54,099 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Green Function in Mixed Spaces

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    A explicit formula on semiclassical Green functions in mixed position and momentum spaces is given, which is based on Maslov's multi-dimensional semiclassical theory. The general formula includes both coordinate and momentum representations of Green functions as two special cases of the form.Comment: 8 pages, typeset by Scientific Wor

    Power Corrections in Charmless B Decays

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    In this paper, we focus on the role of power corrections in QCD factorization(QCDF) method in charmless two-body nonleptonic BB meson decays. We use the ratio of the branching fraction of B+π+K0B^+ \to \pi^+ K^{\ast 0} to that of B0πρ+B^0 \to \pi^- \rho^+, for which the theoretical uncertainties are greatly reduced, to show clearly that the power corrections in charmless B decays are probably large. With other similar ratios considered, for example, for the B0Kρ+B^0 \to K^- \rho^+ decay, it is very likely that, among various sources of power corrections, annihilation topology plays an indispensable role at least for penguin dominated PV\rm PV channels. We also consider some selective ratios of direct CP asymmetries. Among these, we find that, if power corrections other than the chirally enhanced power corrections and annihilation topology were negligible, QCDF would predict the direct CP asymmetry of Bπ+πB \to \pi^+ \pi^- to be about 3 times larger than that of Bπ±KB \to \pi^\pm K^\mp, with opposite sign. Experimentally any significant deviation from this prediction would suggest either new physics or possibly the importance of long-distance rescattering effects.Comment: references and note added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Odyssey Approach for Optimizing Federated SPARQL Queries

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    Answering queries over a federation of SPARQL endpoints requires combining data from more than one data source. Optimizing queries in such scenarios is particularly challenging not only because of (i) the large variety of possible query execution plans that correctly answer the query but also because (ii) there is only limited access to statistics about schema and instance data of remote sources. To overcome these challenges, most federated query engines rely on heuristics to reduce the space of possible query execution plans or on dynamic programming strategies to produce optimal plans. Nevertheless, these plans may still exhibit a high number of intermediate results or high execution times because of heuristics and inaccurate cost estimations. In this paper, we present Odyssey, an approach that uses statistics that allow for a more accurate cost estimation for federated queries and therefore enables Odyssey to produce better query execution plans. Our experimental results show that Odyssey produces query execution plans that are better in terms of data transfer and execution time than state-of-the-art optimizers. Our experiments using the FedBench benchmark show execution time gains of at least 25 times on average.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Self-shadowing Effects of Slim Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei: Diverse Appearance of the Broad-line Region

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    Supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) undergo a wide range of accretion rates, which lead to diversity of appearance. We consider the effects of anisotropic radiation from accretion disks on the broad-line region (BLR), from the Shakura-Sunyaev regime to slim disks with super-Eddington accretion rates. The geometrically thick funnel of the inner region of slim disks produces strong self-shadowing effects that lead to very strong anisotropy of the radiation field. We demonstrate that the degree of anisotropy of the radiation fields grows with increasing accretion rate. As a result of this anisotropy, BLR clouds receive different spectral energy distributions depending on their location relative to the disk, resulting in diverse observational appearance of the BLR. We show that the self-shadowing of the inner parts of the disk naturally produces two dynamically distinct regions of the BLR, depending on accretion rate. These two regions manifest themselves as kinematically distinct components of the broad Hβ\beta line profile with different line widths and fluxes, which jointly account for the Lorentzian profile generally observed in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. In the time domain, these two components are expected reverberate with different time lags with respect to the varying ionizing continuum, depending on the accretion rate and the viewing angle of the observer. The diverse appearance of the BLR due to the anisotropic ionizing energy source can be tested by reverberation mapping of Hβ\beta and other broad emission lines (e.g., \feii), providing a new tool to diagnose the structure and dynamics of the BLR. Other observational consequences of our model are also explored.Comment: emulatapj style, 15 pages, 6 figures, in pres

    Comment on "Self-Purification in Semiconductor Nanocrystals"

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    In a recent Letter [PRL 96, 226802 (2006)], Dalpian and Chelikowsky claimed that formation energies of Mn impurities in CdSe nanocrystals increase as the size of the nanocrystal decreases, and argued that this size dependence leads to "self-purification" of small nanocrystals. They presented density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations showing a strong size dependence for Mn impurity formation energies, and proposed a general explanation. In this Comment we show that several different DFT codes, pseudopotentials, and exchange-correlation functionals give a markedly different result: We find no such size dependence. More generally, we argue that formation energies are not relevant to substitutional doping in most colloidally grown nanocrystals.Comment: 1 page, 1 figur

    Cosmology with Varying Constants

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    The idea of possible time or space variations of the `fundamental' constants of nature, although not new, is only now beginning to be actively considered by large numbers of researchers in the particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics communities. This revival is mostly due to the claims of possible detection of such variations, in various different contexts and by several groups. Here, I present the current theoretical motivations and expectations for such variations, review the current observational status, and discuss the impact of a possible confirmation of these results in our views of cosmology and physics as a whole.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. Essay to appear in Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A Triennial Series (Christmas 2002 Issue