8,326 research outputs found

    Hexagon OPE Resummation and Multi-Regge Kinematics

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    We analyse the OPE contribution of gluon bound states in the double scaling limit of the hexagonal Wilson loop in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We provide a systematic procedure for perturbatively resumming the contributions from single-particle bound states of gluons and expressing the result order by order in terms of two-variable polylogarithms. We also analyse certain contributions from two-particle gluon bound states and find that, after analytic continuation to the 242\to 4 Mandelstam region and passing to multi-Regge kinematics (MRK), only the single-particle gluon bound states contribute. From this double-scaled version of MRK we are able to reconstruct the full hexagon remainder function in MRK up to five loops by invoking single-valuedness of the results.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, 4 ancillary file

    Spherical Formulation for Diagramatic Evaluations on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The mathematical formalism necessary for the diagramatic evaluation of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a curved manifold with boundary is considered. The evaluation of quantum corrections to the effective action past one-loop necessitates diagramatic techniques. Diagramatic evaluations and higher loop-order renormalisation can be best accomplished on a Riemannian manifold of constant curvature accommodating a boundary of constant extrinsic curvature. In such a context the stated evaluations can be accomplished through a consistent interpretation of the Feynman rules within the spherical formulation of the theory for which the method of images allows. To this effect, the mathematical consequences of such an interpretation are analyzed and the spherical formulation of the Feynman rules on the bounded manifold is, as a result, developed.Comment: 12 pages, references added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Spin entanglement, decoherence and Bohm's EPR paradox

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    We obtain criteria for entanglement and the EPR paradox for spin-entangled particles and analyse the effects of decoherence caused by absorption and state purity errors. For a two qubit photonic state, entanglement can occur for all transmission efficiencies. In this case, the state preparation purity must be above a threshold value. However, Bohm’s spin EPR paradox can be achieved only above a critical level of loss. We calculate a required efficiency of 58%, which appears achievable with current quantum optical technologies. For a macroscopic number of particles prepared in a correlated state, spin entanglement and the EPR paradox can be demonstrated using our criteria for efficiencies η > 1/3 and η > 2/3 respectively. This indicates a surprising insensitivity to loss decoherence, in a macroscopic system of ultra-cold atoms or photons

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations via dissociation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Recent experimental measurements of atomic intensity correlations through atom shot noise suggest that atomic quadrature phase correlations may soon be measured with a similar precision. We propose a test of local realism with mesoscopic numbers of massive particles based on such measurements. Using dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of diatomic molecules into bosonic atoms, we demonstrate that strongly entangled atomic beams may be produced which possess Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations in field quadratures, in direct analogy to the position and momentum correlations originally considered by EPR.Comment: Final published version (corrections in Ref. [32], updated references

    An action of the Polishchuk differential operator via punctured surfaces

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    For a family of Jacobians of smooth pointed curves there is a notion of tautological algebra. There is an action of sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2 on this algebra. We define and study a lifting of the Polishchuk operator, corresponding to fsl2f\in \mathfrak{sl}_2, on an algebra consisting of punctured Riemann surfaces. As an application we prove that a collection of tautological relations on moduli of curves, discovered by Faber and Zagier, come from a class of relations on the universal Jacobian

    Naturally-phasematched second harmonic generation in a whispering gallery mode resonator

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    We demonstrate for the first time natural phase matching for optical frequency doubling in a high-Q whispering gallery mode resonator made of Lithium Niobate. A conversion efficiency of 9% is achieved at 30 micro Watt in-coupled continuous wave pump power. The observed saturation pump power of 3.2 mW is almost two orders of magnitude lower than the state-of-the-art. This suggests an application of our frequency doubler as a source of non-classical light requiring only a low-power pump, which easily can be quantum noise limited. Our theoretical analysis of the three-wave mixing in a whispering gallery mode resonator provides the relative conversion efficiencies for frequency doubling in various modes

    Yangian symmetry of light-like Wilson loops

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    We show that a certain class of light-like Wilson loops exhibits a Yangian symmetry at one loop, or equivalently, in an Abelian theory. The Wilson loops we discuss are equivalent to one-loop MHV amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in a certain kinematical regime. The fact that we find a Yangian symmetry constraining their functional form can be thought of as the effect of the original conformal symmetry associated to the scattering amplitudes in the N=4 theory.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    On the Classification of Residues of the Grassmannian

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    We study leading singularities of scattering amplitudes which are obtained as residues of an integral over a Grassmannian manifold. We recursively do the transformation from twistors to momentum twistors and obtain an iterative formula for Yangian invariants that involves a succession of dualized twistor variables. This turns out to be useful in addressing the problem of classifying the residues of the Grassmannian. The iterative formula leads naturally to new coordinates on the Grassmannian in terms of which both composite and non-composite residues appear on an equal footing. We write down residue theorems in these new variables and classify the independent residues for some simple examples. These variables also explicitly exhibit the distinct solutions one expects to find for a given set of vanishing minors from Schubert calculus.Comment: 20 page

    Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory

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    Tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory have recently been shown to transform covariantly with respect to a 'dual' superconformal symmetry algebra, thus extending the conventional superconformal symmetry algebra psu(2,2|4) of the theory. In this paper we derive the action of the dual superconformal generators in on-shell superspace and extend the dual generators suitably to leave scattering amplitudes invariant. We then study the algebra of standard and dual symmetry generators and show that the inclusion of the dual superconformal generators lifts the psu(2,2|4) symmetry algebra to a Yangian. The non-local Yangian generators acting on amplitudes turn out to be cyclically invariant due to special properties of psu(2,2|4). The representation of the Yangian generators takes the same form as in the case of local operators, suggesting that the Yangian symmetry is an intrinsic property of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills, at least at tree level.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; v2: typos corrected, references added; v3: minor changes, references adde

    Magic identities for conformal four-point integrals

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    We propose an iterative procedure for constructing classes of off-shell four-point conformal integrals which are identical. The proof of the identity is based on the conformal properties of a subintegral common for the whole class. The simplest example are the so-called `triple scalar box' and `tennis court' integrals. In this case we also give an independent proof using the method of Mellin--Barnes representation which can be applied in a similar way for general off-shell Feynman integrals.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. New proof included with neater discussion of contact terms. Typo correcte