8,829 research outputs found

    A study of the understanding of knowledge and learning of a cohort of mature age students

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    In 2005 the authors began a longitudinal research project to explore the factors that influence student success in the Master of Engineering Practice program which was offered for the first time in Semester 2, 2004. This distance education program enables experienced Engineering Technologists to use their workplace learning to gain a qualification at the Professional Engineer level. This research was initiated because the admission of some students into the program is based on the recognition of their prior workplace learning. Cantwell and Scevak (2004) highlighted the problems that students may encounter when they gain entry to a university on this basis. To explore this issue four previously validated questionnaires were used to gather data on: student approaches to learning, their epistemological beliefs, learning style preferences, and strategic flexibility. This paper reports on a preliminary analysis of the data gathered from the students who enrolled in the program during the period 2005-2009. In the longer term, when the sample size has grown and more students have graduated, the data will be analysed to explore the relationship between the measured factors and success at university

    Global Talentship: Toward a Decision Science Connecting Talent to Global Strategic Success

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    It is widely accepted that global competitive advantage frequently requires managing such complex situations that traditional organization and job structures are simply insufficient. Increasingly, in order to create a flexible and integrated set of decisions that balance local flexibility with global efficiency, organizations must rely on more social, informal and matrix-based shared visions among managers and employees. Research on global strategic advantage, global organizational structures, and even shared mindsets has suggested that dimensions of culture, product and function provide a valuable organizing framework. However, typical decisions about organization structure, HRM practices and talent often remain framed at such a high level as to preclude their solution. We maintain that there is often no logical answer to such questions as, “Should the sales force be local or global?” or “Should product authority rest with the countries or the corporate center?” However, we propose that embedding business processes or value chains within a Culture and Product matrix provides the necessary analytic detail to reveal otherwise elusive solutions. Moreover, by linking this global process matrix to a model that bridges strategy and talent, it is possible to identify global “pivotal talent pools,” and to target organizational and human resource investments toward those talent areas that have the greatest impact on strategic advantage. We demonstrate the Value-Chain, Culture and Product (VCCP) matrix using several examples, and discuss future research and practical implications, particularly for leadership and leadership development


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    The purpose of this review was to highlight some of the more controversial aspects of neuromuscular biomechanics of sport. Neuromuscular techniques and interpretations of findings have been presented with the intent of showing the promise that research in this area has as well as the present limlations. In each case. I have tried to advocate an opinion by showing results from my own laboratory as well as to cite alternate opinions from top level laboratories elsewhere

    On History, Takings Jurisprudence, and Palazzolo: A Reply to James Burling

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    The so-called property rights movement has hailed Palazzolo v. Rhode Island as a landmark win for landowners, a blockbuster breakthrough that will end “smart growth,” curtail other land use controls, and lead to manifold victories for claimants under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. James Burling’s piece onPalazzolo is more of the same, proclaiming the ruling to be a decisive win in an age-old, ideological battle. This Article shows that Burling’s take on the ruling is wishful thinking. He errs in his description of history, takings jurisprudence, and Palazzolo. Palazzolo is but a small, incremental development in the case law from which both takings claimants and defendants may draw support. The Court’s most recent takings ruling, Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, reaffirms that the vast bulk of land use controls and other community protections do not implicate the Takings Clause

    A memory retraining program for the head injured

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    Memory impairment is a common feature of post head injury symptomatology. Moreover memory impairment continues to be complaint for a considerable period following the head injury and hence represents a particular area of concern to professionals involved in the rehabilitation of head injured patients. There are few reports of progra1ns for remediation of organic memory impairment and this lack is probably a reflection of both the incomplete knowledge of the nature of the memory impairment in the head injured as well as the massive demands on a clinician's time for preparation and delivery of a comprehensive program. A review of research into organic memory disorders and normal memory function, plus an examination of the features of brain disturbance in a head injury, yielded a number of hypothetical explanations of the nature of the memory deficits in the head injured. factors were considered also. Some behavioral factors were considered also. A program was devised on a cost benefit basis aimed at improving the over-all memory function of the head injured by tackling as many of the proposed modes of disturbance as practicable. The program was orientated towards improving memory efficiency, so that a patient might remember important things better. The major exercise involved in the program was the construction of a personal hierarchy of items that need to be re1nembered for the head injured patient to cope successfully with his everyday contacts with people. This exercise emphasised the development of active mental processes to reinstate memory function and relied on current knowledge of the limits of human information processing. A good understanding of memory function at both cognitive and behavioral levels was developed. Guidance on how to use the hierarchy was an integral part of the program and practical exercises to familiarise the patients with the use of the hierarchy were incorporated. Follow-up reappraisal of any difficulties in using the new memory system was seen as essential also. Clinical use of the program with head injured patients on an individual basis and with a group of temporal lobe epileptics has shown promising results despite the difficulties involved in assessment of the program's effectiveness. Provision of the program material in a form demanding minimal preparation on the clinician's part should make the program viable for widespread use

    JRNL 488.01: Study Documentary Unit

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