1,718 research outputs found

    A Quenched Functional Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks in Random Environments under (T)γ(T)_\gamma

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    International audienceWe prove a quenched central limit theorem for random walks in i.i.d. weakly elliptic random environments in the ballistic regime. Such theorems have been proved recently by Rassoul-Agha and Seppäläinen in [10] and Berger and Zeitouni in [2] under the assumption of large finite moments for the regeneration time. In this paper, with the extra (T)γ(T)_{\gamma} condition of Sznitman we reduce the moment condition to E(τ2(lnτ)1+m)1+1/γ{\Bbb E}(\tau^2(\ln \tau)^{1+m})1+1/\gamma, which allows the inclusion of new non-uniformly elliptic examples such as Dirichlet random environments

    A quenched functional central limit theorem for random walks in random environments under (T)gamma(T)_gamma

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    We prove a quenched central limit theorem for random walks in i.i.d. weakly elliptic random environments in the ballistic regime. Such theorems have been proved recently under the assumption of large finite moments for the regeneration times. In this paper, we relax these moment assumptions under Sznitman's (T)γ ballisticity condition, which allows the inclusion of new non-uniformly elliptic examples such as Dirichlet random environments

    Validação do equipamento Tanita TBF-310 na estimação da composição corporal tendo como referência um modelo molecular a quarto compartimentos em judocas

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    A avaliação da composição corporal, especialmente ao nível das componentes moleculares,é relevante para a população atlética pela sua relação com o desempenho desportivo. Sabe-se que o modelo molecular a quatro compartimentos (4C) é o método de referência na avaliação da massa gorda (MG). No entanto, a sua implementação em contexto real é impraticável. Deste modo, treinadores e atletas procuram informar-se sobre a composição corporal usando os métodos mais acessíveis, onde a bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) se engloba, e mais ainda em desportos onde o peso é seletivo para a competição, como é o caso dos desportos de combate. A literatura mostra que existem diversas equações e equipamentos que utilizam a BIA mas poucos estudos foram conduzidos para determinar a sua validade na população atlética. O objectivo deste estudo é determinar a validade da BIA (Tanita, modelo TBF-310) na determinação da MG e massa isenta de gordura (MIG) em judocas de elite. Um total de 29 atletas, do sexo masculino, foram avaliados num período de estabilidade do peso entre Setembro e Outubro pelo método de referência (4C) e método alternativo (Tanita). Realizaram-se comparações de médias, coeficiente de correlação de concordância, regressões lineares e análises de concordância entre métodos. Para valores absolutos, a MG obtida pela Tanita sobrestimou os valores obtidos pelo método de referência (4 compartimentos) embora não existam diferenças entre os métodos na diferença da MIG. A Tanita apresentou um poder explicativo de 21% e 72% na estimação de valores absolutos de MG e MIG obtidos, respectivamente, pelo método de referência. Os limites de concordância foram elevados e variaram entre -6,7kg a 7,0 kg para a MG e de -8,9kg a 7,5kg para a MIG. Em suma, o modelo usado neste estudo (Tanita TBF-310) não é uma alternativa válida na determinação da composição corporal em judocas de elite.Body composition assessment at the molecular level is relevant for the athletic population and its association with high performance is also recognized. It’s known that the four compartment molecular model (4C) is the reference method for fat mass (FM) estimation. However, its implementation in the real context is not feasible. Coaches and athletes need practical body composition methods for body composition assessment and the bioelectrical impedance analysis method (BIA) is usually seen as an useful alternative. Several BIA equations and devices are available but few studies were conducted to test its validity in an athletic population. The aim of this study is to test the validity of BIA (Tanita, TBF-310) in the determination of fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) in judo elite athletes. A total of 29 male athletes were evaluated in a period of weight stability between September and October using the reference method (4C) and the alternative method (Tanita). FM from Tanita overestimated the reference method although no difference was found for FFM. Tanita explained 21% and 72% respectively in the estimation of absolute values of FM and FFM from the reference method. Limits of agreement were large varying from -6,7kg to 7,0kg for FM and from -8,9kg to 7,5kg FFM. The TBF-310 Tanita is not a valid alternative method for estimating body composition in this top-level population of judo athletes

    Facteurs prosodiques et articulatoires dans l’harmonie consonantique et la métathèse en acquisition du français langue première

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    Dans cet article, nous analysons des processus d’harmonie consonantique et de métathèse observés dans les productions de deux apprenants du français. Nous adoptons un cadre d’analyse qui prend en considération des facteurs à la fois phonétiques (articulatoires) et phonologiques (représentationnels). Nous motivons ce cadre par le fait que la variété et la distribution des processus résultent de facteurs spécifiques qu’il est possible de motiver indépendamment. Dans certains cas, ces processus sont gouvernés par des contraintes prosodiques (par ex. position de l’accent ; forme phonologique des mots). Dans d’autres cas, ces processus permettent d’éviter des séquences articulatoires problématiques pour l’enfant (par ex. séquences impliquant la production de contrastes linguaux Coronal f Dorsal).In this paper, we analyze processes of consonant harmony and metathesis observed in the speech productions of two French learners. We articulate our analysis in a framework that considers both phonetic (articulatory) and phonological (representational) factors. We motivate this framework through the variety and distribution of these processes, all of which result from specific factors that we can motivate independently. In some cases, the processes are governed by prosodic constraints (e.g. position of the stressed syllable ; phonological shape of the words produced). In other cases, the processes  enable the child to avoid articulatory sequences that are problematic (e.g. sequences involving the production of Coronal f Dorsal lingual contrasts)

    Are we getting less sexist? a ten-year gap comparison analysis of sexism in a Portuguese sample

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    Widely and slowly, discrimination against women based upon gender has become socially unacceptable. However, less is known about how sexist beliefs have progressed in the last years and if we are responding to this social antagonizing of a sexist discourse. Our goal was to verify the existence of differences in ambivalent sexism and neosexism over a ten-year gap in a Portuguese adult sample and to assess possible modifications in the relationship between the variables. A cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted using two independent groups, with measures taken in 2009 and then in 2019. Both groups were invariant in terms of average age and proportion of sexes. Our results show a decrease in hostile and benevolent forms of sexism, while neosexism remains constant. The relationships between variables suggest that sexist beliefs are changing to accommodate subtler and modernized forms of sexism, like neosexism, that deny the existence of discrimination against women, resent discrimination complaints, and maintain a paternalistic view of women. Neosexism also seems to have a stronger correlation with hostile sexism than with benevolent forms of sexism in the male subsample. This relationship is stronger for the 2019 sample. These relationships suggest that sexism is more deeply rooted than we would like to admit and adapts to social discourse. Despite our best efforts, it is yet to be overcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Une sémantique multi-paradigme pour simuler des modèles SysML avec SystemC-AMS

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    National audienceDans le contexte de la modélisation de systèmes, SysML apparait comme un langage pivot de spécification et de documentation. Ses diagrammes permettent la définition de la structure et du comportement de systèmes. La flexibilité de SysML a pour incon-vénient qu'il n'existe pas de méthode standard pour définir leur sémantique. Ce problème est flagrant dans la conception de systèmes hétérogènes, où différentes sémantiques opéra-tionnelles peuvent être utilisées. Cet article présente une manière de donner une sémantique opérationnelle aux éléments de SysML sous la forme de transformations vers le langage SystemC-AMS, permettant ainsi la simulation de modèles SysML

    Les premiers mots de l’enfant libanais en contexte plurilingue : que nous apprend l’utilisation d’un compte rendu parental trilingue ?

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    peer reviewedVocabulary is an extremely important indicator of language development. In Lebanon, a multilingual country, speech therapists still lack to this day the necessary tools, adapted and calibrated, to bilingual children aged less than 3 years old. For this reason, a project was launched in order to adapt the long version of the parental questionnaire « MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: words and gestures » or CDI-I (Fenson et al., 1993) in three languages (Arabic, French and English). In this study, the vocabulary of 112 bilingual Lebanese children aged 8 to 16 months was analyzed. No statistically significant differences in word numbers were found between girls and boys in comprehension and in production. In addition, child’s birth order did not seem to affect vocabulary growth. Furthermore, the analysis showed that the category “social words” is the most developed at this age (8 to 16 months) in comprehension and production. Finally, the analysis of vocabulary confirmed that language exposure plays an important role for the development of lexicons in different languages

    Effect of body position on the redistribution of regional lung aeration during invasive and non-invasive ventilation of COVID-19 patients

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    Severe COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome (C-ARDS) requires mechanical ventilation. While this intervention is often performed in the prone position to improve oxygenation, the underlying mechanisms responsible for the improvement in respiratory function during invasive ventilation and awake prone positioning in C-ARDS have not yet been elucidated. In this prospective observational trial, we evaluated the respiratory function of C-ARDS patients while in the supine and prone positions during invasive (n = 13) or non-invasive ventilation (n = 15). The primary endpoint was the positional change in lung regional aeration, assessed with electrical impedance tomography. Secondary endpoints included parameters of ventilation and oxygenation, volumetric capnography, respiratory system mechanics and intrapulmonary shunt fraction. In comparison to the supine position, the prone position significantly increased ventilation distribution in dorsal lung zones for patients under invasive ventilation (53.3 ± 18.3% vs. 43.8 ± 12.3%, percentage of dorsal lung aeration ± standard deviation in prone and supine positions, respectively; p = 0.014); whereas, regional aeration in both positions did not change during non-invasive ventilation (36.4 ± 11.4% vs. 33.7 ± 10.1%; p = 0.43). Prone positioning significantly improved the oxygenation both during invasive and non-invasive ventilation. For invasively ventilated patients reduced intrapulmonary shunt fraction, ventilation dead space and respiratory resistance were observed in the prone position. Oxygenation is improved during non-invasive and invasive ventilation with prone positioning in patients with C-ARDS. Different mechanisms may underly this benefit during these two ventilation modalities, driven by improved distribution of lung regional aeration, intrapulmonary shunt fraction and ventilation-perfusion matching. However, the differences in the severity of C-ARDS may have biased the sensitivity of electrical impedance tomography when comparing positional changes between the protocol groups