670 research outputs found

    Electronic transport in Si:P delta-doped wires

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    Despite the importance of Si:P delta-doped wires for modern nanoelectronics, there are currently no computational models of electron transport in these devices. In this paper we present a nonequilibrium Green's function model for electronic transport in a delta-doped wire, which is described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian matrix within a single-band effective-mass approximation. We use this transport model to calculate the current-voltage characteristics of a number of delta-doped wires, achieving good agreement with experiment. To motivate our transport model we have performed density-functional calculations for a variety of delta-doped wires, each with different donor configurations. These calculations also allow us to accurately define the electronic extent of a delta-doped wire, which we find to be at least 4.6 nm.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Correlating the Energetics and Atomic Motions of the Metal-Insulator Transition of M1 Vanadium Dioxide

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    Materials that undergo reversible metal-insulator transitions are obvious candidates for new generations of devices. For such potential to be realised, the underlying microscopic mechanisms of such transitions must be fully determined. In this work we probe the correlation between the energy landscape and electronic structure of the metal-insulator transition of vanadium dioxide and the atomic motions occurring using first principles calculations and high resolution X-ray diffraction. Calculations find an energy barrier between the high and low temperature phases corresponding to contraction followed by expansion of the distances between vanadium atoms on neighbouring sub-lattices. X-ray diffraction reveals anisotropic strain broadening in the low temperature structure's crystal planes, however only for those with spacings affected by this compression/expansion. GW calculations reveal that traversing this barrier destabilises the bonding/anti-bonding splitting of the low temperature phase. This precise atomic description of the origin of the energy barrier separating the two structures will facilitate more precise control over the transition characteristics for new applications and devices.Comment: 11 Pages, 8 Figure

    Effective mass theory of monolayer \delta-doping in the high-density limit

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    Monolayer \delta-doped structures in silicon have attracted renewed interest with their recent incorporation into atomic-scale device fabrication strategies as source and drain electrodes and in-plane gates. Modeling the physics of \delta-doping at this scale proves challenging, however, due to the large computational overhead associated with ab initio and atomistic methods. Here, we develop an analytical theory based on an effective mass approximation. We specifically consider the Si:P materials system, and the limit of high donor density, which has been the subject of recent experiments. In this case, metallic behavior including screening tends to smooth out the local disorder potential associated with random dopant placement. While smooth potentials may be difficult to incorporate into microscopic, single-electron analyses, the problem is easily treated in the effective mass theory by means of a jellium approximation for the ionic charge. We then go beyond the analytic model, incorporating exchange and correlation effects within a simple numerical model. We argue that such an approach is appropriate for describing realistic, high-density, highly disordered devices, providing results comparable to density functional theory, but with greater intuitive appeal, and lower computational effort. We investigate valley coupling in these structures, finding that valley splitting in the low-lying \Gamma band grows much more quickly than the \Gamma-\Delta band splitting at high densities. We also find that many-body exchange and correlation corrections affect the valley splitting more strongly than they affect the band splitting

    Chiminey: Reliable Computing and Data Management Platform in the Cloud

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    The enabling of scientific experiments that are embarrassingly parallel, long running and data-intensive into a cloud-based execution environment is a desirable, though complex undertaking for many researchers. The management of such virtual environments is cumbersome and not necessarily within the core skill set for scientists and engineers. We present here Chiminey, a software platform that enables researchers to (i) run applications on both traditional high-performance computing and cloud-based computing infrastructures, (ii) handle failure during execution, (iii) curate and visualise execution outputs, (iv) share such data with collaborators or the public, and (v) search for publicly available data.Comment: Preprint, ICSE 201

    Thermodynamic stability of neutral Xe defects in diamond

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    Optically active defect centers in diamond are of considerable interest, and ab initio calculations have provided valuable insight into the physics of these systems. Candidate structures for the Xe center in diamond, for which little structural information is known, are modeled using density functional theory. The relative thermodynamic stabilities were calculated for two likely structural arrangements. The split-vacancy structure is found to be the most stable for all temperatures up to 1500 K. A vibrational analysis was also carried out, predicting Raman- and IR-active modes which may aid in distinguishing between center structures