8,610 research outputs found

    Utilisation des outils numériques d'aide à la décision pour la gestion de l'eau

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    Le succès d'une gestion des écosystèmes naturels requiert une connaissance approfondie des différents processus qui interviennent et de leurs échelles de temps et d'espace particulières. Pour cette raison, les décideurs ont besoin d'analyser une vaste gamme de données et d'informations géographiques. Les modèles mathématiques, les systèmes d'informations géographi-ques et les systèmes experts sont capables de produire cette analyse, mais seule une minorité de gestionnaires les utilise actuellement. Cet article identifie quelques unes des raisons à l'origine de l'hésitation des gestionnaires à adopter de tels outils d'aide à la décision pour la gestion des ressources naturelles et propose une structure qui pourrait faciliter leur utilisation pour le processus de prise de décision. Cet exercice est réalisé à l'intérieur du contexte de la gestion intégrée par bassin. Une revue des systèmes d'aide à la décision est également présentée.Many methods of integrated or watershed management exist which account for the necessary biophysical and socio-economic factors at the watershed level. Some of these approaches are ecosystem oriented while others are socio-economically oriented. Whatever the definition, water management at the watershed level needs to account for a plenitude of variables related to the air, water, soil, biology, and economy. The successful management of natural ecosystems requires a thorough understanding of their characteristic time and spatial scales. Because of this, decision makers need to analyze a wide range of data and geographic information. Mathematical models, geographic information systems and expert systems are capable of performing this analysis, but only a minority of managers are currently using them. This paper identifies some of the reasons why ecosystem managers have been slow to adopt such decision support tools in natural resources management and proposes a framework to facilitate their use in the decision making process. This is done in an integrated watershed management context. A review of related decision support systems is also presented.Four types of decision-support tools are introduced : mathematical models, expert-systems, geographical information systems (GIS) and decision support systems (DSS). Mathematical models have long been used for simulation, prediction, and forecasting, however, they are often task specific and were rarely developed for management uses. GIS are more and more commonly being used for decision support as they become more affordable and user-friendly and are very well-suited for managing resources at a spatial scale. There exist many kinds of software ranging from a simple viewer used for cartographic purposes to complex GIS oriented toward spatial analysis and modelling. Expert systems are also interesting for decision support when specific goals are being considered. Finally, DSS are perhaps the digital tools most applicable to management purposes, often integrating one or more models, a GIS or expert system functionalities. There are two types of DSS : 1. Environmental Information Systems (EIS), and 2. Integrated Modelling Systems (IMS) EIS can be very user- friendly, relying heavily upon GIS and statistical functions.IMS also use GIS capabilities, but integrates several mathematical models as well. The level of integration between models varies considerably and the complexity of IMS are generally high.Two questions underlie the operational use of digital technologies for decision support. The first is whether or not such technology should be used at all, while the second is why such tools take time to be adopted by government and management agencies. The use of digital technologies is often required when the problem is complex and where there are a wide range of factors involved with different spatial and temporal scales. Three major constraints towards the implementation of decision support tools can be pinpointed :1. technology, 2. data, and 3. working organization. Technological constraints include cost, lack of user friendliness, and hardware problems, among other factors. Data constraints are mostly related to availability, cost, heterogeneity and volume. Finally, organization constraints pertain mostly to the manager's perception of the tool and the structural integration of the tool within the decision process.This paper proposes a 4-step approach to optimize the use of decision-support tools. The first step requires that managers and decision-makers clearly define their project, goals and budget, as well as, decide whether to use an integrated watershed management approach or a more discrete approach. This leads directly to the second step, which consists of choosing the most appropriate digital support tool. This requires communication between managers and scientists, and at this point, data gathering and integration should begin. The third phase consists of the development of a new tool or adaptation of an existing one within the context of the agency's management structure. The final step is the operational use of the decision support tool by the agency, following an initial trial period. The successful use of a decision support tool for management purposes depends on proper planning that accounts for all factors related to management needs, budget, data, ease of use, and organization integration

    Remarks on the tight-binding model of graphene

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    We address a simple but fundamental issue arising in the study of graphene, as well as of other systems that have a crystalline structure with more than one atom per unit cell. For these systems, the choice of the tight-binding basis is not unique. For monolayer graphene two bases are widely used in the literature. While the expectation values of operators describing physical quantities should be independent of basis, the form of the operators may depend on the basis, especially in the presence of disorder or of an applied magnetic field. Using the inappropriate form of certain operators may lead to erroneous physical predictions. We discuss the two bases used to describe monolayer graphene, as well as the form of the most commonly used operators in the two bases. We repeat our analysis for the case of bilayer graphene.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature dependent characterization of optical fibres for distributed temperature sensing in hot geothermal wells

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    This study was performed in order to select a proper fibre for the application of a distributed temperature sensing system within a hot geothermal well in Iceland. Commercially available high temperature graded index fibres have been tested under in-situ temperature conditions. Experiments have been performed with four different polyimide coated fibres, a fibre with an aluminum coating and a fibre with a gold coating. To select a fibre, the relationship between attenuation, temperature, and time has been analyzed together with SEM micrographs. On the basis of these experiments, polyimide fibres have been chosen for utilisation. Further tests in ambient and inert atmosphere have been conducted with two polyimide coated fibres to set an operating temperature limit for these fibres. SEM micrographs, together with coating colour changes have been used to characterize the high temperature performance of the fibres. A novel cable design has been developed, a deployment strategy has been worked out and a suitable well for deployment has been selected.Comment: PACS: 42.81.Pa, 93.85.Fg, 47.80.Fg, 91.35.Dc, 07.20.Dt, 07.60.V

    A regular Hamiltonian halting ratchet for matter wave transport

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    We report on the design of a Hamiltonian ratchet exploiting periodically at rest integrable trajectories in the phase space of a modulated periodic potential, leading to the linear non-diffusive transport of particles. Using Bose-Einstein condensates in a modulated one-dimensional optical lattice, we make the first observations of this new spatial ratchet transport. In the semiclassical regime, the quantum transport strongly depends on the effective Planck constant due to Floquet state mixing. We also demonstrate the interest of quantum optimal control for efficient initial state preparation into the transporting Floquet states to enhance the transport periodicity.Comment: 5 pages + supplementary materia

    Tunable Pinning of Burst-Waves in Extended Systems with Discrete Sources

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    We study the dynamics of waves in a system of diffusively coupled discrete nonlinear sources. We show that the system exhibits burst waves which are periodic in a traveling-wave reference frame. We demonstrate that the burst waves are pinned if the diffusive coupling is below a critical value. When the coupling crosses the critical value the system undergoes a depinning instability via a saddle-node bifurcation, and the wave begins to move. We obtain the universal scaling for the mean wave velocity just above threshold.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revte

    Radiopharmaceuticals for PET imaging of neuroinflammation - Les radiopharmaceutiques pour l’imagerie TEP de la neuroinflammation

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    Abstract Recently, accumulating evidence has revealed that neuroinflammation appears to be the cornerstone of many neurological diseases including stroke, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. Neuroinflammation causes neuronal damages by activation of numerous cells and molecular mediators in diseases involving the inflammatory process. In this article, we focus on noninvasive molecular imaging of radioligands that target inflammatory cells and molecules involved in neuroinflammation. PET is in fact one of the most promising imaging techniques to visualize and quantify neuroinflammation in vivo. We have also summarized the potential neuroinflammation imaging targets and corresponding PET radioligands. Résumé Des données scientifiques récentes et de plus en plus nombreuses ont mis en évidence le rôle central joué par le processus de neuroinflammation dans la physiopathologie de nombreuses maladies neurologiques, telles que l’accident vasculaire cérébral, la sclérose en plaques, la maladie d’Alzheimer ou encore la maladie de Parkinson. Dans ces maladies impliquant le processus inflammatoire, la neuro-inflammation cause en effet des dommages neuronaux par activation de nombreuses cellules et médiateurs moléculaires. L’imagerie par tomographie par émission de positons (TEP) apparaît comme une approche prometteuse pour visualiser et quantifier in vivo la neuro-inflammation de façon non invasive, grâce en particulier au développement de radioligands ciblant spécifiquement diverses molécules impliquées dans cette réaction inflammatoire cérébrale. Dans cette revue sont présentés les cibles moléculaires potentielles pour l’imagerie TEP de la neuro-inflammation ainsi que les médicaments radiopharmaceutiques correspondants

    Coherent Control of Photocurrents in Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes

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    Coherent one photon (2ω2 \omega) and two photon (ω \omega) electronic excitations are studied for graphene sheets and for carbon nanotubes using a long wavelength theory for the low energy electronic states. For graphene sheets we find that coherent superposition of these excitations produces a polar asymmetry in the momentum space distribution of the excited carriers with an angular dependence which depends on the relative polarization and phases of the incident fields. For semiconducting nanotubes we find a similar effect which depends on the square of the semiconducting gap, and we calculate its frequency dependence. We find that the third order nonlinearity which controls the direction of the photocurrent is robust for semiconducting t ubes and vanishes in the continuum theory for conducting tubes. We calculate corrections to these results arising from higher order crystal field effects on the band structure and briefly discuss some applications of the theory.Comment: 12 pages in RevTex, 6 epsf figure

    Observing the spin of a free electron

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    Long ago, Bohr, Pauli, and Mott argued that it is not, in principle, possible to measure the spin components of a free electron. One can try to use a Stern-Gerlach type of device, but the finite size of the beam results in an uncertainty of the splitting force that is comparable with the gradient force. The result is that no definite spin measurement can be made. Recently there has been a revival of interest in this problem, and we will present our own analysis and quantum-mechanical wave-packet calculations which suggest that a spin measurement is possible for a careful choice of initial conditions

    Towards improved socio-economic assessments of ocean acidification’s impacts

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    Ocean acidification is increasingly recognized as a component of global change that could have a wide range of impacts on marine organisms, the ecosystems they live in, and the goods and services they provide humankind. Assessment of these potential socio-economic impacts requires integrated efforts between biologists, chemists, oceanographers, economists and social scientists. But because ocean acidification is a new research area, significant knowledge gaps are preventing economists from estimating its welfare impacts. For instance, economic data on the impact of ocean acidification on significant markets such as fisheries, aquaculture and tourism are very limited (if not non-existent), and non-market valuation studies on this topic are not yet available. Our paper summarizes the current understanding of future OA impacts and sets out what further information is required for economists to assess socio-economic impacts of ocean acidification. Our aim is to provide clear directions for multidisciplinary collaborative research

    Diagnóstico preliminar de solos existentes na microbacia hidrográfica São Domingos, região da encosta do sudeste do RS.

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