1 research outputs found

    Implementation of ASK, PSK and FSK on FPGA

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    ABSTRACT This paper present the review on an implementation of ASK, PSK and FSK modulators and demodulators on FPGA using Quartus II software. The ASK,PSK and FSK modulators and demodulators system is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment ,DSP Builder and Quartus II. The DSP builder Signal Compiler block reads Simulink Model Files (.mdl) and writes out VHDL files and Tcl scripts for hardware implementation and simulation. Quartus II, a tool from altera used to implement the design on two Cyclone II Starter kit board. The first board behaves as a modulator and second as a demodulator. The modulated signal was achieved in the first Cyclone II board, passed through a channel and transmitted to the second board, which behaves as a demodulator. At the end of the demodulator, the modulating signal was obtained