226 research outputs found

    (Re)produzindo o terror: uma análise da série Guerra Civil

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    Após os eventos de 11/9 os conceitos de ‘terrorismo’ e ‘terrorista’ tornaram-se centrais para a execução de ações institucionais e governamentais, preenchendo o vazio retórico deixado pelo fim da Guerra Fria e a representação do comunismo/comunista como ameaça constante. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analizar a (re)construção discursiva de terrorismo na série Guerra Civil (Civil War, em Marvel Comics Inc), que discute limites de privacidade e controle do Estado. A análise demonstra que, embora a minissérie levante questões polêmicas sobre os limites para o controle do Estado, ela reforça a imagem discursiva do terrorismo como perigo iminente, um processo de clonagem do terror que requer e autoriza a intervenção do Estado


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    To look at the relation of objects in Edgar Allan Poe's tale to the notion of Benjamin's allegory, how history emanates from objects and how they can think.Perscrutar a relação dos objetos no conto de Edgar Allan Poe com a noção de alegoria benjaminiana, como a história emana dos objetos e como os próprios podem pensar


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    doi: 10.12957/geouerj.2016.19099 Changes in land cover, especially in the tropics, has been occurring at an accelerated rate and with it the largest and most diverse rainforest in the world, the Amazon jungle or the Amazon Biome, also suffers from this process. At present study were compared results obtained from characterization of land cover by supervised classification by maximum likelihood using LANDSAT 5 TM and ALOS-2 AVNIR images. The study area chosen for this evaluation was the area of the Settlement Project Carlinda in Mato Grosso State, located on the so-called Legal Amazon. From the results it was observed that areas of each classes in the two images have similar values. The small variations should be presented due to the difference between the spatial resolutions of the images and the difference of the spectral bands regions involved in the analysis, especially the Green band. Analyzing the classes according spatial representation, in both images, the water bodies class was the smaller, followed by preserved vegetation class and wetland vegetation class. The class of anthropic vegetation / exposed soil was the most represented class in both classifications. Regarding the study area, it was observed that in the region there is a predominance of areas used in various human activities and gradual reduction of areas with preserved vegetation. This fact is diametrically opposite to what one would expect from an area in the Amazon, where, by the law need 80% of its territory be preserved

    Melhoria da atenção ao pré-natal e puerpério na Unidade de Saúde da Família centro de saúde PSF I, Jardim das Piranhas, RN

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    A assistência pré-natal e puerperal de boa qualidade é fundamental para a saúde materna e neonatal. Segundo Assad e Rech (2010), o objetivo da assistência pré-natal é garantir o bom andamento das gestações de baixo risco e, também, identificar adequada e precocemente quais pacientes têm mais chances de apresentar uma evolução desfavorável. Os bons resultados no desenlace da gravidez acontecem proporcionais à precocidade que é diagnosticada esta gestação e também à freqüência e quantidade de consultas pré-natais realizadas. O Ministério da Saúde lançou o Programa de Humanização do Pré-natal e Nascimento (PHPN) incentivando o atendimento humanizado, com acolhimento, cuidados à mulher e ao recém-nascido, motivando uma assistência holística e humanizada (BRASIL, 2000). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo melhorar a qualidade da assistência prestada ao pré-natal das mulheres atendidas no Centro de Saúde PSFI, de Jardim de Piranhas, no Rio Grande do Norte. Como objetivos específicos foram desenvolvidos a ampliação da cobertura, melhorias da adesão ao pré-natal e na qualidade da atenção ofertada às gestantes, melhoria do registro das informações, mapeamento das gestantes de risco e promoção à saúde. Utilizou-se do Caderno de Atenção ao pré-natal de baixo risco para nortear as ações realizadas a partir dos quatro eixos pedagógicos do curso: Monitoramento e avaliação, Organização e gestão do serviço, Engajamento público e Qualificação da prática clínica. A intervenção ocorreu no período de 16 semanas, entre os meses de Setembro a Dezembro de 2013. Neste período obtivemos o resultado da ampliação da cobertura em 100%, atendendo, desta forma, 20 gestantes. Foi possível realizar busca ativa, bem como ofertar exames das mamas e solicitação de exames de rotina a todas as gestantes cadastradas na Unidade. Nota-se que a partir da intervenção realizada alcançamos melhorias no serviço da assistência no pré-natal e puerpério com ampliação de cobertura e qualidade na oferta dos serviços apresentando resultados significativos para a permanência desta ação programática na Unidade de forma organizada e qualificada

    The electoral photograph reloaded: a social semiotic approach

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    While studies on the role of social media in political campaigns are growing, we still need to understand how well established communicative resources such as political photographs have been adapted in face of the digital transformation. Departing from Barthes (1972) discussion on electoral photographs, this paper discusses the production of Interactive meanings in photographs uploaded by the three main contenders in the Presidential Election 2014 in Brazil. The results show an expansion both in the functions and semiotic strategies adopted to establish a relationship with viewers through electoral photographs.While studies on the role of social media in political campaigns are growing, we still need to understand how well established communicative resources such as political photographs have been adapted in face of the digital transformation. Departing from Barthes (1972) discussion on electoral photographs, this paper discusses the production of Interactive meanings in photographs uploaded by the three main contenders in the Presidential Election 2014 in Brazil. The results show an expansion both in the functions and semiotic strategies adopted to establish a relationship with viewers through electoral photographs

    Nanocellulose bio-based composites for food packaging

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    The food industry is increasingly demanding advanced and eco-friendly sustainable packaging materials with improved physical, mechanical and barrier properties. The currently used materials are synthetic and non-degradable, therefore raising environmental concerns. Consequently, research efforts have been made in recent years towards the development of bio-based sustainable packaging materials. In this review, the potential of nanocelluloses as nanofillers or as coatings for the development of bio-based nanocomposites is discussed, namely: (i) the physico-chemical interaction of nanocellulose with the adjacent polymeric phase, (ii) the effect of nanocellulose modification/functionalization on the final properties of the composites, (iii) the production methods for such composites, and (iv) the effect of nanocellulose on the overall migration, toxicity, and the potential risk to human health. Lastly, the technology readiness level of nanocellulose and nanocellulose based composites for the market of food packaging is discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ocorrência de Ancylostoma em cães, gatos e locais públicos da cidade de Andradina, São Paulo, Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and intensity of Ancylostoma spp. in 33 dogs and 52 cats by means of coproparasitological examinations and parasitological necropsy, and assess the presence of contaminated feces with eggs of that parasite in public places of Andradina Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Willis-Mollay and Sedimentation methods indicated Ancylostoma spp. eggs in 87.8% (29/33) dogs and 94.2% (49/52) cats. The species A. caninum and A. braziliense were found in 63.6% (21/33) and 30.3% (10/33) of dogs, respectively. Considering cats, 67.3% (35/52) were parasitized by A. braziliense, 21.1% (11/52) by A. caninum, and 9.6% (5/52) by A. tubaeforme. Forty-two canine fecal samples were collected from public environments, including 23 squares/gardens and 19 streets/sidewalks. Positive samples for Ancylostoma spp. accounted for 64.3% (27/42); squares/gardens had 60.9% (14/23) positive samples, and streets and sidewalks, 68.4% (13/19). No association was observed between the number of Ancylostoma spp parasites and age, sex and breed of the animals and also the ratio of EPG counts and the parasitic intensity observed at necropsy (p >; 0.05). Based on the high occurrence of hookworm in dogs and cats in this study, the treatment with anti helminthics are needed even in those animals with negative stool tests, besides adopting control of the number of animals in public places, in order to decrease the likelihood of environmental contamination, since this parasite represents a potential hazard to human and animal health.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a freqüência e intensidade parasitária de Ancylostoma spp. em 33 cães e 52 gatos por meio de exames coproparasitológicos e pela necropsia parasitológica, bem como avaliar a presença de fezes contaminadas com ovos deste parasito em locais públicos do município de Andradina/SP. Por meio das técnicas de Willis-Mollay e Sedimentação, ovos de Ancylostoma spp. foram observados em 87,9% (29/33) e 94,2% (49/52) dos cães e gatos, respectivamente. As espécies constatadas nos cães foram A. caninum em 63,6% (21/33) e A. braziliense em 30,3% (10/33). Dos gatos, 67,3% (35/52) estavam parasitados por A. braziliense, 21,1% (11/52) por A. caninum e 9,6% (5/52) por A. tubaeforme. Foram coletadas 42 amostras fecais caninas do ambiente público sendo, 23 de praças/jardins e 19 de ruas/calçadas. Positividade para Ancylostoma spp. foi observada em 64,3% (27/42) destas fezes sendo 60,9% (14/23) provenientes de praças/jardins e 68,4% (13/19) de ruas e calçadas. Não foi observada associação entre a presença do parasito e a idade, sexo e raça dos animais, bem como entre o número de parasitos observado na necropsia e o OPG (p >; 0.05). Baseado na alta ocorrência de ancilostomídeos em cães e gatos neste estudo, o tratamento com anti-helmínticos faz-se necessário, mesmo nos animais com exames de fezes negativos, além da necessidade de adoção de controle do número de animais em locais públicos, a fim de diminuir a probabilidade de contaminação do meio ambiente, uma vez que este parasito representa um perigo potencial à saúde humana e animal

    Development of layered BNC composites for Food Packaging

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    The food industry is increasingly demanding advanced and sustainable packaging materials with improved physical, mechanical and barrier properties. The currently used materials are synthetic and non-degradable, which raises environmental concerns. Research efforts have been made in recent years towards the development of bio-based sustainable packaging materials. One of those is nanocellulose, which have a potential to be used as matrix, as nanofillers or as coatings for composites [1]. A promising material is bacterial nanocellulose (BNC), a biopolymer extruded by Komagaebacter xylinus as a 3D nanofibrillar network. BNC offers interesting properties such as high porosity, biocompatibility, non-toxicity and biodegradability [2]. From a food packaging perspective, BNC has a great potential due to the great mechanical performance. However, the high water affinity of BNC is ta major obstacle for food packaging applications [3]. Therefore, the first task was to develop a layered biodegradable composite based on a plasticized BNC (either with glycerol or polyethylene glycol) and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), as an attempt to improve the water vapour permeability. The PHBV coating on plasticized BNC reduced significantly the water vapour permeability (from 0.990 to 0.032 g.m.m².day¹.Pa¹), increased the hydrophobicity (contact angle from 10-40° to 80-90°), but decreased the stiffness (from 3.1 GPa to 1.3 Gpa) of the BNC composite. The mechanical and barrier properties of the obtained layered composite were considered suitable for food packaging applications. Although the results obtained being important for food packaging, its commercial use is still far off due to production costs and low production capacity, especially when compared to plant-based nanocellulose [1]. Nevertheless, BNC is a proven material to support substances that play an active/intelligent role in food packaging, with ability to carry and release active substances [4, 5]. Therefore, a functionalized BNC film was developed, by in situ incorporating zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs). The synthesis of ZnONPs was based on co-precipitation method, using zinc acetate and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (added dropwise) as reactants. In order to prevent aggregation of ZnO NPs, polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) was used as capping agent. Overall, dropwise addition of NaOH in zinc acetate-PVOH (with immersed BNC), allowed the production of ZnONPs (144 nm), with low polydispersity index (0.139) and a homogeneous distribution of ZnONPs on the BNC. Concerning the antimicrobial activity, the minimum ZnO dosage for antimicrobial activity was 20%mZnO/mBNCZnO, being effective on gram bacteria (such Escherichia Coli) but only on some gram + bacteria (such Staphylococcus Aureus). The migration of ZnO onto food simulators are under testing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio