6 research outputs found

    Effect of Recruitment and Selection Practices on the Performance of Small and Medium Hotels of Osu Klottey Sub-Metropolitan Assembly of Greater Accra

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    The study investigated the effect of human resource Management practices on performance of Small and Medium Hotels in Osu Klottey Sub-Metropolitan Assembly of Greater Accra of Ghana.  Descriptive survey design was used for the study.  Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were engaged to sample 200 respondents out of a total population of 501 full time workers of the hotels.  Questionnaire, interview schedule and conversation schedule were formulated to guide the study.  Frequency tables and charts were used to present the responses.  Person’s correlation was employed to test the performance of the hotels.  Major finding was that the relationships between the hotels’ performance and the recruitment and selection practices were statistically significant at alpha (?) = 0.05.  These indicate there are slightly little but positive influence on the selection processes on the hotels’ performances. Based on the findings some recommendations were made, which offers a new and improved performance. Keywords: Recruitment and Selection Practices, Small and Medium Hotels, Firm Performanc

    E-Procurement as an Alternate Paradigm to the Challenges of Procuring Goods and Services in the Public Sector - A Case Study of Ghana Cocoa Board

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    The main purpose of the research was to identify challenges that procurement officers encounter in their day to day activities of procuring goods and services for their organization. Ghana Cocoa Board was used as a case study and an extensive study conducted on e-procurement to assess if it would serve as a better alternative to the manual way of procuring items and services in public institutions. Scholarly articles were reviewed to provide an empirical insight into the impact of using e-procurement in institutions. Questionnaires and interviews were used to assess the views of the respondents. Upon collecting the data and analyzing the results, the findings of the study revealed that procurement officers were faced with challenges such as long lead-times in the procurement of goods and services, delay in the execution of task and lack of transparency in the procurement process. Also the procurement officers and the staff members interviewed were of the view that e-procurement would be better alternative to the manual procedure used for procuring goods and services. The researchers recommended that the Ghana Public Procurement Authority (PPA) should adopt pragmatic steps towards educating procurement officers on the value of e-procurement and subsequently (the PPA) should consider encouraging all procurement entities to adopt e-procurement for the purchasing of goods rather than the manual method of procurement. Keywords: e-Procurement, Transparency, Public Procurement Authority (PPA)

    Supply Chain cost identification as a means of cost reduction strategy. -A case study of Ghana Supply Company Limited

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    This paper examines the concept of supply chain (SC) to explore non-value adding activities in order to offer a firm, a cost reduction strategy. This strategy starts with mapping the SC and identifying each and every activity along it, starting from the last tier supplier to the final consumer. The aim of the paper is to examine the SC processes of Ghana Supply Company Limited (GSCL). A small-scale case study was adopted with both primary and secondary data sources being used. The primary data focused on the use of personal interviews and questionnaires while secondary data was sourced from journals, the internet and other publications pertinent to the topic.  Sample of ten questionnaires were administered on the personnel of the Procurement, Warehousing and Shipping departments constituting a population of twenty-nine (29). Close and open-ended questions were asked to enable respondents to come out with divergent answers. Findings of the study revealed that the supply chain operations of GSCL to a large extent is well coordinated as evidenced by the integration of activities such as procurement, shipping, warehousing and fleet management under the direct control and supervision of the Director of Operations. Key words: Supply chain, cost reduction, value adding activitie

    The effect of board characteristics and life-cycle on corporate performance

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    This research investigates the effect of board characteristics and corporate life-cycle on the performance of listed firms in Ghana covering the period 2009–2018. The paper adopts the approach propounded by Dickinson (2011) to cater to proxy measures of firms’ life cycle stages. Using the pooled estimated generalized least squares (EGLS), the findings reveal that chief executive officer (CEO) tenure has a positive significant effect on performance. The presence of inside directors negatively and significantly influences performance. The results further indicate that at different levels of statistical significance, the various stages of the firm’s life cycle have a negative impact on the main dependent variable (ROA). With the alternative firm performance proxy (ROE), the results report that aside from the decline stage which negatively drives performance, the rest of the stages (i.e., introduction, growth, and maturity) have a positive influence on performance. However, only the growth and maturity stages exert a significant effect on performance. As part of the suggestions, the study proposes that firms should reduce the proportion of executive directors and appoint more non-executive directors to the board to boost performance. Also, firms should endeavor to increase investment in research and development at every stage of their production to ensure steady profit growth

    Effects of climate change awareness on green purchase behaviour, biking, and walking time: moderated mediation by sustainability knowingness

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    Walking and biking are central to the growing health-sustainability debate for favouring the planet and protecting individuals against disease. Research has shown that environmental knowledge factors such as Climate Change Awareness (CCA) and Sustainability Knowingness (SK) can positively influence pro-environmental behaviours [e.g., Green Purchase Behaviour (GPB)]. However, no study has tested the effect of CCA and SK on bicycling (biking) and walking time. This study, therefore, investigated whether there is a moderated mediation by SK in the association of CCA with GPB, walking, and biking time. A cross-sectional design characterised by common methods bias assessment and sensitivity analyses was utilised. The participants were 830 adult residents in Accra, Ghana (mean age = 30 years). Data were collected with standardised scales and analysed with Hayes’ Process Model through structural equation modelling. A positive direct effect of CCA on GPB (β = 0.26; p<0.001) and biking (β = 0.13; p<0.001), as well as walking time (β = 0.16; p<0.001), was found. GPB had a positive effect on biking time (β = 0.10; p<0.001) but a negative effect on walking time (β = -0.093; p<0.001). CCA had a positive effect on biking time but a negative indirect effect on walking time through GPB. There was evidence of a moderated mediation in the sense that the indirect effects of CCA on biking and walking were stronger with higher SK. Individuals with higher CCA are more likely to perform GPB and biking, especially with higher SK

    Assessing Factors Affecting the Blockchain Adoption in Public Procurement Delivery in Ghana:A Correlational Study Using UTAUT2 Theoretical Framework

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    The study assessed the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain (BC) in Ghana’s public procurement delivery. The study adopted correctional design and utilized the extended unified theory of the acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) as the conceptual basis to determine whether performance expectancy (PE), behavioral intent (BI), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), and habit (HT) were predictors of the intention of state owned enterprises to adopt blockchain programs in the implementation of the public procurement act. Only four constructs, namely PE, EE, FC, and HT, were found to influence the behavioral intention (BI) of service providers to participate in a BC. This study provides a deeper understanding of the adoption of BC in the delivery of public contracts.</p