85 research outputs found

    Detecting Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in Dark Matter from Kinematic Weak Lensing Surveys

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    We investigate the feasibility of extracting Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from cosmic shear tomography. We particularly focus on the BAO scale precision that can be achieved by future spectroscopy-based, kinematic weak lensing (KWL) surveys \citep[e.g.,][]{Huff13} in comparison to the traditional photometry-based weak lensing surveys. We simulate cosmic shear tomography data of such surveys with a few simple assumptions to focus on the BAO information, extract the spacial power spectrum, and constrain the recovered BAO feature. Due to the small shape noise and the shape of the lensing kernel, we find that a Dark Energy Task Force Stage IV version of such KWL survey can detect the BAO feature in dark matter by 33-σ\sigma and measure the BAO scale at the precision level of 4\% while it will be difficult to detect the feature in photometry-based weak lensing surveys. With a more optimistic assumption, a KWL-Stage IV could achieve a 2%\sim 2\% BAO scale measurement with 4.94.9-σ\sigma confidence. A built-in spectroscopic galaxy survey within such KWL survey will allow cross-correlation between galaxies and cosmic shear, which will tighten the constraint beyond the lower limit we present in this paper and therefore possibly allow a detection of the BAO scale bias between galaxies and dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; revised arguments in section 2, results unchange

    Weak lensing mass reconstruction of the interacting cluster 1E0657-558: Direct evidence for the existence of dark matter

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    We present a weak lensing mass reconstruction of the interacting cluster 1E0657-558 in which we detect both the main cluster and a sub-cluster. The sub-cluster is identified as a smaller cluster which has just undergone initial in-fall and pass-through of the primary cluster, and has been previously identified in both optical surveys and X-ray studies. The X-ray gas has been separated from the galaxies by ram-pressure stripping during the pass-through. The detected mass peak is located between the X-ray peak and galaxy concentration, although the position is consistent with the galaxy centroid within the errors of the mass reconstruction. We find that the mass peak for the main cluster is in good spatial agreement with the cluster galaxies and offset from the X-ray halo at 3.4 sigma significance, and determine that the mass-to-light ratios of the two components are consistent with those of relaxed clusters. The observed offsets of the lensing mass peaks from the peaks of the dominant visible mass component (the X-ray gas) directly demonstrate the presence, and dominance, of dark matter in this cluster. This proof of the dark matter existence holds true even under the assumption of modified Newtonian gravity (MOND); from the observed gravitational shear to optical light ratios and mass peak - X-ray gas offsets, the dark matter component in a MOND regime has a total mass which is at least equal to the baryonic mass of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure, accepted by Ap

    A New Look at Massive Clusters: weak lensing constraints on the triaxial dark matter halos of Abell 1689, Abell 1835, & Abell 2204

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    Measuring the 3D distribution of mass on galaxy cluster scales is a crucial test of the LCDM model, providing constraints on the nature of dark matter. Recent work investigating mass distributions of individual galaxy clusters (e.g. Abell 1689) using weak and strong gravitational lensing has revealed potential inconsistencies between the predictions of structure formation models relating halo mass to concentration and those relationships as measured in massive clusters. However, such analyses employ simple spherical halo models while a growing body of work indicates that triaxial 3D halo structure is both common and important in parameter estimates. We recently introduced a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit fully triaxial models to weak lensing data that gives parameter and error estimates that fully incorporate the true shape uncertainty present in nature. In this paper we apply that method to weak lensing data obtained with the ESO/MPG Wide-Field Imager for galaxy clusters A1689, A1835, and A2204, under a range of Bayesian priors derived from theory and from independent X-ray and strong lensing observations. For Abell 1689, using a simple strong lensing prior we find marginalized mean parameter values M_200 = (0.83 +- 0.16)x10^15 M_solar/h and C=12.2 +- 6.7, which are marginally consistent with the mass-concentration relation predicted in LCDM. The large error contours that accompany our triaxial parameter estimates more accurately represent the true extent of our limited knowledge of the structure of galaxy cluster lenses, and make clear the importance of combining many constraints from other theoretical, lensing (strong, flexion), or other observational (X-ray, SZ, dynamical) data to confidently measure cluster mass profiles. (Abridged)Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Weak lensing study of 16 DAFT/FADA clusters: substructures and filaments

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    While our current cosmological model places galaxy clusters at the nodes of a filament network (the cosmic web), we still struggle to detect these filaments at high redshifts. We perform a weak lensing study for a sample of 16 massive, medium-high redshift (0.4<z<0.9) galaxy clusters from the DAFT/FADA survey, that are imaged in at least three optical bands with Subaru/Suprime-Cam or CFHT/MegaCam. We estimate the cluster masses using an NFW fit to the shear profile measured in a KSB-like method, adding our contribution to the calibration of the observable-mass relation required for cluster abundance cosmological studies. We compute convergence maps and select structures within, securing their detection with noise re-sampling techniques. Taking advantage of the large field of view of our data, we study cluster environment, adding information from galaxy density maps at the cluster redshift and from X-ray images when available. We find that clusters show a large variety of weak lensing maps at large scales and that they may all be embedded in filamentary structures at megaparsec scale. We classify them in three categories according to the smoothness of their weak lensing contours and to the amount of substructures: relaxed (~7%), past mergers (~21.5%), recent or present mergers (~71.5%). The fraction of clusters undergoing merging events observationally supports the hierarchical scenario of cluster growth, and implies that massive clusters are strongly evolving at the studied redshifts. Finally, we report the detection of unusually elongated structures in CLJ0152, MACSJ0454, MACSJ0717, A851, BMW1226, MACSJ1621, and MS1621.Comment: 25 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    A Multiply Imaged Luminous Infrared Galaxy Behind the Bullet Cluster

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    We present evidence for a Spitzer-selected luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) behind the Bullet Cluster. The galaxy, originally identified in IRAC photometry as a multiply imaged source, has a spectral energy distribution consistent with a highly extincted (A_V~3.3), strongly star-forming galaxy at z=2.7. Using our strong gravitational lensing model presented in Bradac et al. (2006), we find that the magnifications are 10 to 50 for the three images of the galaxy. The implied infrared luminosity is consistent with the galaxy being a LIRG, with a stellar mass of M_*~2e11 M_Sun and a star formation rate of ~90 M_Sun/yr. With lensed fluxes at 24 microns of 0.58 mJy and 0.39 mJy in the two brightest images, this galaxy presents a unique opportunity for detailed study of an obscured starburst with star fomation rate comparable to that of L* galaxies at z>2.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, ApJ, accepted. This version includes information on a third lensed image of the galax

    On Dark Peaks and Missing Mass: A Weak-Lensing Mass Reconstruction of the Merging Cluster System A520

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    Merging clusters of galaxies are unique in their power to directly probe and place limits on the self-interaction cross-section of dark matter. Detailed observations of several merging clusters have shown the intracluster gas to be displaced from the centroids of dark matter and galaxy density by ram pressure, while the latter components are spatially coincident, consistent with collisionless dark matter. This has been used to place upper limits on the dark matter particle self-interaction cross-section of order 1 sq cm/g. The cluster A520 has been seen as a possible exception. We revisit A520 presenting new Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys mosaic images and a Magellan image set. We perform a detailed weak-lensing analysis and show that the weak-lensing mass measurements and morphologies of the core galaxy-filled structures are mostly in good agreement with previous works. There is, however, one significant difference: We do not detect the previously claimed "dark core" that contains excess mass with no significant galaxy overdensity at the location of the X-ray plasma. This peak has been suggested to be indicative of a large self-interaction cross-section for dark matter (at least approx 5alpha larger than the upper limit of 0.7 sq cm/g determined by observations of the Bullet Cluster). We find no such indication and instead find that the mass distribution of A520, after subtraction of the X-ray plasma mass, is in good agreement with the luminosity distribution of the cluster galaxies.We conclude that A520 shows no evidence to contradict the collisionless dark matter scenario

    A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter

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    We present new weak lensing observations of 1E0657-558 (z=0.296), a unique cluster merger, that enable a direct detection of dark matter, independent of assumptions regarding the nature of the gravitational force law. Due to the collision of two clusters, the dissipationless stellar component and the fluid-like X-ray emitting plasma are spatially segregated. By using both wide-field ground based images and HST/ACS images of the cluster cores, we create gravitational lensing maps which show that the gravitational potential does not trace the plasma distribution, the dominant baryonic mass component, but rather approximately traces the distribution of galaxies. An 8-sigma significance spatial offset of the center of the total mass from the center of the baryonic mass peaks cannot be explained with an alteration of the gravitational force law, and thus proves that the majority of the matter in the system is unseen.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Strong and weak lensing united III: Measuring the mass distribution of the merging galaxy cluster 1E0657-56

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    The galaxy cluster 1E0657-56 (z = 0.296) is remarkably well-suited for addressing outstanding issues in both galaxy evolution and fundamental physics. We present a reconstruction of the mass distribution from both strong and weak gravitational lensing data. Multi-color, high-resolution HST ACS images allow detection of many more arc candidates than were previously known, especially around the subcluster. Using the known redshift of one of the multiply imaged systems, we determine the remaining source redshifts using the predictive power of the strong lens model. Combining this information with shape measurements of "weakly" lensed sources, we derive a high-resolution, absolutely-calibrated mass map, using no assumptions regarding the physical properties of the underlying cluster potential. This map provides the best available quantification of the total mass of the central part of the cluster. We also confirm the result from Clowe et al. (2004,2006a).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; Version with full-resolution figures available at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~marusa/Work/bradac_strong_weak_III.pd