10 research outputs found
Drought intensity in Vojvodina Province and impact on fields crop production
The lowlands in the northern parts of the Serbia and Montenegro, Province of Vojvodina, in which agricultural production is concentrated, have changeable unstable and unforeseeable rainfalls and dry periods between June and August. Analyses of drought in Novi Sad, which represents (the Vojvodina Province) the average precipitation sum is 612 mm (270-931), and 348 mm (138-683) in the growing season. Depending on drought intensity, crop yields may be reduced to 50% in relation to the genetic yield potential. In extremely dry years yield reductions in some crop species reach 90% in comparison with years with normal rainfall
Prinos zrna stoÄnog graÅ”ka u postrnoj setvi u uslovima navodnjavanja
A trial with spring forage pea (Pisum sativum L) sown in irrigated double cropping was carried out at the Rimski Å anÄevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad during 2002 and 2003. The cultivars Jezero and Javor were studied. Sowing was done on June 26 in the first year and June 24 in the second. The irrigation regime included seven irrigations with a total of 220 mm in 2002 and six irrigations with 130 mm in total in 2003. In both years, harvesting was done in late August. Javor had the higher plant height mean values (42 cm), pod number (5) and plant mass (5.93 g), while Jezero had the higher grain number per plant (14) grain yield per plant (2.31 g) and 1000-grain mass (171 g). Jezero had the higher average grain yield per unit area (1.272 t ha-1) relative to Javor (0.962 t ha-1).Ogled sa posrtnom setvom jarog stoÄnog graÅ”ka (Pisum sativum L) u navodnjavanju izveden je na oglednom polju NauÄnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å anÄevima tokom 2002. i 2003. godine. Ispitivane su sorte Jezero i Javor. Prve godine setva je obavljena 26, a druge godine 24. juna. Režim navodnjavanja u 2002. godini je obuhvatio sedam zalivanja sa ukupnom normom od 220 mm, a tokom 2003. godine Å”est zalivanja sa ukupnom normom od 130 mm. Žetva u obe godine je obavljena krajem avgusta. Sorta Javor se odlikovala veÄim proseÄnim vrednostima visine biljke (42 cm), broja mahuna (5) i mase biljke (5,93 g), dok je sorta Jezero imala veÄi broj zrna po biljci (14), prinos zrna po biljci (2,31 g) i veÄu masu hiljadu zrna (171 g). Jezero je postigao veÄi proseÄni prinos zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine (1,272 t ha-1) u odnosu na Javor (0,962 t ha-1)
Prinos i evapotranspiracija sudanske trave u zavisnosti od predzalivne vlažnosti zemljiŔta
Field tests were conducted in order to assess the effects on green forage yield of Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L) in function of different levels of preirrigation soil moisture and water requirements, i.e. potential evapotranspiration (ETP). The highest green forage yield of Sudan grass (105.17 tons per hectare) was obtained by applying preirrigation soil moisture of 60-65% of FWC. That moisture level was concluded to be the technical minimum (TM) for this crop grown on a soil with medium mechanical texture. The quantity of water used for ETP in the case of preirrigation soil moisture of 60-65% FWC, amounting to 570 mm, may be considered as the water requirement of Sudan grass when grown under the climatic conditions of the Vojvodina Province.U ogledu, u poljskim uslovima, ispitivan je efekat razliÄite predzalivne vlažnosti zemljiÅ”ta na prinos zelene mase sudanske trave (Sorghum sudanense L). TakoÄe, utvrÄene su potrebe ove biljne vrste za vodom, odnosno potencijalna evapotranspiracija (ETP). Ogled je izveden na Oglednom polju NauÄnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å anÄevima na zemljiÅ”tu tipa karbonatni Äernozem lesne terase. Ogled je postavljen po metodu blok sistema i prilagoÄen uslovima navodnjavanja kiÅ”enjem. U ogledu su bile zastupljene varijante navodnjavanja sa predzalivnom vlažnoÅ”Äu zemljiÅ”ta 60-65, 70-75 i 75-80% od poljskog vodnog kapaciteta (PVK), kao i kontrolna varijanta bez navodnjavanja. Vreme zalivanja odreÄivano je praÄenjem dinamike vlažnosti zemljiÅ”ta termogravimetrijskom metodom. ETP za pojedine otkose i vegetacioni period sudanske trave odreÄen je bilansiranjem potroÅ”nje vode iz rezervi zemljiÅ”ta, padavina u vegetacionom periodu i norme navodnjavanja. Na varijanti navodnjavanja sa predzalivnom vlažnoÅ”Äu zemljiÅ”ta 60-65% od PVK postignut je najveÄi prinos zelene mase sudanske trave (105,17 t ha"1) i te vrednosti vlažnosti zemljiÅ”ta predstavljaju predzalivnu vlažnost, odnosno tehniÄki minimum vlažnosti zemljiÅ”ta za ovu biljnu vrstu kod zemljiÅ”ta srednjeg mehaniÄkog sastava. Vrednosti utroÅ”ene vode na ETP na varijanti navodnjavanja sa predzalivnom vlažnoÅ”Äu zemljiÅ”ta 60-65% od PVK od 570 mm mogu se smatrati i potrebama ove biljne vrste za vodom u klimatskim uslovima Vojvodine
Effects of irrigation on production and quality of dill, marigold and basil in different weather conditions
The application of irrigation soil is regulated and improved its water regime, where by improving production traits and growing conditions of plants which are produced on them, because of that, and for mitigation increasing and more frequent oscillations of weather conditions during the production years. The trial was conducted in irrigation medicinal, aromatic and spice herbs, whose representatives: dill, basil and marigold. The experiment was conducted on plots Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, in BaÄki Petrovac, central Vojvodina, during rainy 2016 and drought, 2017, in two variants: 1. control, without irrigation and 2. variant with irrigation drop by drop. The amount of added water or irrigation norm was determined by monitoring soil water balance, and amounted to 120 mm four watering 2016 and 300 mm in 10 watering drought in 2017. The effect of irrigation on yield it was noticed in both years, rainy 2016 from 8.36% in basil to 47.41% in dill and dry 2017, 78.59% at dill to 105.46% at marigold. In the conditions of irrigation, in both years of production, increased with yields of green mass and yields of essential oils and carotenoids, as the main indicators quality cultivated crops. Environmental conditions (weather and soil) have a significant effect on grain yield and quality in sweet basil (PejiÄ et al., 2017) and dill (MaksimoviÄ et al., 2018). Grain shows a tendency to increase in the years having a higher total amount and better distribution of rainfall during critical plant development stages. Irrigation in these phases is a crucial factor for the successful production of dill, marigold and basil
Management in irrigation of corn hybrids various maturities grown in climatic conditions of Serbia
Climatic conditions with uneven amounts and variable distribution of rainfall during growing season affect considerably yield performance and stability of crop production. Such conditions are present in Serbia, where droughts of various intensities occur in 80% of the years. Due to such conditions, corn yields are highly variable from year to year which occupies around 40% of the total arable land.
The average yield of irrigated corn was 13. 05 t/ha, but of non irrigated corn 11. 14 t/ha. The effect of irrigation was thus 17%. The highest irrigation effect, 33%, was registered in 2007 and 2003 when the largest amount of irrigation water was applied. Regarding the maturity group, highest effects were registered in the FAO groups 500 and 600, 20%, and lowest effects were seen in the groups 300 and 400, 16 and 13%, respectively. Early corn hybrids mature in late August or early September and they avoid effects of drought that almost regularly occurs in August. With the later-maturing hybrids, the irrigation practice increased the yield by about 1 t/ha on average
Uticaj preparata 'Bebizea' na prinos kukuruza u uslovima sa i bez navodnjavanja
During 2002-2003, field trials were carried at the Rirnski Å anÄevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad to study the effects of the "Bebizea" stimulant preparation on yield and yield components of eight NS maize hybrids from different FAO maturity groups in irrigated and unirrigated conditions. Seed treatment by the preparation had no statistically significant positive effect on yield, 1000-grain weight, grain moisture and cob percentage contribution, although in some of the hybrids these parameters were affected to a certain, insignificant extent. As a result of irrigation, the yield stabilized at a high level regardless of whether or not the maize had been treated with "Bebizea". Over the two study years, the increase of yield by irrigation averaged 34.88%.U cilju ispitivanja uticaja stimulativnog preparata "Bebizea" na prinos i elemente prinosa na oglednom polju Rimski Å anÄevi NauÄnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad u periodu od 2002-2003- godine izvedeni su poljski ogledi sa 8 NS-hibrida kukuruza razliÄitih FAO grupa zrenja u uslovima sa i bez navodnjavanja. Tretiranje kukuruza preparatom "Bebizea" nije imalo statistiÄki znaÄajno pozitivan efekat na prinos, masu 1000 zrna vlažnost zrna, masu klipa i udeo koÄanke, mada je kod jednog broja NS hibrida beznaÄajno uticao na pomenute parametre. Navodnjavanjem je stabilizovan prinos kukuruza na visokom nivou bez obzira da li je kukuruz tretiran ili ne preparatom "Bebizea". ProseÄno poveÄanje prinosa u ispitivanom periodu u navodnjavanju iznosio je 34,88%
Serbia has favorable natural resources for successful agricultural production, except the amount of precipitation and its schedule during the vegetation period, which is a limiting factor for high yield and stable production. In such conditions, irrigation increases yield up to two times, and also stabilize the production which contributes to more productive use of natural resources and increases the competitiveness of agriculture.
Drought, in more or less intensity, is expressed in about 80% of years when the loss of production in relation to irrigation amounts from 50% up to 80%, or the years with favorable conditions for Crop production. In addition to increasing yield, the irrigation contributes to intensify agricultural production, allows the change of the seed time structure in favor of high-cumulative plant species, production of two harvests per year etc.
For this reason, the results of continuing research in use of water resources for irrigation are presented, so as their effect on the yield in farming and vegetable production and contribution to competitiveness of agriculture in relation to the other economic sectors
Comparative performance of winter and spring malting barleys in semiarid growing conditions
In Europe, during the 1960s, mainly two-rowed spring barley was used for malting. Traditionally, spring malting barley was produced in regions with moderate temperatures and adequate rainfall throughout the growing season. Winter malting barley, on the other hand, was mostly grown in the milder arid and semiarid parts of Europe. Due to global climatic changes and its higher yield, winter malting barley is now increasing in acreage in the traditional spring barley regions. Our study included a comparative analysis of several grain and malt characters of the winter and spring malting barley grown under the agroecological conditions of the Vojvodina Province, Yugoslavia. One thousand grain weight was shown to be approximately the same for both growth habits, whereas winter malting barley proved to have a higher hectoliter mass than the spring one. In those years that were less favorable for spring barley production, winter malting barley had better quality characters, namely a higher fine extract content, a better malt modification, and a lower malt protein content
Kontrola plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta i utvrÄivanje sadržaja Å”tetnih i opasnih materija u zemljiÅ”tima Vojvodine
With the aim to evaluate the general condition and possible degradation of soil in the Vojvodina Province, soil samples were collected from 1,600 locations. The main chemical properties of the soil, levels of harmful and hazardous substances, the abundance and enzymatic activity of microorganisms, and pesticide residues and the products of their degradation were studied. The health condition of irrigated soils was studied in particular, since salinity and alkalization occur frequently in irrigated fields. It can be concluded from the results that the soils of the Vojvodina Province are still suitable for the production of quality and safe food.U ovom radu ukratko su prikazani rezultati rada nauÄnih radnika NauÄnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, na Projektu "Kontrola plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta i utvrÄivanje sadržaja Å”tetnih i opasnih materija u zemljiÅ”tima Vojvodine" i rada na pilot "Osnovi zaÅ”tite, ureÄenja i koriÅ”Äenja poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta za opÅ”tinu BaÄki Petrovac", koji su se odvijali u toku 1992. i 1993. god. U preko 3.000 uzoraka zemljiÅ”ta analizirana su: osnovna hemijska svojstva zemljiÅ”ta sadržaj opasnih i Å”tetnih materija u zemljiÅ”tu, brojnost i enzimatska aktivnost mikroorganizama, ostaci pesticida i produkti njihove degradacije u sistemima za navodnjavanje odreÄivan je i salinitet zemljiÅ”ta kao i sastav vodorastvorljivih i apsorbovanih katjona