53 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo de la flebitis: un estudio con cuestionario de la percepción de las enfermeiras

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    Objetivos:avaliar a percepção de enfermeiros sobre os fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de flebite, com enfoque especial na percepção sobre os potenciais causadores de flebite de alguns medicamentos e soluções.Método:estudo transversal com questionário, que incluiu uma amostra de 102 enfermeiros.Resultados:os enfermeiros reconheceram alguns fatores que podem reduzir a incidência de flebite; no entanto, mais da metade dos enfermeiros ignorava que o material e o diâmetro do cateter poderiam afectar a taxa de incidência de flebite. Além disso, a doença de base e alto pH dos medicamentos ou soluções foram identificados como potenciais fatores de risco, porém o pH baixo e baixa osmolaridade não foram identificados. Os enfermeiros identificaram a Vancomicina e Benzilpenicilina como os antibióticos com o mais forte potencial flebitico. Entre outros medicamentos e fluidos intravenosos, foram identificados aminofilina, cloridrato de amiodarona e cloreto de potássio 7,4% como potencialmente causadores de flebite.Conclusão:os enfermeiros identificaram fatores predisponentes para flebite relacionados aos pacientes e à terapia administrada, enquanto alguns fatores de risco relacionados ao cateter, particularmente, suas propriedades físico-químicas e tempo para a substituição, não foram totalmente percebidos.Objetivo:evaluar cómo perciben las enfermeras los factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de la flebitis, con atención especial a la percepción del potencial flebítico de algunos medicamentos y soluciones intravenosas.Método:un cuestionario transversal en el que se incluyó una población muestra de 102 enfermeras.Resultados:las enfermeras reconocieron algunos de los factores que pueden reducir la incidencia de la flebitis; sin embargo, más de la mitad de las enfermeras obviaron el hecho de que el material y el diámetro de la cánula pueden influir en la tasa de incidencia. De igual manera, las enfermedades subyacentes y el pH alto de los medicamentos y soluciones se identificaron como factores de riesgo potenciales, al contrario de un pH bajo y una baja osmolalidad. Las enfermeras identificaron que los antibióticos como la vancomicina y la bencilpenicilina tenían el mayor potencial flebítico. La aminofilina, el clorhidrato de amiodarona y el cloruro de potasio 7.4%, entre otros medicamentos y líquidos intravenosos, se identificaron como posibles causantes de la flebitis.Conclusión:Las enfermeras identificaron los factores de predisposición para la flebitis con relación a los pacientes y con las terapias administradas; mientras que algunos factores de riesgo relacionados con las cánulas no fueron apreciados en su totalidad, en particular aquellos relacionados a las propiedades fisicoquímicas y a los tiempos de remplazo de las cánulas.Objectives: to assess nurses' perceptions of risk factors for the development of phlebitis, with a special focus on the perception of phlebitic potentials of some infusion medications and solutions.Method: a cross-sectional questionnaire study, which included a sample of 102 nurses.Results: Nurses recognized some factors that may reduce the incidence of phlebitis; however, more than half of the nurses were unaware that the material and diameter of the cannula can affect the incidence rate of phlebitis. Furthermore,underlying disease and high pH of medications or solutions were identified as potential risk factors, whereas low pH and low osmolality were not. Nurses identified Vancomycin and Benzylpenicillin antibiotics with the strongest phlebitic potential. Among other medications and intravenous fluids, Aminophylline, Amiodaronehydrochloride and Potassium chloride 7.4% were identified as potentially causing phlebitis.Conclusion: predisposing factors for phlebitis relating to patients and administered therapy were identified by nurses, while some cannula related risk factors, in particular its physicochemical properties and the time for cannula replacement, were not fully perceived

    Digital education in nursing

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    The coronavirus pandemic caused unprecedented changes in all spheres of life. Education has completely shifted from the dominantly traditional to the digital framework. With that, nurse educators in higher education also started applying different models of innovative digital technologies. For example, the recreational escape room (ER) game, which has gained global popularity in the last decade, has inspired nurse educators to apply it in an educational setting. According to the definition, ER is a game in which a team of players discovers clues solves puzzles and performs tasks in one or more rooms to achieve a specific goal in a limited time, usually "room escape". In educational ER, all problems, challenges and activities are called a puzzle, while the term room means the space in which it is realized. Therefore, educational ER can be on-site and online. ER has found its place in the learning environment because it brings time-limited authentic situations from the natural professional environment. To successfully complete the mission and "escape from the room", students, in addition to engagement that encourages critical thinking, intensively communicate and cooperate with each other. This paper presents the application of online educational ER in the subject Fundamentals of Nursing

    Attitudes and Knowledge of Nurses on Organ Legacy and Transplantation

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    Introduction Nurses represent an important link in mediating between the potential donors and their relatives'consent to organ and tissue transplantation.The message of the Health Department to potential donors about the importance of organ donation was supported by the Serbian Orthodox Church, the army and other institutions through media campaigns. Nurses could contribute to this action by their personal example. Objective The aim of this study was identification and bivariate analysis of nurse attitude about organ donation, their knowledge about the importance of transplantation as treatment methods, as well as the connection between work experience and education level with the formation of attitudes and new skills. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 291 nurses from the Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, filled in the questionnaire on the effect of correlation between the length of the service and level of education on knowledge and attitudes toward organ transplantation and organ donation. Results Out of 291 respondents, 67.4% have completed the nursing school and 32.6% have higher education. The majority (63.9%) of respondents knew that the EEG was the most valid method for determining brain death. The question regarding the possibility of buying organs was answered correctly by 68.7% of respondents. A large majority (91%) would accept organ transplant, if needed, but only 32.0% would be organ donors, and only 0.3% owned a donor card. In contrast, one third of nurses were already blood donors. Conclusion In case of necessary transplantation, nurses would accept someone else's organ, though they do not possess donor cards, but just few would donate their organs. It is possible that prejudice arises from ignorance and distrust in the health policy of the Republic of Serbia. However, besides negative attitude, nurses have expressed interest in learning and professional development in the area of transplantation

    Voronoi Decomposition of Cardiovascular Dependency Structures in Different Ambient Conditions: An Entropy Study

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    This paper proposes a method that maps the coupling strength of an arbitrary number of signals D, D >= 2, into a single time series. It is motivated by the inability of multiscale entropy to jointly analyze more than two signals. The coupling strength is determined using the copula density defined over a [0 1](D) copula domain. The copula domain is decomposed into the Voronoi regions, with volumes inversely proportional to the dependency level (coupling strength) of the observed joint signals. A stream of dependency levels, ordered in time, creates a new time series that shows the fluctuation of the signals' coupling strength along the time axis. The composite multiscale entropy (CMSE) is then applied to three signals, systolic blood pressure (SBP), pulse interval (PI), and body temperature (t(B)), simultaneously recorded from rats exposed to different ambient temperatures (t(A)). The obtained results are consistent with the results from the classical studies, and the method itself offers more levels of freedom than the classical analysis

    Dorothea Orem's self-care theory and possibilities of its application

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    Medical nursing as applied and young science, modificates knowledge according to human needs and ethical principles. Rapid development of theories, advent of medical care as a process and nursing diagnosis have brought to independent development of nursing as a profession. The first theories were based on care and comforting of patients, while modern theories are based on scientific grounds, a holistic approach and are focused on the individual, the family and the community. The Orem theory is the basis for the development of nursing science and describes health care as a practical science that consists of theoretical and practical knowledge

    Copula as a dynamic measure of cardiovascular signal interactions

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    Objectives: Copula is a tool for measuring linear and non-linear interactions between two or more time series. The aim of this paper is to prove that a copula approach can accurately capture and visualize the spatial and temporal fluctuations in dependency structures of cardiovascular signals, and to outline the application possibilities. Methods: The method for measuring the level of interaction between systolic blood pressure and the corresponding pulse interval is validated statistically and pharmacologically. The time series are recorded from the freely moving male Wistar rats equipped with radio-telemetry device for blood pressure recording, before and after administration of autonomic blockers scopolamine, atenolol, prazosin and hexamethonium. Implicit (Gaussian and t) and explicit (Clayton, Frank and Gumbel) copulas were calculated and compared to the conventional bivariate methods (Kendal, Pearson, Spearman and classical correlation). Further statistical validation was done using artificially generated surrogate data. A window sliding procedure for dynamic monitoring the signals' coupling strength is implemented. Results: Under the baseline physiological conditions, SBP-PI dependency is significant for time lags 0 s-4 s. Hexamethonium completely abolished the dependency, scopolamine abolished it for time lags 0 s-2 s, atenolol first slightly increased, than for lags greater than 2 s decreased the dependency and prazosin had no effect. Isospectral and isodistributional surrogate data tests confirm that copulas successfully notify the absence of dependency as well. Conclusion: Copula approach accurately captures the temporal fluctuations in dependency structures of SBP and PI, simultaneously enabling a visualization of dependency levels within the particular signal zones. An analysis showed that copulas are more sensitive than the conventional statistical measures, with Frank copula exhibiting the best characterization of SBP and PI dependency

    Application of Archaeometric Techniques in the Study of Wall Painting on the Example of Fragments of Frescoe Paintings from the Church of St.Nicholas (Crkva svetog Nikole) in Baljevac, Serbia

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    During the archaeological research of the Church of St. Nicholas, in Baljevac, Serbia, fragments of wall paintings were found in Pit no. 1, located in the nave area. The fragments were determined to be from the second phase of the construction of the church (13th century). Several fragments of different and pure tones were selected to examine the composition of the mortar and pigments, as well as the painting technique. Analytical techniques and the results obtained by their use during the examination of the selected fragments are presented in this paper. With a suitable selection of analytical techniques, all the pigments that had been used were identified, the chemical composition of the mortar determined and a parallel made with the materials analysed so far from wall paintings from similar periods. The importance of modern archaeometric tests in modern conservation-restoration practice is highlighted and guidelines for continuing research are presented.U radu su prikazane analitičke tehnike i rezultati koji su dobijeni njihovim korišćenjem prilikom ispitivanja izabranih fragmenata zidnih slika, pronađenih u Crkvi Sv. Nikole u Baljevcu. Prilikom arheoloških istraživanja crkve, u Jami br. 1, koja se nalazila u prostoru naosa, pronađeni su fragmenti zidnog slikarstva datovani u XIII vek. Odabrano je nekoliko fragmenata različitih i čistih tonova za ispitivanje sastava maltera i pigmenata, kao i tehnike oslikavanja. Analitičke tehnike koje se primenjuju u ispi- tivanju zidnog slikarstva mogu biti nedestruktivne, mikrodestruktivne i destruktivne. Nedestruktivne i mikrodestruktivne analitičke tehnike su poželjne u radu sa arheološkim i muzejskim materijalom. Tehnike koje se primenjuju za analizu bojenih slojeva su raznovrsne, a u ovom radu su korišćene: pEDXRF, FTIR, i Ramanska spektrometrija, kao i OM. Za stručnjake koji se bave zaštitom kulturnog nasleđa najbitnije je da znaju šta pojedine anali- tičke tehnike mogu otkriti. Često nije neophodno primeniti veliki broj različitih tehnika, već imati jasan cilj i izabrati one tehnike koje nam mogu obezbediti potrebne podatke. Da bi rezultati bili što tačniji, važno je odabrati adekvatan uzorak. Poznato je da su uzorci čistih, intenzivnih i debljih slojeva boja daju jasnije razultate nego oni sa la- zurnim slojevima. Kod fragmenata iz Crkve Svetog Nikole u Baljevcu, upotrebom analitičkih tehnika pEDXRF, Ramanska i FTIR spektrometrija, zaključeno je da su pri oslikavanju druge faze crkve korišćeni sle- deći pigmenti: žuti oker, crvena zemlja, cinober, olovno crvena, zelena zemlja, krečno bela i crna od uglja. Malter je po sastavu krečni (kalcijum karbonat) i sadrži agregate istog hemijskog sastava. Kalcijum karbonat je korišćen i za posvetljavanje tona nekih pigmenata, tako što je mešan s njima. Na osnovu poprečnog preseka fragmenata i snimanja pod mikroskopom može se zaključiti da je primenjena fresko tehnika slikanja. Kod dva uzorka plave boje dobijeni su ne- očekivani rezultati. Kod jednog od njih je detektovana zelena zemlja. Kod drugog uzorka, čija je boja označena kao plava, na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da je korišćena crna-ugljenik, koja zbog fresko tehnike i kalcijum karbonata stvara privid plave boje. Crvena boja – od oksida gvožđa je kombinovana sa cinoberom i olovno crvenom bojom. Najbolju analogiju za poređenje sa pigmentima iz sličnog perioda predstavljaju pigmenti korišćeni za oslikavanje manastira Žiča. U ovom manastiru su detektovani skoro isti pigmenti kao na ispitivanim fragmentima, osim lapis lazulija, koji je odsutan na fragmentima crkve u Baljevcu

    Alteration of oxidative stress parameters in red blood cells of rats after chronic in Vivo treatment with cisplatin and selenium

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    In this study we evaluated the possible protective effects of selenium (Se) on hematological and oxidative stress parameters in rats chronically treated with cisplatin (cisPt). Four groups of Wistar albino rats were examined: a control, untreated rats (I), rats treated with Se (II), rats treated with cisPt (III), and rats treated with Se and cisPt (IV). All animals were treated for 5 days successively and killed 24 h after the last treatment. Hematological and oxidative stress parameters were followed in whole blood and red blood cells (RBC). Results showed that the chronic application of Se was followed by a higher number of reticulocytes and platelets, increased lipid peroxidation and GSH content in the RBC. Cisplatin treatment induced depletion of RBC and platelet numbers and an elevation of the superoxide anion, nitrites and glutathione levels. Se and cisPt co-treatment was followed by an elevation of the hematological parameters and the recovery of the glutathione status when compared to the control and cisPt-treated rats

    Antimikrobna aktivnost odabranih biljnih vrsta rodova Arbutus L., Bruckenthalia rchb., Calluna salisb. i Erica L. (Ericaceae)

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    Uvae ursi folium (Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Ericaceae) is the best known and most widely used herbal urinary antiseptic. In traditional medicine, other Ericaceae species are also used for the treatment of urinary tract infections. The present study investigates antimicrobial activity of five species of Ericaceae family native to the Balkan Peninsula: Arbutus unedo, Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, Calluna vulgaris, Erica arborea and Erica carnea. Ethanolic extracts were tested against 10 different gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by the disc diffusion technique, where standard tetracycline, streptomycin and penicillin discs and discs containing crystal violet (1 mg/ml) and solvent (70.0% v/v ethanol) were used as controls. The most prominent antibacterial effect was achieved on Staphylococcus aureus with extracts of Calluna vulgaris and Erica carnea. Tested samples showed no activity against the gram-negative strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Inhibitory effects on the growth of gram-positive bacteria were more potent. The exception is Arbutus unedo ethanol extract which exhibited certain activity against a laboratory strain of wild Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial activity of the ethanolic extracts against 10 tested strains of bacteria in disc diffusion assay was generally weak, even for sample in which HPLC determination confirmed the presence of arbutin (secondary metabolite responsible for most of the antibacterial activity of Uvaeursi folium).Najpoznatiji i najviše korišćeni biljni uroantiseptik je list uve, Uvaeursi folium (Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Ericaceae). U tradicionalnoj medicini često se i druge vrste familije Ericaceae spominju u lečenju urinarnih infekcija. Provera antimikrobne aktivnosti izvršena je za sledeće biljne vrste ove familije koje samostalno rastu u flori Balkanskog poluostrva: Arbutus unedo, Bruckentalia spiculifolia, Calluna vulgaris, Erica arborea i Erica carnea. Antimikrobna aktivnost etanolnih ekstrakata listova ispitivana je diskdifuzionom metodom, korišćenjem 10 sojeva gram pozitivnih i gram negativnih bakterija, pri čemu su kao kontrole korišćeni standardni diskovi tetraciklina, streptomicina i penicilina, kao i diskovi sa rastvorom kristalvioleta (1 mg/ml) i rastvarača (70.0% v/v etanol). Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli i Klebsiella pneumoniae nisu osetljive ni na jedan od ispitivanih ekstrakata. Kao najbolji rezultati mogu se izdvojiti aktivnosti ekstrakta Calluna vulgaris i Erica carnea na bakterijski soj Staphylococcus aureus. Testirani uzorci uglavnom ispoljavaju antimikrobnu aktivnost prema gram pozitivnim sojevima. Izuzetak je etanolni ekstrakt vrste Arbutus unedo, koji ispoljava određenu antimikrobnu aktivnost prema laboratorijskom soju Escherichia coli. Antimikrobna aktivnost etanolnih ekstrakata prema 10 testiranih bakterijskih sojeva u diskdifuzionoj metodi je veoma slaba, čak i za uzorak za koji je HPLC analizom utvrđeno prisustvo arbutina (sekundarni metabolit odgovoran za uroantiseptično dejstvo lista uve)