706 research outputs found

    Modelling incomplete fusion dynamics of weakly-bound nuclei at near-barrier energies

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    The classical dynamical model for reactions induced by weakly-bound nuclei at near-barrier energies is developed further. It allows a quantitative study of the role and importance of incomplete fusion dynamics in asymptotic observables, such as the population of high-spin states in reaction products as well as the angular distribution of direct alpha-production. Model calculations indicate that incomplete fusion is an effective mechanism for populating high-spin states, and its contribution to the direct alpha production yield diminishes with decreasing energy towards the Coulomb barrier. It also becomes notably separated in angles from the contribution of no-capture breakup events. This should facilitate the experimental disentanglement of these competing reaction processes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures (for better resolution figures please contact the author), Accepted in Journal of Physics

    Developing Information Systems for the New Economy

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    Although today the e-economy is just a small percentage of the world’s economy, it is obvious that the Internet will be the way of doing business in the near future. New questions, related to the rise of electronic networks and the use of information, demand our attention. The treatment of information as a supporting element of the value adding process seems not to suffice in the new era, rendering obsolete the ways that organizations used to seek for competitive advantage. In the new economy, information systems are not merely the ‘tools that support a process’, but they are rather ‘tools that create new value adding processes’. Research should focus on this parameter and establish whether or not the approaches of developing information systems in the new economy should be differentiated from those of the past

    Impact Of Oss On Software Markets- An Evaluation

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    Open Source Software (OSS) is typically viewed as a cooperative approach for software development and hence, more of a technology rather than a business model. Yet, there is an increasing number of profitable activities around the OSS ecosystem, proving that OSS is not only an innovative model of production, but also a sustainable business model. OSS creates value both on the supply and demand sides and an increasing number of firms are deploying their strategies around this value with considerable profits. Although it seems that OSS does have an impact on software markets, there is little scientific evidence for that and no evaluation on the degree of influence for software markets. Towards this direction, this paper examines OSS economic attributes and their correlation with software markets’ special characteristics that affect competition. Competition under the scope of OSS is further explored by identifying the new dynamics formed in software markets. In order to further validate our results, the HHI concentration index is applied to three widely used software market segments

    A Flexible Membership/Subscription Handling System in an e-commerce Environment

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    This paper addresses the authorization nature of a membership handling system over the Internet and an abstract architecture is presented, overcoming the drawbacks of mechanisms and techniques proposed and used so far. The system is based on Public Key Infrastructure utilizing attribute certificates

    Towards the pair spectroscopy of the Hoyle state in 12C

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    The triple-alpha process leading to the formation of stable carbon in the Universe is one of the most important nuclear astrophysical processes. The radiative width of the so-called Hoyle state, involving the 7.654 MeV E0 and the 3.2148 MeV E2 transition

    Coloured light

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    This project involves the examination of abstract, geometric paintings, kinetic sculptures, electronic art and installations that use opticality, perspectival space and colour relationships that destabilise compositional cohesion. Works made between 1964 and 1980, particularly those by Victor Vasarely and Bridget Riley are referenced in the determination of how geometric forms, colour transitions, interactions and juxtapositions have been used to suggest movement. This enquiry includes a review of the usage of planar space and the creation of optical effects. Artworks such as Bridget Riley's Chant 2, (1967) inform new works in which available digital technological processes are utilised. These new works consist mainly of compositions of line and coloured forms and are created in response to the outcomes of the research into the selected works. For example, static works that cre ate movement through the use of colour and geometric form inform the creation of new work in media that uses motion. The artworks produced are installation-based works. The works include digital projections and static images that use painting processes as well as digital media. The objective of the project is to produce artworks that reference painting processes and extend explorations into colour usage designed to maximise optical effects and spatial disorientation. The artworks are intended to reflect elements researched whilst maximising the potential for using new media

    Levels in 210Fr and the decay of a high-spin, multi-particle isomer

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    The structure of 210Fr has been studied through the 197Au(18O, 5n)210Fr reaction. A high-spin iso-meric state has been identified at ∟4.4 MeV. It has a lifetime of 686(17) ns and decays by two γ-rays that are very likely to be either M2 or E3 multipol

    Superdeformed multi-quasiparticle high-K states and possible isomers in Pb and Po isotopes

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    Configuration-constrained potential-energy-surface calculations have been performed to investigate multi-quasiparticle high-K states built on superdeformed minima in 192,194,196Pb and 198Po. The calculations predict that 196Pb and 198Po would be favorable candidates for the observation of low-lying superdeformed two- and four-quasiparticle high-K states. The possible decay paths and lifetimes that could lead to isomers are evaluated in detail for 196Pb. Comparisons between the predictions and previous observations of octupole-vibrational excitations indicate also that bands built on superdeformed high-K intrinsic states may compete with the octupole-vibrational mode in this mass region. The quadrupole moments of both the collective and intrinsic excitations are analyzed

    Core excitations across the neutron shell gap in ²⁰⁡Tl

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    The single closed-neutron-shell, one proton-hole nucleus 207Tl was populated in deep-inelastic collisions of a 208Pb beam with a 208Pb target. The yrast and near-yrast level scheme has been established up to high excitation energy, comprising an octupol

    Residual interactions and the K-mixing-induced fast decay of the three-quasiparticle isomer in 171 Tm

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    The anomalously fast decay of a 19/2 + three-quasiparticle isomer in 171Tm was interpreted recently as an example of K mixing induced by a very small mixing matrix element but a (random) close proximity to a collective state. To understand the source of the residual interaction we have generalized the projected shell model by introducing two-body octupole and hexadecupole forces into the Hamiltonian and expanding the model space with inclusion of specific three-quasiparticle configurations. It is found that the K mixing is built up from small interactions transferred through numerous highly excited configurations that contain high-j orbitals. While the chance near-degeneracy enhances the transition strength, the octupole correlation and Coriolis coupling produce the mixing matrix element
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