131 research outputs found

    TLS Dynamics in a Superconducting Qubit Due to Background Ionizing Radiation

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    Superconducting qubit lifetimes must be both long and stable to provide an adequate foundation for quantum computing. This stability is imperiled by two-level systems (TLSs), currently a dominant loss mechanism, which exhibit slow spectral dynamics that destabilize qubit lifetimes on hour timescales. Stability is also threatened at millisecond timescales, where ionizing radiation has recently been found to cause bursts of correlated multi-qubit decays, complicating quantum error correction. Here we study both ionizing radiation and TLS dynamics on a 27-qubit processor, repurposing the standard transmon qubits as sensors of both radiation impacts and TLS dynamics. Unlike prior literature, we observe resilience of the qubit lifetimes to the transient quasiparticles generated by the impact of radiation. However, we also observe a new interaction between these two processes, "TLS scrambling," in which a radiation impact causes multiple TLSs to jump in frequency, which we suggest is due to the same charge rearrangement sensed by qubits near a radiation impact. As TLS scrambling brings TLSs out of or in to resonance with the qubit, the lifetime of the qubit increases or decreases. Our findings thus identify radiation as a new contribution to fluctuations in qubit lifetimes, with implications for efforts to characterize and improve device stabilityComment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Faraday Tomography of the North Polar Spur: Constraints on the distance to the Spur and on the Magnetic Field of the Galaxy

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    We present radio continuum and polarization images of the North Polar Spur (NPS) from the Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey (GMIMS) conducted with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory 26-m Telescope. We fit polarization angle versus wavelength squared over 2048 frequency channels from 1280 to 1750 MHz to obtain a Faraday Rotation Measure (RM) map of the NPS. Combining this RM map with a published Faraday depth map of the entire Galaxy in this direction, we derive the Faraday depth introduced by the NPS and the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM) in front of and behind the NPS. The Faraday depth contributed by the NPS is close to zero, indicating that the NPS is an emitting only feature. The Faraday depth caused by the ISM in front of the NPS is consistent with zero at b>50 degree, implying that this part of the NPS is local at a distance of approximately several hundred parsecs. The Faraday depth contributed by the ISM behind the NPS gradually increases with Galactic latitude up to b=44 degree, and decreases at higher Galactic latitudes. This implies that either the part of the NPS at b<44 degree is distant or the NPS is local but there is a sign change of the large-scale magnetic field. If the NPS is local, there is then no evidence for a large-scale anti-symmetry pattern in the Faraday depth of the Milky Way. The Faraday depth introduced by the ISM behind the NPS at latitudes b>50 degree can be explained by including a coherent vertical magnetic field.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Some figures have been degraded to reduce sizes, for a high resolution version, see http://physics.usyd.edu.au/~xhsun/ms_nps.pd

    Characterization of wetting using topological principles

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    Hypothesis Understanding wetting behavior is of great importance for natural systems and technological applications. The traditional concept of contact angle, a purely geometrical measure related to curvature, is often used for characterizing the wetting state of a system. It can be determined from Young's equation by applying equilibrium thermodynamics. However, whether contact angle is a representative measure of wetting for systems with significant complexity is unclear. Herein, we hypothesize that topological principles based on the Gauss-Bonnet theorem could yield a robust measure to characterize wetting. Theory and Experiments We introduce a macroscopic contact angle based on the deficit curvature of the fluid interfaces that are imposed by contacts with other immiscible phases. We perform sessile droplet simulations followed by multiphase experiments for porous sintered glass and Bentheimer sandstone to assess the sensitivity and robustness of the topological approach and compare the results to other traditional approaches. Findings We show that the presented topological principle is consistent with thermodynamics under the simplest conditions through a variational analysis. Furthermore, we elucidate that at sufficiently high image resolution the proposed topological approach and local contact angle measurements are comparable. While at lower resolutions, the proposed approach provides more accurate results being robust to resolution-based effects. Overall, the presented concepts open new pathways to characterize the wetting state of complex systems and theoretical developments to study multiphase systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    The GALFA-HI Compact Cloud Catalog

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    We present a catalog of 1964 isolated, compact neutral hydrogen clouds from the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array Survey Data Release One (GALFA-HI DR1). The clouds were identified by a custom machine-vision algorithm utilizing Difference of Gaussian kernels to search for clouds smaller than 20'. The clouds have velocities typically between |VLSR| = 20-400 km/s, linewidths of 2.5-35 km/s, and column densities ranging from 1 - 35 x 10^18 cm^-2. The distances to the clouds in this catalog may cover several orders of magnitude, so the masses may range from less than a Solar mass for clouds within the Galactic disc, to greater than 10^4 Solar Masses for HVCs at the tip of the Magellanic Stream. To search for trends, we separate the catalog into five populations based on position, velocity, and linewidth: high velocity clouds (HVCs); galaxy candidates; cold low velocity clouds (LVCs); warm, low positive-velocity clouds in the third Galactic Quadrant; and the remaining warm LVCs. The observed HVCs are found to be associated with previously-identified HVC complexes. We do not observe a large population of isolated clouds at high velocities as some models predict. We see evidence for distinct histories at low velocities in detecting populations of clouds corotating with the Galactic disc and a set of clouds that is not corotating.Comment: 34 Pages, 9 Figures, published in ApJ (2012, ApJ, 758, 44), this version has the corrected fluxes and corresponding flux histogram and masse

    Is the evidence for dark energy secure?

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    Several kinds of astronomical observations, interpreted in the framework of the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology, have indicated that our universe is dominated by a Cosmological Constant. The dimming of distant Type Ia supernovae suggests that the expansion rate is accelerating, as if driven by vacuum energy, and this has been indirectly substantiated through studies of angular anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and of spatial correlations in the large-scale structure (LSS) of galaxies. However there is no compelling direct evidence yet for (the dynamical effects of) dark energy. The precision CMB data can be equally well fitted without dark energy if the spectrum of primordial density fluctuations is not quite scale-free and if the Hubble constant is lower globally than its locally measured value. The LSS data can also be satisfactorily fitted if there is a small component of hot dark matter, as would be provided by neutrinos of mass 0.5 eV. Although such an Einstein-de Sitter model cannot explain the SNe Ia Hubble diagram or the position of the `baryon acoustic oscillation' peak in the autocorrelation function of galaxies, it may be possible to do so e.g. in an inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi cosmology where we are located in a void which is expanding faster than the average. Such alternatives may seem contrived but this must be weighed against our lack of any fundamental understanding of the inferred tiny energy scale of the dark energy. It may well be an artifact of an oversimplified cosmological model, rather than having physical reality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; to appear in a special issue of General Relativity and Gravitation, eds. G.F.R. Ellis et al; Changes: references reformatted in journal style - text unchange

    The Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey: A Faraday Depth Survey of the Northern Sky Covering 1280-1750 MHz

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    The Galactic interstellar medium hosts a significant magnetic field, which can be probed through the synchrotron emission produced from its interaction with relativistic electrons. Linearly polarized synchrotron emission is generated throughout the Galaxy, and at longer wavelengths, modified along nearly every path by Faraday rotation in the intervening magneto-ionic medium. Full characterization of the polarized emission requires wideband observations with many frequency channels. We have surveyed polarized radio emission from the Northern sky over the the range 1280-1750 MHz, with channel width 236.8 kHz, using the John A. Galt Telescope (diameter 25.6 m) at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, as part of the Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey. The survey covered 72% of the sky, declinations -30 to +87 degrees at all right ascensions. The intensity scale was absolutely calibrated, based on the flux density and spectral index of Cygnus A. Polarization angle was calibrated using the extended polarized emission of the Fan Region. Data are presented as brightness temperatures with angular resolution 40'. Sensitivity in Stokes Q and U is 45 mK rms in a 1.18 MHz band. We have applied rotation measure synthesis to the data to obtain a Faraday depth cube of resolution 150 radians per square metre and sensitivity 3 mK rms of polarized intensity. Features in Faraday depth up to a width of 110 radians per square metre are represented. The maximum detectable Faraday depth is +/- 20,000 radians per square metre. The survey data are available at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    GASKAP -- The Galactic ASKAP Survey

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    A survey of the Milky Way disk and the Magellanic System at the wavelengths of the 21-cm atomic hydrogen (HI) line and three 18-cm lines of the OH molecule will be carried out with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. The survey will study the distribution of HI emission and absorption with unprecedented angular and velocity resolution, as well as molecular line thermal emission, absorption, and maser lines. The area to be covered includes the Galactic plane (|b|< 10deg) at all declinations south of delta = +40deg, spanning longitudes 167deg through 360deg to 79deg at b=0deg, plus the entire area of the Magellanic Stream and Clouds, a total of 13,020 square degrees. The brightness temperature sensitivity will be very good, typically sigma_T ~ 1 K at resolution 30arcsec and 1 km/s. The survey has a wide spectrum of scientific goals, from studies of galaxy evolution to star formation, with particular contributions to understanding stellar wind kinematics, the thermal phases of the interstellar medium, the interaction between gas in the disk and halo, and the dynamical and thermal states of gas at various positions along the Magellanic Stream.Comment: 45 pages, 8 figures, Pub. Astron. Soc. Australia (in press