202 research outputs found

    Ocena wiedzy osób z wybranych grup zawodowych z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy w określonych stanach zagrożenia życia

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    Wstęp. W ostatnich latach dużą wagę przywiązuje się do szkoleń społeczeństwa z zakresu udzielania pierwszej po-mocy. Człowiek będący świadkiem lub uczestnikiem zdarzenia niosącego zagrożenie życia powinien posiadać wiedzę z zakresu prawidłowego przeprowadzenia pierwszej pomocy oraz powinien podjąć działania ratujące życie poszkodowanego, do czego obliguje go obowiązek wynikający z ustawy o Państwo-wym Ratownictwie Medycznym [1] oraz z artykułu 162§1 Kodeksu Karnego [2]. Czynności z zakresu pomocy przedmedycznej są niezmiernie istotne szczególnie w pierwszych minutach od nagłego zatrzymania krążenia. Cel pracy. Celem badań była ocena wiedzy teoretycznej z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy w określonych stanach zagrożenia życia u osób z wybranych grup zawodowych oraz określenie, jak często odbywają się szkolenia wśród badanych. Materiał i metody. W badaniach wzięło udział 147 osób, w tym 30 mężczyzn i 117 kobiet w wieku od 24. do 60. lat, reprezentujących wybrane grupy zawodowe, tj.: pielęgniarki, sanitariusze, nauczyciele, pracownicy administracyjni województwa małopolskiego. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką badawczą była ankieta, narzędziem autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. W analizie statystycznej zastosowano test Chi², za poziom istotności przyjęto p=0,05. Wyniki. Wyniki badań wskazują na znaczne różnice w poziomie wiedzy u personelu pielęgniarskiego w stosunku do pozostałych grup zawodowych, co wydaje się zrozumiałe ze względu na kie-runek kształcenia zawodowego pielęgniarek. Wiedza z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy u badanych jest niezadawalająca, podobnie jak częstotliwość szkoleń z tego zakresu. Blisko 26% respondentów podała, że szkolona jest raz na trzy lata lub rzadziej, natomiast 38% badanych nie udzieliło odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Wnioski. Z uwagi na fakt, że wiedza większości ankietowanych na temat pierwszej pomocy jest niewystarczająca, aby mogli podjąć właściwe działania ratownicze, zachodzi konieczność organizacji częstszych szkoleń z zakresu udzielania pierwszej pomocy. Szkolenia w zakładach pracy powinny być prowadzone regularnie przez profesjonalistów, a znajomość wiedzy powinna być weryfikowana.Introduction. Training the society at giving first aid has lately been considered a crucial issue. One who participates or observes a critical accident must possess the knowledge on the proper handling of rescue actions and should be ready to undertake such actions, which has been defined an obligation by the Emergency Medical Service Act and the clause 162§1 of the penal code. Actions defined as pre-medical aid are extremely important, particularly during first minutes of a sudden circulatory arrest. The aim of the study: The purpose of the survey was to estimate theoretical knowledge on giving first aid in defined states of health endangerment by the members of selected professional groups as well as defining how often first aid courses are taken. Materials and methods. The survey included 147 people, 30 men and women aged from 24 to 60, representing selected professional groups, e.g. nurses, paramedics, teachers, administrative employees of the Małopolskie region. Diagnostic survey method has been utilised in the survey, the research technique was survey, and the utilised tool was self-designed questionnaire. The Chisquared test has been utilised in the statistical analysis, and the accepted materiality threshold was p=0.05. Results. The research results indicate notable differences in the knowledge level by the nursing personnel compared to other professional groups, which seems understandable considering the direction of professional education of nurses. Knowledge on carrying out first aid by the respondents is unsatisfactory, as well as the frequency of such trainings. Nearly 26% of respondents have stated that courses take place every three years or more seldom and 38% of respondents gave no answer to this question. Conclusions. Considering the fact that the knowledge of giving first aid by the respondents is insufficient, so as they could im-plement appropriate rescue actions the necessity appears of more frequent trainings for the trainees to be able to undertake appropriate rescue actions. Trainings at workplaces should be held regularly by professionals and the knowledge level must be verified

    Luminescence based temperature bio-imaging: Status, challenges, and perspectives

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    The only way to get thermal images of living organisms without perturbing them is to use luminescent probes with temperature-dependent spectral properties. The acquisition of such thermal images becomes essential to distinguish various states of cells, to monitor thermogenesis, to study cellular activity, and to control hyperthermia therapy. Current efforts are focused on the development and optimization of luminescent reporters such as small molecules, proteins, quantum dots, and lanthanide-doped nanoparticles. However, much less attention is devoted to the methods and technologies that are required to image temperature distribution at both in vitro or in vivo levels. Indeed, rare examples can be found in the scientific literature showing technologies and materials capable of providing reliable 2D thermal images of living organisms. In this review article, examples of 2D luminescence thermometry are presented alongside new possibilities and directions that should be followed to achieve the required level of simplicity and reliability that ensure their future implementation at the clinical level. This review will inspire specialists in chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, and engineering to collaborate with materials scientists to jointly develop novel more accurate temperature probes and enable mapping of temperature with simplified technical mean

    Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук. Т. 3 : Математика

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    Сборник содержит труды участников XV Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук», представленные на секции «Математика». Для студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых и преподавателей, специализирующихся в области математического моделирования и анализа данных, математических методов в физике, химии, биофизике, биологии, экономике, медицине, психологии, математической логики и приложений, вычислительной математики, а также дифференциальных уравнений

    Glycerin as a factor for moderating quality changes in table eggs during storage

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    Glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, is non-toxic to humans and the environment. With the current increase in the demand for fuels obtained from biomass, the amount of glycerine waste production is increasing. There are many ways to dispose this substance (in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in chemical industry), but its utilization is still insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the possibility of limiting quality changes in table eggs during storage by coating the shells with a glycerol solution. The material used in this research consisted of 270 table chicken eggs collected on the same day. On the first day of the experiment, quality traits of 30 eggs were evaluated (initial control group). The remaining 240 eggs were divided into two equal groups: control (eggs that were not subjected to any treatment) and experimental (eggs that were coated with a 5&thinsp;% aqueous solution of glycerol). The eggs were placed on transport trays and stored at 14&thinsp;°C and 70&thinsp;% humidity. Quality evaluations were carried out after 14 and 28 days of storage. The depth of the air cell, mass and specific gravity of the egg, the shell characteristics (water vapour conductance, strength, mass, thickness, and density), and the content traits (pH of the albumen and yolk, Haugh units, and colour and weight of the yolk) were evaluated. The results obtained suggest that the use of glycerine may contribute to slowing adverse changes in egg quality during storage by limiting CO2 removal from the egg content, which allows the egg to maintain albumen structure. Due to the fact that glycerine is a safe, cheap, and easy-to-apply substance, its large-scale use in poultry raw material storage seems to be a very real possibility.</p

    Preparing the Next Generation of Sustainability Scientists

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    Graduate programs emerging in universities over recent decades support the advanced study of sustainability issues in complex socio-environmental systems. Constructing the problem-scope to address these issues requires graduate students to integrate across disciplines and synthesize the social and natural dimensions of sustainability. Graduate programs that are designed to foster inter- and transdisciplinary research acknowledge the importance of training students to use integrative research approaches. However, this training is not available in all graduate programs that support integrative research, often requiring students to seek external training opportunities. We present perspectives from a group of doctoral students with diverse disciplinary backgrounds conducting integrative research in universities across the United States who participated in a 10-day, National Science Foundation-funded integrative research training workshop to learn and develop socio-environmental research skills. Following the workshop, students conducted a collaborative autoethnographic study to share pre- and postworkshop research experiences and discuss ways to increase integrative research training opportunities. Results reveal that students, regardless of disciplinary background, face common barriers conducting integrative research that include: (1) lack of exposure to epistemological frameworks and team-science skills, (2) challenges to effectively include stakeholder perspectives in his/her research, and (3) variable levels of committee support to conduct integrative research. To overcome the identified barriers and advance integrative research, students recommend how training opportunities can be embedded within existing graduate programs. Students advocate that both internal and external training opportunities are necessary to support the next generation of sustainability scientists

    Constant activity of glutamine synthetase after morphine administration versus proteomic results

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    Glutamine synthetase is a key enzyme which has a regulatory role in the brain glutamate pool. According to previously published proteomic analysis, it was shown that the expression level of this enzyme is affected by morphine administration. In our study, we examined the activity of glutamine synthetase in various structures of rat brain (cortex, striatum, hippocampus and spinal cord) that are biochemically and functionally involved in drug addiction and antinociception caused by morphine. We were not able to observe any significant changes in the enzyme activity between morphine-treated and control samples despite previously reported changes in the expression levels of this enzyme. These findings stressed the fact that changes observed in the expression of particular proteins during proteomic studies may not be correlated with its activity

    The effects of preoperative chemotherapy on isolated tumour cells in the blood and bone marrow of gastric cancer patients

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    Recent studies in breast cancer suggest that monitoring the isolated tumour cells (ITC) may be used as a surrogate marker to evaluate the efficacy of systemic chemotherapy. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of preoperative chemotherapy on ITC in the blood and bone marrow of patients with potentially resectable gastric cancer. After sorting out the CD45-positive cells, the presence of ITC defined as cytokeratin-positive cells was examined before and after preoperative chemotherapy. The patients received two courses of preoperative chemotherapy with cisplatin (100 mg m−2, day 1) and 5-fluorouracil (1000 mg m−2, days 1–5), administered every 28 days. Fourteen of 32 (44%) patients initially diagnosed with ITC in blood and/or bone marrow were found to be negative (responders) after preoperative chemotherapy (P<0.01). The incidence of ITC in bone marrow was also significantly (P<0.01) reduced from 97 (31 of 32) to 53% (17 of 32). The difference between patients positive for ITC in the blood before (n=7, 22%) and after (n=5, 16%) chemotherapy was statistically insignificant. The overall 3-year survival rates were 32 and 49% in the responders and non-responders, respectively (P=0.683). These data indicate that preoperative chemotherapy can reduce the incidence of ITC in patients with gastric cancer

    Right Heart Pulmonary Circulation Unit Response to Exercise in Patients with Controlled Systemic Arterial Hypertension: Insights from the RIGHT Heart International NETwork (RIGHT-NET)

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    Background. Systemic arterial hypertension (HTN) is the main risk factor for the development of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The aim of the study was was to assess the trends in PASP, E/E’ and TAPSE during exercise Doppler echocardiography (EDE) in hypertensive (HTN) patients vs. healthy subjects stratified by age. Methods. EDE was performed in 155 hypertensive patients and in 145 healthy subjects (mean age 62 ± 12.0 vs. 54 ± 14.9 years respectively, p &lt; 0.0001). EDE was undertaken on a semi-recumbent cycle ergometer with load increasing by 25 watts every 2 min. Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) dimensions, function and hemodynamics were evaluated. Results. Echo-Doppler parameters of LV and RV function were lower, both at rest and at peak exercise in hypertensives, while pulmonary hemodynamics were higher as compared to healthy subjects. The entire cohort was then divided into tertiles of age: at rest, no significant differences were recorded for each age group between hypertensives and normotensives except for E/E’ that was higher in hypertensives. At peak exercise, hypertensives had higher pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) and E/E’ but lower tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) as age increased, compared to normotensives. Differences in E/E’ and TAPSE between the 2 groups at peak exercise were explained by the interaction between HTN and age even after adjustment for baseline values (p &lt; 0.001 for E/E’, p = 0.011 for TAPSE). At peak exercise, the oldest group of hypertensive patients had a mean E/E’ of 13.0, suggesting a significant increase in LV diastolic pressure combined with increased PASP. Conclusion. Age and HTN have a synergic negative effect on E/E’ and TAPSE at peak exercise in hypertensive subjects