325 research outputs found

    The Runaway Quiver

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    We point out that some recently proposed string theory realizations of dynamical supersymmetry breaking actually do not break supersymmetry in the usual desired sense. Instead, there is a runaway potential, which slides down to a supersymmetric vacuum at infinite expectation values for some fields. The runaway direction is not on a separated branch; rather, it shows up as a"tadpole" everywhere on the moduli space of field expectation values.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. v2: reference chang

    The Universal Kaehler Modulus in Warped Compactifications

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    We construct the effective theory of the universal Kaehler modulus in warped compactifications using the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity. The spacetime dependent 10d solution is constructed at the linear level for both the volume modulus and its axionic partner, and nontrivial cancellations of warping effects are found in the dimensional reduction. Our main result is that the Kaehler potential is not corrected by warping, up to an overall shift in the background value of the volume modulus. We extend the analysis beyond the linearized approximation by computing the fully backreacted 10d metric corresponding to a finite volume modulus fluctuation. Also, we discuss the behavior of the modulus in strongly warped regions and show that there are no mixings with light Kaluza-Klein modes. These results are important for the phenomenology and cosmology of flux compactifications.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure; v2. corrected typos, added refs & minor clarification

    Inflation on Fractional Branes: D--Brane Inflation as D--Term Inflation

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    We describe a D--brane inflation model which consists of two fractional D3 branes separated on a transverse T2Ă—K3T^2 \times K3. Inflation arises due to the resolved orbifold singularity of K3K3 which corresponds to an anomalous D--term on the brane. We show that D--brane inflation in the bulk corresponds to D--term inflation on the brane. The inflaton and the trigger field parametrize the interbrane distances on T2T^2 an K3K3 respectively. After inflation the branes reach a supersymmetric configuration in which they are at the origin of T2T^2 but separated along the K3K3 directions.Comment: 15 pages in phyzzx.tex; minor corrections including all factors of 2\pi; v3: more minor correction

    Quantum symmetries and exceptional collections

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    We study the interplay between discrete quantum symmetries at certain points in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications, and the associated identities that the geometric realization of D-brane monodromies must satisfy. We show that in a wide class of examples, both local and compact, the monodromy identities in question always follow from a single mathematical statement. One of the simplest examples is the Z_5 symmetry at the Gepner point of the quintic, and the associated D-brane monodromy identity

    On D3-brane Potentials in Compactifications with Fluxes and Wrapped D-branes

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    We study the potential governing D3-brane motion in a warped throat region of a string compactification with internal fluxes and wrapped D-branes. If the Kahler moduli of the compact space are stabilized by nonperturbative effects, a D3-brane experiences a force due to its interaction with D-branes wrapping certain four-cycles. We compute this interaction, as a correction to the warped four-cycle volume, using explicit throat backgrounds in supergravity. This amounts to a closed-string channel computation of the loop corrections to the nonperturbative superpotential that stabilizes the volume. We demonstrate for warped conical spaces that the superpotential correction is given by the embedding equation specifying the wrapped four-cycle, in agreement with the general form proposed by Ganor. Our approach automatically provides a solution to the problem of defining a holomorphic gauge coupling on wrapped D7-branes in a background with D3-branes. Finally, our results have applications to cosmological inflation models in which the inflaton is modeled by a D3-brane moving in a warped throat.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figure; v2: added reference, clarified notatio

    A New Infinite Class of Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We construct a new infinite family of N=1 quiver gauge theories which can be Higgsed to the Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories. The dual geometries are toric Calabi-Yau cones for which we give the toric data. We also discuss the action of Seiberg duality on these quivers, and explore the different Seiberg dual theories. We describe the relationship of these theories to five dimensional gauge theories on (p,q) 5-branes. Using the toric data, we specify some of the properties of the corresponding dual Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. These theories generically have algebraic R-charges which are not quadratic irrational numbers. The metrics for these manifolds still remain unknown.Comment: 29 pages, JHE

    Brane Tilings and Exceptional Collections

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    Both brane tilings and exceptional collections are useful tools for describing the low energy gauge theory on a stack of D3-branes probing a Calabi-Yau singularity. We provide a dictionary that translates between these two heretofore unconnected languages. Given a brane tiling, we compute an exceptional collection of line bundles associated to the base of the non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold. Given an exceptional collection, we derive the periodic quiver of the gauge theory which is the graph theoretic dual of the brane tiling. Our results give new insight to the construction of quiver theories and their relation to geometry.Comment: 46 pages, 37 figures, JHEP3; v2: reference added, figure 13 correcte

    Cosmic D--term Strings as Wrapped D3 Branes

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    We describe cosmic D--term strings as D3 branes wrapped on a resolved conifold. The matter content that gives rise to D--term strings is shown to describe the world--volume theory of a space--filling D3 brane transverse to the conifold which itself is a wrapped D5 brane. We show that, in this brane theory, the tension of the wrapped D3 brane mathces that of the D--term string. We argue that there is a new type of cosmic string which arises from fractional D1 branes on the world--volume of a fractional D3 brane.Comment: 13 pages in phyzzx.tex; eq. (17) corrected, other minor corrections; v3: more minor correction

    Seiberg Duality is an Exceptional Mutation

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    The low energy gauge theory living on D-branes probing a del Pezzo singularity of a non-compact Calabi-Yau manifold is not unique. In fact there is a large equivalence class of such gauge theories related by Seiberg duality. As a step toward characterizing this class, we show that Seiberg duality can be defined consistently as an admissible mutation of a strongly exceptional collection of coherent sheaves.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures; v2 refs added, "orbifold point" discussion refined; v3 version to appear in JHEP, discussion of torsion sheaves improve

    Dynamical Fine Tuning in Brane Inflation

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    We investigate a novel mechanism of dynamical tuning of a flat potential in the open string landscape within the context of warped brane-antibrane inflation in type IIB string theory. Because of competing effects between interactions with the moduli stabilizing D7-branes in the warped throat and anti-D3-branes at the tip, a stack of branes gives rise to a local minimum of the potential, holding the branes high up in the throat. As branes successively tunnel out of the local minimum to the bottom of the throat the potential barrier becomes lower and is eventually replaced by a flat inflection point, around which the remaining branes easily inflate. This dynamical flattening of the inflaton potential reduces the need to fine tune the potential by hand, and also leads to successful inflation for a larger range of inflaton initial conditions, due to trapping in the local minimum.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures. v2: Updated D3-dependence in potential, small changes to numerical result
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