616 research outputs found

    The D^{2k} R^4 Invariants of N=8 Supergravity

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    The existence of a linearized SUSY invariant for N=8 supergravity whose gravitational components are usually called R^4 was established long ago by on-shell superspace arguments. Superspace and string theory methods have also established analogous higher dimensional D^{2k} R^4 invariants. However, very little is known about the SUSY completions of these operators which involve other fields of the theory. In this paper we find the detailed component expansion of the linearized R^4 invariant starting from the corresponding superamplitude which generates all component matrix elements of the operator. It is then quite straightforward to extend results to the entire set of D^{2k} R^4 operators.Comment: 17 page

    R^4 counterterm and E7(7) symmetry in maximal supergravity

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    The coefficient of a potential R^4 counterterm in N=8 supergravity has been shown previously to vanish in an explicit three-loop calculation. The R^4 term respects N=8 supersymmetry; hence this result poses the question of whether another symmetry could be responsible for the cancellation of the three-loop divergence. In this article we investigate possible restrictions from the coset symmetry E7(7)/SU(8), exploring the limits as a single scalar becomes soft, as well as a double-soft scalar limit relation derived recently by Arkani-Hamed et al. We implement these relations for the matrix elements of the R^4 term that occurs in the low-energy expansion of closed-string tree-level amplitudes. We find that the matrix elements of R^4 that we investigated all obey the double-soft scalar limit relation, including certain non-maximally-helicity-violating six-point amplitudes. However, the single-soft limit does not vanish for this latter set of amplitudes, which suggests that the E7(7) symmetry is broken by the R^4 term.Comment: 33 pages, typos corrected, published versio

    The S-Matrix in Twistor Space

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    The simplicity and hidden symmetries of (Super) Yang-Mills and (Super)Gravity scattering amplitudes suggest the existence of a "weak-weak" dual formulation in which these structures are made manifest at the expense of manifest locality. We suggest that this dual description lives in (2,2) signature and is naturally formulated in twistor space. We recast the BCFW recursion relations in an on-shell form that begs to be transformed into twistor space. Our twistor transformation is inspired by Witten's, but differs in treating twistor and dual twistor variables more equally. In these variables the three and four-point amplitudes are amazingly simple; the BCFW relations are represented by diagrammatic rules that precisely define the "twistor diagrams" of Andrew Hodges. The "Hodges diagrams" for Yang-Mills theory are disks and not trees; they reveal striking connections between amplitudes and suggest a new form for them in momentum space. We also obtain a twistorial formulation of gravity. All tree amplitudes can be combined into an "S-Matrix" functional which is the natural holographic observable in asymptotically flat space; the BCFW formula turns into a quadratic equation for this "S-Matrix", providing a holographic description of N=4 SYM and N=8 Supergravity at tree level. We explore loop amplitudes in (2,2) signature and twistor space, beginning with a discussion of IR behavior. We find that the natural pole prescription renders the amplitudes well-defined and free of IR divergences. Loop amplitudes vanish for generic momenta, and in twistor space are even simpler than their tree-level counterparts! This further supports the idea that there exists a sharply defined object corresponding to the S-Matrix in (2,2) signature, computed by a dual theory naturally living in twistor space.Comment: V1: 46 pages + 23 figures. Less telegraphic abstract in the body of the paper. V2: 49 pages + 24 figures. Largely expanded set of references included. Some diagrammatic clarifications added, minor typo fixe

    Unraveling L_{n,k}: Grassmannian Kinematics

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    It was recently proposed that the leading singularities of the S-Matrix of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory arise as the residues of a contour integral over a Grassmannian manifold, with space-time locality encoded through residue theorems generalizing Cauchy's theorem to more than one variable. We provide a method to identify the residue corresponding to any leading singularity, and we carry this out very explicitly for all leading singularities at tree level and one-loop. We also give several examples at higher loops, including all generic two-loop leading singularities and an interesting four-loop object. As a special case we consider a 12-pt N^4MHV leading singularity at two loops that has a new kinematic structure involving double square roots. Our analysis results in a simple picture for how the topological structure of loop graphs is reflected in various substructures within the Grassmannian.Comment: 26+11 page

    Dualities for Loop Amplitudes of N=6 Chern-Simons Matter Theory

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    In this paper we study the one- and two-loop corrections to the four-point amplitude of N=6 Chern-Simons matter theory. Using generalized unitarity methods we express the one- and two-loop amplitudes in terms of dual-conformal integrals. Explicit integration by using dimensional reduction gives vanishing one-loop result as expected, while the two-loop result is non-vanishing and matches with the Wilson loop computation. Furthermore, the two-loop correction takes the same form as the one-loop correction to the four-point amplitude of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We discuss possible higher loop extensions of this correspondence between the two theories. As a side result, we extend the method of dimensional reduction for three dimensions to five dimensions where dual conformal symmetry is most manifest, demonstrating significant simplification to the computation of integrals.Comment: 32 pages and 6 figures. v2: minus sign corrections, ref updated v3: Published versio

    Stringy KLT relations, global symmetries, and E_7(7) violation

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    We study consequences of the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye (KLT) relations applied to tree amplitudes in toroidal compactifications of string theory to four dimensions. The closed string tree amplitudes with massless external states respect a global SU(4)xSU(4) symmetry, which is enhanced to the SU(8) R-symmetry of N=8 supergravity in the field theory limit. Our analysis focuses on two aspects: (i) We provide a detailed account of the simplest SU(8)-violating amplitudes. We classify these processes and derive explicit superamplitudes for all local 5- and 6-point operators with SU(4)xSU(4) symmetry at order alpha'^3. Their origin is the dilatonic operator exp(-6 phi) R^4 in the closed-string effective action. (ii) We expand the 6-point closed string tree amplitudes to order alpha'^3 and use two different methods to isolate the SU(8)-singlet contribution from exp(-6 phi) R^4. This allows us to extract the matrix elements of the unique SU(8)-invariant supersymmetrization of R^4. Their single-soft scalar limits are non-vanishing. This demonstrates that the N=8 supergravity candidate counterterm R^4 is incompatible with continuous E_7(7) symmetry. From the soft scalar limits, we reconstruct to quadratic order the SU(8)-invariant function of scalars that multiplies R^4, and show that it satisfies the Laplace eigenvalue equation derived recently from supersymmetry and duality constraints.Comment: 23 pages, published versio

    A simple approach to counterterms in N=8 supergravity

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    We present a simple systematic method to study candidate counterterms in N=8 supergravity. Complicated details of the counterterm operators are avoided because we work with the on-shell matrix elements they produce. All n-point matrix elements of an independent SUSY invariant operator of the form D^{2k} R^n +... must be local and satisfy SUSY Ward identities. These are strong constraints, and we test directly whether or not matrix elements with these properties can be constructed. If not, then the operator does not have a supersymmetrization, and it is excluded as a potential counterterm. For n>4, we find that R^n, D^2 R^n, D^4 R^n, and D^6 R^n are excluded as counterterms of MHV amplitudes, while only R^n and D^2 R^n are excluded at the NMHV level. As a consequence, for loop order L<7, there are no independent D^{2k}R^n counterterms with n>4. If an operator is not ruled out, our method constructs an explicit superamplitude for its matrix elements. This is done for the 7-loop D^4 R^6 operator at the NMHV level and in other cases. We also initiate the study of counterterms without leading pure-graviton matrix elements, which can occur beyond the MHV level. The landscape of excluded/allowed candidate counterterms is summarized in a colorful chart.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Loop lessons from Wilson loops in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory exhibits a rather surprising duality of Wilson-loop vacuum expectation values and scattering amplitudes. In this paper, we investigate this correspondence at the diagram level. We find that one-loop triangles, one-loop boxes, and two-loop diagonal boxes can be cast as simple one- and two- parametric integrals over a single propagator in configuration space. We observe that the two-loop Wilson-loop "hard-diagram" corresponds to a four-loop hexagon Feynman diagram. Guided by the diagrammatic correspondence of the configuration-space propagator and loop Feynman diagrams, we derive Feynman parameterizations of complicated planar and non-planar Feynman diagrams which simplify their evaluation. For illustration, we compute numerically a four-loop hexagon scalar Feynman diagram.Comment: 20 pages, many figures. Two references added. Published versio

    On duality symmetries of supergravity invariants

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    The role of duality symmetries in the construction of counterterms for maximal supergravity theories is discussed in a field-theoretic context from different points of view. These are: dimensional reduction, the question of whether appropriate superspace measures exist and information about non-linear invariants that can be gleaned from linearised ones. The former allows us to prove that F-term counterterms cannot be E7(7)-invariant in D=4, N=8 supergravity or E6(6)-invariant in D=5 maximal supergravity. This is confirmed by the two other methods which can also be applied to D=4 theories with fewer supersymmetries and allow us to prove that N=6 supergravity is finite at three and four loops and that N=5 supergravity is three-loop finite.Comment: Clarification of arguments and their consistency with higher dimensional divergences added, e.g. we prove the 5D 4L non-renormalisation theorem. The 4L N=6 divergence is also ruled out. References adde

    The Structure of n-Point One-Loop Open Superstring Amplitudes

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    In this article we present the worldsheet integrand for one-loop amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric superstring theory involving any number n of massless open string states. The polarization dependence is organized into the same BRST invariant kinematic combinations which also govern the leading string correction to tree level amplitudes. The dimensions of the bases for both the kinematics and the associated worldsheet integrals is found to be the unsigned Stirling number S_3^{n-1} of first kind. We explain why the same combinatorial structures govern on the one hand finite one-loop amplitudes of equal helicity states in pure Yang Mills theory and on the other hand the color tensors at quadratic alpha prime order of the color dressed tree amplitude.Comment: 75 pp, 8 figs, harvmac TeX, v2: published versio
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