cursos. Os investimentos variam entre R1400eR1400 e R1700. A carga horária para a habilitação é cumprida e as instituições privadas ofertam mais cursos de Odontologia Hospitalar. Este estudo é uma contribuição importante para o conhecimento sobre a oferta de cursos de habilitação em odontologia hospitalar no Brasil. Os resultados encontrados podem ser utilizados para orientar a melhoria da qualidade desses cursos, para o planejamento de ações para o seu crescimento e para orientação acadêmica na busca por pós-graduação na área hospitalar

    Tourism public policy in a normative compared perspective: the cases of Brazil and Spain

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    Tomando-se como referência o estudo de Sola (1996), que aponta três fases na trajetória das Políticas Públicas de Turismo (PPT) mundiais, este paper se propõe a analisar o perfil das PPT de Brasil e da Espanha. Apresentamos os resultados de um estudo fundamentado na lógica de sistema aberto, amparado em uma verificação centrada em estabelecer “estilos de gestão em PPT” como sistema. Consideramos como inputs informações sobre a demanda atual e prognósticos de tendências do turismo. Para outputs consideraram-se: 1) oferta de produtos; 2) impactos ambientais 3) impactos socioculturais. Para a análise comparativa entre Brasil e Espanha utilizaramse como categorias analíticas: 1) formas de ação, 2) quantidade/qualidade, 3) estratégia e 4) impactos. Os resultados evidenciam que, no Brasil permanecem traços da primeira e segunda fases (Sola, 1996), juntamente com iniciativas pontuais características da terceira fase (devido aos investimentos recentes em turismo), marcada pela busca de sustentabilidade e competitividade, já mais adiantados na Espanha.Taking as reference the Sola study (1996), which outlines three stages in the trajectory of global Tourism Public Policy (TPP), this paper aims to analyze the profile of TPP of Brazil and Spain. We present the results of a study based on open system approach, grounded in a verification that is focused on establishing “management styles in TPP” as a system. We consider as inputs the information about the current demand and forecasts of tourism trends. For outputs were considered: 1) product offering; 2) environmental impacts 3) sociocultural impacts. For the comparative analysis between Brazil and Spain were used as analytical categories: 1) forms of action, 2) quantity/quality, 3) strategy and 4) impacts. The results show that, in Brazil remain traces of the first and second phases (Sola, 1996), along with specific initiatives characteristics of the third phase (due to recent investments in tourism), marked by the search for sustainability and competitiveness, as earlier in Spain.

    O Processo de Institucionalização das Estruturas Formais de Investigação em Turismo (EFIT) no Brasil

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    This paper analyses the institutionalization process –habitualization, objectivation and sed-imentation (Berger & Luckmann, 1966)– of the Formal Structures of Tourism Research (FSTR) in Brazil, guided by the institutional theoretical lenses, in its sociological perspective. This is a descriptive and explanatory census research. Empirically, secondary data was col-lected from all 234 FSTR existing since 1964 and active in 2016 in the CNPq (Science and Technology Council) directory of research groups, elected as the most representative type of FSTR in the previous survey (Pimentel, 2016). The data was submitted to the quantitative statistical method using the SPSS software and qualitatively by the contend analyses tech-nique. It was identified 3 main periods regarding the FSTR institutionalization process in Brazil: the first one (1964-2001), the Habitualization, higher education courses were created for the training in tourism, the theme "tourism" was expanded in the academic environment and it was observed its insertion as a line of research. The second one, Objectivation (2002-2009), the theme was consolidated through the creation of specific groups of research, in a huge expansion. The third one (2010-nowdays), there is a sedimentation of the FSTR, the contingent of tourism graduation, with masters and doctorates, inserted in High Education Institutions as teacher-researchers, and new generations of researchers are beginning to form. However, the full institutionalization process requires the intergenerational transmis-sion of the objective structures, as well as the symbolic references of knowledge generation.Ese artículo analiza el proceso de institucionalización – habitualización, objetivación y sedi-mentación (Berger y Luckmann, 1966) – de las Estructuras Formales de Investigación en Turismo/EFIT en Brasil, por medio de la teoría institucional, en su perspectiva sociológica. Esa investigación, descriptiva y explicativa, es del tipo censo. Por lo tanto, se recorrió a la aprehensión de datos secundarios, de todas las 234 EFITs, existentes entre 1964 y 2016, empíricamente consideradas como grupos de investigaciones formalmente registradas y ac-tivas en el directorio de grupos en el CNPq (Pimentel, 2016). Los datos fueron tratados cuan-titativamente con el apoyo del sof-tware SPSS y cualitativamente por la técnica de análisis del contenido. Fueron identificadas 3 etapas importantes en el proceso de institucionali-zación de las EFITs en Brasil; en la primera etapa (1964-2001) de Habitualización, se crea-ran cursos superiores para la formación vocacional en turismo, se expandió el tema “tu-rismo” en el ambiente académico y se observó su inserción como línea de investigación. En la segunda etapa, de la Objetivación (2002-2009), el tema se consolidó vía creación de grupos específicos de investigación, en gran cantidad. En la tercera etapa (2010-actual), se sedimentó las EFITs, se observó el contingente de egresos de graduaciones en turismo, con maestría y doctorado, e insertos en IES como profesores-investigadores, empieza la forma-ción de nuevas generaciones. Todavía, una plena institucionalización requiere la transmis-ión intergeneracional de estructuras objetivas y referencias simbólicas de generación de conocimiento.Este artigo analisa o processo de institucionalização – habitualização, objetivação e sedi-mentação (Berger e Luckmann, 1966) – das Estruturas Formais de Investigação em Tu-rismo/EFIT no Brasil, através da teoria institucional, em sua perspectiva histórica. Esta pes-quisa, descritiva e explicativa, é do tipo censo. Empiricamente, recorreu-se a apreensão de dados secundários, de todos os 234 grupos de pesquisa formalmente registrados desde 1964 e ativos em 2016 no diretório de grupos do CNPq, eleitos como o tipo mais represen-tativo de EFIT na pesquisa anterior (Pimentel, 2016a). Os dados foram tratados quantitati-vamente por meio do software SPSS e qualitativamente pela técnica de análise de conteúdo. Foram identificadas 3 etapas marcantes no processo de institucionalização das EFIT no Bra-sil: na primeira fase (1964-2001) de Habitualização, criaram-se cursos superiores para a formação em turismo, expandiu-se o tema “turismo” no ambiente acadêmico e observou-se sua inserção como linha de pesquisa. Na segunda fase, da Objetivação (2002-2009), o tema consolidou-se via criação de grupos específicos de pesquisa, em grande quantidade. Na terceira fase (2010-atual), sedimentam-se as EFIT, observa-se o contingente de egressos de graduações em turismo, com mestrado e doutorado, inseridos em IES como professores-pesquisadores e começa a formar-se novas gerações de pesquisadores. Todavia, uma plena institucionalização requer a transmissão intergeracional de estruturas objetivas e referen-cias simbólicas de geração de conhecimento


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    Este artículo analisa la oferta educativa del turismo y su vínculo con las estructuras formales de producción de conocimiento del área, en Uruguay. Por lo tanto, se realizó una revisión sobre la sociología de la educación aplicada al turismo, así como sobre los órganos y las estructuras formales (núcleos, grupos, observatorios, centros, etc.) dedicados a la investigación en turismo. La investigación empírica, de carácter cuantitativo, ha sido basada en un survey (con apoyo del SPSS) de todos los programas de turismo existentes en el país, como la Secretaría de Educación de Uruguay. Se verificó la existencia de OET y de EFIT en las IES, por medio de sus sitios electrónicos, según protocolo de investigación desarrollado en un estudio previo por Pimentel y De Paula (2014). Los resultados muestran que hay una baja oferta formativa en turismo en Uruguay, una fuerte asimetría entre OET y EFIT, además de discrepancias internas en la oferta educativa en turismo, como la preponderancia de los programas de licenciatura, en el área temática de “economía y gestión”. La inexistencia de una OET más plural, transversal y complementaria, ayuda a explicar parcialmente la ausencia de estructuras formales de investigación en turismo

    Heterofucans from the Brown Seaweed Canistrocarpus cervicornis with Anticoagulant and Antioxidant Activities

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    Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in sulfated l-fucose. We extracted six fucans from Canistrocarpus cervicornis by proteolytic digestion followed by sequential acetone precipitation. These heterofucans are composed mainly of fucose, glucuronic acid, galactose and sulfate. No polysaccharide was capable of prolonging prothrombin time (PT) at the concentration assayed. However, all polysaccharides prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). Four sulfated polysaccharides (CC-0.3/CC-0.5/CC-0.7/CC-1.0) doubled aPTT with only 0.1 mg/mL of plasma, only 1.25-fold less than Clexane®, a commercial low molecular weight heparin. Heterofucans exhibited total antioxidant capacity, low hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, good superoxide radical scavenging efficiency (except CC-1.0), and excellent ferrous chelating ability (except CC-0.3). These results clearly indicate the beneficial effect of C. cervicornis polysaccharides as anticoagulants and antioxidants. Further purification steps and additional studies on structural features as well as in vivo experiments are needed to test the viability of their use as therapeutic agents

    Spectrum of Pollen Stored by Melipona mandacaia (Smith, 1863) (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) in an Urban Arid Landscape

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    The objective of this study was to identify the species of pollen supplying plants that constitute the trophic niche of Melipona mandacaia in an urban area in the Caatinga domain (a tropical arid landscape). The collection of pollen in the colonies was carried out every 15 days, from October 2014 to September 2015. The pollen was removed directly from the storage pots in three distinct colonies. A total of 24 samples were analyzed and compared with the reference pollen collection, pollen catalogs and specialized literature. For the quantitative analysis, at least 1000 pollen grains per sample were identified. A total of 39 pollen types were identified, distributed in 17 botanical families, being one an indeterminate type. The most represented family was the Fabaceae (n = 16). The most frequent types were Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa pudica and Melochia sp. There was a significant positive correlation between temperature and the number of pollen types throughout the study. Relative humidity and rainfall were abiotic variables that did not present a significant correlation. The rarefaction curve showed that probably most of the pollen types collected by the bees studied were sampled, since the accumulation curve showed a progressive tendency to stabilization, indicating that there was sample adequacy of the pollen types. The analysis of similarity revealed a high sharing of pollen sources between colonies

    Performance of Beef Cattle Fed Diets Containing \u3cem\u3eStylosanthes\u3c/em\u3e and Corn Silages

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    Reports of the use of tropical legumes in silage production are scarce as these legumes have high contents of crude protein, low water soluble carbohydrate and high buffering capacity, which inhibit the production of silages with good fermentation and nutritional characteristics. Recent research has, however, shown that it is possible to produce good quality silages using tropical legumes (Pereira et al. 2012). Souza et al. (2012) concluded that silage produced from Stylosanthes cv. Campo Grande (Stylosanthes capitata + Stylosanthes macrocephala) at 60% proportion of the dry matter of the diet can replace corn silage in diets for beef cattle in feedlots without altering their intake and productive performance. However, the ideal proportion of this silage in the diets for beef cattle is still unknown. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and performance of beef cattle fed diets with Stylosanthes and corn silages